234 resultados para feeding performance test


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Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, estudar níveis de substituição (0; 50 e 100%) do milho grão seco moído pela silagem de grãos úmidos de milho na ração de cordeiros alimentados em creep feeding. Vinte e quatro cordeiros Suffolk foram avaliados quanto ao desempenho, pesos e rendimentos das carcaças. Também foi realizada uma análise econômica. As rações foram fornecidas ad libitum, sendo suas sobras pesadas para o cálculo do consumo médio por animal. Ao atingirem 28 kg de peso vivo, os cordeiros foram submetidos a jejum por 16 horas e, então, novamente pesados para se obter o peso vivo ao abate. Após o abate, os animais foram eviscerados para se obterem os pesos e rendimentos de carcaça quente. As carcaças permaneceram por 24 horas em câmara de refrigeração, sendo novamente pesadas para se obterem os rendimentos de carcaça fria e as perdas por resfriamento. Os resultados revelaram que não houve efeito dos níveis de substituição sobre ganho médio diário de peso vivo, idade ao abate, pesos e rendimentos das carcaças quentes e frias, indicando que a silagem de grãos úmidos de milho pode ser utilizada em substituição ao milho moído na alimentação de cordeiros. Como o peso ao abate foi pré-fixado, as variações nas idades ao abate fizeram com que essa variável exercesse influência sobre os desempenhos, pesos e rendimentos e, quanto maiores essas idades, piores os resultados dos parâmetros avaliados. O tratamento com 50% de silagem de grãos úmidos apresentou os melhores resultados econômicos e o tratamento sem silagem de grãos úmidos foi o de menor rentabilidade.


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O trabalho foi realizado no Setor de Ovinocultura da Universidade de Marília, objetivando estudar os efeitos de três níveis de energia (2,6; 2,8 e 3,0 Mcal EM/kg MS) na ração de cordeiros inteiros Suffolk criados em creep feeding, sobre o desempenho e características de carcaça. Na parição numerava-se e registravam-se o peso ao nascer dos cordeiros que, posteriormente, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente, compondo doze repetições por tratamento. As rações foram isoprotéicas (18,46% PB) fornecidas ad libitum duas vezes ao dia, pesando-se as respectivas sobras. Os cordeiros foram pesados a cada 14 dias, permanecendo com as ovelhas até atingirem o peso vivo final, preestabelecido em 31 kg. em seguida, os cordeiros permaneceram em jejum alimentar por 16 horas, até o momento do abate, obtendo-se o peso vivo ao abate. Após o abate, registraram-se os pesos da carcaça quente e do conteúdo digestivo, para o cálculo do peso de corpo vazio. As carcaças permanecerem por 24 horas na câmara de refrigeração em temperatura de 5ºC, obtendo-se o peso da carcaça fria. Para o ganho médio diário ocorreu diferença significativa entre os tratamentos, utilizando-se como covariável a idade de abate, com melhor desempenho para os cordeiros que receberam a ração com 3,0 Mcal EM. Para as características da carcaça não houve efeito dos tratamentos. Concluiu-se que o nível 3,0 Mcal em foi o mais indicado para a ração de cordeiros Suffolk alimentados e terminados em creep feeding.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de três níveis de proteína (15, 20 e 25% PB) na ração sobre as medidas objetivas das carcaças e do músculo Longissimus dorsi, os pesos e rendimentos dos cortes, além da composição química e maciez da carne de cordeiros Suffolk alimentados e terminados em creep feeding. Foram utilizados 15 cordeiros inteiros, originados de partos simples, abatidos ao atingirem peso vivo final de 28 kg. As carcaças foram mantidas em câmara de refrigeração a 5ºC, durante 24 horas, para registro das medidas objetivas, realizado após separação dos cortes comerciais, na meia-carcaça esquerda. A área do músculo Longissimus dorsi foi mensurada para determinação da área de olho de lombo (AOL cm²). No lombo esquerdo congelado, realizou-se a análise de composição química e, no direito, também congelado, o teste de maciez peloWarner Bratzler Shear Force. Os níveis de proteína bruta não influenciaram as medidas objetivas de carcaça nem as do músculo Longissimus dorsi. Houve efeito significativo para peso e rendimento da paleta, com superioridade para o tratamento contendo 25% de proteína bruta. Nas análises químicas do músculo Longissimus dorsi, observou-se efeito significativo para extrato etéreo, cinzas e maciez. No sistema de alimentação e terminação de cordeiros Suffolk em creep feeding, a ração formulada com farelo de soja como fonte protéica deve ser balanceada com 25% de proteína bruta por diminuir o teor de gordura e melhorar a maciez da carne e o peso e rendimento da paleta, sem afetar as medidas objetivas da carcaça, os demais pesos e os rendimentos dos cortes.


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1. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the productive and physiological consequences of a slight but long term food restriction of male broiler chickens from 2 commercial strains.2. Cobb-500 and Ross chickens were submitted to a 20% food restriction from 8 to 21 d of age. Strain, food programme and their interactive effects were analysed in terms of consequences upon performance, mortality, incidence of sudden death syndrome (SDS) and ascites syndrome (AS), index of right cardiac hypertrophy and plasma concentrations of hormones related to metabolism and growth (T-3, T-4, T-3:T-4 ratio, IGF-I and GH).3. Although some catch-up growth was observed by refeeding previously restricted birds after 22 d of rearing, food restriction decreased (P less than or equal to 0.05) body weight at market age (42 d) irrespective of the strain, but improved (P less than or equal to 0.05) food conversion.4. The incidence of mortality was not high in non-restricted birds but SDS and AS caused more than 50% of deaths. Hypertrophic cardiac index was observed in chickens of both strains after 4 weeks of age and was higher in ad libitum fed birds.5. During the period of food restriction, plasma T-3 and IGF-I concentrations decreased whereas plasma T-4 and GH concentrations increased compared to those of the age-matched ad libitum fed counterparts. During the subsequent ad libitum feeding period, few differences in circulating hormone concentrations were observed, except for the higher mean CH litres in previously food-restricted chickens at 35 d of age.6. These results indicate that even a non-severe food restriction negatively affects body weight of 42-d-old male broilers but these are benefits with improved food efficiency and diminished mortality from metabolic disturbances. The hormone results suggest that the degree of food restriction applied was not severe because there was a very fast adaptive response with small and transient alterations in T-3, T-4 and GH plasma concentrations during the period of compensatory growth.


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This study aimed at verifying if beak-trimming methods in Japanese quail pullets could optimize production by decreasing stress caused by cannibalism. A total number of 816 day-old Japanese quails was distributed in a completely randomized experimental design in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, with two beak-trimming ages (14 and 21 days of age) and three beak-trimming sizes (not trimmed, 1/3 trimmed, or 1/2 trimmed), and 4 replicates of 34 birds per replicate. Birds were submitted to the same management and feeding conditions. Weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, and mortality were evaluated. There was no significant effect of age at beak trimming on the evaluated parameters (P>0.05), as well as no significant interaction between age at beak trimming, and beak-trimming method. There was a significant effect (P<0.01) of trimming size on performance, with the best performance observed in birds not submitted to beak trimming or had 1/2 of the beak trimmed. When the beak was more aggressively trimmed (1/2), parameters were worse. According to the obtained results, it is recommended to trim 1/3 of the beaks, which can be performed either at 14 or 21 days of age.


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The experiment was carried out in the experimental poultry house of the Research and Development Unit of Brotas of Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios do Centro-Oeste, SP, Brazil. The objective of the study was to evaluate forced-molting methods and their effects on body weight, egg production, feed intake, and mortality, as well as bird performance during the second laying cycle. A total number of 400 65-week-old Japanese quails was distributed in a completely randomized experimental design into five treatments, with four replicates of 20 birds each. The following treatments were applied: T1= not submitted to forced molting, T2= 01 day of fasting + 13 days receiving 15g feed/bird/day (1F+R), T3= 02 days of fasting + 12 days receiving 15g feed/bird/day (2F+R), T4= 03 days of fasting + 11 days receiving 15g feed/bird/day (3F+R), and T5= 3 days of fasting and fed ad libitum thereafter (3F+AL). Significant differences were detected among treatments. When submitted to 3 days of fasting followed by ad libitum feeding, birds presented complete body weight recovery. No egg production percentage differences were detected in birds submitted to forced molting.


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The experiment was carried out in the experimental poultry house of the Research and Development Unit of Brotas of Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios do Centro-Oeste, SP, Brazil. The objective of the study was to evaluate the performance of Japanese quails submitted to forced molting aiming at optimizing the use of the same quail flock by promoting a second laying cycle. A total number of 400 67-day-old Japanese quails in lay, previously submitted to 14 days of forced molting, was distributed in a completely randomized experimental design into five treatments (T1= not submitted to forced molting, T2= 03 days of fasting + fed ad libitum, T3= 01 days of fasting + 13 days of feed restriction, T4= 02 days of fasting + 12 days of feed restriction, and T5= 03 days of fasting + 11 days of feed restriction. Feeds were contained equal nutrient levels, and were formulated according to NRC (1994) recommendations. There were significant differences among the studied treatments. Although the treatment of 3 days of fasting followed by ad libitum feeding resulted in lower egg weight, it promoted better lay percentage, egg mass, and feed conversion ratios (FCR/dz and FCR/kg). on the other hand, 3 days of fasting followed by restricted feeding resulted in higher feed intake and worse feed conversion ratios (FCR/dz and FCR/kg). When birds were not submitted to forced molting, they presented lower lay percentage and egg mass.


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This study aimed at evaluating the effect of total replacement of dry corn by wet grain corn silage (WGCS) in the feed of label broilers older than 28 days of age on performance, mortality, carcass, parts, breast meat and thighs meat yields, and meat quality. A mixed-sex flock of 448 ISA S 757-N (naked-neck ISA JA Label) day-old chicks was randomly distributed in to randomized block experimental design with four treatments (T1 - with no WGCS; T2 - WGCS between 28 and 83 days; T3 - WGCS between 42 and 83 days; and T4 - WGCS between 63 and 83 days) and four replicates of 28 birds each. Birds were raised under the same management and feeding conditions until 28 days of age, when they started to have free access to paddock with pasture (at least 3m²/bird) and to be fed the experimental diets. Feed and water were offered ad libitum throughout the rearing period, which was divided in three stages: starter (1 to 28 days), grower (29 to 63 days), and finisher (64 to 83 days) according to the feeding schedule. During the short periods of WGCS use (group T2 during grower stage and T4 during the finisher stage), performance and mortality results were similar as to those of the control group (T1). At the end of the experiment, it was observed that the extended use of WGCS (T2 and T3) determined a negative effect on feed conversion ratio. However, the best results of breast meat yield were observed with birds fed WGCS since 28 days (T2). It was concluded that WGCS can replace dry corn grain for short periods during the grower and finisher stages with no impairment of meat quality and yield in slow growth broilers.


