94 resultados para Salvador (BA)


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The numeric simulation is an important tool applied in understanding the dynamics of groundwater flow. In a hydrogeological model the processes responsible for groundwater flow are described by numerical formulations that allow the simplification, representation and understanding of the dynamics of the Aquifer System. In this work, a steady state groundwater flow simulation of Urucuia Aquifer System (UAS) part of the Corrente river basin was conducted, using the finite element method through software FEFLOW, to understand the dynamics of groundwater flow and quantify the hydrologic balance. The aquifer system Urucuia lodges in the São Francisco hydrogeological province and corresponds to a set of interconnected aquifers that occur in rocks from Urucuia group in the Urucuia sub-basin described by Campos e Dardenne (1997). The system is a porous media one, in a shape of a thick table mountain, consisting essentially of sandstones. The Corrente river basin is located in UAS in Western State of Bahia and it's one of the main units to maintaining permanent flow (Q95) and average natural flow of the São Francisco river. The simulation performed in this work obtained the following results for the modelled region: horizontal hydraulic conductivity of 3 x 10-4 m/s and vertical one 6 x 10-5 m/s; maximum recharge of 345 mm and minimum of 85 mm/a. It was concluded that: (1) regional groundwater flow has eastbound; with an exception of the extreme northeast portion, where the flow has opposite direction; (2) there are smaller water side dividers with an approximate direction EW, that guide the flow of water to the drainage that cut the aquifer; and (3) the UAS at Corrente river basin can be understood as a free regional aquifer system, isotropic and homogeneous. Regionally, the small lithological variations present in the Urucuia group can be neglected and do not exhibit significant influences on the dynamics of ground water flow


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Considering current technological progresses, they prove to be useful tools to be increasingly exploited in order to meet the population's needs. Generally, in Brazil, the Mobile Emergency Services (SAMU) tend to be limited to the management of incidents, which undermines the efficiency of these bodies. In this context, this final dissertation aims to present the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the SAMU in the cities of Feira de Santana BA and Rio Claro SP, integrating occurrences data related to trauma by cold weapon injuries, injury by gun, and assaults, in the period 2012-2013, as well as census data. The study was developed in stages that included obtaining data related to trauma events linked to urban violence, and statistical Census data (2010), provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Regarding the GIS, the free software Quantum GIS (QGIS) was adopted for processing and spatializing data, assuming the districts as units of study, in the urban area of the cities analyzed. The resulting research products were presented in thematic maps format, which conducted to a comparative analysis of the occurrences related to traumas. The achieved results were satisfactory, and a database in GIS was developed, integrating occurrences data by Cold Weapon Injuries (FAB), Injury by Gun (FAF) and Assaults with census data, allowing the proper use and update of the system. Making a comparative analysis between the two cities, it was possible to establish that Rio Claro presents more occurrences when it comes to FAF, FAB and Aggression recorded at SAMU per 100,000 inhabitants than Feira de Santana. Thus, although Rio Claro's population is about three times smaller than Feira de Santana's, it can be said that Rio Claro is a more violent city, considering the factors analyzed. It is possible to infer that the use of GIS applied to the SAMU in medium-sized cities is feasible, and it has the advantage...


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE