157 resultados para TELEVISÃO DIGITAL
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
The text is the initial result of a project called Global iTV, Interactive and systems Hybrid TV: a new advanced scheme for future services and applications in a global environment, contemplated by Call MCTI / CNPq 13/2012 – EUBrazil Cooperation Program in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) which has as its central theme the development of a standard that enables interoperability between the various digital TV systems operating jointly, exchanging and using information. Thus, using bibliographical and documentary research, the article goes on to demonstrate how this perspective panorama is drawing from the advent of digital television and the use of technology in Latin America, seeking to identify similarities, differences, problems and solutions arising from the use and consumption of digitizing television signal in the region. The results demonstrate the importance of media convergence, but point out that there are still large sections of the population on the margin of the Digital Society and the benefits provided by digital networks and that poverty and poor education are important contributions to this scenario.
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
This paper proposes a model of educative content structuring for interactive digital television programs. Its intent was to provide references for collaborative production processes and content organization in learning networks associated with university and educative television broadcasting services. The model defines terms, actors, events, environments, as well as content categories, classes and attributes, indicating criteria for their synchronic or asynchronic association in a dynamic television schedule. The model is presented in both descriptive and visual formats, with the use of conceptual maps. The results indicate that interactive use of digital television in education requires systematic content models covering communitarian participation in both media production and distribution processes, in order to enhance learning instruments beyond vertical, hierarchical and centralized communication sustained by traditional broadcast channels.
Em 2003, quando da publicação do decreto nº 4.901, que institui o Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital SBTVD , o panorama vislumbrado era imenso e inspirador: o que despontava era a possibilidade de se ter acesso à internet e todas as vantagens decorrentes dela em cada aparelho de TV do país. Com as discussões sobre qual sistema adotar e posteriormente com as indefinições sobre o middleware, houve tempo suficiente para a internet se afirmar como mídia essencialmente interativa, deixando, por hora, para a TV Digital a qualidade de imagem . O que vemos agora é a qualidade da imagem que alcança em banda larga a tela do computador, seduzindo ainda mais os usuários de TV. Com o Plano Nacional de Banda Larga que visa à popularização da internet de alta velocidade no Brasil, prometido pelo Governo Lula, a TV Digital pode de um lado garantir o canal de retorno necessário para a interatividade plena e, de outro lado, perder uma importante batalha para a internet, que se firmará de vez como mídia interativa.
The implantation procedure of the multiprogramming for TV Cultura, a station under the responsibility of the Fundação Padre Anchieta,from the regulation of digital television in Brazil, through the Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital Terrestre (SBTVD-T), involves the creation and implantation of multiprogramming channels of the station, the Univesp TV and the Multicultura channels, which are functioning through means of a special authorization in scientific and experimental character. Analyzed from the Communication Politics Economy point of view, this research contributes to the reflexion about the multiprogramming which may create alternatives to new options in this country programming and content.
Este artigo apresenta um recorte do processo de desenvolvimento de um modelo de Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem de um modelo de Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem para Educação a Distância através da NTDIC Televisão Digital, cujo intuito é proporcionar inclusão social e educação através dessa mídia que virá alcançar 98% da população brasileira. Caracteriza-se como um projeto de investigação centrado na inovação tecnológica educacional e na transformação social, que tem como um de seus vetores principais a construção de uma metodologia de Design Educacional contextualizado na elaboração de conteúdos e dinâmicas educativas nas formações à distância, por meio da articulação de recursos de natureza educomunicativa - envolvendo, assim, o campo de interface existente entre as ciências da Educação e Comunicação, já há uma década apontado na academia como um fato.
This paper ditach the portability and mobility of digital television as opportunities for promotion to the social hospitality. The digital technologies add news concepts to hospitality, converging to the redemption of the social being, integrating and strengthening social ties in the technological space. With the digital television, we may have new forms of sociability, because may be required and assisted in any place, as a result of their actions for portability and mobility, which allows the construction of social ties or an ample concept the hospitality social in public spaces.
The ideal proposed by Decree No. 4901 of 26 November 2003 establishing the Brazilian System of Digital Television (SBTVD) still seems more remote from reality as possible in 2003, where it was believed more in digital inclusion (and social) through access Digital TV via internet than to the development of specifi c products for this media. The reality still shows up differently and it is possible to believe that there was an innocent vision and too optimistic a project that did not meet even the demands of society: SBTVD. The problem to be solved is to get Digital TV adds value to the needs of today’s consumers of content, space has been occupied quickly by computers and devices connected to the internet and even the informal trade of DVDs and video games.
This paper presents proposals for the use of interactivity in the telejournalism in an open television broadcaster and the consequences of this use. The issues raised here go beyond technical issues and also addresses issues of theoretical field. The fundamental purpose of this paper is to present interactive possibilities in television journalism as a way of providing this television format tools to keep up with technological changes in the field of production and sharing news. However, by using these tools, the television news is enabling reversal of two important hypotheses that describe the analog television journalism: Scheduling Hypothesis and the Spiral of Silence. To reach your main goal we used a theoretical framework relevant to the issues addressed here and a survey of some interactive applications for digital television developed specifically for TV newscast. From this instrument, we selected two sets of interactive features that can be employed, in general, newscasts, and how these features relate to the hypotheses of Scheduling and Spiral of Silence.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Esta tesis es resultado de un intenso trabajo de investigación realizado de agosto de 2014 a agosto de 2015, con financiación de la Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp). El objetivo se centró en la realización de un análisis, aunque preliminar, del papel de la TV pública con tecnología digital, como también de las tendencias, desafíos y perspectivas para consolidarla, tanto en Brasil como en Argentina, países con diversas similitudes en contextos económicos, sociales, políticos y culturales. Para cumplir los objetivos, estudiamos los recientes proyectos gubernamentales de televisión pública en los dos países suramericanos. El gobierno argentino invirtió en modernización en Canal 7 (antiguo Argentina Televisora Color-ATC), una emisora de casi seis décadas de funcionamiento, que ha sido prácticamente refundada a partir de los investimentos públicos del gobierno nacional argentino, realizados para digitalizar los sistemas de transmisión y de recepción de televisión abierta. El nuevo Canal 7 pasó a servir de cabeza de red del sistema de televisión pública de Argentina. En Brasil, el gobierno creó a fines del 2007, la Empresa Brasil de Comunicación (EBC), estructura administrativa que opera la red de televisión pública de TV Brasil. Ambos proyectos prometen construir y gestionar sistemas nacionales abiertos, modernos y competitivos de TV Pública Digital Abierta (TVPDA). Esta tesis también describe y compara de modo sucinto el desarrollo histórico de la radiodifusión - evidenciando la televisión como una plataforma en permanente disputa comunicacional, política, ideológica, publicitaria, cultural y económica -, tal como los modelos de televisión pública y comercial en cada uno de los dos países analizados (no entiendo la expresión). La estudiante de periodismo pretende confrontar el desarrollo de una estructura nacional de televisión pública iniciada en el...