182 resultados para refusal of blood


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Prostate differentiation during embryogenesis and its further homeostatic state maintenance during adult life depend on androgens. Abundant biological data suggest that androgens play an important role in the development of the prostate cancer and other prostatic diseases. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the testosterone supplementation in gerbil (a new experimental model) at different ages. Tissues from experimental animals were studied by histological and histochemistry procedures, androgen receptor immunohistochemistry assay, morphometric-stereological analysis, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). After the treatment were observed increase of prostate weight and epithelium height in all ages studied. In some adult and aged treated animals, hyperplasic and displasic process were observed, including prostatic intraepithelial neoplasias and adenocarcinomas. Increase of the thickness of the smooth muscle cell (SMC) layer was observed in pubescent and adult animals and TEM revealed apparent SMC hypertrophy. An apparent increase in the frequency of blood vessels distributed by the subepithelial stroma in the treated animals was noticed. Reversion of the natural effects of aging on the prostate was observed in the aged treated animals in some acini of the gland. These data demonstrate that the gerbil prostate is susceptible to androgenic action at the studied ages and it can serve, for example, as experimental model to studies of prostate neoplasic process induction and hormonal therapy in aged animals.


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Myocardial reperfusion injury is associated with the infiltration of blood-borne polymorphonuclear leukocytes. We have previous described the protection afforded by annexin 1 (ANXA1) in an experimental model of rat myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury. We examined the 1) amino acid region of ANXA1 that retained the protective effect in a model of rat heart IR; 2) changes in endogenous ANXA1 in relation to the IR induced damage and after pharmacological modulation; and 3) potential involvement of the formyl peptide receptor (FPR) in the protective action displayed by ANXA1 peptides. Administration of peptide Ac2-26 at 0, 30, and 60 min postreperfusion produced a significant protection against IR injury, and this was associated with reduced myeloperoxidase activity and IL-1 beta levels in the infarcted heart. Western blotting and electron microscopy analyses showed that IR heart had increased ANXA1 expression in the injured tissue, associated mainly with the infiltrated leukocytes. Finally, an antagonist to the FPR receptor selectively inhibited the protective action of peptide ANXA1 and its derived peptides against IR injury. Altogether, these data provide further insight into the protective effect of ANXA1 and its mimetics and a rationale for a clinical use for drugs developed from this line of research.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Applaggin (Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus platelet-aggregation inhibitor) is a potent inhibitor of blood platelet aggregation derived from the venom of the North American water moccasin, the protein consists of 71 amino acids, is rich in cysteines, contains the sequence-recognition site of adhesion proteins at positions 50-52 (Arg-Gly-Asp) and shares high sequence homology with other snake-venom disintegrins such as echistatin, kistrin and trigramin, Single crystals of applaggin have been grown and X-ray diffraction data have been collected to a resolution of 3.2 Angstrom. The crystals belong to space group P4(1)2(1)2 (or its enantiomorph), with unit-cell dimensions a = b = 63.35, c = 74.18 Angstrom and two molecules per asymmetric unit. Molecular replacement using models constructed from the NMR structures of echistatin and kistrin has not been successful in producing a trial structure for applaggin.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A partir de um acidente causado pela picada de uma formiga falsa tocandira na mão de um pescador amador, os autores descrevem os achados clínicos locais observados, tais como edema, eritema e dor excruciante e a evolução do envenenamento, que cursou com fenômenos sistêmicos imediatos, como sudorese fria, náuseas, vômitos, mal estar, taquicardia e linfadenopatia axilar à esquerda. Após três horas, a dor intensa persistia e o paciente apresentou um episódio de hematoquesia, sem história anterior de enfermidades do trato digestivo, hematológicas ou vasculares. O uso de analgésicos (Tramal® 300 mg/dia), água quente e gelo não melhorou a dor, que arrefeceu em oito horas, tendo permanecido por cerca de 24 horas. São apresentados ainda os aspectos folclóricos, farmacológicos e clínicos relacionados às picadas de tocandiras.


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OBJECTIVE - Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) have gained importance in preventing or attenuating the process of ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction. The significance of infarct size in regard to the response to ACEIs, however, is controversial. This study aimed to analyze the effects of lisinopril on mortality rate, cardiac function, degree of cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in rats with different infarct sizes. METHODS - Lisinopril (20 mg/kg/day) dissolved in drinking water was administered to rats immediately after coronary artery occlusion. After being sacrificed, the infarcted animals were divided into two groups: one group of animals with small infarcts (< 40% of the left ventricle) and another group of animals with large infarcts (> 40% of the left ventricle). RESULTS - The mortality rate was 31.7% in treated rats and 47% in the untreated rats. There was no statistical difference between the groups with small and large infarcts in regard to myocardial concentration of hydroxyproline. In small infarcts, the treatment attenuated the heart dysfunction characterized by lower levels of blood pressure and lower values of the first derivative of pressure and of the negative derivative of pressure. The degree of hypertrophy was also attenuated in small infarcts. In regard to large infarcts, no differences between the groups were observed. CONCLUSION - Treatment with the ACEIs had no effect on mortality rate and on the amount of fibrosis. The protective effect of lisinopril on heart function and on the degree of hypertrophy could only be detected in small infarcts


