120 resultados para Treino isométrico
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a taxa de desenvolvimento de força (TDF) nas contrações isométrica e isocinéticas concêntrica a 60°.s-1 e 180°.s-1. Quatorze indivíduos do gênero masculino (idade = 23,1±2,8 anos; estatura = 174±31,3 cm e; massa corporal = 81±12 kg) participaram deste estudo. Na primeira visita foi realizada uma familiarização ao equipamento isocinético. Posteriormente, os indivíduos realizaram em ordem randômica 5 contrações isocinéticas máximas para os extensores do joelho em 60°.s-1 e 180°.s-1 para determinar o torque máximo concêntrico (TMC) e 2 contrações isométricas máximas de 3 s para determinar o torque máximo isométrico (TMI). O TMI (301,4±56,0 N.m) foi maior do que o TMC a 60°.s-1 (239,8±42,2 N.m) e 180°.s-1 (175,0±32,5 N.m). O TMC a 60°.s-1 foi maior do que o TMC a 180°.s-1. Para os intervalos de 0-30ms e 0-50ms, a TDF na condição isométrica (1196,6±464,6 e 1326,5±514,2 N.m.s-1, respectivamente) foi similar à TDF a 60°.s- 1 (1035,4±446,2 e 1134,3±448,4 N.m.s-1) e maior do que a 180°.s-1 (656,7±246,6 e 475,2±197,9 N.m.s-1), sendo ainda que a TDF na contração concêntrica rápida foi menor do que na lenta. No intervalo 0-100ms, a TDF da contração isométrica (1248,8±417,4 N.m.s-1) foi significantemente maior que a obtida na contração isocinética rápida (909,2±283,4 N.m.s- 1). A TDF obtida na contração isocinética lenta (1005,4±247,7 N.m.s-1) foi similar à obtida na contração isométrica e na concêntrica isocinética rápida. No intervalo 0-150ms, a TDF isométrica (1084,2±332,1 N.m.s-1) foi maior do que as concêntricas (60°.s-1 e 180°.s-1) (834,8±184,2 e 767,6±201,8 N.m.s-1, respectivamente), não existindo diferenças entre estas duas últimas. Conclui-se que a TDF é...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
O Corinthians é o clube de maior torcida no Estado de São Paulo, o segundo maior no Brasil e ainda não possui um estádio adequado para grandes competições. Localizado na região do Tatuapé, na capital paulista, o Parque São Jorge e o Estádio Alfredo Schürig são o que o time conta como espaço para treino. Suas partidas em casa são disputadas no Estádio do Morumbi ou do Pacaembu. No ano de seu centenário, entre muitos projetos já existentes, apresenta-se um novo conceito: um estádio para o clube e que também atenda as exigências de uma competição mundial, a Copa. A Copa do Mundo de Futebol atrai olhos de todos os continentes. É o evento de maior audiência e o segundo maior em termos de arrecadação (perdendo apenas para o Super Bowl). Para isso são necessárias que as exigências determinadas pela FIFA (Federação Internacional de Futebol Associado) sejam atendidas. Com todo o custo que envolve a construção e manutenção de um estádio, foram estudadas maneiras de gerenciá-lo para que a arrecadação seja suficiente para sua manutenção. Espera-se que a arquitetura possa colaborar com soluções práticas para esse desafio
The objective of the present study was to compare in which part (lower limb or upper limb) the repeated bout effect has the greatest magnitude. Twelve males individuals with no recent (6 months) experience with resisted training participated in this study. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups (legs and arms) and came to the laboratory 5 times. 1st) adaptation to the dynamometer. 2nd) to perform one bout of eccentric exercise (EE) and provide markers such as isometric peak torque (IPT), delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) (both collected before and after the bout) and concentration of the creatine kinase (CK) enzyme in the blood (only before the bout). 3rd) 48 after the first bout the same markers were collected again. After 14 days, the methodologies used in the 2nd and 3rd visits to the laboratory were repeated respectively to determine the repeated bout effect. A significant decrease of IPT and a significant increase of CK and DOMS were found immediately after and 48 hours after the first bout of EE for the arms group. The legs group showed a significant increase in CK (48 hours after the EE) and DOMS (immediately after the EE) resulting from the first bout. In the arms group, the second bout did not cause significant increase in CK or DOMS on any of the situations, however, it provoked a decrease in force production immediately after the EE. The legs group showed a significant increase of DOMS immediately after the second bout of EE, which caused no significant increase in CK. The only marker in which the repeated bout effect happened for both groups was CK. No significant difference was found between the protections for both groups. Taking into account the results, it’s been discussed whether there is a relation between the susceptibility to muscle damage and the repeated bout effect, and also...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
A natação é um esporte praticado em meio líquido o que a torna muito dependente da técnica do nadador, pelo fato de apresentar maior resistência quando comparado com o meio terrestre. A força muscular, composição corporal e a técnica do nado são alguns fatores determinantes para a melhora do desempenho esportivo do atleta. Sendo assim, a capacidade de gerar força propulsiva e minimizar a resistência ao meio líquido são altamente influenciadoras do desempenho nesta modalidade. Um dos principais músculos utilizados na propulsão da braçada do nado crawl é o tríceps braquial o qual é responsável pela extensão do cotovelo. O nível de força dos membros dominante e não dominante também pode influenciar no desequilíbrio muscular dos nadadores e consequentemente na propulsão do atleta. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a reprodutibilidade de pico de torque (PT) durante as contrações isométrica e isocinética concêntrica em diferentes velocidades do músculo tríceps braquial nos membros dominante e não dominante em nadadores. Participaram do estudo nadadores velocistas e meio fundistas do gênero masculino, com idade entre 18 e 28 anos, com experiência no mínimo de 3 anos na modalidade. Os voluntários foram solicitados a comparecer no laboratório em 3 ocasiões em dias diferentes. Primeiramente para obter as medidas antropométricas (massa, estatura, envergadura e dobras cutâneas) e logo em seguida foi feita a familiarização ao teste isométrico e isocinético no dinamômetro. Nas próximas visitas os atletas realizaram no dinamômetro isocinético, o teste máximo para determinação do PT da contração isométrica e isocinéticas concêntricas em diferentes velocidades. O procedimento foi realizado duas vezes em dias diferentes. O teste para determinação do PT isométrico e isocinético foi realizado de forma aleatória... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of previous active static stretch on the isometric peak torque (PT) and rate of force development (RFD) measured from different time intervals from the beginning of muscle contraction. Participated of this study 15 male individuals, apparently healthy, with ages between 18 and 25 years, without regular physical activity practice. The individuals were submitted in different days to the following tests: 1) Familiarization session to the isokinetic dynamometer; 2) Two maximal isometric concentric contractions for knee extensors in isokinetic dynamometer to determine PT and RFD (Control), and; 3) Two active static stretching exercises for the dominant leg extensors (10 x 30 s for each exercise, with 20 s of rest). After the stretching, the isokinetic test was repeated (Post-Stretching). The conditions 2 and 3 were performed in random order. The RFD was considered as the mean slope of the moment-time curve at time intervals of 0-30, 0-50 and 0-100ms relative to the beginning of muscle contraction. It was verified significant reduction for both maximal RFD and PT after the stretching (p < 0.05). At intervals of 0- 30ms, 0-50ms and 0-100ms, the RFD at the conditions with stretching was similar to the RFD without stretching (p > 0.05). At intervals of 0-150ms and 0-200ms, the RFD obtained at the contraction without stretching was significantly higher that that obtained at the contraction with stretching (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that the static stretching, performed with duration of 600 s diminish isometric PT, maximal RFD and RFD measured at late phase (> 100 ms) of muscle contraction.
The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of unilateral isokinetic strength training at high speed (180°.s-1) of the dominant leg on the rate of force development (RFD) of the contralateral limb. The study included 18 male individuals, apparently healthy, with an average of 23 years, and without regular practice of physical activities. The subjects were divided randomly into two groups: control group (GC) and isokinetic group (GISOC). Assessments were made of the values of peak isometric torque (PT isom) and RFD of both lower limbs in the pre-training. So, the GISOC underwent an isokinetic strength training with high speed (180°.s-1) for 6 weeks, with the dominant leg only and then reassessed. It was found that there was no significant improvement in value of PT isom (p> 0.05), and the RFD for the dominant limb had a significant improvement (p< 0.05) compared to the pre-training and that there was no transfer of values to the contralateral side (p> 0.05). It can be concluded that the isokinetic training at high speed was not enough for significant cross education
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of individuals not trained in methods under performing resistance exercise in the method of multiple series and the following exercises: Leg press (LP) 45, leg extension (CE), leg curl (CF), front handle (PF), rowing neutral (RN), bench press (SR) and Peck deck (PD) in 9 weeks with three training sessions / week. The study was with of 6 individuals aged 40 to 55 years were divided into two groups all were tested using the 1 RM for securing cargo to the drills being performed each test 48 h. Results: According to what was observed using this training protocol with different volume in each group for 9 weeks of training in these subjects did not differ in both groups but showed increases above two devices with other evaluated Peck deck and this is due Leg Press major muscle group.
