193 resultados para anatomia floral


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We investigated if differences in morphological characters in two species of Metrodorea (Rutaceae) from Brazilian semideciduous forests correspond to some pollination divergence. M. nigra and M. stipularis are sympatric species, display a similar floral morphology, are protandrous, self-incompatible, their flower periods overlap, and both are pollinated by flies. M. nigra main pollinators are Pseudoptiloleps nigripoda (Muscidae) and Fannia sp. (Fanniidae); M. stipularis major pollinators are Phaenicia eximia (Calliphoridae), Palpada sp. and Ornidia obesa (Syrphidae). The distinct floral odor (disagreeable in M. nigra and sweet in M. stipularis) and color (brownish violet vs. pale yellow) determine the differences on type and number of floral visitors observed. Several species from semideciduous forests initially considered to be pollinated by diverse insects, present flies as main pollinators, stressing the importance of fly pollination in such habitats.


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Adult leaves of Melissa officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) harvested during the time of budding had been used in the study of the leaf anatomy in the identification of the secretory structures. The material was fixed in FAA 50%, dehydrated in alcoholic series (ethyl), infiltrated in paraffin, sectioned at 13 mm, staining and later analyzed through optic microscopy. Also it was carried through a study in gaseous chromatography for attainment of the rude essential oil. Analyses of transversal sections of the leaf of Melissa officinalis, has identified the presence of two types of trichomes secretory: peltate and capitate, beyond the presence of trichome tector. Trichome capitate, identified in literature as (type I), presents variations in its morphology in relation to the cells number stalk and the head secretory cells number. The chromatographic analysis of the essential oil identified the presence of monoterpenes, in two major components, responsible for more than 87.8% of the relative composition in the rude oil, beyond sesquiterpenes in smaller proportions.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different artemisinin concentrations in the flowering induction of A. annua. Two genotypes of A. annua (CPQBA 239x1V and 3MxPOP) were atomized with four different artemisinin concentrations (0, 500, 5000, and 10000 mg L-1). The application of artemisinin didn't induce the flowering of both genotypes tested, in none of the used concentrations.


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The frequency and the morphology of the abductor cruris caudalis muscle were studied in 58 adult unknown breed cats. The sample included 36 females and 22 males. After the dissection, were found a frequency for the presence of the same muscle of 98.3%. The abductor cruris caudalis muscle appears symmetrically in 35 females (97.2%) and 22 males (100.0%). When present, it were originated on the transversal process of the 1st vertebrae caudales, in the glutea region, below the gluteus superficialis muscle, throughing almost all the thigh under biceps femoris muscle, where it make a parallel relation with the sciatic nerve, receiving nervous ramifications of the same in 78.3% of the cases. The medium found for the width and thickness of his muscle venter was respectively of 2.03 mm and 0.35 mm. Its insertion occurs on the biceps femoris muscles approximate to the fascia cruris, where both finish fusing theirselves.


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To know the origin of the ischiatic nerve in mocos (Kerodon rupestris Wied,1820) near by intervertebral forames and the muscling belonging to its routes were used 10 adult animals, from CEMAS-ESAM. After natural obit, they were fixed in formol (10%) and dissected to exposition and to singt of the ischiatic nerve. The results were indicated in percentage. Variations in the quantity of the lumber and sacral vertebras nere observed, five animals (50,00%) reveled seven lumbar vertebras and three sacral ones; two animals recrealed seven lumbar vertebras and four sacral ones, and two animals reveled six lumbar vertebras and three sacral ones. An animal (10,00%) revealed six lumbar vertebras and four ones. Therefore, the origin of the nerve was differentiated five animals (50,00%) had the participation of L 7,S 1,S 2; two animals (20,00%) with L 7,S 1; and a little part of S 2. Two animals (20,00%) with L 6,S 1,S 2, and an animal (10,00%) with L 6,S 1, and a little part of S 2. The last root of the ischiatic nerve in all its origins, contribute to the constitution of the first root of pudental nerve. It was verified that in all its route, the ischiatic nerves (100,00%) ceded branches to the muscles: medial gluteus, deep gluteus, superficial gluteus, emiting muscular branches to the femoral biceps or to thigh, and to the semimembranous and semi-tendinous muscles, that is continuous with a high calibre trunk, originating the fibular nerve(sideways), the tibial nerve(medial) and the lateral plantar sural cutaneous nerve (caudal).


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• Background and Aims: Eriocaulaceae (Poales) is currently divided in two subfamilies: Eriocauloideae, which comprises two genera and Paepalanthoideae, with nine genera. The floral anatomy of Actinocephalus polyanthus, Leiothrix fluitans, Paepalanthus chlorocephalus, P. flaccidus and Rondonanthus roraimae was studied here. The flowers of these species of Paepalanthoideae are unisexual, and form capitulum-type inflorescences. Staminate and pistillate flowers are randomly distributed in the capitulum and develop centripetally. This work aims to establish a floral nomenclature for the Eriocaulaceae to provide more information about the taxonomy and phylogeny of the family. • Methods: Light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and chemical tests were used to investigate the floral structures. • Key Results: Staminate and pistillate flowers are trimerous (except in P. flaccidus, which presents dimerous flowers), and the perianth of all species is differentiated into sepals and petals. Staminate flowers present an androecium with scale-like staminodes (not in R. roraimae) and fertile stamens, and nectariferous pistillodes. Pistillate flowers present scale-like staminodes (except for R. roraimae, which presents elongated and vascularized staminodes), and a gynoecium with a hollow style, ramified in stigmatic and nectariferous portions. • Conclusions: The scale-like staminodes present in the species of Paepalanthoideae indicate a probable reduction of the outer whorl of stamens present in species of Eriocauloideae. Among the Paepalanthoideae genera, Rondonanthus, which is probably basal, shows vascularized staminodes in their pistillate flowers. The occurrence of nectariferous pistillodes in staminate flowers and that of nectariferous portions of the style in pistillate flowers of Paepalanthoideae are emphasized as nectariferous structures in Eriocaulaceae. © The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company. All rights reserved.


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Achyrocline alata occurs in a dense and low vegetation in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil and it has been studied under physical-chemical and yield aspects, being scarce anatomical data. The present work has as objective the study of the aerial vegetative axis. Stem is cylindrical and hairy, having five wings, which are arisen from their leaves. The blade shows the presence of uniseriate epidermis, which is covered by the cuticle of variable thickness; and non-glandular and glandular trichomes. The non-glandular trichomes are uniseriate and multicellular and have their apex cell in whip form, while the glandular trichomes are multicellular, uniseriate or biseriate. The mesophyll is dorsiventral with uni-stratified palisade parenchyma in most of the cases and lacunal parenchyma formed by three to four layers of irregular cells. Only one collateral vascular bundle occurs in the midvein. Stem in transversal section is covered by epidermis with trichomes similar to leaves; the cortex is constituted by a discontinuous area of angular collenchyma, which is followed by chlorophyll parenchyma. Vascular cylinder that is delimited by pericycle shows vascular bundles of collateral type. In the secondary structure, the periderm is originated from epidermal and subepidermal tissues. In vascular region, the fascicular cambium differs into secondary xylem and phloem, while interfascicular cambium produces sclerenchymatous tissue.


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New data on floral morphology, development, and vasculature in two Brazilian genera of the monocot family Velloziaceae (Pandanales) are used to explore the homologies of their unusual floral structures, especially the corona of Barbacenia and the corona-like appendages and multiple stamens of some Vellozia species. All Velloziaceae have epigynous flowers. Some species of Vellozia are polyandrous, and stamen number can be variable within species. In Vellozia jolyi, there is a single stamen opposite each sepal and a stamen fascicle (of three secondary stamens) opposite each petal. Each stamen possesses a single vascular bundle, and these are united into a single aggregate bundle in proximal regions of the fascicle. Stamens mature centripetally within each fascicle. The coronal appendages of both genera are closely associated with the stamens, but they share some vasculature with the tepals and develop late in ontogeny. The coronal organs cannot readily be homologized with any of the typical floral organs, but they show partial homology with both tepals and stamens. They are most readily interpreted as a late elaboration of the region between the petals and stamens associated with epigyny and the hypanthium. © 2010 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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In order to provide efficient crop management which enables the scaling of the production of mango in semi-arid conditions and achieve a greater precision in the recommendation, evaluating the effect and the influence of uniconazole foliar spray, on the emission of vegetative flushes in the cultivar 'Kent', field tests were carried out in a productive orchard. Treatments tested were three uniconazole dosages, 500, 1,000 and 1,500 mg L-1, with one, two or three respective foliar sprayings. Another treatment with paclobutrazol was used at 2.0 g a.i./m of canopy diameter, with a single application via soil and a control (without spraying of plant growth regulators), where spreader-sticker was added and the pH was adjusted. With 30, 60 and 90 days after the first spraying of the flowering inducer the growth of branches were evaluated, as well as the percentage of flowering in all treatments after 120 days of first spraying. The sprayings started in the orchard after the emission of the second vegetative flush after pruning of production, through airassisted sprayer with flow rate of 1,000 L ha-1. The experimental design was done through randomized blocks with four replications, using three plants per plot. It was observed that paclobutrazol was significantly highlighted in relation to other treatments and that the uniconazole with one, two and three foliar sprayings presented inhibition of the vegetative growth in mango 'Kent' and showed, even at low proportions, signs of flowering.