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Two lines of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) that exhibit divergent endocrine responsiveness to stressors also display disparate behavioral traits. To investigate whether the high-responding (HR) and low-responding (LR) fish also differ in cognitive function, the rate of extinction of a conditioned response was compared between the two lines. Groups of HR and LR fish were exposed to a paired conditioned stimulus (CS- water off) and unconditioned stimulus (US; confinement stressor). After exposure to 18 CS-US pairings, at least 70% of individuals of both lines acquired a conditioned response (CR) manifested as an elevation of blood cortisol levels on presentation of the CS only. Post-conditioning, the fish were tested by presentation of the CS at weekly intervals, for 4 weeks, with no further reinforcement, and the extinction of the CR in the two lines was compared. The decline in mean plasma cortisol levels after exposure to the CS over successive tests suggested that the CR was retained for a shorter period among the HR (<14 days) than LR fish (<21 days). The frequency of individuals within each line whose plasma cortisol levels indicated a stress response when exposed to the CS was significantly greater among the LR than HR fish at 14 and 21 days with no HR fish falling into this category at 21 days. At 28 days post-conditioning, there were no HR fish and only three LR fish were categorized as stressed. These results suggest that there are differences in cognitive function between the two lines. Possible mechanisms underlying these differences are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Acarbose is a competitive inhibitor of the intestinal alpha-glycosidases, that can delay absorption of intestinal carbohydrates causing their malabsorption. In the present paper we studied the effects of insulin, acarbose and their association on glomerular basement membrane thickening in alloxan-diabetic rats. Twenty-five male and female Wistar rats, approximately 3 months old at the beginning of the experiment, were assigned randomly to each of five experimental groups: normal control rats, alloxan-diabetic control rats, alloxan-diabetic rats treated with acarbose, alloxan-diabetic rats treated with insulin, and alloxan-diabetic rats treated with insulin plus acarbose. Alloxan was administered in a single iv dose of 42 mg/kg body weight. Insulin was given subcutaneously at doses of 18 to 30 IU/kg corrected daily on the basis of glycosuria and ketonuria. Acarbose was given mixed with rat chow in a dose of 50 mg/100 g chow. Body weight, water and food intake and diuresis, as well as blood and urine glucose were determined after 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of treatment. Glomerular basement membrane (GBM) thickening was determined by electron microscopy at the same times. Clear clinical and laboratory signs of severe diabetes, with blood glucose levels above 200 mg/dl and urine glucose above 3000 mg/dl, were observed in all alloxan-diabetic control rats, in all periods of follow-up, whereas administration of insulin or acarbose reduced the blood glucose levels of treated groups. The most satisfactory control of blood and urine glucose was observed in animals treated with both insulin and acarbose. However, diarrhea was observed in diabetic rats treated with acarbose associated or not with insulin. GBM thickening was correlated with age in all groups. Beginning at six months after diabetes induction, the GBM of untreated diabetic rats was significantly thicker (mean +/- SEM, 4.446 +/- 0.45 mm) than that of normal rats (2.977 +/- 0.63 mm). Both insulin and acarbose prevented GBM thickening and their combination induced thickening similar to the age-dependent thickening observed for normal rats of the same age. We conclude that acarbose when combined with insulin may be a good option in the control of diabetes and its renal complications.


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The objective of this study was to determine the critical speed (CS) for track cycling and to assess whether a lactate steady state occurs at this speed. Fourteen competitive cyclists performed the following tests on an official cycling track (333.3 m): 1) incremental test for determination of the intensity corresponding to 4 mM of blood lactate (onset of blood lactate accumulation, OBLA) and maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2)max); 2) CS: 3 maximal bouts for distances of 2, 4 and 6 km executed in random order and with a period of recovery of 40 to 50 min between bouts. CS was determined for each subject from the linear regression between the distance and the time taking to cycle it; 3) Endurance test in which subjects were instructed to pedal at 100% of their individually determined CS for 30 min. At the 10(th) and 30(th) min (or upon exhaustion), 25 mul of blood were collected from ear lobe for later analysis of blood lactate [Lac]b. An increase less than or equal to1 mM between 10 and 30 min of exercise was considered as the criterion for the occurrence of the lactate steady state. CS (49.6 +/- 8.6 ml.kg(-1).min(-1); 36.9 +/- 2.7 km.h(-1)) was significantly higher than OBLA (43.7 8.0 ml.kg(-1).min(-1); 35.24 +/- 2.6 km.h(-1)) although the two parameters were highly correlated (r=0.97). During the endurance test, only 8 of the 14 subjects completed the 30 min period at CS. of these 8 subjects, only 2 presented a lactate steady state. Time to exhaustion at CS was 20.3 +/- 1.6 min for the remaining 6 subjects. The 12 subjects who did not reach a lactate steady state presented mean [Lac]b values of 7.4 +/- 1.3 mM at 10 min and of 9.4 +/- 1.9 mM at the end of the test (exhaustion), characterizing an exercise intensity of high lactacidemia. on the basis of the present results, we can conclude that CS determined by a track cycling test seems to overestimate the intensity of the maximal lactate steady state for most subjects.


