194 resultados para liberação controlada
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A eficiência dos testes de vigor na avaliação da qualidade de sementes, depende da sua padronização para as diferentes espécies. Neste contexto, os objetivos deste trabalho foram elaborar as curvas de absorção de água para determinar o período necessário ao ajuste do teor de água das sementes e aprimorar o teste de deterioração controlada para sementes de brócolis. Foram utilizadas sementes de três variedades: dois lotes de Piracicaba precoce, dois lotes de Flórida e quatro lotes de Ramoso. Os lotes foram caracterizados mediante a determinação do teor de água e germinação; o vigor foi determinado pelos testes de primeira contagem, comprimento de plântula, emergência e índice de velocidade de emergência. Foram determinadas as curvas de absorção de água por 84 horas. Para averiguar a eficiência do teste de deterioração controlada para sementes de brócolis, foi feito o ajuste do conteúdo de água das sementes para: 18, 20, 21, 23 e 24%, sendo estas expostas a 45ºC em banho-maria, por 24 horas. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. As curvas de absorção permitiram estimar os períodos de 15, 20, 22, 32 e 48 horas para elevação do teor de água a 18, 20, 21, 23 e 24% respectivamente. O teste de deterioração controlada, para sementes de brócolis, propiciou resultados promissores, tendo sido eficiente na separação de lotes, em todos os teores de água estudados, tanto quanto os testes de emergência de plântula e índice de velocidade de emergência.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar combinações de tempo e temperatura na adequação do teste de deterioração controlada para avaliação do vigor de sementes de milho com diferentes teores de água. Foram utilizados oito lotes de sementes de milho híbrido CO32, cuja qualidade inicial foi determinada pelos testes de: teor de água, massa de mil sementes, porcentagens de germinação e de plântulas normais na primeira contagem do teste de germinação, massa seca das porções aérea, radicular e total de plântulas, teste de frio, teste de envelhecimento acelerado, teste de condutividade elétrica, tetrazólio, emergência de plântulas no campo e velocidade de emergência de plântulas no campo. A umidade inicial dos lotes de sementes foi ajustada pelo método de imersão em água para 15, 20 e 25%. Para cada teor de água foram avaliadas nove combinações de períodos (16, 24 e 48 horas) e temperaturas de deterioração (42, 45 e 48 °C). Após a deterioração determinou-se o teor de água e a porcentagem de germinação das sementes. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey e análise de correlação aos 5% em esquema fatorial 9X8, sendo nove combinações de tempo e temperatura e oito lotes de sementes. As combinações 24 h-45 °C, 48 h-45 °C e 16 h-45 °C para sementes com teor de água ajustado para 15, 20 e 25%, respectivamente, são eficientes para avaliação do vigor de sementes de milho pelo teste de deterioração controlada.
Um sistema de liberação constituído por hidroxiapatita e cisplatina foi testado em ratos para avaliação da liberação local e sistêmica do antineoplásico cisplatina. Os animais que receberam os implantes com a droga desenvolveram efeitos colaterais ao tratamento, sendo os mais comuns: anorexia, diarréia, epistaxe e necrose cutânea no sítio de implantação; cerca de 45% deste animais morreram, indicando intoxicação. Amostras de sangue e dos tecidos hepático, renal e muscular de todos os animais pertencentes ao experimento foram submetidas à detecção das concentrações de cisplatina, revelando a cinética de liberação da droga pelo sistema proposto.
A qualidade da semente utilizada no processo de produção agrícola é um dos principais fatores a ser considerado para a implantação da cultura, havendo consenso entre todos os segmentos, sobre a importância do vigor das sementes e da necessidade de avaliá-lo. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de estudar variações na condução do teste de deterioração controlada, verificando sua eficiência na identificação de diferentes níveis de vigor de sementes de rúcula, cultivar 'Cultivada' e 'Gigante' utilizando-se cinco lotes de sementes para cada um. As sementes foram submetidas à determinação do teor de água e a testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, emergência e, para verificar a eficiência na identificação de diferentes níveis de vigor, foram estudadas variações no teste de deterioração controlada (teor de água de 18, 21 e 24%, a 45°C durante 24 e 48 horas). O experimento foi montado no delineamento inteiramente casualizado e os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância, sendo que as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Pelos resultados obtidos no teste de deterioração controlada, observou-se que não houve relação com as avaliações iniciais do potencial fisiológico das sementes, principalmente para o teste de emergência. Concluiu-se que, nas condições estudadas, esse teste não é sensível o suficiente para a avaliação do potencial fisiológico de sementes de rúcula, para ambas as cultivares estudadas.