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New comparative data are presented on the reproductive morphology and anatomy of two genera closely related to grasses, Flagellaria and Joinvillea, in which the flowers are superficially similar, especially in stamen morphology. This investigation demonstrates some anatomical differences between the two genera. For example, both genera depart from the 'typical' condition of tepal vasculature (three-traced outer tepals and one-traced inner tepals): in Flagellaria, each tepal receives a single vascular bundle and, in Joinvillea, each tepal is supplied by three vascular bundles. Joinvillea possesses supernumerary carpel bundles, as also found in the related family Ecdeiocoleaceae, but not in Flagellaria or grasses. In the anther, the tapetum degenerates early in Flagellaria, and is relatively persistent in Joinvillea, in which the pollen grains remain closely associated with the tapetum inside the anther locule, indicating a correlation between peripheral pollen (a feature that is common in grasses) and a persistent tapetum. This study highlights the presence of a pollen-tube transmitting tissue (PTTT) or solid style in the gynoecium of Flagellaria, as also in many Poaceae, but not in Joinvillea or Ecdeiocoleaceae. We speculate that the presence of a PTTT could represent one of the factors that facilitated the subsequent evolution of the intimately connected gynoecia that characterize grasses. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London.


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The floral anatomy of Cephalostemon, Monotrema, Rapatea, Spathanthus, and Stegolepis was studied for taxonomic purposes. All species studied share colleters between the floral parts; sepals, petals, anthers, and style covered by an ornamented cuticle; short epidermal cells with sinuous walls on the abaxial surface of the petals; tetrasporangiate anthers with phenolic idioblasts in the epidermis; endothecium with spiral thickenings; incompletely septate ovary; and anatropous, bitegmic ovules. The floral anatomy is useful not only for characterizing the family, but also for delimiting the subfamilies and genera. Sepals with silica bodies in the epidermal cells; mature anther wall composed of epidermis, endothecium, and middle layer; absence of phenolic idioblasts in the sepals, filaments, and ovary; and stylar epidermal cells with thickened external periclinal wall support Rapateoideae. Cephalostemon and Rapatea show a great number of similarities, corroborating their close relationship indicated in the phylogenetic analyses of the family. Monotrema shares few characters with the genera of Rapateoideae, corroborating its placement in Monotremoideae. Stegolepis shows several distinctive characters, probably related to the greater diversity found in this genus. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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Floral nectaries have contributed to the systematics of different taxonomic groups. Since those of the neotropical genera included in subfamily Salacioideae-Cheiloclinium Miers, Peritassa Miers, Salacia L. and Tontelea Aubl.-have different forms and positions, we explored their anatomy to delimit more precisely the genera of subfamily Salacioideae. Buds and open flowers of six species were treated following the usual techniques in plant anatomy. The obtained data were helpful in characterizing the floral nectary anatomy of the studied species. Furthermore, some features such as form, position and surface of nectaries; form of their epidermal cells; presence and distribution of stomata; occurrence of idioblasts containing druses in the nectariferous parenchyma; and absence of nectary vascularization can contribute to the taxonomy and phylogeny of the Salacioideae studied. In most of the studied species the nectar is probably released by both the stomata and the nectary epidermal surface. In Cheiloclinium cognatum, the structure acknowledged as nectary is actually a vestigial tissue and the functions of attracting and rewarding pollinators has phylogenetically migrated to the stigmatic region. The druses and phenolic substances observed in the nectariferous parenchyma probably help defend flowers against herbivore attacks. The minute size of the nectaries of Salacioideae may explain the absence of vascularization. The floral nectaries of Salacia elliptica are epithelial while those of the other species are mesenchymal. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The family Malpighiaceae is considered monophyletic, but the intra-family classification is conflicting. Analyses of floral vasculature allow the identification of reductions, connations and adnations and can even reveal evolutionary steps prior to current floral morphology. The present work analysed the floral vasculature of Janusia mediterranea, Mascagnia cordifolia and Tetrapterys chamaecerasifolia using material processed by traditional methods for light microscopy. A general pattern was observed of three bundle traces supplying each sepal and one trace per petal and stamen; Mascagnia is an exception, as its eglandular sepal has only a median trace but shares lateral traces with adjacent sepals. No dorsal traces are emitted to the carpels; however, three intercarpellary complexes are emitted that divide into six ventral bundles, supplying the ovule. Mascagnia demonstrates connation between the anterior and adjacent sepal glands; reductions of the anterior sepal glands were registered in Tetrapterys and Janusia. This work reveals two distinct processes for gland loss in non-related groups of the family that resulted in similar present appearances. Our evaluation of the number of calyx glands and the processes of glandular loss in species with less than ten glands improves our understanding of the evolution of calyx glands in Malpighiaceae. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.