128 resultados para garbage workers
The objective of this research was to contribute to elucidation of the function of the hypopharyngeal glands of S. postica in enzyme production, using the Api Zym kit (Bio Mérieux). Dealing with a comparative analysis between the enzymatic content of the hypopharyngeal gland extracts from newly emerged, nurse and forager workers, as well as, newly emerged males and males mature for mating of S. postica. The hypopharyngeal glands from nurse workers of Apis mellifera, that produce part of the royal jelly, were used for comparison. While in A. mellifera, the hypopharyngeal glands are present only in workers, in S. postica, the hypopharyngeal glands are present and functioning in all adult individuals of the colony. The higher enzymatic activity was observed in the hypopharyngeal gland extracts from nurse workers and may be related to a larger demand for energy, compared to other individuals. The occurrence of large quantities of leucine arylamidase in all individuals may mean that protein processing is happening.
In the present study, adult ants emerged from five nests kept under laboratory conditions were individually monitored in order to determine their longevity and observe their individual behavior in relation to age (temporal polyethism). Our results showed that most of the tasks related to colony maintenance were executed during the three first age intervals (comprising from 1 to 150 days of age), namely brood care, followed by grooming activities (self and allogrooming), nest maintenance activities (such as floor and nest inspection), and social related activities (antennating and food exchange among adults). Foraging activities were performed by ants in the higher age intervals.
Ants suffer a strong environmental influence and are sometimes conditioned for many social activities. To understand better this phenomenon in leaf-cutting ants, 24 colonies of Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were conditioned for 2 months with 6 different plants (Citrus spp., Ligustrum spp., Acalypha spp., Eucalyptus spp., Alchornea triplinervia, Melia spp.), to verify alimentary preconditioning in plant selection. After the conditioning period, plants were offered simultaneously, to evaluate the acceptability of each plant species. During foraging, the workers did not exhibit alimentary source fidelity, which was familiarized. This fact suggests the absence of alimentary preconditioning, reinforcing the polyphagic foraging behavior of leaf-cutting ants.
The correlation between trophocyte size and ovarian development is negative in workers and positive in queens of Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides. The nurse workers which have the ovaries in a higher developmental stage, present smaller fat body cells them newly-emerged ones. In newly-emerged and nurse workers the trophocytes seem to be delivering their stored products, among which probably vitellogenin. As in workers the cell size variations do not support the occurrence of proteic synthesis or the increasing in reverses storage after the adult emergence, the products released from the trophocytes must come from cellular reserves remaining from the larval phase. This datum is in agreement with the early and brief vitellogenic phase in the ovaries of this caste. In foragers the trophocyte size seen stabilized. In queens it was verified considerable increasing in the trophocyte size from virgin to physogastric queen, as well as the maintenance of the size during all fertile life of the queen.
In social insects, cuticular hydrocarbons are involved in species, kin, caste and nestmate recognition. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry were used to compare the cuticular hydrocarbon composition of workers, males and queens of Melipona bicolor. The cuticular hydrocarbon composition of this species was found to consist mainly of C23, C25:1, C25, C27:1, C27, C29:1 and C29, which are already present in imagoes that have not yet abandoned the brood cell. This composition varied quantitatively and qualitatively between and within the castes and sexes. The newly emerged workers and young queens (virgins) had similar cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, which were different from those of the males. When the females start executing their tasks in the colony, the cuticular hydrocarbon profile differences appear. The workers have less variety, while the queens conserve or increase the number of cuticular hydrocarbon compounds. The queens have more abdominal tegumentary glands than the workers, which apparently are the source of the new cuticular compounds.
Cancer is one of the most hazardous effects to human health caused by the exposition to chemical agents. The search for new technological solutions in the industrial field led to a rapid increase in the productive sector, causing the workers to be exposed to millions of potentially toxic agents, substances potentially harmful to health. This study presents the mutagenic activity of sweepings from a sock and lingerie factory in Araraquara-Brazil, assayed with Salmonella typhimurium. All the extracts from the factory had mutagenic on activity the YG1024 strain, which is extremely sensitive to detect the mutagenic activity of the arilhydroxilamines, nitroarenes and aromatic amines. The extracts were non-mutagenics for the strains TA100 and TA98. The analysis of the mutagenicity of industrial residues is highly important because employees that participate in the production are directly exposed to those agents, as well as to the environment where the garbage is deposited.
A morphological study of the development of the ovaries in workers from queenright and queenless colonies and queens of Apis mellifera is presented and discussed. The mating stimulates the ovary development and the egg-laying. Mating prevention or egg laying prevention provokes reabsorption in the queens ovaries, characteristic of the queen stage or ovariole development. Ovary development was observed in queenless and in queenright colonies but the queen's presence, the worker's age and the type of tasks done by them interfere with their development.
The present investigation analyzed the influence of Juvenile Hormone (JH) on the venom glands of Apis mellifera workers through protein dosage and electrophoresis of venom gland extracts of newly emerged workers which were treated with 1 μl JH dissolved in hexane, in concentration of 2μg/μl. Newly emerged workers non-treated and treated with 1 μl hexane were the controls. Both JH and hexane provoke quantitative changes on the gland protein titre and on the protein electrophoretic profile. The disappearance of protein bands in the venom gland extracts of 14 day-old treated workers, a situation normally found only in 35 day-old non-treated workers, suggests that the JH treatment induces a precocious maturation of the worker venom gland.
