180 resultados para diabetes mellitus tipo 2


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The aim of this study was to investigate oral yeast colonization, antifungal susceptibility and strain diversity in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients (175), as well as to evaluate the influence of dental prostheses. Oral rinse samples were cultured on selective media, in order to isolate, count and identify the yeasts recovered. More than half of the diabetic subjects (53%) carried significant amounts of Candida cells in the buccal cavity and these organisms were recovered at higher densities in diabetics wearing dentures. A total of 93 yeast strains were isolated from these patients, including: Candida spp. (n = 89); Pichia (n = 02); Trichosporon (n = 1), and Geotrichum (n = 1). C. albicans represented 56% of these strains, non-albicans Candida 39.8%, and other genera of yeast 4.3%. C. albicans was prevalent, followed by C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. rugosa and C. guilliermondii. Agar disk-diffusion tests of the susceptibility of non-albicans Candida and other genera of yeast to fluconazole showed resistance in 21.9%, mainly in C. rugosa (100%), C. glabrata (57%) and C. krusei (50%). Local oral factors, such as the presence of dentures, in association with diabetes, seemed to have the effect of increasing the amount and variety of Candida species in the oral cavities, mainly those with lower drug susceptibilities.


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OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar as alterações clínicas e laboratoriais do rato portador de Diabetes Mellitus induzido pela administração endovenosa de aloxana. MÉTODOS: Os animais foram distribuídos, por sorteio, em dois grupos experimentais: Grupo Controle Normal (G1), constituído de 25 animais sadios, e Grupo Diabético (G2), formado por 25 animais diabéticos graves, que foram avaliados em cinco momentos (1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses) de seguimento, tendo sido estudados os seguintes parâmetros: evolução clínica (peso, ingestão hídrica, ingestão alimentar e diurese) e exames bioquímicos (glicemia de jejum, glicose urinária, glicosúria, cetonúria, colesterol total, colesterol HDL, triglicérides e lipídios). RESULTADOS: A injeção de aloxana 2% na via endovenosa do rato acompanhou-se de um índice de mortalidade de 39%, tendo produzido diabetes grave também em 39% dos animais. O diabetes foi caracterizado por queda progressiva do peso corporal, elevação substancial da ingestão hídrica, ingestão alimentar e da diurese, com valores glicêmicos acima de 300 mg/dl, glicosúria 3+ e, eventualmente, cetonúria. O diabetes não altera o perfil de colesterol e lípides de ratos a longo prazo. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos estudos revelam que a aloxana produz, no rato, alterações clínicas e laboratoriais características de diabetes grave, as quais possibilitam estudos a longo prazo do diabetes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aims: To investigate the prevalence of oral mucosa alterations in patients with type 2 diabetes and to identify possible risk factors related to oral mucosa alterations.Methods: 146 patients with type 2 diabetes and 111 age-and gender-matched healthy controls subjects were consecutively recruited from Araraquara School of Dentistry to answer a structured questionnaire designed to collect demographic data as well as current and former history of diabetes. Clinical examination of the oral mucosa was carried out by a stomatologist.Results: A higher prevalence of oral mucosa alterations was found in patients with diabetes than in patients without diabetes (p < 0.001), with significant difference to development conditions (p < 0.0001), potentially malignant disorders (p < 0.0001) and fungal infections (p < 0.05). In the multiple logistic regression, diabetes (odds ratio 9.9 IC 5.11-19.16) and smoking habit (odds ratio 3.17 IC 1.42-7.12) increased the odds of oral mucosa alterations significantly.Conclusions: Patients with diabetes mellitus not only showed an increased prevalence of oral mucosa alterations but also a significant percentage of potentially malignant disorders. These findings elucidate the necessity of regular clinical examination to ensure early diagnosis and prompt management of oral mucosa lesions in patients with diabetes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O Diabetes mellitus é uma enfermidade crônica que leva a alterações sensitivas e motoras. Tais alterações comprometem o equilíbrio e a deambulação, predispondo seus portadores à ocorrência de quedas. Esta revisão teve por objetivo levantar, na literatura recente, estudos que visassem avaliar parâmetros da marcha e aspectos envolvidos com a deambulação. Para isso, foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS e PEDro, cruzando as palavras-chave: Neuropatias Diabéticas x Marcha; Diabetes Mellitus x Marcha e Pé Diabético x Marcha. Após passarem pelos critérios de seleção, foram obtidos 15 artigos, os quais foram sintetizados e discutidos, sendo, portanto, incluídos nesta revisão. Ficou claro que a neuropatia diabética leva a déficits na amplitude do passo, velocidade e cadência da marcha em superfícies planas, sem mudanças bruscas de direção ou paradas, e déficits de equilíbrio e coordenação em aclives, declives e terrenos irregulares. Acarreta, também, aumento dos índices de pressão plantar e, devido à alteração de ativação do tríceps sural, dificuldade na fase de apoio terminal e pré-balanço. Assim, o próximo contato inicial ocorrerá de maneira inadequada, com o antepé e sem absorção de choques.


