335 resultados para Síndrome da dor patelofemoral


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A síndrome metabólica (SM) aumenta o risco de eventos cardiovasculares e o consumo adequado de frutas, verduras e legumes (FVL) está relacionado a sua prevenção. Objetivo: Identificar o consumo de FVL e sua relação com a SM e seus componentes em amostra populacional adulta. Estudo prospectivo de corte transversal com 636 indivíduos adultos, no período de 2004 a 2008. Foram realizadas avaliações antropométrica, clínica, dietética e bioquímica com todos participantes. A SM foi classificada pelo NCEP ATP-III, modificada para a glicose >100mg/dl. A regressão logística foi utilizada para verificar a razão de chance entre o consumo de FVL com a SM e seus componentes, e o nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. O consumo de frutas adequado se mostrou protetor para obesidade abdominal (OR: 0,77; IC: 0,38-0,93), hipertrigliceridemia (OR: 0,76; IC: 0,35-0,96) e presença de SM (OR: 0,78; IC: 0,39-0,96), e o consumo adequado de FVL apresentou efeito protetor para a presença de SM (OR: 0,79; IC: 0,41-0,95). A análise isolada do consumo adequado de verduras e legumes não mostrou efeitos de proteção/risco para a presença de SM e de seus componentes. O consumo adequado de FVL apresentou efeito protetor para a presença de SM e o consumo adequado de frutas exerceu efeito protetor tanto para a presença de SM e como de seus componentes.


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Os autores apresentam uma revisão da literatura referente às alternativas de tratamento cirúrgicas e não-cirúrgicas para a Síndrome da Apnéia e Hipopnéia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAHOS) e para a Síndrome da Resistência das Vias Aéreas superiores (SRVAS) com enfoque no princípio de ação e evolução dos aparelhos de avanço mandibular e, em particular, no mecanismo dinâmico de ação do Aparelho Anti-Ronco® (AAR-ITO).


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TEMA: este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever o processo de intervenção fonoaudiológica em um caso de síndrome de Kabuki, com ênfase na terapia de linguagem. PROCEDIMENTOS: trata-se de relato de caso de uma criança de seis anos e seis meses de idade, gênero feminino, com diagnóstico de síndrome de Kabuki, que realizou terapia fonoaudiológica durante três anos em uma clínica-escola. Foi realizada análise documental dos dados do prontuário relativos à anamnese, avaliação e relatórios terapêuticos fonoaudiológicos, exames e avaliações multidisciplinares. Aos três anos e cinco meses, a criança passou por avaliação fonoaudiológica e apresentou, como histórico, características típicas da síndrome de Kabuki: alteração cardíaca, episódios de pneumonia, otite média secretora recorrente, alterações ortopédicas e crises convulsivas. Na avaliação fonoaudiológica, apresentou tempo de atenção auditiva e visual reduzido, dificuldade de compreensão oral, comunicação por meio de poucos gestos e vocalizações e problemas de comportamento. RESULTADOS: o processo terapêutico teve como objetivo principal promover o desenvolvimento da linguagem com ênfase na interação social por meio de atividades lúdicas, orientação familiar e escolar. Foi observada melhora na compreensão e emissão oral, no contato social e manutenção da atenção. CONCLUSÃO: este estudo permitiu divulgar o percurso de atuação fonoaudiológica na síndrome de Kabuki, do processo diagnóstico à terapia de linguagem. Verificou-se que a terapia foi eficaz no que se refere às habilidades comunicativas e de interação social. Esses dados podem contribuir para elucidar lacunas existentes na literatura acerca da terapia fonoaudiológica na síndrome em questão e subsidiar intervenções clínicas nesses casos.


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A síndrome de abstinência alcoólica é um quadro agudo, caracterizado por um conjunto de sinais e sintomas autolimitados, com gravidade variada, secundário à interrupção total ou parcial do consumo de álcool, podendo ser associado a inúmeros problemas clínicos e/ou outros transtornos psiquiátricos. O objetivo deste artigo é rever as principais complicações psiquiátricas secundárias à síndrome de abstinência alcoólica, como convulsões e delirium tremens, bem como algumas outras condições psiquiátricas associadas à dependência de álcool, como as síndromes de Wernicke Korsakoff e de Marchiava Bignami. Pretende-se, com isso, auxiliar no diagnóstico precoce e tratamento adequado, minimizando assim a morbidade e a mortalidade associadas a tais complicações.


