118 resultados para Relatos de casos


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O prurido do traje de banho ou seabather s eruption é uma dermatite intensamente pruriginosa que ocorre pelo contato com larvas plânulas do cnidário cifozoário Linuche unguiculata, especialmente sob os trajes de banhistas. As larvas disparam seus nematocistos a partir de cnidócitos ou células urticantes de defesa na pele da vítima, causando uma típica erupção pápulo-eritemato-pruriginosa. Os primeiros cinco casos descritos no Brasil foram publicados em 2001, no litoral Sudeste (Ubatuba, SP), obtendo-se associação com larvas de Linuche unguiculata, uma vez que a ocorrência e o ciclo de vida do cnidário já haviam sido estudados no Canal de São Sebastião, SP. Os autores relatam os seis casos na região Sul do Brasil (Estado de Santa Catarina), enfatizando os aspectos clínicos e a pesquisa para identificação do agente na água do mar local.


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Objective. Identify the rabies virus in cases of nervous disease archived in the laboratory with diagnosis of nonspecific encephalitis. Materials and methods. Twelve samples of bovine brain suspected of rabies, were processed by indirect immunoperoxidase technique using polyclonal antibodies against the viral agent. Results. Was demonstrated the presence of viral antigens in three cases in the form of small aggregates in the cytoplasm of neurons, with a pattern of round or oval and a variable number of viral inclusion bodies. We discussed the importance of the results in Colombia, the usefulness of the technique in the difficult conditions for sending samples to the laboratory, plus the possible relationship of the negative cases with bovine herpesvirus 5. Conclusions. The use of immunohistochemical technique to demonstrate rabies virus antigens in formalin fixed bovines tissues can help in the construction of an epidemiological map of rabies disease in Colombia and may reduce the high under-diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system of cattle, reported in some regions.


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Biofilm formation is considered an advantage for Staphylococcus aureus mastitis isolates, facilitating bacterial persistence in the udder. It requires attachment to mammary epithelium, proliferation and accumulation of cells in multilayers and enclosing in a polymeric matrix known as exopolysaccharide. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine subclinical mastitis for formation of biofilms. A total of 94 Staphylococcus aureus strains obtained from milk samples of cows suffering from subclinical mastitis in dairy herds on two properties in the state of São Paulo were evaluated. These strains were characterized by in vitro biofilm formation, and by the presence of icaA and icaD genes which are responsible for intercellular adhesion. The results revealed that 98.9% of the isolates produced biofilm in vitro by adherence in sterile 96-well "U" bottom polystyrene tissue culture plates; 95.7% of the isolates possessed the icaA and icaD genes. These bacterial isolates biofilm producers may impair eradication of chronic mastitis, rendering antibiotherapy less effective. The detection of biofilm forming ability in mastitis isolates may provide useful information for more adequate therapeutic regimen and for preventive actions in the control of those bacterial isolates in bovine herds.


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Juvenile cellulitis or juvenile sterile granulomatous lymphadenitis is a rare disorder that affects puppies between three weeks to six months years old. Clinical signs include alopecia, edema, papules, pustules and crusts especially on eyelids. Definitive diagnosis requires cytological and histological evaluation and early and aggressive therapy is recommended, once scars after recovery can be severe. The choice treatment is the high dose of corticosteroids use such as prednisone. Three animals of canine species were attended at the Veterinary Hospital Clinical Small Animal Service presenting different clinical signs. Hemogram, skin lesions and submandibular lymph nodes cytological examination was collected and analyzed. The treatment was instituted, using cephalexin (22mg/kg, twice daily) up to control of secondary bacterial infection, and prednisone (2mg/kg, once a day) until clinical resolution. Complete cure was obtained at the end of treatment. The aim of this work is to report three clinical cases of juvenile cellulitis in dogs.


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To study the histogenesis of spindle and epithelioid cell tumors of gastrointestinal tract we evaluated ten cases of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) previously classified as leiomyomas (6 cases) and leiomyosarcomas (4 cases). The cases were studied by morphological and immunohistochemistry procedures with search of three markers: muscle specific actin (HHF-35), vimentin and S-100 protein. All tumors showed vimentin positivity. Muscle differentiation was demonstrated in three cases (33.3%), all of them benign. One tumor, in small intestine, displayed S-100 protein positivity. The results showed that the GIST represent a heterogeneous group of tumors, most of which consist of primitive mesenchymal cells.


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Spirometric and haemogasimetric tests were performed in 52 patients with unifocal and multifocal progressive Paracoccidioidomycosis pulmonary diseases, in 5 patients with juvenile and 1 female internal genital forms. The age ranged from 20 to 74 years old and the duration of disease from 3 to 25 years. Dyspnea, cough, tegumentary and lymphatic manifestations were the most predominant signs observed. Fourteen of them was developed Cor pulmonale. Impaired renal function was recorded in 19 patients, cardiac symptoms were described in 7 and hyporeactor adrenal activity was showed in 13 patients. Radiological studies demonstrated mild in 16, moderate in 24 and severe pulmonary lesions types in 18 patients. The pulmonary function revealed: normal spyrographic findings in 17, pure obstructive type in 32 and mixed form in 9 of them. Hyperventilation was described in 54 individuals and all of them showed an increasing of the alveolo-arterial difference. PaO2 less than 80 mm/Hg observed in 36 of them. Statistical analysis demonstrated significative association between clinical evolution and radiological interpretation. Similar data were obtained in radiology evaluations, clinical evolutive studies and pulmonary functions described in these patients. The granulomatous reaction due to Paracoccidioidomycosis, in heavy smokers patients, gave origin to the alterations in small airways predisposing the interalveolar dissemination an impaired alveolo-arterial diffusion.


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The authors studied the main aspects of etiology of the palate paralysis in six children suffering from soft palate paralysis. They emphasized the importance of multidisciplinary approach in the management of patients with this disease. In the author's cases the most likely etiologies were: neuropathy post-viral epidemic parotitis, tumors localized in the posterior cerebral fossa and idiopathic. They concluded that it is extremely important in these patients a detailed otorhinolaryngologic, neurologic and fonoaudiologic examinations.


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Granuloma faciale is a benign and rare disease restricted to the skin. Its etiopathogenesis is not related to systemic granulomatous and eosinophilic diseases. Two adult patients with reddish-brown lesions on the facial are reported. Among the treatments used, the more consistent results were observed with intralesional triamcinolona (Case 1) and with CO2 Laser (Case 2), with clear advantage of the laser therapy. The histopathology and the therapeutic options are discussed.


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Basaloid squamous carcinoma is an aggressive subtype of squamous carcinoma of superior aerodigestive tract. This tumor has been recently described and it seems to have higher incidence in tongue, hypopharynx and supraglottis. It has more agressive biological behavior than pure type of squamous cell carcinoma. We report 4 cases of this tumor and we present a review of the literature.