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Background. To evaluate insulin release and insulin sensitivity in women with prior gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) to gain a better understanding of type 2 diabetes pathogenesis.Methods. GDM women were individually matched for age, body mass index, and waist/hip ratio with those who were normal glucose tolerant in a previous pregnancy (NGT). All women presented with normal glucose tolerance. Twenty pairs were submitted to the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) with plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide determinations. of the 20 pairs, 18 participated in hyperglycemic (10.0 mmol/l) clamp experiments with frequent plasma glucose and insulin determinations, allowing us to calculate first- and second-phase insulin release and the insulin sensitivity index. GDM and NGT women were compared using Student's t-test, the Mann-Whitney U-test, Friedman's non-parametric test, and the two proportion test for independent groups.Results. GDM women showed higher glycosylated hemoglobin values; at OGTT, they showed late insulin peak with increased plasma insulin levels only during the second hour, and a similar plasma C-peptide response despite a higher plasma glucose curve; during hyperglycemic clamp procedures, they showed similar biphasic insulin release and insulin sensitivity index. Considering that a woman with previous GDM had a defect in insulin release and/or insulin sensitivity, if its magnitude was at least 25% lower than that of the matched NGT woman, 43.8% showed impairment of first-phase insulin release and 55.6% insulin resistance.Conclusions. GDM women showed some degree of glucose intolerance. It is therefore necessary to follow them for a longer time.


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Several components of the erythrocyte-dependent glutathione redox system (reduced glutathione, GSH; oxidized glutathione, GSSG; glutathione peroxidase, GSH-Px; glutathione reductase, GSH-Red) were determined in patients with types I and II diabetes mellitus (DM). All groups studied were male subjects: G1, 20 young healthy individuals (aged 23.7 +/- 4.2 years); G2, 15 young insulin-treated type I DM patients; G3, 20 older insulin-treated type II DM patients; 04, 21 older oral hypoglycemic agent-treated type II DM patients; G5, 28 aged healthy individuals (aged 68.9 +/- 11.5 years). There were no differences between G1 and G2, G3 or G4 regarding erythrocyte GSH, GSSG, and GSH-Red (without FAD) levels. GSH-Px activity was significantly lower in G2 when compared to G1 (15.2 +/- 4.9 vs 20.6 +/- 6.6 IU/g Hb). The GSH-Red and GSH-Px activities and GSH levels were significantly higher in 03 (4.6 +/- 1.7 IU/g Hb, 20.2 +/- 8.7 IU/g Hb and 3.5 +/- 1.3-mu-M/g Hb) and G4 (5.0 +/- 2.2 IU/g Hb, 16.9 +/- 6.1 IU/g Hb and 5.0 +/- 2.3-mu-M/g Hb) when compared to G5 (3.4 +/- 0.9 IU/g Hb, 12.0 +/- 3.6 IU/g Hb and 2.3 +/- 0.9-mu-M/g Hb). The findings suggest that treatment of DM can stimulate the redox activity of red blood cells in aged subjects.


