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In this study we investigated the effect of the acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) supplementation on the myenteric neurons of the jejunum of rats made diabetic at the age of 105 days by streptozotocin (35 mg/kg body weight). Four groups were used: non-diabetic (C), non-diabetic supplemented with ALC (CC), diabetic (D), diabetic supplemented with ALC (DC). After 15 weeks of diabetes induction the blood was collected by cardiac puncture to evaluate glycaemia and glycated haemoglobin. Next the animals were killed and the jejunum was collected and subjected to whole-mount preparation to evidence the myenteric neurons through the histochemical technique of the NADH-diaphorase. The neuronal counts were made in 80 microscopic fields, in tissue samples of five animals of each group. The profiles of the cell bodies of 1000 neurons per group were analysed. Diabetes induced a significant increase in the area of the cell body and decrease in the number of NADH-diaphorase positive myoenteric neurons. ALC suplementation to the diabetic group promoted smaller hypertrophic effects and less neuronal loss than in the myoenteric neurons of the diabetic rats, and in addition diminished the body weight decrease and reduced the fasting glycaemia. © 2005 Blackwell Verlag.
Eremanthus seidelii MacLeish & Schumacher has a restricted occurrence to the Brazilian cerrado surrounding the Furnas (MG) reservoir, in environments that have been seriously damaged by human activity. The present phytochemical investigation reveals that the sesquiterpene lactones (SL) 4β,5-dihydro-2′,3′-dihydroxy-15-desoxy-goyazensolide (1) and 4β,5-dihydro-1′,2′-epoxy-eremantholide-C (2) are the major secondary metabolites in E. seidelii leaves, and an HPLC method was developed for their quantitative analysis. HPLC analysis showed no significant seasonal variation in the concentrations of both SL. No qualitative differences were found in the SL patterns of all individuals sampled. However, there is a different SL quantitative pattern among the plants analyzed, pointing to the existence of three quantitative chemotypes of this species, with differences possibly originating from the activity of the enzymes that cyclize the goyazensolide type SL (1) to a eremantholide type SL (2). ©2005 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.
Alginate is one the materials most employed in practice to make dental impressions. Substances like zinc, cadmium and lead silicate, which are included in several alginate brands with the aim of improving their physical, chemical and mechanical properties, are a source of serious concern as regards their toxicity. The most serious chronic effect of oral exposure to cadmium is renal toxicity. Assimilation of lead has deleterious effects on the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic system, cardiovascular system, central and peripheral nervous systems, kidneys, immune system, and reproductive system. Chronic oral exposures to zinc have resulted in hypochromic and microcyte anemia in some individuals. The aim of the present study was to measure the cadmium, lead and zinc contents of seven brands of alginate for dental use on sale in Brazil. The samples were weighed and placed in the Teflon cups of a closed-system microwave oven. Aqua regia (4mL concentrated HCI:HNO3, 3:1 v/v) and hydrofluoric acid (2mL concentrated HF) were added to the samples, which were then subjected to heating. The samples were then cooled to room temperature and diluted to 25 mL in deionized water in a volumetric glass flask. The samples were diluted in duplicate and analyzed against a reagent blank. The analyses were performed in an atomic absorption flame spectrophotometer. Neither lead nor cadmium was detected. Zinc contents ranged from 0.001% to 1.36% by weight. The alginates exhibited low contents of the metals under study and gave no cause for concern regarding toxicity; even so, it is advisable to monitor potentially toxic materials continually and to analyze their plasmatic levels in the professionals working with them.
The knowledge of cell-cycle control has shown that the capacity of malignant growth is acquired by the stepwise accumulation of defects in specific genes regulating cell growth. Histologic diagnosis might be improved by a quantitative evaluation of more specific diagnosis biomarkers, which could help to precisely identify pre-malignant and malignant oral lesions. The aim of the present study is to evaluate whether computer-based quantitative assessment of p53, PCNA and Ki-67 immunohistochemical expression, could be used clinically to foresee the risk of oral malignant transformation. This retrospective study was carried out in ninety-five oral biopsies, 27 were classified as fibrous inflammatory hyperplasia, 40 as leukoplakia and 28 as oral squamous cell carcinoma. Sixteen out of the 40 leukoplakia were diagnosed as non-dysplastic leukoplakia, the other 24 being dysplastic leukoplakia, of which 50.0% were classified as moderate to severe dysplasia. Comparison of the four groups of oral tissues showed significant rises in p53 and Ki-67 positivity index, which increased steadily in the order benign, pre-malignant, and malignant. In contrast, it was not possible to relate higher PCNA levels with pre-malignant and malignant oral lesions. We therefore conclude that PCNA immunohistochemistry expression is probably an inappropriate marker to identify oral carcinogenesis, whereas joint quantitative evaluation of p53 and Ki-67, appears to be useful as a tumor marker, providing a pre-diagnostic estimate of the potential for cell-cycle deregulation of the oral proliferate status.
A simple, rapid, selective and specific high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for quantitative analysis of the triamcinolone in polylactide-co-glycolide acid (PLGA) microparticles was developed. The chromatographic parameters were reversed-phase C18 column, 250mm x 4.6mm, with particle size 5 μm. The column oven was thermostated at 35°C ± 2°C. The mobile phase was methanol/water 45:55 (v/v) and elution was isocratic at a flow-rate of 1 mL.mL-1. The determinations were performed using a UV-Vis detector at 239 nm. The injected sample volume was 10 μL. The standard curve was linear (r2 > 0.999) in the concentration range 100-2500 ng.mL-1. The method showed adequate precision, with a relative standard deviation (RSD) was smaller than 3%. The accuracy was analyzed by adding a standard drug and good recovery values were obtained for all drug concentrations used. The method showed specificity and selectivity with linearity in the working range and good precision and accuracy, making it very suitable for quantitation of triamcinolone in PLGA microparticles.
The intension of this paper was to review and discuss some of the current quantitative analytical procedures which are used for quality control of pharmaceutical products. The selected papers were organized according to the analytical technique employed. Several techniques like ultraviolet/visible spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, titrimetry, electroanalytical techniques, chromatographic methods (thin-layer chromatography, gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography), capillary electrophoresis and vibrational spectroscopies are the main techniques that have been used for the quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical compounds. In conclusion, although simple techniques such as UV/VIS spectrophotometry and TLC are still extensively employed, HPLC is the most popular instrumental technique used for the analysis of pharmaceuticals. Besides, a review of recent works in the area of pharmaceutical analysis showed a trend in the application of techniques increasingly rapid such as ultra performance liquid chromatography and the use of sensitive and specific detectors as mass spectrometers.
Most of the problems of endodontic origin have a bacterial etiological agent. Thus, there is a continued interest in seeking more effective chemical substances that can replace the camphorated paramonochiorophenol or antibiotics as intracanal medicaments. Among the possible substances, ozone has some interesting biological characteristics: bactericidal action, debriding effect, angiogenesis stimulation capacity and high oxidizing power. The purpose of this study was to chemically evaluate the presence of ozone in sunflower, castor, olive and almond oil, as well as in propylene glycol and byproducts of ozonation, such as formaldehyde. These compounds were ozonized, inserted into empty and sterile vials, and analyzed by testing the reaction between ozone and indigo, for determining the presence of ozone, and subjected to the chromotropic acid test for determining the presence of formaldehyde. It was observed complete absence of ozone in all samples tested and presence of formaldehyde. The bactericidal and healing action of ozonized oils could be attributed to products formed by the ozonation of mineral oils, such as formaldehyde, not to the ozone itself.