Insect mandibular glands are always associated to the mandibles; they are part of the salivary glandular system. The mandibular glands are composed by a reservoir associated to the secretory cells, with each secretory cell connected to the reservoir by means of individual canaliculi. These glands play an important role in the production of pheromones, which are compounds involved in defense, communication, and reproduction of the colony. Mandibular glands of soldiers and major and minor workers of the ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa were processed for different histochemical tests, total protein content, and protein electrophoretic profile determination. The histochemical tests detected the presence of lipids, DNA/RNA, polysaccharides, and proteins at different regions of the gland. The protein electrophoretic profiles showed that the total protein content as well as the number of peptides of each caste follow a progressive order in relation to the size of the individual. Thus, we suggest that the production of secretion is directly linked to the task that the individual performs in the colony.
The active ingredients used in the formulation of toxic baits for leaf-cutting ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) should possess a delayed action defined as an insecticidal activity whereby worker mortality is ≤15% at 24 hours and ≥90% at 21 days. Serious shortcomings have occurred in the search for new active ingredients, such as the initial selection of fenoxycarb, copper oxychloride and diflubenzuron, compounds considered very promising but whose inefficiency was verified only later, indicating methodological problems. In view of this situation, we developed a classification method for insecticidal activity over time using workers of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel. The insecticides used were fipronil, sulfluramid GX071HB and sulfluramid GX439, vehicled in an attractive pasty formulation prepared based on citrus pulp. The results obtained were consistent from a toxicological viewpoint and agreed with the literature in terms of the control of colonies. Sulfluramids were found to possess a delayed action at a broad range of concentrations, in agreement with the fact that these substances are highly effective in the control of all leaf-cutting ant species. The smaller range of concentrations of fipronil with delayed action is probably related to its lower efficacy for species more difficult to control such as Atta capiguara (Forti et al. 2003). We discuss the importance of relating behavioral particularities to the specific feeding habits of leaf-cutting ants, with methodological adequacy of the assessment of insecticides aimed at toxic baits.
In this study, known-age workers of Agelaia pallipes (Olivier) were introduced into a colony maintained in the laboratory and the effects of age polyethism on the worker life span were observed. As in other Neotropical swarm-founding wasps, the results showed that younger workers remained on different places inside the nest performing activities related to the brood and nest maintenance, while risky tasks such as foraging were performed by older workers. Furthermore, the start of foraging activities had a significant effect on worker mortality.
The selection of plants is one of the stages of foraging behavior, executed by leaf-cutting ants for the cultivation of symbiont fungus. Anatomical, biochemical and physiological characteristics of vegetal species are some of the factors that influence selection of substrate; however, most studies described in the literature refer to leaf-cutting ants. Due to the scarcity of studies on the role of epicuticular waxes of grasses in relation to foraging behavior of monocotyledonous leaf-cutters, we completed three experiments with the ant species Atta capiguara in which we analyzed: the attractiveness or selectivity of leaves of Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane) and/or Hypharrenia rufa (capim jaraguá), with and without epicuticular wax in relation to the worker of this ant species, their processing and elimination in the form of pellets of epicuticular wax from the referred fragments removed by the workers for cultivation of symbiont fungus. We observed that vegetal fragments without wax were those most transported by workers to the inside of the nests; that they processed the fragments equally with as much as without wax, and eliminated, in the form of pellets, wax removed from the same into garbage chambers of the colonies, leading us to conclude that for monocotyledonous leaf-cutters, epicuticular wax from vegetal leaves has great importance in vegetal integrity by being used as substrate, representing a physical barrier to the growth of symbiont fungus.
This paper describes the ultramorphology and histology of the venom reservoir in 14-day old workers of Apis mellifera, immediately before and after the application of electrical shocks with the object of causing venom elimination and reservoir collapse. The external epithelial surface of the reservoir was differentiated according to its morphological aspects into posterior, median, and proximal or duct regions at the ventral surface and into anterior and posterior regions at the dorsal surface. While the epithelium of the proximal region forms a ventral infolding, a dorsal salience is formed at this region. These structures and the epithelial regions persist both in full and empty reservoirs. The reservoir appeared full and distended before the electrical shocks were applied and became empty and withered afterwards due to the elimination of the secretion, without any reductions in length. Nevertheless, some secretion was kept inside the lumen, thus suggesting a possible role for the reservoir in the modification of the secretion.
Hydrolytic enzymes from hypopharyngeal gland extracts of newly emerged, nurse and foraging workers of two eusocial bees, Scaptotrigona postica, a native Brazilian stingless bee, and the Africanized honey bee (Apis mellifera) in Brazil, were compared. The hypopharyngeal gland is rich in enzymes in both species. Fifteen different enzymes were found in the extracts, with only a few quantitative differences between the species. Some of the enzymes present in the extracts may have intracellular functions, while others seem to be digestive enzymes. Scaptotrigona postica, had lower β-glucosidase and higher lipase esterase activities than A. mellifera. The differences may be due to different feeding habits and behavioral peculiarities of the two species. ©FUNPEC-RP.
The leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 is the most harmful of the Eucalyptus pests, causing severe losses in wood production through defoliation. Various strategies have been tried and effort spent on the development of methods to control this pest, however no practical and environmentally acceptable one currently exists. In this work the chemical composition of the essential oil of seven Eucalyptus species was identified and the selectivity and sensitivity of antennal receptors of A. sexdens rubropilosa workers to the volatile compounds were determined using the electroantennographic technique (EAG and GC-EAD). Analysis by GC-EAD showed in E. cloesiana and E. maculata, respectively, seventeen and sixteen terpenes that elicited responses in ant workers' antennae, indicating the potential role of the essential oils as allelochemicals that determine the choice of the foraging material. © 2006 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung.