128 resultados para Salto


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Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC


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The aim of this study was to verify the effect of selective loads model in professional futsal players, during a preparatory mesocycle. Nine futsal professional players (23±2 anos), from the team of Federation Paulista of soccer indoor championship, composed the sample, characterized by intentional. The players were evaluated in two moments although of a preparatory mesocycle, microcycle 2 (PRE) and microcycle 7 (POS), by the tests of intermittent aerobic fitness, horizontal jump, one leg triple jump, velocity of 15m, agility and anaerobic power. The statistical analysis included the Student-t and Wilxocon tests (P<0.05). The results of horizontal jump, intermittent aerobic fitness and medium power improved, the velocity at 15 m decreased. The select loads model is a good option for the periodization to preparatory mesocycle in futsal.


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Mudanças no índice de massa corporal (IMC), devido a diversos fatores, como o baixo nível de prática de atividade física, são frequentemente associadas ao baixo nível de aptidão física de crianças com provável transtorno do desenvolvimento da coordenação (pTDC). O presente estudo examinou se crianças com pTDC apresentariam desempenhos inferiores em termos de aptidão física quando comparado com seus pares de desenvolvimento típico (DT). Trinta e duas crianças com pTDC e IMC normal e 32 crianças com DT e IMC normal, pareadas por gênero, idade e IMC, realizaram os testes de sentar e alcançar, de salto horizontal, abdominal, puxada na barra 'modificado' e corrida de 9-min. Os resultados mostraram que crianças do grupo pTDC apresentaram menor força explosiva, resistência e força muscular e resistência cardiorrespiratória do que as crianças do grupo TD. Foi concluído que, mesmo com IMC esperado para a idade, crianças com pTDC têm baixo nível de aptidão física.


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INTRODUCTION: Basketball is characterized with high injury rate. In the literature it's not defined whether or not there are differences between the sexes. OBJECTIVE: Characterize and analyze the incidence of athletic injuries in basketball players, comparing the sexes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen under-23 category athletes of each sex were interviewed with the reported morbidity inquire. RESULTS: The age of the female and male teams, in average, was 18 ± 0.65 and 18.20 ± 1.57 years respectively. The male team had more injuries than the female one (respectively 2.6 ± 1.45 against 1.2 ± 1.18, p < 0.05). The joint damage was the most common injury in the male team, representing 58.97%, and the second most common in the female team (33.33%). The lower limbs were the most common injured sites (80.95% in the female and 69.23% in the male). The most frequent injury mechanism in the male team was the landing (43.59%), and in the female was the vertical jump (28.57%). In both teams the most injuries occurred during the training (61.9% in the female and 71.8% in the male). The absence was necessary in 47.62% (female) and 56.41% (male). Great part of the athletes didn't received any treatment (61.9% and 51.28% in the female and male team respectively). The return to the activities was mostly symptomatic, in both female and male team (85.71% and 84.62% respectively). CONCLUSION: The incidence of injuries in basketball is higher in the lower limbs. The male team is more likely to suffer injuries, and the main injury mechanisms were different between male and female team.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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The present article concerns on the development of Brazil, Argentina and South Korea in a comparative manner during the 1970s and 1980s. We tried to show that the structural crisis of capitalism and the restructuring of the system have closed the possibilities of Brazil and Argentina‘s development while Korea that engaged in an export strategy achieved a qualitative jump on its economy.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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The Itararé Group is the record of one of the most significant glaciation events of the Gondwana. Of neocarboniferous-eopermian age, this unit has facies associations interpreted as resulted from shallow marine settings with glacial and deglacial water influence. The role of glaciers on the tectonic-sedimentary processes of the Itararé Group is striking, as typical facies such as diamictites, tilites, shales and rhythmites with dropstones are generated, besides the existence of glacially striated and polished surfaces. This work had as main goal to contribute to the geological knowledge of the Itararé Group in the central eastern portion of São Paulo State, using as basis outcrops from Itu, Salto and Porto Feliz, and also pertinent bibliographic data and well profiles located in the surrounding areas. About the stratigraphic framework, genetic association and paleogeography of these deposits, this work concludes that the area studied comprises the basal section of the Itararé Group. The stacking of the facies recognized during the field work begins with the striated and polished surfaces of the basement, described in Salto, superposed by tilites and diamictites with glacial movement features. Over these are the turbidites from Itu, associated with the glacier retreat. The outcrops of Porto Feliz are at the top of this succession, with deposits generated by flows with lateral and vertical variations, sometimes with prevalence of tractive conditions, and sometimes with sediments transported largely by suspension. Paleocurrent measurements show main flow directions towards NW, the same as glacial striae, suggesting the influence of reworking of sediments by the meltwater during deglacial periods


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Mass reduction coupled with the mechanical performance in service has been the goal of many projects related to the transport area, considering the advantages that mass reduction can bring. However, make a simple material substitution without design a new geometry to corroborate for the best component performance, often makes the replacement unviable. In this study, it was investigated the advantages of replacing the prototype BAJA SAE front suspension lower arm of Equipe Piratas do Vale de BAJA SAE - Universidade Paulista, Campus Guaratinguetá, actually produced with steel, for a new component made of carbon fiber composite. The new geometry has been developed to provide the best possible performance for this component and your easy manufacturing. The study was done using the 3D modeling tools and computer simulations via finite element method. The first stage of this work consisted on calculation of the estimated maximum contact force tire / soil in a prototype landing after jump at one meter high, drop test in the laboratory with the current vehicle, current front suspension lower arm 3D modeling, finite element simulation and analysis of critical regions. After all current component analysis, a new geometry for the part in study was designed and simulated in order to reduce the component mass and provide a technological innovation using composite materials. With this work it was possible to obtain a theoretical component mass reduction of 25,15% maintaining the mechanical strength necessary for the appropriated component performance when incited


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As an effect of the imbalance caused by the damming of rivers and pollution, it has been observed a growing aquatic plants infestation in reservoirs for the generation of electricity. In addition to power generation, these sites have also been used for various other purposes, including recreation, attracting water and navigation. Thus it is important to evaluate these water bodies periodically, in order to verify the leading conditions to the growth of algae, plants and other organisms. In this sense, Remote sensing technology can be a valuable tool for mapping and monitoring the occupation of land in the vicinity of the water body and the optical properties of water, to provide subsidies for the effective management of these aquatic environments. This paper aims to perform the monitoring of the occurrence of aquatic plants in Salto Grande Hydropower Reservoir, located in Americana (SP) and, periodically, map the occupation of land in the vicinity of the water body, through multispectral images taken by sensors on the satellites Landsat series in seven consecutive years: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. The adopted methodological procedure included the images data and the classification of multispectral images to map, every year, the location and extension of the area infested by aquatic plants and the occupation of land


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The Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP) offers a proposal to optimize the production of strength and muscular power when performing exercises near maximum to actions previously assessed . The present study aims to show the activation process of postactivation potentiation (PAP) through vertical and plyometric jumps, and explain the user function of these movements. The ratio of post-activation potentiation resulting from plyometric and vertical jumps and explosive strength in the lower limbs aims to improve the potency and maximal strength, proven through studies and protocols detailed here. The results of this research come can be applied both for athletes and for individuals with experience in strength training and jumps (sports like volleyball, basketball and handball). The study was conducted through a literature review, conducted in scientific journals indexed in major databases (PubMed, ISI-Web of Science, SCIELO), books and academic papers (theses and dissertations)