102 resultados para Shatter Cones


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Purpose: To verify the presence of Socransky Red Complex (Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola and Tannerella forsythia) and P. intermedia using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in periodontally healthy pregnant women and pregnant women with periodontal disease, as well as its relation to arterial blood pressure and capillary glycaemia.Materials and Methods: This case control study included 86 pregnant women, including 50 pregnant women with healthy periodontium, 27 with gingivitis and 9 with periodontitis. Arterial blood pressure and glycaemia were evaluated and recorded. Clinical specimens from the gingival crevice or periodontal pockets were gathered with sterile absorbent paper cones. DNA extraction was accomplished using the Easy-DNA Kit test and the presence of bacteria was detected by PCR with primers and specific probes for each microorganism.Results: The arterial pressure of all pregnant women was found to be within normal levels and 51% presented with hyperglycaemia, these two variables were not associated with periodontal conditions and/or presence of microorganisms. Socransky Red Complex was not present in pregnant women with healthy periodontium; however, it was present in pregnant women with gingivitis (3.7%) and in a higher percentage of pregnant women with periodontitis (33.3%).Conclusion: Socransky Red Complex was found only in cases of periodontal diseases and is not related to blood pressure and/or high levels of blood glucose.


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Objectives: This study investigated the repairs of resin composite restorations after using different surface treatments.Design: Eighty four truncated cones of Filtek Z350 were prepared and thermo-cycled (20,000 cycles). Surfaces were roughened with diamond bur and etched with 37% phosphoric acid. Those cones were divided into 7 groups (N=12): 1) Prime&Bond 2.1; 2) aluminum oxide sandblasting+Prime&Bond 2.1; 3) Er:YAG laser treatment+Prime&Bond 2.1; 4) 9.6% hydrofluoric acid for 2 min-Fsilane coupling agent.; 5) silane coupling agent; 6) auto-polymerized acrylic monomer+Prime&Bond 2.1; 7) Adper Scothbond SE. Teflon device was used to fabricate inverted truncated cones of repair composite over the surface-treated. The bonded specimens were stressed to failure under tension. The data were analyzed with oneway ANOVA and Tukey tests.Results: Mean repair strengths (SD, in MPa) were, Group-2: 18.8a; Group-1: 18.7a; Group-6: 13.4ab; Group-7: 9.5bc; Group-3: 7.5bcd; Group-4: 5.2cd; Group-5: 2.6d.Conclusions: The use of diamond bur and a conventional adhesive and the use of aluminum oxide sandblasting prior to adhesive provided a simple and cost-effective solutions to composite repair. Er:YAG laser, silane alone, 9.6% hydrofluoric acid plus silane or a self-etching adhesive results in inferior composite repair strengths. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Myosins are molecular motors associated with the actin cytoskeleton that participate in the mechanisms of cellular motility. During the development of the nervous system, migration of nerve cells to specific sites, extension of growth cones, and axonal transport are dramatic manifestations of cellular motility. We demonstrate, via immunoblots, the expression of myosin Va during early stages of embryonic development in chicks, extending from the blastocyst period to the beginning of the fetal period. The expression of myosin Va in specific regions and cellular structures of the nervous system during these early stages was determined by immunocytochemistry using a polyclonal antibody. Whole mounts of chick embryos at 24-30-h stages showed intense immunoreactivity of the neural tube in formation along its full extent. Cross-sections at these stages of development showed strong labeling in neuroepithelial cells at the basal and apical regions of the neural tube wall. Embryos at more advanced periods of development (48h and 72 h) showed distinctive immunolabeling of neuroepithelial cells, neuroblasts and their cytoplasmic extensions in the mantle layer of the stratified neural tube wall, and neuroblasts and their cytoplasmic extensions in the internal wall of the optic cup, as well as a striking labeling of cells in the apparent nuclei of cranial nerves and budding fibers. These immunolocalization studies indicate temporal and site-specific expression of myosin Va during chick embryo development, suggesting that myosin Va expression is related to recruitment for specific cellular tasks.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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Dogs' teeth with apical periodontitis were treated endodontically, Dakin's solution being used in an experimental group as the irrigation solution, and camphorated paramonochlorophenol as an intracanal dressing. For a second group of teeth, the irrigation solution used was physiologic saline, dry cotton only being placed into the pulpal chamber to take the place of an intracanal dressing. In a second visit, overinstrumentation and a new application of the same kind of dressing were performed, the root canals being then filled with gutta-percha cones and zinc oxide-eugenol cement. Other specimens were treated, in one visit, where physiologic saline or Dakin's solution were the irrigation solutions. The animals were sacrificed 6 months after the obturation of the root canals. Histologic exams showed better results for the experimental group where Dakin's solution and camphorated paramonochlorophenol had been used, with signs of repair characterized by newly formed cementum and bone tissue, as well as a marked reduction in size of the periapical lesions. No differences were seen in the results with physiologic saline or Dakin's solution as irrigants.