The persistence of straw, as well as the dynamics of nutrients release of it, are important aspects to consider in the choice of plants for composition of crop rotations in a no tillage system. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the decomposition rate and macronutrients and silicon (Si) release from sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) phytomass, as a function of management, with and without fragmentation. A randomized blocks design, with four replications, in a factorial 2x6, constituted by two aboveground phytomass management after 75 days after emergence (with and without mechanical fragmentation) and six sampling times (0, 18, 32, 46, 74 and 91 days after management (DAM)), were evaluated the decomposition rate and nutrient release from sunn hemp biomass. The mechanical fragmentation of sunn hemp straw did not change the decomposition and macronutrients release. The maximum release rates occurred 0-18 DAM. Potassium is the most rapidly available nutrient, while the silicon is more slowly released to the ground. Over time there has been increasing Si content in the straw.
This text highlights the state of research related with the application of liposomes in the control of drug delivery and drug target to intracellular bacterial diseases, such as the tuberculosis. Liposome have several pharmaceutical applications and this article is primarily focused on the potential of this agregate on drug encapsalation especially antimycobacterial compounds. Case studies in which liposomes have successfully been used to improve pharmacological drug effect are presented. Mechanisms involved in intracellular drug delivery, possibilities of application, research and development efforts to address these objectives are discussed.
Problems related to the systemic administration of drugs, such as biodistribution, difficulty of targeting, necessity of high doses to achieve adequate levels of the drug in specific sites, toxicity, and undesirable side effects have lead to the development of systems able to direct the drug to specific sites in the body. Among the possible organs to the targeting of drugs, the colon can be used for local and systemic therapies. By developing such systems some models have been tested, using pH dependent release, release controlled by enzymatic degradation, time controlled release systems and pressure controlled release systems. This review presents an overview of the colonic release of drugs and the strategies used to achieve such targeting.
The immune responses are mediated by a variety cells and molecules that cells secreted. Macrophages are the first cells that participate in the immune response, and, when are activated, release more than hundred compounds at the extracelular medium, such as cytokine (TNF-α) and the intermediate compounds of the nitrogen (NO). In this paper the release of nitric oxide (NO) and necrose tumoral factor (TNF-α) were determined in peritoneal macrophage cultures of mice in the presence of the 70% ethanolic extract obtained from the flowers of the Melampodium divaricatum (Asteraceae) in the concentrations of 20, 10 and 5 mg/mL. The 70% ethanolic extracts from flowers of the Melampodium divaricatum presented higher liberation of NO and TNF-α in the concentration of the 20 mg/mL when compared with LPS. We conclude that this extract is a potente stimulator of macrophage, could be immunomodulatory activity.
Floating multiparticles for oral administration with different compositions were studied from a matricial polymeric system to obtain sustained release. The polymers used in the multiparticles constitution were methylceullose (MC) and hydroxypropylmethylcelullose phthalate (HPMCP) in several proportions. Spherical and isolated structures were obtained using HPMCP/MC in the range from 1:3 to 1: 13. The diameters of the floating multiparticles were in the range from 3 to 3.25 mm, while the non-floating particles were between 1.75 and 2.1 mm. The morphological analysis by confocal microscopy showed that the probable mechanism of drug release was the diffusion from the inner of particles to external media. The encapsulation of hydrophilic model substances (tartrazin and bordeaux S), showed that the maximum incorporation was about 38%, while for the lipophilic model substances (rifampicin) was 45%. The in vitro release of rifampicin in acid medium was dependent on the ratio HPMCP/MC. In alkaline medium the release followed a two-step profile, with slow release in the initial times and subsequent increase in the higher times The initial drug delivery profile was not dependent on the MC/HPMCP ratio and can be related with the release of the antibiotic from multiparticle inner caused by the swelling of polymers by the presence of water in the system. However, afterwards the release proceeds with typical profile of process involving hydrogels systems.
Purpose: To evaluate the quantity of Mitomycin C discharged from different materials with the same size, potentially used in the application of this medicine accessible in the surgery center of an Universitarian Hospital. Material and Method: It was studied 20 fragments with 5 to 5mm, from each 5 materials: Lyostypt, Weck sponge, absorbable cloth which is used to clean, cotton plate and of cotton swab concerning the saturation capacity and the quantity of mitomicyn discharged. In the first stage, it was studied the saturation capacity from each material. In the second stage, it was applied 0,1 ml solution of Mitomicyn C (0,5 mg/ml) and it was measured the biggest discharge halo in the filter paper and the discharged quantity (the difference between the weight before and after the medicine discharge). Results: The absorveble capacity from each material varied from 0,144 ml (absorbable cloth) to 0,216 ml Weck sponge. The discharge of Mitomicyn C was varied too, the biggest was the cotton plate and absorbable cloth. The Weck sponge and the cotton (of cotton swab) discharges the same quantity. Conclusion: The different materials discharged different quantities of Mitomicyn C. This can explain the different results of the trabeculectomy with Mitomicyn C. The surveys must inform not only the material used to apply the mitomycin C but the volume used too. Because the same values of mitomycin C liberation, cotton may substitute Weck sponje in trabeculectomy.
Depending on formula composition, microemulsions may be used as a vehicle for drug administration. In this work the main applicable parameters used in the development of pharmaceutical microemulsions (ME) are analyzed. The conceptual description of the system, theoretical parameters related to formation of internal phases and some aspects of ME stability are described. The pseudo ternary phase diagram is used to characterize ME boundaries and to describe different structures in several regions of the diagram. Some applications of ME as drug delivery systems for different administration routes are also analyzed. ME offer advantages as drug delivery systems, because they favor drug absorption, being in most cases faster and more efficient than other methods in delivering the same amount of drug.
The immunological response includes wide contexts involving several cells, and the macrophage is crucial in the cellular immune response. Several stimuli to macrophage membrane may induce the liberation of H2O2, contributing to antibacterial and cytotoxicical actions. Nowadays, there is a tendency to study natural products to verify their capacity of acting in the immune system. This study evaluated the citotoxicity of the bulk extract and the hexanic and acetic fractions extracted from Styrax camporum Pohl (Styracaceae) and the production of H2O2, on murine peritonal macrophages cultures exposed to fractions extracted from this plant. The results showed that the fraction HX 2 mg/ml produced the liberation of H 2O2 in high concentrations and to 4 mg/ml was observed high citotoxicity. The fractions AC did not produce the liberation of H 2O2 and EB was produced in low levels. We conclude that this HX is a potent stimulator of macrophage.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Pressure controlled ventilation (PCV) is available in anesthesia machines, but there are no studies on its use during CO 2 pneumoperitoneum (CPP). This study aimed at evaluating pressure-controlled ventilation and hemodynamic and ventilatory changes during CPP, as compared to conventional volume controlled ventilation (VCV). METHODS: This study involved 16 dogs anesthetized with thiopental, fentanyl and pancuronium, which were randomly assigned to two groups: VC - volume controlled ventilation (n=8) and PC - pressure controlled ventilation (n=8). Hemodynamic and ventilatory parameters were monitored and recorded in 4 moments: M1 (before CPP), M2 (30 minutes after CPP = 10 mmHg), M3 (30 minutes after CPP=15 mmHg) and M4 (30 minutes after deflation). RESULTS: With CPP, there has been significant increase in tidal volume in PC group; there has been increase in airway pressures (peak and plateau), decrease in compliance with increase in CPP pressure, increase in heart rate, maintenance of mean blood pressure with higher values in the VC group in all stages; there was also increase in right atrium pressure with significant decrease after deflation, decrease in arterial pH with minor variations in PC group, greater arterial pCO 2 stability in PC group, and no significant changes in arterial pO 2. CONCLUSIONS: There were some differences in hemodynamic and ventilatory data between both ventilation control modes (VC and PC). It is possible to use pressure controlled ventilation during CPP, but the anesthesiologist must monitor and take a close look at alveolar ventilation, adjusting inspiratory pressure to ensure proper CO 2 elimination and oxygenation. © Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2005.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the LH surge after last hormonal injection of synchronization of ovulation protocols in buffalo. Fifteen multiparous buffaloes received 25 mg of Lecirelin in Day 0, and 150 mg of D-Cloprostenol on Day 7. On Day 8, estradiol benzoate was injected in Group 1 (0.5 mg, n = 5) and Group 2 (1.0 mg, n = 5). On Day 9, five buffaloes received 25 mg of Lecirelin (Control). Blood samples were collected for measure the LH concentrations on Day 7 and then every 3 hours until 72 hours after the PGF 2a injection. For evaluation of LH surge were compared the interval between PGF 2a injection to LH surge, duration, amplitude and area under the LH peak. The LH surge occurred 51.0 + 0.0 hours, 47.3 + 2.7 hours and 47.0 + 3.8 hours after PGF 2a injection for Control, Group 1 and Group 2, respectively (P > 0.05). The duration of LH peak in Control (7.8 + 1.5 hours) was shorter than Groups 1 and 2 (10.5 + 1.5 hours vs. 10.8 + 2.4 hours, respectively; P < 0.05). The amplitudes of LH peak were 4.5 + 0.4 ng/mL, 4.0 + 0.4 ng/mL and 4.3 + 0.8 ng/mL for Control, Group 1 and Group 2, respectively (P > 0.05). The area under LH peak for Control (4.8 ± 0.7) was smaller than the areas of the Groups 1 and 2 (8.8 ± 2.5 vs. 8.7 2.2, respectively; P < 0.05). In summary, the estradiol benzoate injection provided higher duration and area of LH peak than GnRH injection in Ovsynch protocol in buffalo.