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OBJETIVOAnalisar os efeitos de 20 semanas de treinamento concorrente sobre as variáveis de composição corporal, perfil lipídico e diagnóstico da esteatose hepática em adolescentes obesos.MÉTODOSRealizou-se um ensaio clínico aberto com 34 adolescentes obesos com idades entre 12 e 15 anos. Foram analisados gordura corporal total e de tronco, colesterol total e suas frações (HDL, LDL e VLDL) e triglicérides, sendo realizado exame de ultrassonografia de abdome superior para diagnosticar esteatose hepática. Os participantes foram submetidos ao treinamento concorrente (associação de treino com pesos e exercício aeróbio) três vezes por semana, com duração de uma hora-aula durante 20 semanas. Para o tratamento estatístico, foram realizados o teste t de Student pareado e a análise de frequência, a fim de verificar as reduções relativa e absoluta do diagnóstico da esteatose hepática, adotando-se p<0,05.RESULTADOSOs adolescentes estudados apresentaram melhoras significativas da composição corporal, com diminuição do percentual de gordura total, da massa gorda total, da gordura de tronco e do aumento da massa magra, além de redução do tamanho dos lóbulos do fígado, dos índices de prevalência da esteatose hepática, do colesterol total e LDL-colesterol.CONCLUSÕESO treinamento concorrente foi efetivo por promover melhorias significativas de variáveis da composição corporal e do perfil lipídico, além de reduzir a prevalência da esteatose hepática.


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This study describes the histology and histochemistry of the male reproductive system in Callinectes ornatus, comparing juvenile and adult developmental stages. We also analyzed changes in the gonadosomatic (GSI) and hepatosomatic (HSI) indices, and the weights of the testis and vas deferens during the development. The results showed that all stages, beginning with the juvenile (JUV), through developing (DEV) and mature (MAT) adult males of C. ornatus produce sperm and spermatophores. During development, testicular lobes showed the same characteristics of production and release of sperm into the seminiferous duct. The vas deferens showed little histological and histochemical change in the epithelium in juvenile and adult males. The differences consisted of the larger amount of secretion in MAT males compared to JUV and DEV ones. The chemical composition of the seminal fluid was similar, but MAT males produced a more homogeneous secretion. Morphological and physiological maturation are not synchronized in C. ornatus, since JUV males produced spermatophores similar to those in DEV and MAT males. However, these JUV are not yet able to reproduce, since they still have the abdomen attached to the cephalothoracic sternum. The increase of the GSI during development was significant for MAT males, and is related to the production of sufficient volume of seminal fluid to form the sperm plug in the female seminal receptacle. The HSI decreased from DEV to MAT adult stages, indicating that reserves from the hepatopancreas are used to develop the reproductive system after the pubertal molt.


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Sparse arrays have pitch larger than half-wavelength (lambda/2) and there is a reduced number of elements in comparison with a full-populated array. Consequently, there is a reduction in cost, data acquisition and processing. However, conventional beamforming techniques result in large side and grating lobes, and consequently in image artifacts. In this work the instantaneous phase of the signals is used in a beamforming technique instead of the instantaneous amplitudes to improve images obtained from sparse arrays configurations. A threshold based on a statistical analysis and the number of signals used for imaging is applied to each pixel, in order to determine if that pixel is related to a defect or not. Three sets of data are used to evaluate the technique, considering medical and non-destructive testing: a simulated point spread function, a medical phantom and an aluminum plate with 2 lambda-, 7 lambda- and lambda-pitch, respectively. The conventional amplitude image is superposed by the image improved by the instantaneous phase, increasing the reflectors detectability and reducing artifacts for all cases, as well as dead zone for the tested plate.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Contrast enhancement enables the verification of several pathological conditions that lead to vascular changes and/or breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. Examples of diseases that cause these disorders are: neoplastic diseases, vascular communications, active inflammation and cerebral ischemia. Several contrast enhancements located peripherically to cerebral lobes, in the topography of brain sulci and gyri, were identified on tomographic scan of twelve healthy cats that had their health confirmed through history, general and neurologic physical examination and polymerase chain reaction for feline leukemia (FeLV) and immunodeficiency (FIV) virus. This study aims to describe the tomographic contrast enhancement findings, which showed an identical appearance to the pia mater and arachnoid enhancement, also called leptomeninges. This finding is generally considered related to leptomeningeal diseases such as meningitis and neoplastic disease. However, in dogs, the leptomeningeal enhancement has already been described in healthy animals. This finding has a great importance in the interpretation of tomographic images of these animals since, so far, in the presence of these enhancements, meningeal disorders were suggested. Thus, the verification of other tomographic findings and the combination with other diagnostic methods are of great importance for the diagnosis of leptomeningeal disease.


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Of the four lacustrine deltaic models, which were found in the Pendência formation, two are represented in the Serraria field. Respectively the deltaic models 1 and 3 shows the reservoir zones A and B. The Zone A is divided into six sub-areas. Each is representing a smaller cycle of development of sigmoidal lobes of deltaic front. Zone B produces in reservoirs of Model 3, or so called Full delta. The Zone B is formed by overlapping the deltaic plain system over the deltaic/prodeltaic front (model 1). This work uses the method of zooming with the aim to contextualize the geometric aspects of the sand bodies, highlighting the analysis of facies and diagenesis with help of pictures and testimonies of thin sections. The sigmoidal lobes of Zone A are fine to very fine sandstones, well sorted, with a arcosian composition.;practically with a weak compaction and cementation of a kind of film of clay (if very fine) and overgrowth feldspar (fine texture). This silicate phases are succeeded by cementation of poiquilotópica calcite, and after this a stage of dissolution, containing only regular permoporosity for this reservoir. Zone B has a combination of two types of deltaic plain reservoir. One is the rarest of distributary channel and the other the most common of lobes of crevasse. In the channel coarse to medium-grained and poor to moderate sorted sandstones are formed (tuning up), and with a lytic arcosiana nature. Rarely there are cements, including growth of feldspar and rhombohedral dolomite, which prevent a high permoporosity of the reservoir. In the crevasse lobes, the sandstones are laminated, fine and well sorted, arkosic, rarely with overgrowth feldspar and calcite poiquilotópica, and with a good intergranular permoporosity