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT
In order to reduce the sedentarism and to improve population's health condition, many physical activity incentive programs have been stimulated. As a result, many people have adhered to street racing, but their health condition is almost always ignored. The aim of this study was to evaluate street racers' health condition, identifying the presence of cardiovascular risk factors as well as problems associated to street racing. The study case was composed by 111 racers from the town of Bauru (94 men and 17 women) aged in average 39±13 years old, who were evaluated in 4 street race competitions. The subjects answered to an anamnesis with questions about their socioeconomic status, medicine use, cardiovascular risk, physical exercise practices, and issues related to racing and injury. Weight (kg) and height (m) were measured to calculate the body mass index (BMI, kg/m²) as well as systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), abdominal circumference (AC), and flexibility. It could be observed that the majority of racers were Caucasian, married and belonged to social classes over C. The prevalent age was between 18 and 35 years old (42%). Among the participants, 38.7% have already undergone some kind of surgery and 13% declared having some health problem. The questionnaire pointed out that 36% had low and moderate cardiovascular risk. It could be noticed from the AC that 10% of men and 18% of women had high cardiac risk. Among the tested, 43.2% (24.3% altered and 18.9% borderline) showed high BP on the day of the test, but only 2.7% had self-declared hypertensive. In relation to injury, 36% had already had lesions of some kind, 27.5% of which had occurred in the last 8 months. 66.6% had derived from training or racing competitions and the knee was the mostly affected body part. Only 43% had professional orientation by a physical education teacher during their training and the main reasons for them to begin racing practice were...
Soccer is the most popular sport in Brazil and one of the most popular in the world. Within this context, the practice of university soccer has increased the number of practitioners. A methodology widely used in the training of high performance teams are games reduced field ( JCR). The objective of this study was to evaluate the intensity of physical effort of football players during a small side game, 4x4, check the correlation between [La], HR PSE and the players and the floater influence on the intensity of the small side game. We analyzed eight players of UNESP in Bauru mean age 21.2+1.5 years, weight 75.8+11.6 kg, height 1.77±8cm, body fat percentage 12.3+5.5%, VO2max 37.1 ml/kg/min. The training was performed in 4 x 6 min with an interval of between one minute for recovery. The [La] and PSE were collected between the second and third time and after the end of training, the HR was measured every five seconds throughout the training through the RS400 heart rate monitor. A training session player floater participation (4x4+1) and the other not (4x4). The results presented showed no correlation with the HR [La] and PSE. HR significantly different, being 157+10 in the game 4x4+1 and 146+13 in the game 4x4. The percentage of HRmax in the game with floater was 81.3% and 75.7% in the game without. The players were most of the time in a higher intensity in the JCR with a floater, 37.8% of playing time over 85% HRmax, and 22.5% of playing time over 85% of HRmax in the JCR without floater, demonstrating that the use of a floater player made the game more intense and efficient to increase the intensity of the game
The goal of the present study was to investigate possible differences towards strenght recovery measured by different methods and running economy (RE), after one session of downhill running (DR), in order to induce muscle damage (MD). Our hypothesis is that the strenght recovery measured by jumps is more alike RE markers, due to the measures' specificity. Ten male subjects, ages 18 to 30, apparently healthy, without any experience with strenght training at least 6 months before the tests took place in this study. After going to the lab twice (to familiarize themselves with the protocols, and determine their maximum oxygen consumption/running speeds), they went to the lab five times in the following week, in order to collect all the variables before, immediately after, and 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours in. The variables obtained were: stride frequency (SF), stride lenght (SL), oxygen volume (VO2), carbon dioxide volume (VCO2), ventilation (VE), lactate blood concentration ([Lac]), isometric peak torque (IPT), subjective pain perception (SPP), effort perception (EP), medial-portion circumference (CIR), knee movement extent (EXT), torque development rate (TDR), counter movement jump and squat jump height (HCM and HS), strenght development rate of both jumps (SDCM and SDS), and maximum soil strenght reaction (SRCM and SRS). Changes over time in all variables were verified by one way variancy analysis. Differences between the strenght measures were verified by two way variancy analysis. When significant effects were verified, Tuckey's post-hoc were applied. The significancy level taken on this study was p < 0,05. Of all indirect muscle damage markers, IPT, SPP and TDR were the only ones in which ocurred significant changes. We couldn't find the moments where this happened for TDR with the post-hoc used. On RE markers, VO2, [Lac] and VE suffered significant effects over time. About the jumps variables, only SDCM and HCM presented significant...