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Avaliou-se o desempenho de tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) produzidas em tanque-rede, providas de dispensadores automáticos de ração, alimentadas em diferentes frequências - uma vez por hora e a cada duas horas - e períodos - durante o dia, à noite ou ambos. Dezoito tanques-rede de 1.0m³ foram colocados em um tanque de 2000m² com dois metros de profundidade e renovação de água de 5%. Cento e setenta tilápias, com peso inicial de 16.0±4.9g foram distribuídas em cada tanque-rede de 1m³ e a taxa alimentar foi ajustada a cada 21 dias junto com as biometrias. As medidas foram coletadas de março a julho (outono e inverno). Observou-se diferença significativa para peso final (P<0.05) entre os tratamentos. O aumento da frequência alimentar melhorou o desempenho produtivo de tilápias-do-nilo produzidas em tanque-rede e permitiu melhor manejo alimentar. A melhor conversão alimentar para alta frequência, 24 vezes dia-1, pode resultar em uma economia de até 360kg de ração por tonelada de peixe produzido, melhorando a sustentabilidade econômica para produção de tilápia e sugerindo menor poluição ambiental.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The detection of rabies antibodies is extremely valuable for epidemiological studies, determination of immune status in man, animals, and for the diagnosis of the disease. Several serological procedures have been described for this purpose. The present study reports a comparison between counterimmunoelectrophoresis test (CIET) and mouse neutralization test (MNT) in the detection of antibodies against rabies virus from 212 serum samples of vaccinated dogs. The agreement between both techniques was 79.7% and a significative association was demonstrated. The correlation coefficients between MNT and the CIET titers was determined considering 88 samples showing positive results in both techniques [CIET = 2 and MNT = 5 (0.13 IU/ml)] and resulted r² = 0.7926 (p < 0.001). The performance of CIET system was technically simple, cheap and rapid, and thereby it could be useful for serological monitoring of dog vaccination campaigns as well as for individual analysis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Purpose: Considering the potential of the association between laser ablation and smaller scale hydroxyapatite (HA) coatings to create a stable and bioactive surface on titanium dental implants, the aim of the present study was to determine, by the removal torque test, the effects of a surface treatment created by laser-ablation (Nd:YAG) and, later, thin deposition of HA particles by a chemical process, compared to implants with only laser-ablation and implants with machined surfaces.Materials and Methods: Forty-eight rabbits received I implant by tibia of the following surfaces: machined surface (MS), laser-modified surface (LMS), and biomimetic hydroxiapatite coated surface (HA). After 4, 8, and 12 weeks of healing, the removal torque was measured by a torque gauge. The surfaces studied were analyzed according to their topography, chemical composition, and roughness.Results: Average removal torque in each period was 23.28, 24.0, and 33.85 Ncm to MS, 33.0, 39.87, and 54.57 Ncm to LMS, and 55.42, 63.71 and 64.0 Ncm to HA. The difference was statistically significant (P < .05) between the LMS-MS and HA-MS surfaces in all periods of evaluation, and between LMS-HA to 4 and 8 weeks of healing. The surface characterization showed a deep, rough, and regular topography provided by the laser conditioning, that was followed by the HA coating.Conclusions: Based on these results, it was possible to conclude that the implants with laser surface modification associated with HA biomimetic coating can shorten the implant healing period by the increase of bone implant interaction during the first 2 months after implant placement. (C) 2009 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 67:1706-1715, 2009


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One of the best examinations used routinely to detect gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) is scintigraphy and attempts are continuously being made to improve the performance of the test. We have tested a new manoeuvre to improve the results. Three hundred and twenty eight patients (190 males and 138 females, aged 1 month to 84 years, average 4.47 years) were studied after a 12 h fast period with 100 MBq of Tc-99(m)-Phytate, 50 ml volume, directly delivered into the stomach in a mixture of orange juice. All patients were strongly suspected of having GOR. Conventional acquisition was done for 20 min, at a rate of one frame every 20 s. in the middle of the examination, small children were put in the upright position and held there for a few seconds or released in a way that allowed movement; adults were asked to stand up and walk a few metres. The test was then continued for the remaining 10 min. The global index of positivity was 64.6% (76 positive cases in the first half of the examination and 134 positive cases only after the manoeuvre). The mean of GOR episodes observed in the positive cases without the manoeuvre was 0.5 per patient, significantly different from the mean of 1.59 noted after the manoeuvre (P<0.01). In 28 cases the manoeuvre increased either the intensity or the frequency of reflux previously detected without it. We believe that this manoeuvre should be performed in all scintigraphic tests aiming to detect GOR. In the present series, the manoeuvre increased the frequency of GOR episodes. ((C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)].