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Introdução: a eliminação de bactérias dos canais radiculares é essencial no tratamento endodôntico de dentes com polpas necrosadas, desde que bactérias não só causam, mas também mantêm, as lesões periapicais. Objetivo: analisar in vivo a influência de soluções irrigantes (NaOCl 1%, NaOCl 2,5%, solução salina estéril 0,9%) no tratamento de dentes de cães com lesão periapical crônica em sessão única. Métodos: quarenta canais radiculares de três cães da raça Beagle permaneceram expostos à cavidade bucal para permitir a contaminação e a formação de lesões periapicais crônicas. Em seguida, os canais radiculares foram preparados biomecanicamente. Durante a instrumentação, três soluções irrigantes foram utilizadas: G1 – NaOCl 2,5%; G2 – NaOCl 1%; G3 – solução salina estéril 0,9%. O grupo controle (G4) não recebeu tratamento nem selamento coronário. Os canais radiculares foram obturados com cones de guta-percha e Sealapex. As aberturas coronárias foram seladas com IRM e amálgama. Após 6 meses, os animais foram sacrificados e blocos de tecido processados histologicamente para serem corados com hematoxilina e eosina, ou Brown e Brenn. Resultados: não houve diferença histológica significativa entre a utilização de hipoclorito de sódio a 1% ou 2,5% (p>0,05), mas houve entre eles e a solução salina estéril a 0,9% (p<0,05). Conclusão: concluiu-se que o uso de soluções irrigantes com potencial antibacteriano (hipoclorito de sódio a 1% e 2,5%) proveu condições mais favoráveis ao processo de reparo.


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Introdução: paciente do sexo masculino, 37 anos de idade. Após a anamnese, foi constatado que o dente 11 apresentava abertura coronária e presença de hidróxido de cálcio com histórico de trauma dentário nesse dente. Radiograficamente, o dente 11 apresentava formação radicular incompleta, paredes dentinárias finas e frágeis, com divergência foraminal associada a imagem radiolúcida periapical. Objetivo: relatar um caso clínico de apicificação, realizado com trocas de curativo de hidróxido de cálcio. Métodos: o tratamento de escolha foi a apicificação, a qual teve início na segunda sessão, após 15 dias, por meio de desbridamento químico-mecânico de todo o canal radicular, com limas tipo K e irrigação com uma solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5%. Em seguida, pasta de hidróxido de cálcio (hidróxido de cálcio, iodofórmio e propilenoglicol) foi aplicada e trocada de 15 em 15 dias, durante 4 meses. O exame radiográfico foi novamente realizado e demonstrou o fechamento completo da abertura foraminal e regressão da radiolucência periapical. O canal radicular foi obturado utilizando-se um cone confeccionado a partir da união de três cones #60 e pela técnica de condensação lateral com Sealapex. Resultados: seis meses após a obturação, exames revelaram tecidos periapicais normais e ausência de sintomas. Conclusão: concluiu-se que o tratamento do traumatismo dentário associado à necrose do tecido pulpar e à lesão periapical, com trocas sucessivas de pasta de hidróxido de cálcio, foi adequado para se obter a regressão da lesão periapical, formação de barreira mineralizada e promoção de saúde ao paciente.


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Drug addiction is one of the biggest public health problems worldwide, not only by the dimensions of the problem, but also by the severity of the damage, creating favorable conditions for opportunistic microorganisms such as class Mollicutes. This study aims to evaluate the presence of the main species and genera of this group in the subgingival biofilm of drug addiction patients, comparing them with non-dependent subjects. For this purpose, data on systemic health conditions, socioeconomic characteristics, drug addiction from 72 patients with drug addiction kept in rehab clinics and 100 non-dependent patients who formed the control group were obtained. Intra and extraoral clinical examinations were performed and samples of subgingival plaque were collected through sterile absorbent paper cones. The presence of different genera and species of the class Mollicutes was evaluated by PCR using the specific primers and conditions for each microorganism. The statistical analysis was performed using the Chi-square test for comparisons of three or more variables and the Mann-Whitney test, with significance level of 5%. Out of species and genera evaluated, Mycoplasma salivarium showed correlation with gingival inflammation in both patient groups and was more frequently detected among drug addiction patients


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This paper reports the stage of a research on the corporate identity in commercial buildings. The objective of the research is to develop a system that aims to help the designer to enhance the transmission of the brand identity on the construction. At this step, we looked for the ascertainment of the variables that contribute to it in buildings considered as icons of brand identification in the building. And this paper also presents an analysis of a flagship located in Tokyo, from the Dior brand, which we used Surface Design techniques, combining cultural studies to geometric modeling, to Gestalt and Semiotics.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE