119 resultados para arbórea


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study characterized the Atlantic Forest vegetation and compared the structure of the native tree community occurring along a toposequence at watershed D of the Serra do Mar State Park, municipality of Cunha, SP - Brazil. The study was conducted in 64 plots, of 10 x 10 m, distributed in sites downstream (T1), intermediate (T2) and upstream (T3) of the toposequence, recording all individuals with DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) >= 0.5 cm. Altogether 1.093 individuals were sampled, and 89 species were identified, belonging to 61 genders and 31 families. At T1 site there was a greater abundance and density of individuals; T2 had the highest diversity index and basal area; while in T3 it was observed highest species richness and greater percentage of rare species. The specie Cyathea delgadii in the lower third of toposequence, and the Alchornea triplinervea in the intermediate and upper third were the most important. The sites downstream and upstream of the toposequence showed the largest differences in structure. In the middle portion of the watershed and there was a greater difference between the similarity between species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A agricultura convencional hoje vigente mostra- se ao longo dos anos como uma forma degradante á saúde do meio ambiente. Diversos tipos de impactos negativos são criados através dela. A agroecologia e os sistemas agroflorestais podem ser alternativas viáveis á inversão deste quadro, pois aliam técnicas de manejo agrícola com conceitos ecológicos, visando à otimização da produção que, com um manejo adequado, pode gerar impacto ambiental positivo. Este estudo teve como objetivo a avaliação das diferenças estruturais e de diversidade da comunidade arbórea de um sistema agroflorestal em comparação a um fragmento de floresta estacional semidecidual, para que os parâmetros fitossociológicos avaliados e este entendimento ecológico funcionem como indicadores pertinentes à avaliação de tais sistemas e possam auxiliar no manejo de sistemas agroflorestais já existentes e na implantação de futuros sistemas agroflorestais mais produtivos. Os critérios utilizados para a obtenção dos resultados indicaram diferenças significativas na estrutura e diversidade da comunidade arbórea entre o sistema agroflorestal e o fragmento florestal. Apesar de serem próximos geograficamente, os dois sistemas possuem índices de estrutura e diversidade diferenciados. Com base nos dados e em observações de campo, o sistema agroflorestal aporta espécies arbóreas provindas ou não do fragmento florestal adjacente, e isto pode comprovar a eficiência dos sistemas agroflorestais como estratégia para recuperação de áreas degradadas. Avaliando-se o quadro presente é proposto neste trabalho como manejo futuro neste sistema agroflorestal, o aperfeiçoamento do manejo da cultura do café e a produção de mudas de espécies nativas provenientes do fragmento de floresta através de um viveiro, para posterior implantação no sistema agroflorestal


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O aproveitamento da serapilheira e do banco de sementes de remanescentes florestais tem se mostrado uma técnica alternativa promissora na restauração de áreas degradadas. O objetivo desse projeto foi avaliar o potencial do banco de sementes e serapilheira de um fragmento Florestal localizado no Município de Guará, SP, visando à restauração de áreas degradadas. Parcelas de 0,5 X 0,5m foram alocadas ao acaso em 40 pontos amostrais, sendo 20 na faixa mais externa (primeiros 5m dos limites do fragmento) e 20 no interior do fragmento. Dentro dos limites de cada parcela (0,25m2) foram coletados a serapilheira e a camada superficial do solo, numa profundidade aproximada de 10 cm. Após a coleta, essa amostra foi transferida para um viveiro, onde o material de cada uma das 40 parcelas foi homogeneizado e dividido em duas porções. Uma porção foi disposta em canteiros expostos a pleno sol e a outra em canteiros sob sombreamento artificial de 70%. Após 8 meses de acompanhamento do projeto, em 5 avaliações, foram registrados 137 morfoespécies pertencentes a 35 famílias. A forma de vida herbácea foi a mais abundante com 61,31 % dos indivíduos, a arbustivo-arbórea representou 12,40%, as lianas 8,03% e as indeterminadas 18,24%. A espécie arbórea Cecropia pachystachya (Urticaceae) foi a mais abundante dentre todas as formas de vida, com 27,36% do total. Os tratamentos apresentaram diferenças sutis em relação à riqueza das diferentes formas de vida. No geral, o material das áreas de borda e interior não apresentaram diferenças significativas em relação ao número de indivíduos germinados. Porém, diferenciaram-se em relação as porcentagens de indivíduos germinados nas diferentes formas de vida, com destaque para gramíneas, ciperáceas e lianas nas parcelas de borda. É possível utilizar o banco de...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Fire is a common event in different ecosystems and can both be caused by humans or have natural sources.. In many of these ecosystems, natural fires are an important factor that determines the vegetation. The reduction of tree cover by fire for example, resulted in the evolution of several species-rich ecosystems, dominated by C4 grasses. However, the fire caused by human actions may have greater intensity and lead to negative responses of vegetation, since man changed the fire regime in many parts of the world, such as in the Cerrado. The passage of fire can benefit herbaceous and woody seedlings that cannot compete with the dominant grass layer. It removes the dead biomass and litter (major components of the fuel load), opening up spaces within the grass matrix that allow the establishment of other species. After some time without fire, an increase in shrub cover and decrease herbaceous layer can be observed. One of the major consequences of the absence of fire in savanna and grassland ecosystems is the accumulation of flammable dead biomass (mainly composed of graminoids), which will probably be the fuel load of the next burning thus, fires will be more intense and hotter. Moreover, very frequent burns lead to a reduction in the frequency and density of grasses. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the quantity and quality of biomass in areas with different fire history (fire exclusion for 2 and 7 years) in areas of campo sujo in central Cerrado. Plots (1x1m) were established in both areas and all aboveground biomass of each plot was cut at ground level and put in paper bags in the field. In the laboratory, the material was sorted into live and dead biomass. In addition, live biomass was separated into different functional groups (graminoids, forbs, Vellozia spp, palm and shrubs). The material was oven dried for two days at 80°C and subsequently weighed. In both areas, we found a dominance of graminoid and dead biomass. The area...


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Sabiás e sanhaços estão entre as aves frugívoras mais comuns em áreas urbanas, sendo os primeiros com ampla distribuição e sanhaços com distribuição neotropical, onde dispersam sementes de uma variedade de espécie de plantas. Analisei o uso do hábitat e aspectos da ecologia, como densidade, abundância, uso do tempo e de hábitats das espécies de sabiás e sanhaços presentes no campus da UNESP de Rio Claro, estado de São Paulo, nas diferentes estações do ano. O estudo foi realizado através da observação das aves ao longo de um transecto onde as variáveis estudadas incluíram o número de indivíduos, hábitat de ocorrência, atividade, distância do transecto, tipo de alimento e estrato de forrageio para os indivíduos de cada espécie. Realizou-se 27 transecções, as quais incluíram áreas abertas (campos), construções (ruas e edificações), e fragmentos florestais, num trajeto de 3,65 km, entre os meses de janeiro e agosto de 2010, em três períodos do dia. Foram registradas cinco espécies de aves, o sanhaço-cinzento, o sanhaço-do-coqueiro, o sabiá-barranco, o sabiá-poca e o sabiá-laranjeira, em um total de 555 indivíduos avistados. Os resultados demonstraram a maior abundancia (283 indivíduos) e densidade (1.47 Indivíduos/ha) para a espécie de sanhaço-cinzento (Thraupis sayaca). Os dados obtidos permitiram inferir um elevado grau de seleção do hábitat utilizado pelas três espécies mais abundantes, ocorrendo preferência por regiões com maior cobertura vegetal arbórea/arbustiva. O forrageamento se apresentou como a principal atividade, entretanto, as espécies de sabiás utilizaram ambos estratos, forrageando invertebrados no solo e frutos na vegetação arbórea, enquanto sanhaços encontraram-se unicamente no estrato arbóreo. Foram encontradas 41 espécies de plantas arbóreas...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Given the intense expansion of the industries in Brazil and the discovery of hydrocarbons in the pre-salt layer of the Santos and Campos Basin, there is a need to expand the distribution of oil and gas network in the country. The present work aims to present the development of susceptibility map by two distinct methods of two events (debris flows and full wave), applied to the establishment of pipelines on Ribeirão da Prata Basin. The research area covers two municipalities: São João da Boa Vista and Águas da Prata, in total 145 km2. In the paper was used the methodology proposed by Zaine (2011) for the physiographic subdivision method, which uses geological maps, geomorphological maps, digital terrain models and aerial photographs, used to extract the main elements of the physical environment, as rivers, lines, ridges, tops forms and valley forms and historical processes. Thus, the basin was divided into 11 physiographic zones, considering the following elements: thickness of soil, rock type, geomorphology, amplitude, ridges orientation, erosion occurences and mass movements. Were subsequently performed location maps of dams, that had as main purpose to localize major dams in the study area along with their area and perimeter of the reservoir, and land use map that subdivided the area in woody vegetation, permanent culture, temporary culture and urban area. Along with the preparation of the auxiliar maps was conducted a field campaign with three days and approximately 2 points per km2, which aimed to better understand the physical environment and check the main peculiarities of the study area. Criteria have been established for susceptibility maps physiographic subdivision and land use, and a survey of criteria weights used in each map for both processes under study. For the preparation of susceptibility maps were adopted two different methods, which treat the weighted average and the multiplicand. The weighted average method it is...


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There are obvious changes that occur within the cities, experienced in synthesis for the degradation of the environment and especially the worsening quality of life. Even small cities, began to exhibit characteristics typical of an atmospheric climate. Thus, it becomes natural to analyze the characteristics of these spaces, unlike the medium and large cities, provide a detailed analysis of the peculiarities of intra-urban space in order to highlight what factors enhance or soften the formations of a typical urban climate distinct patterns of land use. The aim of this research from a geoenvironmental mapping of attributes (uses and land cover, vegetation and tree characteristics of buildings) while representing the dynamic City entertainment. Thus, we seek to inter-relate these indicators to analysis climate urban-rural and intra-urban applied to the city of Alfredo Marcondes / SP, a small town in order to identify a potential compromise climate conditions point to generate a specific climate. From this detailed analysis, we intend to give suggestions with the government to improve the comfort of that environment. For the data collection was organized a specific methodology for its collection, organization and representation and for the record of climatic data (temperature, wind speed and direction and cloud cover) were used mini-shelters weather with temperature sensors in fixed locations, and a temperature sensor attached on the side of a vehicle, 1.5 meters in height from the floor for 42 points perpassando selected in different intra-urban spaces... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The Atlantic Rainforest biome has been going through fragmentation processes caused by agriculture and urbanization in green areas. Structural studies associated with the silvigenetic approach allow the understanding of what the past has caused in the present structure and predict future conditions of disturbed fragments. The objective of this study was to compare the composition and diversity of arboreous natural regeneration of steady-state and reorganization ecounits in two Seasonal Semideciduous Forest fragments. The hypothesis was that specific composition varies in these two different ecounits due to differential adaptation of species in canopy gaps and closed canopy. The survey was made in three areas with different perturbation backgrounds of 0,5 ha each. 60 permanent plots of 4m² each (2m x 2m) were stablished along the studied fragments following the proportion of ecounits presented in a previous mapping. Each plot was divided in 4 sub-plots of 1m² and arboreous individuals between 0,20m and 1,30m height were sampled and posteriorly separated in two height classes: I) individuals between 0,20m and 0,50m height (2m² sampling) and II) individuals between 0,51m and 1,30m height (4m² sampling). It was sampled 338 individuals from 53 families and 23 species. The Shannon index was 3,26 (Area A), 2,27 (Area B) and 2,42 (Area C) whereas Areas B and C values are considered low in our state Semidecidous Forests. Steady-state ecounits presented the highest values for abundance and species richness. Chi-square test pointed out species’ selection for determined ecounits in the studied community. Rarefaction method analysis showed diversity increase in steady-state ecounits and a stablishment in species richness curves for reorganization ecounits