This paper describes a simple, environmentally friendly and rapid quantitative spot test procedure for the determination of captopril (CPT) in bulk drug and in pharmaceutical formulations by using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The proposed method is based on the reflectance measurements of the orange compound (λ max 490 nm) produced by the spot test reaction between CPT and p-chloranil (CL). Under optimal conditions, calibration curves were obtained for CPT by plotting the optical density of the reflectance signal (A R) vs. the log of the mol L -1 concentration, from 6.91×10 -3 to 1.17×10 -1, with a good coefficient of determination (R 2 = 0.9992). The common excipients used as additives in pharmaceuticals do not interfere in the proposed method. The method was applied to determine CPT in commercial pharmaceutical formulations. The results obtained by the proposed method are compared favorably with those obtained by an official procedure at 95% confidence level. The method validation results showed that the sensitivity and selectivity of the methods were adequated for drug monitoring in industrial quality control laboratories. © 2011 Moment Publication.
Objectives. One of the concerns of Sports Sciences is the search for methodologies that can help discover potential athletes. In this sense, some initiatives have been taken in an attempt to identify and characterize the genetic profile of dermatoglyphic marks (fingerprints). The present work has the objective of understanding the distribution of quantitative dermatoglyphic indicators in basketball players with different levels of performance compared to non-players. Methods. The subjects observed constituted 125 individuals, divided into five numerically equal groups, three of which were composed of professional basketball players according to their level of participation (Brazilian Team, National Championship and São Paulo Championship) and the last two formed by weekend players and non-players, respectively. Eleven dermatoglyphic variables were analysed in the descriptive level by means of measurement of position, variability and limits of confidence of the median, and, in inferential terms, the Kruskal-Wallis statistical test was adopted. Results. The more expressive ones were: TRC, counting lines a-b and A'-d, behave differently between athletes and non-athletes. Conclusion. Studies about this kind of analysis should be continued, calling on resources that take into consideration all variables simultaneously as a multivariate study. © 2012 Revista Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte.
Correlative fractography is a new expression proposed here to describe a new method for the association between scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM) for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of fracture surfaces. This article presents a new method involving the fusion of one elevation map obtained by extended depth from focus reconstruction from LM with exactly the same area by SEM and associated techniques, as X-ray mapping. The true topographic information is perfectly associated to local fracture mechanisms with this new technique, presented here as an alternative to stereo-pair reconstruction for the investigation of fractured components. The great advantage of this technique resides in the possibility of combining any imaging methods associated with LM and SEM for the same observed field from fracture surface. © Microscopy Society of America 2013.
The methodology for fracture analysis of polymeric composites with scanning electron microscopes (SEM) is still under discussion. Many authors prefer to use sputter coating with a conductive material instead of applying low-voltage (LV) or variable-pressure (VP) methods, which preserves the original surfaces. The present work examines the effects of sputter coating with 25 nm of gold on the topography of carbon-epoxy composites fracture surfaces, using an atomic force microscope. Also, the influence of SEM imaging parameters on fractal measurements is evaluated for the VP-SEM and LV-SEM methods. It was observed that topographic measurements were not significantly affected by the gold coating at tested scale. Moreover, changes on SEM setup leads to nonlinear outcome on texture parameters, such as fractal dimension and entropy values. For VP-SEM or LV-SEM, fractal dimension and entropy values did not present any evident relation with image quality parameters, but the resolution must be optimized with imaging setup, accompanied by charge neutralization. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Quantitative variations in heterotrophic plate count (HPC) and in the presence of indicator microorganisms in 0.5, 1.5 and 20-L bottles of different brands of Brazilian mineral water were analyzed during their shelf life. No variations were identified in the presence of indicator microorganisms, but quantitative variations in HPC were observed in some brands, which suggests that changes may be occurring in the water quality during storage. The aim of this study was also to evaluate the quality of the bottled mineral waters and the presence of enterococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were verified in six and two bottles, respectively, which is in disagreement with the microbiological quality criteria established in the current legislation. Although no limit is set for HPC in mineral water, this study relies on the limit of 500 colony-forming units per mL of sample (CFU/mL). Seventy-two bottles presented levels above 500 CFU/mL and up to 560,000 CFU/mL. This study showed that the control of HPC (<500 CFU/mL) for non-returnable packaging seems to be adequate to ensure the quality of mineral water during storage. The high values of HPC and its variations detected during storage seem to fully justify the need for a reevaluation of the use of HPC in bottled mineral water quality management. More detailed studies on the potential health risk of HPC and its variations in mineral water are also needed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
This study examined the relationships between gross chemical composition and ultrasonographic characteristics of the ram testes. Ten testes from sexually mature Karakul rams were scanned ex situ with an 8-MHz linear-array transducer, in a transverse and longitudinal plane. All ultrasonograms were saved as digital images and subjected to computerized analyses. Crude protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl method, moisture was determined with an oven-drying method, and fat was measured by the Soxhlet extraction of dried samples. Mean pixel values (r = -0.64, P = 0.04), pixel heterogeneity (standard deviation of pixel values; r = -0.64, P = 0.04) and maximum pixel intensity (r = -0.76, P = 0.01) were all negatively correlated with parenchymal protein content. Pixel heterogeneity correlated directly with extractable lipids (r = 0.66, P = 0.02). The quantitative correlations between echotextural and biochemical parameters found in the present experiment confirm the utility of ultrasonographic imaging combined with computer-assisted image analysis for determining changes in testicular histophysiology. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Semiquantitative (Maki) and quantitative (Brun- Buisson) culture techniques were employed in the diagnosis of catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) in patients who have a short-term central venous catheter (inserted for 30 days). The diagnosis of CRBSI was based on the results of semiquantitative and quantitative culture of material from the removed catheters. Catheter tips (118) from 100 patients were evaluated by both methods. Semiquantitative analysis revealed 34 catheters (28.8%) colonized by ≥15 colonyforming units (cfu), while quantitative cultures (34 catheters, 28.8%) showed the growth of ≥103 cfu/mL. Bacteremia was confirmed in four patients by isolating microorganisms of identical species from both catheters and blood samples. Using the semiquantitative culture technique on short-term central venous catheter tips, we have shown that with a cut-off level of ≥15 cfu, the technique had 100.0% sensitivity, specificity of 68.4%, 25.0% positive predictive value (PPV) and 100.0% negative predictive value (NPV), efficiency of 71.4% and a prevalence of 9.5%. The quantitative method, with a cut-off limit of ≥103 cfu/mL, gave identical values: the sensitivity was 100.0%, specificity 68.4%, positive predictive value (PPV) 25.0%, negative predictive value (NPV) 100.0%, efficiency 71.4% and prevalence 9.5%. We concluded that the semiquantitative and quantitative culture methods, evaluated in parallel, for the first time in Brazil, have similar sensitivity and specificity. Keywords: central venous catheter; semi-quantitative culture; quantitative culture; catheter-related bacteremia.
Objetivos Investigar o uso do EEG quantitativo (qEEG) em pacientes com encefalopatias agudas (EAs ) e anormalidades da atividade de base no EEG. Método s pacientes foram divididos em prognóstico favorável (grupo A, 43 pacientes) e desfavorável (grupo B, 5 pacientes). O programa EEGLAB foi utilizado para a análise do qEEG. Um gráfico da potência espectral de todos os canais foi gerado para cada participante. Os dois grupos foram comparados estatisticamente. Resultados No grupo A, a análise espectral revelou picos (frequências teta e alfa) em 84% (38/45) dos pacientes. No grupo B, um pico espectral na frequência delta foi detectado em um paciente. Os pacientes remanescentes dos dois grupos não apresentaram picos espectrais. A análise estatística mostrou menores frequências registradas nos eletrodos posteriores dos pacientes do grupo B. Conclusão O qEEG pode ser útil na avaliação de pacientes com EAs auxiliando na determinação do prognóstico.