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The present study was performed to assess the rate of hypertensive complications in diabetic pregnant patients and the influence of White's classification and the quality of the diabetic control. This study included 169 diabetic pregnant women who had delivered at the University Hospital of Botucatu Brazil from 1980 to 1981. The hypertensive disorders occurred in 29.8% of the cases. The incidence of the hypertensive process was the same in all classes of diabetic patients, and it was independent of the glycemic control. In patients with gestational diabetes (classes A and AB), chronic hypertension was the commnest type found; in patients with short-term diabetes (classes B and C) pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) and chronic hypertension with superimposed PIH was the most frequent type, and diabetic patients with vasculopathies (classes D-R) had preeclampsia and chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia as the commonest type found.


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Plants have been used in the cure of diseases from the origins of the humanity. At present, in Brazil, the use is common because of the difficulty of access of part of the population to medical assistance. It is commonly believed that the medicinal plants of traditional use were already tested and ratified by the long-lasting use by the human species, being considered effective medicines, presenting no collateral effects, not needful, therefore, of evaluation. The miraculous self-medication with medicinal plants goes to the point of substituting therapies in serious diseases such as those of hypoglycemic or anti-diabetic effect. For the test of medicinal plants, it is necessary to consider the material quality to be tested, the plant component used, extraction method, dosage, and the experimental species used. Several plants have already had hypoglycemic effects proven experimentally. The objective of this paper was to accomplish a revision of Brazilian medicinal plants, used popularly, as hypoglycemics that had effects proven in animals and in humans.


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The oral rehabilitation by dental implants in patients with diabetes remains a controversial issue. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of diabetes mellitus and insulin therapy on the bone healing around dental implants using torque removal. Twenty-seven rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups with 9 animals each: control (C) group, induced diabetic (D) group, and insulin-treated diabetic (ITD) group (10 U/day). After 1 week, one implant was inserted at the tibial metaphysis of the animals. The glucose levels were periodically evaluated through the glucose-oxidase enzymatic method. The animals were killed at 4, 8, and 12 weeks after surgery and the biomechanical test was performed using a torque manometer. Statistically significant differences regarding the removal torque of the implant could not be found at 4 weeks (P = 0.2) among groups. Group C showed statistically higher values than groups D and ITD at the experimental periods of 8 (P = 0.0001 and P = 0.0002, respectively) and 12 weeks (P = 0.0053 and P = 0.001, respectively). There were no statistical differences between D and ITD groups in any of the experimental periods. Diabetes mellitus has negatively influenced the mechanical retention of implants placed at the tibial metaphysis of rabbits. Therapy with insulin did not induce any changes.


