183 resultados para congenitally contracted toxoplasmosis
In the present study, we evaluated three techniques, mouse bioassay, histopathology, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect Toxoplasma gondii infection in tissues from experimentally infected pigs. Twelve mixed breed pigs, seronegative for T. gondii using an indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT), were used. Ten pigs were infected with 4 × 104 VEG strain oocysts, and two were maintained as uninfected controls. Animals were killed 60 days pos infection. Muscle (heart, tongue, diaphragm, and masseter) and brain samples were collected to investigate the presence of T. gondii tissue cysts by the different assay methods. For the bioassay, samples of brain (50 g) and pool of muscle samples (12.5 g of tongue, masseter, diaphragm, and heart) were used. PCR was performed using Tox4 and Tox5 primers which amplified a 529 bp fragment. The DNA extraction and PCR were performed three times, and all tissue samples were tested individually (brain, tongue, masseter, diaphragm, and heart). For histopathology, fragments of tissues were fixed in 10% of buffered formal saline and stained with HE. Histopathological results were all negative. PCR showed 25/150 (16.6%) positive samples, being 17/120 (14.1%) and 8/30 (26.6%) from muscle, and brain tissues, respectively. Tissue cysts of T. gondii were identified by mouse bioassay in 54/98 (55.1%) samples, being 31/48 (64.6%) from muscle samples, and 23/50 (46.0%) from brain samples. Toxoplasma gondii isolation in muscle samples by mouse bioassay was higher than in PCR (P < 0.01). Results indicate that DNA from pig tissues interfered with 529-bp-PCR sensitivity, and mouse bioassay was better than PCR in detecting T. gondii in tissues from pigs. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper reports a toxoplasmosis, erhlichiosis and distemper co-infection in a dog with an exuberant neuropathological clinical picture. Primary involvement was discussed based on information collected in the analysis of the clinical case, such as neurological impairment, epidemiological data, poor immunoprophylactic scheme of the dog affected and the role of these diseases on immunosuppression. Canine distemper and ehrlichiosis were diagnosed based on epidemiologic data, clinical signs, hematological and cytological evaluation. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated and genetically characterized as Type I using restriction analysis (RFLP) with SAG-2 genes. Immunosuppression features of both dogs and human beings are discussed, as well as implications on animal and public health. This is the first report on toxoplasmosis, ehrlichiosis and distemper co-infection in a dog in Brazil, associated with genotyping determination of the T. gondii strain involved.
Eight reproductive boars were divided into three groups and inoculated with Toxoplasma gondii [GI (n=3) 1.5×104 oocysts strain P; GII (n=3) 1.0×106 tachyzoites strain RH; and GIII (n=2) non-inoculated control]. Clinical, hematological, parasitemia and serological tests and studies of the parasite in the semen through bioassay and PCR, and in reproductive organs (Bioassay and immunohistochemical analyses) were conducted to evaluate the toxoplasmic infection. Blood and semen were collected on day -2, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 and weekly up to 84 days post-inoculation (DPI). No clinical or hematimetric alteration was observed in the boars. Parasitemia was detected in one boar inoculated with oocysts at the 7th DPI and in another boar infected with tachyzoites (GII) at the 3rd and 49 th DPI. Serological tests revealed antibodies against T. gondii in animals inoculated with oocysts or tachyzoites at the 7th DPI with dilutions of 1:256 and 1:64, which reached peaks of 1:4096 at day 11 and 9, respectively. The bioassays revealed the presence of the parasite in semen samples of a boar inoculated with oocysts (GI) at 3, 49 and 56 DPI and from two boars infected with tachyzoites (GII), one animal at 5 and two animals at 49 days DPI. Mice inoculated with semen from the control group (GIII) remained serologically negative. PCR analysis showed T. gondii DNA in the semen of Boar 1 and Boar 3 inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. The immunohistochemical tests showed T. gondii in the reproductive organs of Boar 1 and Boar 2, inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. These findings suggest the possible occurrence of venereal transmission of T. gondii in swine.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in solid organ transplantation. Disseminated toxoplasmosis after liver transplantation is a rare but fatal event. Serologic screening of the donor and the recipient is essential to prophylactic management, early diagnosis and therapeutic strategies to minimize the consequences of these infections. The aim of the present study was to determine the seroprevalence of CMV and Toxoplasma gondii (TG) in a Brazilian liver transplant waiting list (LTWL). Serological data were collected from 44 candidates on the LTWL between May 2003 and November 2004. Serological investigation of antibodies IgM and IgG against CMV (anti-CMV) and TG (anti-T. gondii) was performed using fluorometry commercial kits. IgG anti-CMV was positive in 37 patients (94.9%) out of 39 available results. There were not IgM anti-CMV positive results. Out of 36 analyzed patients, 22 (61.1%) presented positive IgG anti-T. gondii and none had positive IgM anti-T. gondii. The high CMV seroprevalence among our LTWL reinforces the need for appropriate protocols to avoid related complications, like reactivation and superinfection by CMV. Environmental and drug prophylactic strategies against primary infection and reactivation, as well as early diagnosis and treatment of toxoplasmosis complications, are essential for the good outcome of transplant patients.
Infection by Toxoplasma gondii in equines is usually not apparent, it being characterized by presence of antibody titers and tissue cysts. This study was aimed at verifying the presence of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in equine serum by modified agglutination test (MAT) and reaction to indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT). 1984 samples of serum were examined, by MAT, using whole formalin fixed tachyzoites of T.gondii as antigen. The samples reacting in the MAT test, and 150 other negative samples, chosen at random, were also tested by IFAT, utilizing anti-equine IgG. The association among the test results was verified by the McNemar test. 138 samples were positive in the MAT test, with 60 (46.38%) presenting reaction at a dilution of 1:64; 52 (37.7%) at 1:256; 19 (13.8%) at 1:1024; five (3.6%) at 1:4096; and two (1.45%) at 1:16384. Of 132 positive MAT samples, 14 were negative in the IFAT test, but the statistical analysis indicated general agreement in results of the tests. The results obtained showed agreement among the tests utilized, and the possibility of participation of equines in the transmission of toxoplasmosis to carnivorous animals, and also to humans.
Inquiries about toxoplasmosis are essential because its zoonotic potential and pathogenicity in pets and production animals. The dog can be involved in the mechanical transmission of the infection by Toxoplasma gondii and in spite of not being the definitive host, it has an epidemiological role in this disease. The high rate of dogs naturally infected by T. gondii and the great possibility of adquiring this protozoan, justify the importance of attempting against for the occurrence of this illness. The aim of this article was to demonstrated through literature revision, some clinical aspects, epidemic and pathological of the toxoplasmosis in the canine species.
The study evaluated the efficiency of diagnostic laboratory methods to detect anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in paired serum and aqueous humour samples from experimentally infected pigs. 18-mixed breed pigs were used during the experiment; these were divided into two groups, G1 (infected group, n = 10) and G2 (uninfected group, n = 8). Infection was performed with 4 × 10 4 VEG strain oocysts at day 0 by the oral route in G1 animals. All pigs were euthanized at day 60, when retina, aqueous humour, and blood samples were collected. Anti-T. gondii antibody levels were assessed in serum (s) and aqueous humour (ah) by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), modified agglutination test (MAT), m-ELISA (using crude membranes from T. gondii tachyzoites as antigen) and r-ELISA (using rhoptries from T. gondii tachyzoites as antigen). Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) of samples from the retina were performed by using Tox4 and Tox5 primers. Antibody titers of G1 animals ranged from 128 to 1024 and from 16 to 256 in serum and aqueous humour, respectively. There were differences in the correlation coefficients between IFA(s) × IFA (ah) (r = 0.62, P = 0.05), MAT(s) × MAT (ah) (r = 0.97, P < 0.0001); however, there was no significant difference between r-ELISA(s) × r-ELISA (ah) (r = 0.14, P = 0.7). Antibodies present in serum and aqueous humour recognized similar antigens. Samples of retina were positive by PCR in 30% (3/10) of infected pigs. G2 animals remained without antibody levels and were PCR negative throughout the experiment. These results suggest that the use of a combination of tests and immunoblotting for paired aqueous humour and serum samples could improve the sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii and its definitive host is the domestic and wild felids infecting human beings and other warmblooded animals. Dogs are considered a potential risk on the transmission due they can mechanically transmit oocysts to man. In this study, a retrospective analysis of toxoplasmic infection in dog serum samples sent to Serviço de Diagnóstico de Zoonoses/FMVZ-UNESP/Botucatu, SP, in the period of 1998 to 2007 was performed. During this period 1097 serum samples were analyzed by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), with 299 (27.25%) positive. The most frequent titer was 16 (42.80%), followed by 64 (37.79%). The results indicate that T.gondii is distributed in the environment showing the role of the dog as sentinel animal to toxoplasmosis to monitor public health actions to the control of this zoonosis.
The present study evaluated the effects of histamine 10 -2 M on longitudinal preparations of rat portal vein. It was observed that histamine 10 -2 M induced relaxation of rat portal vein preparations pre-contracted with phenylephrine 10 -4 M. On the other hand, no pharmacological effects were observed in preparations not pre-contracted. The observed histamine-induced relaxing effect was absent in preparations pre-contracted with KCl (120 mM) or in the presence of depolarizing nutritive solution. However, the histamine-induced relaxation was still present in the endothelium-removed preparations. The histamine-induced relaxation also was not prevented by astemizole (10 -6 M, 10 -5 M and 10 -4 M), cimetidine (10 -5 M, 10 -4 M and 10 -3 M) or thioperamide (10 -6 M, 10 -5 M and 10 -4 M), selective antagonists H 1, H 2 and H 3, respectively. The presence of L-NAME 10 -4 M or L-NAME 10 -4 M plus indomethacin 10 -5 M also did not prevent the histamine-induced relaxation observed in rat portal vein. Thus, the histamine-induced relaxation observed in rat portal vein appears to involve a non-endothelial hyperpolarizing mechanism independent of H 1, H 2 and H 3 receptors.
The influence of Toxoplasma gondii on semen variables and sperm morphology of sheep was evaluated in eight reproductive males distributed into three experimental groups: GI, three sheep inoculated with 2.0 × 105 of P strain oocytes; GII, three sheep infected with 1.0 × 106 of RH strain tachyzoites and; GIII two control sheep. Clinical (rectal temperature, cardiac and respiratory frequencies), parasite and serology exams (IIF) were realized. Sperm variables (volume, motility, vigor and concentration) and semen morphology for each sheep were also evaluated. Thus, semen and blood collections were assessed on post-inoculation days (PIDs)-1,3,5,7,11,14 and weekly thereafter up to PID 70. Clinical alterations were observed (hypothermia and anorexia) in infected sheep from groups GI and GII. Parasitic outbreaks were detected in five sheep. All the infected sheep produced antibodies against T. gondii from PID 5 onwards, reaching a peak of 4096 and 8192 for group GI and GII sheep, respectively. Differences (P < 0.05) were observed regarding the ejaculate volume between the inoculated groups (oocytes and tachyzoites) and control. Even though experimental toxoplasmic infection resulted in clinical symptomology in the inoculated sheep, the minimal alterations in sperm pathologies could not be directly attributed to T. gondii. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Goats are economically important in many countries, and little is known of caprine toxoplasmosis in Brazil. Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were assayed in the sera of 143 goats from 3 Brazilian states, using modified agglutination test (MAT titer ≥1:25); 46 (32.2%) tested positive. Samples of brain, heart, diaphragm, and masseter of seropositive animals were pooled, digested in pepsin, and bioassayed in mice. Viable T. gondii specimens were isolated from tissue homogenates of 12 goats; the isolates were designated TgGtBr1-12. Ten of the 12 isolates killed 100 of infected mice, indicating that goats can harbor mouse-virulent T. gondii and, hence, can serve as a source of infection for humans. © 2009 American Society of Parasitologists.
Toxoplasma gondii is the causative intracellular protozoan of toxoplasmosis in human being and animals. Members of the Felidae family are considered the single definitive host for the infection; both wild and domestic cats are able to excrete oocysts in the environment. Wild cats maintained in captivity may serve as source of infection for other clinically susceptible animals in the same environment. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of T. gondii IgG antibodies in 57 neotropical felids (1 Leopardus geoffroyi; 3 Puma yagouaroundi; 17 Leopardus wiedii; 22 Leopardus tigrinus; and 14 Leopardus pardalis) kept at the Bela Vista Biological Sanctuary, Itaipu Binacional, Southern Brazil, by the modified agglutination test (MAT) using titer 16 as cut-off point. Seropositivity was observed in 38/57 (66.67%; 95% CI 53.66-77.51%) samples, with higher frequency in ocelots (71.43%). Wild-caught felids were three times more likely to be infected when compared to zoo-born animals (P≤ 0.05) and age of wild-caught animals (P= 0.6892; 95% CI. = 0.7528-1.66) was not significant as a risk factor for the infection, the same occurring with zoo-born animals (P= 0.05; 95% CI. = 0.6267-24.052). These results suggest that, despite efforts to control T. gondii infection in zoo facilities, such as individual pens, hygiene monitoring, veterinary care and pre-frozen meat offered as food, non-domestic felids kept in captivity, particularly the wild-caught specimens, may be invariably exposed to infection due to other environmental sources. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
Objective Determining conditions regarding possible zoonosis transmission risk based on Ilha Solteira-São Paulo citizens' habits aimed at establishing concrete recommendations for the corresponding local authorities to reduce some risk factors. Methods100 focalized interviews were held on Ilha Solteira's urban perimeter during April 2008. The people interviewed were adults who lived or worked in houses in the study area. Results This research found a significant number of cat and/or dog owners who allowed their pets to stay in internal areas of their houses. They did not define a specific place for animals to defecate and/or urinate or did not arrange appropriate final disposal of such waste. Conclusion Local authorities must make greater efforts at educating Ilha Solteira pets' owners and providing them with information and encouraging greater citizen commitment and awareness to improve habits related to caring for pets/animal sand reducing zoonosis transmission risk factors.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Toxoplasma gondii, the agent for toxoplasmosis, has worldwide distribution. Horses normally play a secondary role in its life cycle, but movement around urban areas, feeding on grass and the increasing use of carthorses for gathering recyclable material in some urban areas of Brazil may increase their exposure to T. gondii infection. The aim of the present study was to investigate the frequency of anti-T. gondii antibodies in carthorses in the metropolitan region of Curitiba, PR. IgG antibodies against T. gondii were detected using the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) (titers ≥ 64). Seventeen (17.0%) of the 100 horses sampled were seropositive. There were no statistical differences in relation to sex (p = 0.28) or age (p = 0.15). Our findings suggest that carthorses are exposed to T. gondii infections and that no associations with age or sex exist.