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Background: Hematology tests are useful to evaluate physiologic disturbances in fish and can provide important information for the diagnosis and prognosis of disease. Objectives: the primary purpose of this study was to define reference intervals for thrombocytes and leukocytes in healthy channel catfish (Ictalurus punctactus). In addition, the morphologic, cytochernical, and ultrastructural features of blood cells were assessed. Methods: Blood samples (0.5 mL were collected into EDTA from 40 clinically healthy catfish on a commercial fish farm in Jaboticabal, Brazil. Thrombocyte, total WBC, and differential WBC counts were determined and reference intervals were calculated as the 25-95th percentiles of data. Thrombocyte and leukocyte morphology was assessed in blood smears stained with May Griinwald-Giemsa-Wright and ultrastructurally by transmission electron microscopy. Cytochemical staining patterns were described using periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), peroxidase, nonspecific esterase, alkaline phosphatase, and toluidine blue. Results: Reference intervals were as follows: thrombocytes 58,802-99,569/mu L; total WBCs 27,460-41,523/mu L; lymphocytes 5380-11,581/mu L; monocytes 2949-7459/mu L; neutrophils 12,529-22,748/mu L, and basophils 736-2003/mu L. Neutrophils were positive for peroxidase and PAS; monocytes were positive for nonspecific esterase; and basophils were positive with toluidine blue. Conclusion: the morphologic and staining features of neutrophils and monocytes of channel catfish are similar to those of mammals, and the presence of basophils in this species was verified. These reference intervals and morphologic findings provide a foundation for future investigations on the functions and alterations of blood cells in channel catfish.


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Previous in vitro studies have demonstrated zinc (Zn++) inhibition of basal and of potassium (K+) or thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)-stimulated prolactin (PRL) secretion, in a selective, reversible, and dose-dependent manner. Thus, Zn++ may regulate physiologically pituitary PRL secretion. Furthermore, studies with patients with uremia, cirrhosis or prolactinoma, have shown the coexistence of hypozincemia and hyperprolactinemia and zinc supplementation did not correct hyperprolactinemia in these patients. In normal individuals Zn++ administration produced controversial results on PRL secretion. Here, we investigated whether zinc administration affects TRH-stimulated PRL in healthy men. We found that Zn++ administration does not change the TRH-stimulated PRL. Therefore, in normal conditions, Zn++ does not inhibit TRH-stimulated prolactinemia. In addition, we found that acute increases of blood PRL and TRH do not alter blood Zn++ levels.


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This work reports basic hematologic values of a sample of a population of free-living marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) living by the Parana River in Southeast Brazil. Hematologic values are presented separately for male, female, and young animals as well as for anesthetized and nonanesthetized cervids. Nonanesthetized deer restrained by physical means had significantly higher erythrocyte indices and total leukocyte counts. Comparisons of blood parameters of anesthetized animals of different ages and gender differed slightly, with only two significant differences observed: young animals had significantly higher red blood cell counts than adult males and a lower blood total protein content when compared to adult females. Results indicate that two main reference ranges for blood values should be considered for marsh deer, for blood obtained from anesthetized or physically restrained individuals.


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The objective of this study was to examine the effects of high intensity exhaustive running exercise on the muscular torque capacity of the knee extensors for two types of contraction (concentric and eccentric) at different angular velocities (60 and 180 degrees/s) in well-trained runners. Eleven male runners specialized in middle and long-distance running volunteered to participate in this study. Initially each subject performed, on different days, two familiarization sessions on an isokinetic dynamometer and an incremental treadmill test to volitional exhaustion to determine the velocity associated with the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA). The subjects then returned to the laboratory on two occasions, separated by at least seven days, to perform maximal isokinetic knee contractions at each of the velocities under eccentric (Ecc) and concentric (Con) conditions. Conducted randomly, one test was performed after a standardized warm-up period of 5 min at 50% VO2 max. The other test was performed 15 min after continuous running at OBLA until volitional exhaustion. Following this high intensity exercise there was a significant reduction of Con at 60 degrees/s and a significant reduction of Ecc at both velocities. Percent strength losses after running exercise were significantly different between contraction types only at 180 degrees/s. We can conclude that the reduction in isokinetic peak torque of the knee extensors after a session of high intensity exhaustive running exercise at OBLA depends on the contraction type and angular velocity.