229 resultados para periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs)


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The purpose of this study was to analyze the histometry of ligature-induced periodontitis in rats at different histological section depths. Sixteen male adult Wistar rats were randomly assigned to two groups: ligature and control. In the ligature group, rats received a sterile 4/0 silk ligature around the maxillary right 2nd molar. Thirty serial sections containing the 1st and 2nd molars, in which the coronal and root pulp, cementoenamel junction (CEJ) in the mesial side of the 2nd molar, interproximal alveolar bone and connective fiber attachment were clearly visible, were selected for histometric analysis. The histological sections were clustered in groups of 10 sections corresponding the buccal (B), central (C) and lingual (L) regions of the of periodontal tissue samples. The distance between the CEJ in the mesial side of the 2nd molar and the attached periodontal ligament fibers (CEJ-PL) as well as the distance between the CEJ and the alveolar bone crest (CEJ-BC) were determined. From CEJ-PL and CEJ-BC distances measured for each specimen, the measurements obtained in the B, L and C regions were recorded individually and together. Data were submitted to statistical analysis. Significant differences (p<0.001) were observed between the control and ligature groups regarding CEJ-PL (0.05 mm and 0.26 mm, respectively) and CEJ-BC (0.47 mm and 0.77 mm, respectively) measurements. Regarding the depth of the buccal, central and lingual planes, the means of CEJ-PL and CEJ-BC of both groups showed no statistically significant differences (p>0.05). In conclusion, the selection of 10 serial sections of the central region of periodontal tissue samples at any depth can be considered as representative for the evaluation of periodontal ligament fiber attachment and bone loss in ligature-induced periodontitis in rats.


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Minimal extraoral dry storage period and moist storage for the avulsed tooth are identified as key steps for the treatment protocol of tooth replantation. Among the possible moist storage media, bovine milk has stood out because of its capacity of preserving the integrity of the periodontal ligament (PDL) fibers. This condition has attracted the attention to investigate the use of powdered milk, which is one of the presentation forms of bovine milk, as a feasible storage medium in cases of delayed tooth replantation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the healing process after delayed replantation of rat teeth stored in reconstituted powdered milk and long shelf-life (ultra high temperature) whole milk. Forty maxillary right rat incisors were assigned to four groups (n = 10): group I - the teeth were extracted and immediately replanted into theirs sockets; group II - the teeth were stored for 60 min in 200 ml of freshly reconstituted powdered milk; group III - the teeth were stored for 60 min in 200 ml of long shelf-life whole milk; group IV - the teeth were kept dry for the same time. All procedures were performed at room temperature. Next, the root canals of teeth in groups II, III, and IV were instrumented, filled with a calcium hydroxide-based paste, and replanted into their sockets. All animals received systemic antibiotic therapy and were killed by anesthetic overdose 60 days after replantation. The pieces containing the replanted teeth were removed, fixed, decalcified, and paraffin-embedded. Semi-serial 6-mu m-thick sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histomorphological analysis. There was statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) between groups I and IV regarding the presence of replacement resorption and PDL remnants on root surface. The powdered milk and long shelf-life whole milk presented similar results to each other and may be indicated as storage media for avulsed teeth.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of apical foramen widening on the healing of chronic periapical lesions in dogs' teeth after root canal filling with Sealer 26 or Endomethasone.Study design. Forty root canals of dogs' teeth were used. After pulp extirpation, the canals were exposed to the oral cavity for 180 days for induction of periapical lesions, and then instrumented up to a size 55 K-file at the apical cemental barrier. In 20 roots, the cemental canal was penetrated and widened up to a size 25 K-file; in the other 20 roots, the cemental canal was preserved (no apical foramen widening). All canals received a calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing for 21 days and were filled with gutta-percha and 1 of the 2 sealers: group 1: Sealer 26/apical foramen widening; group 2: Sealer 26/no apical foramen widening; group 3: Endomethasone/apical foramen widening; group 4: Endomethasone/no apical foramen widening. The animals were killed after 180 days, and serial histologic sections from the roots were prepared for histomorphologic analysis. Scores were assigned according to preestablished histomorphologic parameters and analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests.Results. Regarding new cementum formation, repair of cementum and bone resorption areas, presence of microorganisms, inflammatory cell infiltrate and periodontal ligament conditions, significantly better periapical healing was obtained when foramen widening was done and Sealer 26 was used.Conclusion. Apical foramen widening and calcium hydroxide-containing sealer were more favorable to the healing of chronic periapical lesions. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;109:932-940)


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Individuals with periodontal disease have increased risk of tooth loss, particularly in cases with associated loss of alveolar bone and periodontal ligament (PDL). Current treatments do not predictably regenerate damaged PDL. Collagen I is the primary component of bone and PDL extracellular matrix. SPARC/Osteonectin (SP/ON) is implicated in the regulation of collagen content in healthy PDL. In this study, periodontal disease was induced by injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in wild-type (WT) and SP/ON-null C57/B16 mice. A 20-mu g quantity of LPS was injected between the first and second molars 3 times a week for 4 weeks, whereas PBS control was injected into the contralateral maxilla. LPS injection resulted in a significant decrease in bone volume fraction in both genotypes; however, significantly greater bone loss was detected in SP/ON-null maxilla. SP/ON-null PDL exhibited more extensive degradation of connective tissue in the gingival tissues. Although total cell numbers in the PDL of SP/ON-null were not different from those in WT, the inflammatory infiltrate was reduced in SP/ON-null PDL. Histology of collagen fibers revealed marked reductions in collagen volume fraction and in thick collagen volume fraction in the PDL of SP/ON-null mice. SP/ON protects collagen content in PDL and in alveolar bone in experimental periodontal disease.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the fracture strength and failure mode of flared bovine roots restored with different intraradicular posts. Material and Methods: Fifty bovine incisors with similar dimensions were selected and their roots were flared until 1.0 mm of dentin wall remained. Next, the roots were allocated into five groups (n=10): GI-cast metal post-and-core; GII-fiber posts plus accessory fiber posts; GIII-direct anatomic post; GIV-indirect anatomic post and GV-control (specimens without intraradicular post). A polyether impression material was used to simulate the periodontal ligament. After periodontal ligament simulation, the specimens were subjected to a compressive load at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min in a servo-hydraulic testing machine (MTS 810) applied at 135 to the long axis of the tooth until failure. The data (N) were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test (alpha=0.05). Results: GI and GIV presented higher fracture strength (p<0.05) than GII. GIII presented intermediate values without statistically significant differences (p>0.05) from GI, GII and GIV. Control specimens (GV) produced the lowest fracture strength mean values (p<0.05). Despite obtaining the highest mean value, GI presented 100% of unfavorable failures. GII presented 20% of unfavorable failures. GIII, GIV and GV presented only favorable failures. Conclusions: Although further in vitro and in vivo studies are necessary, the results of this study showed that the use of direct and indirect anatomic posts in flared roots could be an alternative to cast metal post-and-core.


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The objective of the study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of RoekoSeal sealer Roeko (Dental Products, Langenau, Germany) with the periapical tissues of dogs and compare it with AH Plus sealer (Dentsply/De Trey, Konstanz, Germany). The pulps of 32 root canals were removed, the apical cementum layer perforated, the biomechanical preparation performed, and the root canals filled by lateral condensation technique. Ninety days after the surgery, the animals were euthanized, the bone with teeth removed, and the samples prepared for histopathological analysis. In group 1 (RoekoSeal Automix), deposition of mineralized tissue was observed, with complete newly mineralized apical formed tissue in 43.8% and partial sealing in 56.2%. In group 2 (AH Plus), in 12.5% there was complete newly mineralized apical formed tissue, in 75% the sealing was partial, and in 12.5% there was no sealing (p < 0.05). There were no differences between the groups in relation to the inflammatory infiltrate; thickness of the periodontal ligament; and the resorption of dentin, cementum or bone (p > 0.05).


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Foi avaliada a influência do hipoclorito de sódio a 1% no reparo do periodonto de incisivos reimplantados tardiamente em ratos. Os dentes foram mantidos em meio ambiente durante 30 minutos e a seguir imersos em hipoclorito de sódio a 1%, por 25 minutos. Os animais foram sacrificados aos 10, 30 ou 60 dias. Os cortes histológicos foram obtidos no sentido transversal dos terços cervical, médio e apical e delineados com um aumento de 52 vezes. Os eventos observados sobre a superfície radicular foram medidos quanto a sua extensão através de um sistema analisador de imagens (Mini-Mop, Carl Zeiss). Aos 10 dias, observou-se a predominância de tecido conjuntivo fibroso no grupo tratado. Aos 30 e 60 dias observou-se o aumento da anquilose e reabsorção por substituição, assim como neoformação limitada de ligamento periodontal. No grupo controle, aos 30 e 60 dias, foram observadas áreas de reabsorções mais extensas e profundas, quando comparadas ao grupo tratado. Os resultados possibilitaram as seguintes conclusões quando comparado o grupo tratado com o controle: a) leva à formação de tecido conjuntivo semelhante a uma cápsula fibrosa no período inicial do reparo; b) possibilita uma limitada neoformação de ligamento periodontal; c) ocasiona uma superfície de anquilose mais extensa; d) não impede a reabsorção por substituição.


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Movimentar ortodonticamente os dentes por áreas densas do trabeculado ósseo e pelas corticais pode requerer uma redução na intensidade e/ou na concentração das forças aplicadas. em parte, as forças ortodônticas aplicadas são dissipadas e reduzidas pela deflexão óssea que ocorre pelo discreto grau de elasticidade do tecido ósseo em condições de normalidade. Nas áreas de trabeculado denso e nas corticais, essa deflexão deve ser irrisória ou inexistente. Se não houver uma redução na intensidade das forças nessas regiões citadas, toda a força incidirá sobre a estrutura do ligamento periodontal, aumentando o risco de morte dos cementoblastos, hialinização e reabsorções radiculares. Novos trabalhos poderiam avaliar a prevalência dessas consequências em casuísticas selecionadas para essa finalidade, que, assim, deixariam de ser observações aleatórias.


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There is no consensus on whether the first mineralized layer, the hyaline layer, that is juxtaposed to root dentine is a variety of dentine or cementum or even a tissue of epithelial origin. Some suggest that there is no intermediate tissue between the acellular extrinsic fibre cementum (AEFC) and the root dentine. Here, to study hyaline layer formation and mineralization we examined by transmission electron microscopy the early stages of root development in upper molars from 10 to 13 day old Wistar rats. In addition to conventionally processed material, undemineralized and unstained sections were examined, which showed the deposition of fine mineral crystals in contact with the mineralized surface of root dentine. Early mineralization of the hyaline layer occurred in the region of the inner basement membrane, which persisted between the inner cellular layer of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath and the outer mineralized root dentine. When the root sheath began its fragment, collagen fibrils From the developing periodontal ligament began to insert into the mineralising hyaline layer, which was 0.5-0.8 mum wide. As the fragmentation of the root sheath HERS increased, more collagen fibrils appeared intermingled with the mineralising hyaline layer. In more advanced stages, when the hyaline layer had become fully mineralized and the formation of the AEFC began, the hyaline layer could no longer be identified. Thus, the hyaline layer is clearly discernible at early stages of periodontal development. Subsequently, it is masked by intermingling of cementum and dentine and therefore it is not possible to detect it in the formed roots of rat molars. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim To evaluate the effect of biomechanical preparation with different irrigating solutions and calcium hydroxide dressing in dog root canals containing bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharides; LPS).Methodology One hundred and forty premolar roots from seven dogs were filled with Escherichia coli LPS for 10 days (three roots were lost during histological processing). The following irrigating solutions were used for biomechanical preparation: 1% (group I, n = 20), 2.5% (group II, n = 19) and 5% sodium hypochlorite (group III, n = 19), 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (group IV, n = 20) and physiological saline solution (group V, n = 19). In group VI (n = 20), the LPS solution was maintained in the root canal during the entire experiment and in group VII (n = 20), after biomechanical preparation with saline solution, the root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide dressing (Calen; control). After 60 days, the animals were sacrificed and the following parameters of periapical disease were evaluated: (a) inflammatory infiltrate, (b) periodontal ligament thickness, (c) cementum resorption and (d) bone resorption. Scores were given and data were analysed statistically with the Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (P < 0.05).Results Histopathological evaluation showed that groups I-VI had more inflammatory infiltrate, greater periodontal ligament thickening and greater cementum and bone resorption (P < 0.05) compared to group VII, which received the calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing.Conclusions Biomechanical preparation with the irrigating solutions did not inactivate the effects of the endotoxin but the calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing did appear to inactivate the effects induced by the endotoxin in vivo.


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Background: the purpose of this study was to evaluate, histologically and radiographically, the effect of photodynamic therapy on the progression of experimentally induced periodontal disease in rats.Methods: Ligatures were placed at the first mandibular molar in rats. The animals were divided into four groups: group 1 (C) received no treatment; group 2 was treated topically with methylene blue (MB; 100 mu g/ml); group 3 was treated with low-level laser therapy (LLLT); and group 4 was treated topically with methylene blue followed by LLLT (4.5 J/cm(2)) (photodynamic therapy; PDT). Rats were sacrificed 5, 15, or 30 days postoperatively. Standardized radiographs were taken to measure bone loss around the mesial root surface of the first molar. Data were analyzed statistically (analysis of variance and Tukey test; P < 0.05). A scoring system was used to evaluate the connective tissue, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone histologically. Data were analyzed statistically (Kruskal-Wallis test; P < 0.05).Results: Radiographic examination showed that there was significantly less bone loss in Group PDT compared to Group C at 5 and 15 days postoperatively. There was no significant difference in bone loss at 30 days. At 15 days, the histologic results showed significant differences in the extent of inflammatory reaction in the gingival tissue, with a greater extent of chronic inflammatory reaction in Group LLLT.Conclusion: PDT transiently reduced the periodontal tissue destruction.


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Background: Although there are several studies that show the prevalence and diameter of accessory root canals in the furcation area, there is a scarceness of studies that observe the trajectory and different types of cavo-interradicular canals. The aim of this study was to verify the prevalence of the different morphologic types of accessory canals in the furcation region in an attempt to show their trajectories.Methods: Forty submerged mandibular third molars were used, which were extracted and decalcified so that the microtomy procedure in the mesio-distal axial plane could be performed, obtaining semiserial sections with thicknesses of 5 mu m. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and observed under optical microscopy.Results: All of the morphologic types were found, whereas the proper accessory canals, type-A canals, were present in 10% of the specimens. The most prevalent canals were the sealed ones (type D), with a prevalence of 87.5%, followed by the blind ones (type B), with a prevalence of 75%. The loop accessory canals (type C), observed in only 5% of the teeth, were the least prevalent ones.Conclusions: Different morphologic types of accessory canals were found in the furcation area of submerged mandibular molars. The histologic method was effective to show the canal trajectories.


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Aim To evaluate, using an experimental immature tooth model, the fracture resistance of bovine incisors submitted to different reinforcement treatments with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).Methodology An immature tooth model was created by sectioning the coronal and apical portions of 40 bovine incisors 8 mm above and 12 mm below the cementoenamel junction. The root canals were irrigated with 1.0% sodium hypochlorite. They were enlarged both coronally and apically using number 703 carbide burs (ISO: 500-104-168-007-021) and their internal diameter was standardized to 2.1 mm. The specimens were assigned to four groups (n = 10): GI-control (without filling); GII-apical MTA plug + filling with gutta-percha and endodontic sealer; GIII-filling with MTA; GIV-apical MTA plug + filling with MTA + metallic post (Reforpost I). A polyether impression material was used to simulate the periodontal ligament. The specimens were submitted to a compressive load at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm min(-1) in a servo-hydraulic universal testing machine (MTS 810) applied at 45 degrees to the long axis of the tooth until failure. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by the Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level.Results GIV presented the highest fracture resistance (32.7N) and differed significantly from the other groups (P < 0.05). No statistically difference was found between GII (16.6N) and GIII (23.4N) (P > 0.05). GIII had a significantly higher fracture resistance than GI (P < 0.05).Conclusions the use of MTA + metallic post as an intra-radicular reinforcement treatment increased the resistance to fracture of weakened bovine teeth in an experimental immature tooth model.