375 resultados para formação inicial


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This paper discusses a study conducted the systematic monitoring of scientific initiation activities in a research group in Epistemology of Biology. The objective was to investigate the evolution of undergraduate ideas about epistemological, historical and didactic aspects from Biology during the development of research projects. Data collection occurred through the use of various instruments, such as written materials and interviews. The results suggest that involvement in research activities and the interaction in the group allowed to the participants the development of critical thinking, by means of collective reflection and individual significance of biological knowledge located in different contexts epistemological, historical and didactic.


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This article presents part of a PhD research that investigated what are the limiting factors to be overcome by an initial training program for teachers of physics in order to achieve the identity profile of your proposed course on Pedagogical Project Course (PPC). From the survey of the intended ideal, the actions taken by professors, coordinators and managers seeking its implementation were analyzed. Data were collected from official documents, field notes taken during meetings between professors and interviews with the subjects belonging to the faculty of the course. This is a research in action grounded in Habermas principles. For data analysis, we used analytical devices of discourse analysis, using the French perspective of Pcheux. The outline presented here seeks to highlight the intentions identified through the analysis of discourses present in the texts, in the speech of different subjects involved and the actions undertaken by them during this process. What one can conclude is that the intentions of the involved professors are permeated of contractions, since in some aspects they intend to give the program teacher's an identity (licenciature) and in other ones they try to maintain the status quo, that means, a teachers program which a bachelors profile.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e analisar concepes sobre o papel do estgio supervisionado de um grupo de alunos de um curso de Cincias Biolgicas. Participaram 48 alunos de um curso de licenciatura que responderam a um questionrio com questes abertas. Foram identificados 4 agrupamentos das ideias dos alunos sobre o papel do estgio supervisionado: "Treinamento profissional" que reuniu 15 alunos participantes, "Aprendizado com a prtica" e "Interao com a realidade escolar", que reuniram, cada um, 12 alunos participantes e "Desenvolvimento de habilidades pessoais", que reuniu 6 alunos. Observamos que houve um predomnio de uma concepo tcnico-instrumental do estgio supervisionado.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar a insero da temtica Educao Inclusiva (EI) em cursos de licenciatura da rea de Cincias (Biologia, Fsica e Qumica), das universidades pblicas estaduais do estado de So Paulo. Analisou-se o projeto polticos pedaggicos (PPP) e planos de ensino das disciplinas da rea pedaggica, atravs da anlise documental. Dos PPPs das licenciaturas em Cincias, apenas um curso de Fsica (FIS 4), um de Qumica (QUIM 6) e Cincias Biolgicas (BIO 13) tratam da EI. Em relao s disciplinas que abordam a EI, dos 13 cursos de licenciatura em Cincias Biolgicas, apenas trs apresentam disciplinas que abordam a temtica. Dos nove cursos de licenciatura em Fsica, quatro possuem disciplina que abordam a temtica. Dos oito cursos de licenciatura em Qumica, dois contam com disciplinas que abordam a temtica Educao Inclusiva.


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Ps-graduao em Educao - FFC


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research focuses on the practice of writing in the initial formation of teachers. My interest for this thematic arose from my participation in the extension project Formation Group: Dialog and Otherness and the extension course School: local for teacher formation, both coordinated by my supervisor. After all, I had the possibility of experimenting the exercise of writing and acknowledging the relevance of it in these contexts, in my condition of teacher-in-training. This thematic has involved me, which is why I conducted an autobiographical investigation. As data gathering tools, I used papers that I produced, as participant of the aforementioned extension project and extension course. Those papers were file records I made from the meetings, monthly papers produced from a thematic that was chosen by the graduating students that attended the extension project and, furthermore, I bring a self-assessments I developed inspired by the experiences I had in these two formative gaps. All these experiences provided pieces of my formative experience as a future teacher. The research aimed to understand which act of writing mobilized knowledge and triggered reflections in the aforementioned contexts, based on paper analysis, seeking to legitimate the importance of this practice in my formative process. Furthermore, a bibliographical research of qualitative nature was developed, achieved from the statement and analysis of articles located in the Annals of International Congress of (Auto) Biography Research (CIPA, in Portuguese acronym), from 2006 to 2012, and in the Annals of National Conference of Didactic and Teaching Techniques (ENDIPE, in Portuguese acronym), in the period from 2006 to 2012. This bibliographical research aimed to increase the understanding of the formative dimension of the practice of writing in the initial training in Pedagogy. I sought to distinguish the writing practices promoted in the context of initial...


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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The books are part of the school routine in the course of our lives, currently, we are the gateway to the processes of social literacy that begins with the presentation of these objects for babies and children in early childhood education (EI). This research has the main question: to know how are the libraries or reading rooms in Early Childhood Education Centres (CEI) of Botucatu. Thus, the overall goal is to understand, characterize and analyze the CEIs libraries Botucatu. What implies: investigate and analyze the existing legislation on school libraries, their approach to the reality of the CEIs and the official documents of early childhood education; To investigate the relationship between the child and the playful objects (books, toys etc.) and finally discover and describe the reality of School Libraries in CEIs studied. The research is qualitative orientation, more precisely a Case Study. The space, proper equipment and support provide a rich learning that will serve as the basis for school achievements. However, the offering of School Libraries and Reading Rooms in many cases it is not a reality. The survey took into account which of the schools have assets, how is the organization of space, the playful activities with learners users and which functions, training and professional responsibilities designated as responsible for School Library/Reading Room. It is noteworthy to say the official documents as a basis and motive of this research as well as the fulfillment of established targets and carried out by the municipal, state and national governments on the implementation of School Libraries in schools, with the help of programs like National Fund Development of Education (ENDF), National School Library program (PNBE) and the National Book and Reading Plan (PNLL)


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This paper emerged from a reflection on the troubles afflicting and shocked teachers, especially early in his career, among which stands out both in studies and in reports propagated by the teachers themselves: the violence manifested in and out of classrooms. Given this finding and the obvious need for overcoming beyond ephemeral measures, this research outlines two equally important goals: a) incite the discussion of violence at the time of initial teacher training as well as the emergence of new studies concerning this subject in academic research and b) transgress the tradition of research that consists in recommending prescriptions to be applied about how banning school violence, disregarding the peculiarities of each context. These objectives are derived from following question: which strategies are developed in undergraduate courses that aim to preparing of future teachers to deal with the phenomenon of violence in elementary school? Intending to answer this question and, therefore, contemplate the objectives outlined we opted for specialized bibliographic material analysis, systematically selected as the method. As a main result, it was found that the discussion of the theme of school violence in the initial teacher training is something still scarce in practice and incipient in the sphere of research. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of strengthening of this discussion so that when they get into career teaching, future teachers feel adequately subsidized up to face the everyday challenges that may manifest over the profession.


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O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi identificar as percepes dos professores de Biologia do municpio de Piracicaba, SP, e dos alunos concluintes de um curso de licenciatura em Cincias Biolgicas em relao presena da Educao Ambiental em sua formação inicial, a fim de discutir a insero da temtica na universidade em geral e, especificamente, na licenciatura em Cincias Biolgicas. Os resultados indicam que o professor de Biologia ainda necessita de uma formação mais crtica em relao educao ambiental e que, numa perspectiva complexa, essa formação necessita ser tratada de forma mais rigorosa na universidade e nas licenciaturas em Cincias Biolgicas para que os profissionais formados possam atuar, efetivamente, na formação cidad para uma sociedade mais sustentvel.


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Neste artigo apresentamos a anlise de interpretaes de estudantes em trabalhos desenvolvidos em duas disciplinas de cursos de Licenciatura em Fsica, nas quais realizamos atividades bastante distintas, uma envolvendo a leitura e outra a observao pelos licenciandos. Buscamos compreender falas escritas pelos estudantes como parte dessas atividades, e procuramos evidenciar a diversidade de interpretaes e a relevncia desse trabalho para a formação inicial. O apoio terico em que nos sustentamos foi a anlise de discurso na vertente originada na Frana por Michel Pcheux. A considerao da no transparncia da linguagem, e as noes de condies de produo, memria discursiva e repetio, bem como alguns aportes sobre possveis papis da observao na construo cientfica, contriburam para a compreenso de discursos escritos pelos estudantes. Mostramos a diversidade de interpretaes dos licenciados: ao opinarem sobre a possibilidade ou no de se trabalhar a fsica moderna e contempornea no ensino mdio, depois de lerem um texto envolvendo esse tema, e ao redigirem um texto sobre a observao na pesquisa cientfica.