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We evaluated insulin release and insulin sensitivity in women with basal and/or postprandial hyperglycemia but normal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in previous pregnancy (GHG). These women were individually matched with females without previous hyperglycemia (NGT). Both groups consisted of normal glucose-tolerant women at the time of this study. They underwent OGTT (75g; n= 32 pairs) and hyperglycemic clamp experiments (10mmoll-1; n=27 pairs) with plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide measurements and calculation of insulinogenic index, first- and second-phase insulin release, and insulin sensitivity index (ISI). The GHG group showed higher glycosylated hemoglobin levels (6.2±0.6% versus 5.8±0.8%; P<0.05); lower insulinogenic index at 30min (134.03±62.69pmolmmol-1 versus 181.59±70.26pmolmmoll-1; P<0.05) and diminished C-peptide response in relation to glucose (4.05±0.36nmolmmol-1 versus 4.23±0.36nmolmmol-1; P<0.05) at OGTT. Both groups did not show difference in insulin secretion and ISI by hyperglycemic clamp technique. We concluded that in up to 12 years from index pregnancy, women with previous GHG, presenting normal glucose tolerance and well-matched with their controls, showed β-cell dysfunction without change in ISI. As women with previous GHG are at risk of type 2 diabetes, β-cell dysfunction may be its primary defect. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diabetes Mellitus may lead to alterations in the eyes, kidneys, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, ears etc. The cognitive function, also, seems to be compromised in subjects presented with Diabetes Mellitus, since the cortical and subcortical structures responsible for this function are hindered in some insulin-dependent patients. The cognitive potential P300 has been used as an objective procedure to assess cerebral cognitive functions. Objective: Analyze the sensitivity of P300 cognitive potential for the detection of alterations on the auditory cortex secondary to Diabetes Mellitus. Study design: transversal cohort. Material and Method: Sixteen diabetic subjects of both genders aged 7 to 71 years, and seventeen non-diabetic individuals at the same age range participated in this study, the evaluation procedures were pure tone audiometry (PTA) and P300 cognitive potential. Glycemia of the group presented with Diabetes was assessed prior to applying the P300. Results: No statistically significant difference was shown for the PTA results. A statically significant difference was observed between groups when analyzing the latency of the P300 component measured in Fz. there was a correlation between glycemia and the latency and amplitude of P300. Conclusion: The investigation of the cognitive potential of P300 is an important procedure for the prevention and early diagnosis of neurological changes in individuals presented with Diabetes Mellitus.


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The main causes of illness and consequent death in patients affected by Diabetes Mellitus are the long-term complications. Depression can make it harder to control the level of glucose in the blood, as well as intensifying and worsening the clinical complications, thus reducing the quality of life. The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of Diabetes Mellitus in Public Health Clinic in Presidente Prudente (SP) in patients enrolled in the Hiper-Dia Program. From October 2003 to July 2004, a descriptive survey was carried out. Data were obtained from doctor's records of 50 diabetes patients and also their answers to a specific questionnaire. The majority of the patients were female, had not completed elementary school, with a family income below five minimum wages, a nationally-defined amount related to the poverty line. It was observed that 24% of the patients had depression and 76% never followed a controlled diet. Pharmacological treatment was prescribed for 82% of the patients. Twenty-eight patients were receiving psyicological treatment, together with oral hypoglycemic agents. The glycated hemoglobin was measured in 68%. The association between depression and submission to treatment was not significant. No statistical association was found between the psychologically assisted patient's group and glucose control (p= 0.40), diet control (p= 0.37) and physical activities (p= 0.77). It was concluded that 24% patients had depression and the majority not under diet control, but 82% were under pharmacological treatment.


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Several studies have shown that diabetics are more susceptible to the development of severe periodontal disease. Currently, the use of animal models can be considered a feasible alternative in radiographic assessments of these two pathologies. The purpose of this radiographic study was to evaluate the effect of induced diabetes mellitus on alveolar bone loss after 30 days of ligature-induced periodontal disease. Sixty-four Wistar rats were randomly distributed into four experimental groups. Diabetes was induced in Groups II and IV, while periodontal disease was induced in Groups III and IV; Group I was used as control. In order to perform the radiographic assessment of the specimens, the rats were killed on the 3rd and 30th days of the study. Radiographic measurements were assessed with ANOVA and Tukey's test to determine statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). It was observed that Groups III and IV featured greater bone loss when compared to Groups I and II. Only the diabetic group with periodontal disease (Group IV) featured statistically significant greater bone loss when compared to the other groups. These results suggested that the alveolar bone loss resulting from the periodontal disease installation is greater when associated to the diabetes mellitus.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of maintenance therapy with or without the use of 0.12% chlorhexidine in the periodontal tissues of patients with diabetes mellitus who had carious lesions restored with composed resin. Twenty patients were selected, all of whom had diabetes mellitus in addition to carious cervical lesions in previously treated teeth. After 90 days, improvement in plaque and gingival indices and probing depth were noticed among patients in the group that received 0.12% chlorhexidine.