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This study was designed to evaluate retrospectively the frequency and etiology of the gastrointestinal (GI) lesions in 45 consecutive necropsies of adult patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Gross descriptions and histological sections of the GI tract, from mouth to anus, were reviewed. The slides were H&E stained, and when necessary special stains and immunohistochemical methods were also employed. There were lesions in GI tract in 37 (82.3%) patients; the mouth was the segment most frequently involved (73.3% of the cases), followed by the colon (55.5%). Multiple lesions occurred in 17 (37.7%) cases. Cytomegalovirus caused colonic lesions in 35.7% of the cases. Candidiasis was observed in 26.6% mainly in the mouth and herpes simplex (8.8%) was the important agent of esophageal lesions. Oral hairy leukoplasia associated with HPV was found in 16 (35.5%) cases. Neoplasia was diagnosed in 7 (15.5%) cases: four Kaposi's sarcoma, two anal intramucosal carcinomas and one gastric lymphoma. Our data confirm the high frequency and variety of GI tract alterations in AIDS.


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A review of the literature showed that the Bálint's syndrome is due to bilateral parieto-occipital lesions. In the present report, the authors describe a case of Bálint's syndrome which appeared after several simple partial epileptic seizures related to a right parietal localization. The benign course with full recovery is an example of the fact that the Bálint's syndrome may be related to reversible functional alterations of the cerebral cortex.


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The complete unilateral cranial nerve paralysis syndrome, or Garcin 's Syndrome, is a rare clinical condition. The purpose of this paper is to describe a case associated with non-Hodgkin s lymphoma. A 41-year-old male patient developed a progressive cranial nerve disorder. On the right hand side, there was impairment of all cranial nerves. We report the clinical and laboratorial findings. Lymph node exeresis revealed a Diffuse Non-Hodgkin s Lymphoma, with diffuse hone marrow infiltration. Cerebrospinal fluid showed pleocytosis, with 100% of immunoblasts. The CT scan showed no tumoral masses on the brain stem. This is the first clinical description of a complete Garcin 's Syndrome caused by diffuse lymphomatous infiltration of the cranial nerves.


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Background and Objectives - Postoperative pain is one of the major discomforts but often under treated, especially in the pediatric patient. The aim of this study was to evaluate nasal morphine postoperative analgesia as an alternative drug administration route and show its applicability, effectiveness, tolerability and side effects. Methods - Participated in this study 20 patients aged 3 to 13 years, physical status ASA I and II sequentially submitted the different small and medium-size surgeries. Analgesia was obtained with nasal morphine hydrochloride in aqueous solution in variable concentrations of 2%, 1%, 0.5%, 0.25% and 0.125%. The dose for each instillation has been 0.1 mg.kg -1 at three-hour intervals for 36 postoperative hours. Quality of analgesia in pre-verbal age patients was evaluated by a pain intensity scale based on facial expression and crying, sleep, motor activity, sociability and food ingestion was used. Standardized evaluations were performed at 3-hour intervals. A four-grade scale was used to evaluate tolerability, where: 1) Good; 2) Regular; 3) Bad; 4) Very bad. Result - Postoperative analgesia results have proven to be good and safe, especially from the third evaluation on (6 hours). Drug tolerability has been good, although side effects were observed, especially nausea and vomiting. Conclusions - Patients and relatives accepted the method very well. The nasal route was considered an adequate way for opioid administration although more studies are needed to accept it as a routine for postoperative morphine analgesia.


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Irritable bowel syndrome is a high prevalent functional disorder. Its diagnosis is based in symptoms and the Rome Criteria. The treatment takes in account psychosocial and biologic factors. The therapeutic measures aim to correct the predominant symptoms: constipation, diarrhea and abdominal pain.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Before epídural steroids were used in chronic lumbar pain, subarachnoid injection of these agents was the treatment of choice. Although still preconized by some authors, this technique may lead to severe complications with neurological sequelae. This report aimed at describing a case of accidental subarachnoid injection of steroid associated to local anesthetics during epidural puncture to treat lumbar pain. CASE REPORT: Male patient, 46 years old, followed byneuro-surgery for presenting right sciatic pain for 9 month, refractory to clinical treatment due to L 4-L 5 disk protrusion confirmed by CT scan, without neurological deficit. Epidural puncture for pain treatment was performed in L 4-L 5 with 17G needle and 10 mL solution were injected containing 4 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine, 80 mg methylprednisolone and 4 mL of 0.9% saline. Although there has not been CSF reflux, 5 minutes after injection there were sensory block in T 4 and motor block in T 6, associated to blood pressure and heart rate decrease. CONCLUSIONS: Accidental subarachnoid injections with the association of steroids for pain relief may cause adverse effects. There are several risks, varying from mild transient symptoms to nervous injuries, including spinal cord injuries. Our patient had no sequelae from the accidental subarachnoid injection, probably because it has been a single injection.


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BACKGROUND: X-Fragile Syndrome. AIM: To compile information about the language, cognitive and behavior alterations in the X-Fragile Syndrome, using the results of previously published studies and to present the standardized instruments used as testing materials. CONCLUSION: studies used formal and informal testing to assess language. The results present variability regarding the linguistic deficits, which are influenced by the level of the cognitive deficit and behavior alterations. Alterations of the oral praxes and of speech articulation are also expected.