138 resultados para educação em valores


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A coletânea tem como eixo central a Educação Escolar e este tema conduz e confere unidade às reflexões, abordado a partir de diferentes perspectivas. A preocupação que perpassa todos os textos pode ser expressa na seguinte pergunta: como enfrentar os problemas vividos pela escola, num momento em que a ela se atribui uma gama enorme de responsabilidades? Cada autor, circunscrito à sua temática de pesquisa, nos instiga a pensar essa questão. O que move cada um é o desejo de que a escola acolha aqueles que lá chegam e que se responsabilize por eles, mas sem perder de vista o quanto é complexa e delicada essa atividade de inserção dos novos neste mundo. Talvez, a ideia de responsabilidade seja mesmo a que melhor defina os propósitos gerais desta coletânea, a qual se manifesta no compromisso político com a educação de crianças e de adolescentes, portanto, no compromisso com o mundo em que vivemos. A resposta a essa pergunta poderá ter como parâmetro os textos aqui presentes que estão assim organizados: na primeira parte da coletânea, os autores lidam com aspectos relacionados às Políticas Públicas e Educação; na segunda abordam a Formação de Professores; na terceira parte, focam Valores e Educação e, na quarta parte, voltam-se para as Práticas Educativas. Concluímos, destacando que esta coletânea explicita o quanto é complexa a tarefa de investigar a educação escolar, pois ela comporta uma série de nuances que precisa ser analisada por diferentes saberes que são complementares.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Social representations are values and ideas shared and transmitted by a group of individuals. This article aims to investigate how researchers’ social representations can influence their analysis of an interview. Data were collected from 28 students participating in a course on interview analysis. Students were divided into three groups. Each group received the same excerpt of a transcript, but with different characterizations of the interviewee: for Group 1, it was a young man who had studied in a public school; for Group 2, the subject had attended a special education school for people with intellectual disabilities; for Group 3, he had studied at a private school. The three groups were asked to analyze the interview and submit a written document describing their analysis. The data revealed that the students carried out interpretive synthesis, descriptive synthesis, and thematic analysis. Interpretations of content data indicated that participants in Groups 1 and 3 attributed negative representations to the interviewee and/or to public or private school. In contrast, participants in Group 2, which was told that the interviewee had intellectual disabilities, attributed positive representations to the interviewee and to the special education school. The conclusion indicates the urgency for theoretical and practical training of young researchers regarding analysis of interviews so that the representations do not lead to biased results. The comparison of the results with an earlier similar study points to a probable change in representations of people with intellectual disabilities.


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Analisam-se os fundamentos do processo de democratização da sociedade brasileira e seus impactos no campo da educação. Pressupõe-se que: a) democracia não é um conjunto dado de valores; b) as sociedades capitalistas são estruturalmente desiguais, incompatíveis com qualquer noção substantiva de igualdade; c) o Estado não é o lócus da realização do interesse geral; d) os conflitos de classes formam o terreno histórico no qual se objetivam as possibilidades democráticas. Com base nisso, afirma-se que tanto nas relações sociais em geral, como na educação, efetivou-se um processo de democratização no Brasil pósDitadura, fruto dos conflitos sociais que encaminharam a sociedade brasileira a conquistas favoráveis às classes trabalhadoras. Processo este que foi contraditório: de um lado, estavam as forças populares, para as quais democratização implicava conquista de direitos e participação nos processos decisórios; de outro lado, as forças que desejavam preservar a ordem vigente, ainda que tivessem de acatar mudanças na sua configuração (de Ditadura para um regime de direito). Nas conclusões argumentamos que, com a chamada redemocratização, houve certa abertura para uma democracia mais substantiva, capaz de dar vazão aos conflitos sociais. Abertura que logo se reverteu com o neoliberalismo, o que vem levando a um contexto de crescente ausência de alternativas.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Working with adult students who attend literacy rooms has been set a challenge for educators, especially with regard to issues of learning mathematics. This work of course completion intention was to investigate the process of construction of arithmetic operations in mathematics from the perspective of the students themselves. Thus specific objectives were to investigate how these students face simple operations that can do this automatically on a daily basis, but not always systematized in the classroom; how these students think and communicate their ideas to the mental operation of the paper record. To this end we chose a qualitative research approach with characteristics of case study, conducted in a room of Youth and Adult participants with three ladies. The data collection occurred through the application of a semi-structured, audio recorded and later transcribed, which issues the verbalization sought and a description of how to give students the learning process of some mathematical content. The results showed that students bring with them skills, cultures and values to the classroom and that these are the basis for understanding the content. The teacher of adult education must take into consideration everything that the student brings to the classroom, their experiences, their history and culture, thus questioning the real world, so they can understand math in a way closer to their daily lives


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As concepções sobre a importância do ensino da educação física escolar sofreram inúmeras mudanças desde a sua implementação como matéria no currículo da escola. Segundo SOARES (1994), a cultura corporal de movimento, é o conhecimento que constitui o conteúdo da educação física, esta é representada pela ginástica, esportes, lutas, capoeira, atividades físicas de aventura, práticas corporais alternativas, jogos, circo e dança. Os PCNs trazem uma proposta de problematizar os conteúdos de ensino, elencando alguns dos principais problemas que a sociedade deve se atentar para se manter equilibrada, estes são denominados Temas Transversais. Este estudo tem como propósito é investigar as relações entre o Meio Ambiente e a Educação Física na perspectiva da cultura corporal de movimento, mostrando que é possível o trabalho de ambas temáticas em conjunto. Em paralelo a isso, o estudo também tem como objetivo a elaboração de uma proposta de organização dos conteúdos que relacionam algumas temáticas do Meio Ambiente com os alguns conteúdos da Educação Física. Para o (PCN/BRASIL 1998), o papel da educação em relação ao meio ambiente é proporcionar para o aluno a possibilidade da construção de um mundo socialmente justo e ecologicamente equilibrado. O que requer responsabilidade coletiva e individual de qualquer individuo planetário, interferindo no modo como a sociedade programa as prioridades no seu cotidiano. Esta interferência só será possível se houver a construção dos conceitos gerando uma assimilação de valores. Para isso, propomos uma organização curricular dos conteúdos da educação física juntamente com as temáticas ambientais. Esta proposta teve como finalidade abranger o segundo ciclo do ensino fundamental. Para Gonzáles (2006) organizar e sistematizar os conteúdos de ensino da ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This research will try to understand how the concept of gender works at school, since working and discussing the body and sexuality is not a matter to be treated only within the family environment, school is a place for formal and appropriate new knowledge about sexuality, gender and body, in order to be part of the child framework according to adequate theory. At school, which is a place of different social values and especially to build readings world is surrounded by theoretical frameworks appropriate to think of the body not only as biological, but as one that can vary, feel desires and pleasures, changes and growth. This research aims to understand the notes of literature regarding to teaching children about respect for others, how children notice parts of your body, the space they are in, how they build their own and other perceptions, supported by their teachers, how they express themselves and show social rules and behaviors, focusing on building an egalitarian and respectful society regarding to relations between men and women which begin in childhood and is part of sexuality taught at school by teachers. This research will focus on methodology bibliographic through exploratory, interpretive and selective reading


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This study is supposed to identify the Environmental Education of the State of São Paulo that offers Environmental Education programs based on companies proposals. It was carried out a survey of private companies proposals for Environmental Education to schools from Rio Claro city. An analysis of the documents found on their programmes was done, through knowledge, participation and values, whereas the prospect of an Environmental Education toward the construction of citizenship. A trend was identified in materials of submitting an Environmental Education based on knowledge and actions involving changes claim based on antropocentric values and day by day concepts. Many of these proposals are restricted to important days and ⁄ or specific activities, that are taken in an certain way.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um estudo documental concernente às relações existentes entre Arte a Educação; partimos da hipótese de que a primeira consagra-se enquanto objeto de pesquisa concomitantemente a sua legitimação enquanto fonte meritória de conhecimento, principalmente no que se refere à produção material da existência humana e as intrínsecas relações político-sociais engendradas por princípios e valores econômicos. Logo, este ensaio foi edificado sobre o alicerce do legado literário de um dos maiores intelectuais do século XX reconhecido na contemporaneidade: o dramaturgo alemão Bertolt Brecht – cuja significância da produção artística se manifesta no exercício da compreensão e análise crítico-reflexiva da função social e educacional da Arte no âmago da sociedade de classes.


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The matter Environmental, some years ago, is gaining increasing importance in society. Considering this relevance, which connections can be built between Physical Education and the Environment? What concepts can serve as a basis for developing a method that makes possible rapprochement between these two topics? Therefore, this study aims to assess and implement physical education classes aggregating environmental matters in the context of bodily practices in order to build values and cause people to think more about this matter much discussed today. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative. The study was applied to class of 5° year of Physical Education of Elementary School from a state school in the municipality of Araraquara-SP. As a tool of analysis was used, all materials produced by the students throughout the process, taking into account the development and their participation during classes. Students understand some matters relating bodily practices and environment. It can be concluded although indiscipline was present from beginning to end of classes, students comply with expectations


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In scenery where the information and the knowledge are acquiring more and more importance, the corporations are looking for alternatives to remain themselves competitive in the market, once the competition happens globally. The current work presents, through bibliographic research and multicases studies, one possibility for the organizations that wishes to increase their competitiveness and look into the participation of the Public Relations professional in the development of Corporative Education programs aiming (at) the continuing education of a very important audience for the organizations, the intern one Through courses and trainings that can happen by presence or remote way, the Corporative Educational programs have as target developing of the critical competence to the organizations, aiming to solve internal problems and reach the best position against competitors. This work is aimed to present how the Public Relation professional can act like a facilitator agent for the education of the intern public of the companies through the Corporative Education. The courses offered through these programs aim to keep the professional always updated, besides to disseminate the values, culture and company’s legacy. At this point, the participation of the Public Relations is appointed to a possibility to strengthen the organization’s internal communication and promote a larger engagement and participation of the employees


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Camping alloys the implementation of a broad variety of activities that involves many aspects of the corporal culture of movement. There is much more than fun in games and plays and that’s what we seek to include in the children’s daily routine. The Physical Education professional has as one of its duties to teach these elements, such as the knowledge related to the citizenship formation to its students. Therefore, the participation in camping can contribute to this formation, since the students have the chance to realize the amplitude of Physical Education and change their view on it, even at school. The aim of this research is to investigate after the camping experience, if the students change their conception on the Physical Education role at school. This study has used qualitative methodology consisting on interviews done prior and post the students camping experience at the school . Ten students of both gender, aged between 13 and 15 years old, were interviewed. It was used a script with semi-structured questions. As the main result it has found an unanimity among the students towards the importance of Physical Education: the responsibility for the health and it’s also arisen discussions on cooperation and respect. Although they recognize that the teacher does not discuss these values and attitudes; two students believe that to have changed their view towards school Physical Education after experiencing the activities proposed in the camping. Despite most of the students haven’t changed their concept on school Physical Education, they had the opportunity to see new activities and to think more carefully about the importance of Physical Education classes at school, an opportunity on building a more critical view on the discipline.