253 resultados para Rattus norvegicus.
A simple and applicable method for non-exhaustive aerobic evaluation in running rats is described. Wistar rats were submitted to running test at different velocities (10, 15, 20, 25 m/min) with 48 h recovery among them. At each velocity, the rats ran two bouts of 5 min with 2 min of rest between bouts. Blood samples were collected at the end of each bout for lactate determination. For each intensity, delta lactate was calculated and using deltas obtained by four tests, an individual linear interpolation was plotted. The y-intercept of linear interpolation was the null delta lactate equivalent to the critical velocity (CV). To verify the lactate stabilization at CV, the animals were submitted to 25 min of continuous exercise (15, 20, 25 m/min), with blood collection every 5 min. The estimated CV was 16.6±0.7 m/min, with significant linear regressions (R=0.90±0.03). The rats presented maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) at 3.9±0.4 mmol/L, at 20 m/min. The CV was less than MLSS but significantly correlated with this parameter (r=0.78). This non-exhaustive test seems to be valid for the aerobic evaluation of sedentary rats and this protocol underestimates the MLSS in 20%. This test seems to be the interesting method for the evaluation of rats submitted to acute exercise or physical training.
Background: There is increasing interest in non-pharmacological control of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the plasma and diet-drug association represent an important area of studies. The objective of this study was to observe the hypocholesterolemic effect of soybean β-conglycinin (7S protein) alone and combined with fenofibrate and rosuvastatin, two hypolipidemic drugs. Methods. The protein and drugs were administered orally once a day to rats and the effects were evaluated after 28 days. Wistar rats were divided into six groups (n = 9): hypercholesterolemic diet (HC), HC+7S protein (300 mg.kg-1 day-1) (HC-7S), HC+fenofibrate (30 mg.kg-1 day-1)(HC-FF), HC+rosuvastatin (10 mg.kg-1 day-1)(HC-RO), HC+7S+fenofibrate (HC-7S-FF) and HC+7S+rosuvastatin (HC-7S-RO). Results: Animals in HC-7S, HC-FF and HC-RO exhibited reductions of 22.9, 35.8 and 18.8% in total plasma cholesterol, respectively. In HC-7S-FF, animals did not show significant alteration of the level in HC+FF while the group HC-7S-RO showed a negative effect in comparison with groups taking only protein (HC-7S) or drug (HC-RO). The administration of the protein, fenofibrate and rosuvastatin alone caused increases in the plasma HDL-C of the animals, while the protein-drug combinations led to an increase compared to HC-FF and HC-RO. The plasma concentration of triacylgycerides was significantly reduced in the groups without association, while HC-7S-FF showed no alteration and HC-7S-RO a little reduction. Conclusion: The results of our study indicate that conglycinin has effects comparable to fenofibrate and rosuvastatin on the control of plasma cholesterol, HDL-C and triacylglycerides, when given to hypercholesterolemic rats, and suggests that the association of this protein with rosuvastatin alters the action of drug in the homeostasis of cholesterol. © 2012 Ferreira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to determine the effects of isolated soy glycinin (11S) on lipid metabolism in animals subjected to a hypercholesterolemic diet. Design/methodology/approach: Male Wistar rats were kept in individual cages under appropriate conditions. The animals were divided into three groups (n=9): normal diet (STD) given a diet containing casein as protein source, recommended in AIN-93M; hypercholesterolemic (HC) fed a normal diet with 1 per cent cholesterol and 0.5 per cent cholic acid; and hypercholesterolemic+glycinin (HC+11S), fed a hypercholesterolemic diet, plus 11S soy protein (300 mg/kg/day), dissolved in saline and administered by gavage. After 28 days, the animals were sacrificed and blood and liver removed for biochemical analysis of total cholesterol (TC), HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and triglycerides (TG) in the plasma, hepatic TC and TG. Findings: A single daily dose of glycinin given to the hypercholesterolemic group demonstrated its functional role, particularly in raising HDL-C and reducing triglycerides in the liver. Originality/value: This study demonstrates the action of the 11S globulin in soybean as a serum lipid lowering agent, in addition to its nutritional properties, especially in raising the HDL-C. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
The suspension of rats by the tail model is used to investigate the behavior of bone in animals unable to move around. Bone is an adaptative tissue that develops in structure and function, among other factors, in response to mechanical forces applied to it and metabolic demands that it will suffer. The absence of mechanical forces and deformation of bone that occurs causes a decrease in calcium deposition in the absence of stimuli on osteoblasts and osteocytes, favoring the action of osteoclasts, making bones weak and brittle. Therefore, the mechanical action is necessary to stimulate local bone response and thus provide growth and remodeling. The aim of this study was to evaluable by radiographic densitometry, the tail suspension for 15 and 36 days alter the bone mineral density of cervical vertebrae (C3), thoracic (T6) and lumbar (L1 and L3) of Wistar rats. Thirty Rattus norvegicus albinus, adult, male, Wistar strain, average body mass ± 350g, were divided into 3 groups: control (n = 10) - not suspended; S15 (n = 10) - suspended for 15 days and S36 (n = 10) - suspended for 36 days. For densitometric analysis vertebrae were radiographed, scanned, digitized and analyzed by the computer program ImageJ®. There was a statistically significant increase in bone mineral density in group S15, probably by the restlessness of the animals to the suspension, with a decrease in group S36, and this hypothetically is linked to the accommodation of the rats, concluding that the tail suspension altered bone mineral density in first time with a decrease over time.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate triglyceride and cholesterol levels in diabetic rats and their relationship with pulpal and periodontal diseases. Methods: Eighty male rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar) were divided into the following eight groups comprising ten animals each: normal rats (G1), rats with pulpal diseases (G2), rats with periodontal diseases (G3), rats with both pulpal and periodontal diseases (G4), diabetic rats (G5), diabetic rats with pulpal diseases (G6), diabetic rats with periodontal diseases (G7), and diabetic rats with both periodontal and pulpal diseases (G8). Diabetes was induced by injecting streptozotocin, periapical lesions were induced by exposing pulpal tissue to the oral environment, and periodontal diseases were induced by periodontal ligature. The animals were killed after 30 days, and lipid profile was enzymatically measured using Trinder's method. The total assessed values were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance and Tukey test (p < 0.05). Results: The triglyceride levels of diabetic rats with periodontal disease and of diabetic rats with both periodontal and pulpal diseases were significantly higher than those of normal rats and nondiabetic group rats, respectively. The differences in the cholesterol levels among the groups were not significant. Conclusions: We found that the association of pulpal and periodontal diseases with diabetes increased triglyceride levels in rats. Clinical significance: Changes in lipid profile may be related to the presence of oral infections and diabetes. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
This study evaluated the immunohistochemical expression of OPG, RANK, and RANKL proteins in the repair after immediate and delayed replantation of rat teeth. Fifty-six Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) had their maxillary right lateral incisor extracted and then replanted, according to the following conditions: group I (control; n = 8), teeth were not extracted; group II (n = 16), immediate replantation; group III (n = 16), delayed replantation without treatment; and group IV (n = 16), delayed replantation after root surface treatment (periodontal ligament removal and immersion in 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride) and calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing. Rats in group I were euthanized on the first day of the experiment, while the animals in the other groups were euthanized 10 and 60 days after replantation (n = 8/period). Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections were obtained for histological analysis. The immunohistochemical analysis revealed expression of OPG and RANKL proteins in all groups and both postreplantation times, except for group II at 60 days. In the experimental groups, RANK expression was observed only at 10 days. In conclusion, there was strong immunostaining for the OPG-RANK-RANKL system at the earlier postreplantation time, suggesting a more effective participation of these proteins at the start of the healing process, as their expression decreased at 60 days. Copyright © 2013 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.
We investigated the behavioral and molecular interactions between cocaine and nicotine, through evaluating locomotor activity, nicotine intravenous self-administration and gene expression. Locomotor sensitization was induced in male Wistar rats by repeated cocaine (20 mg/kg; i.p.) or saline injections once a day over 7 days. Three days after the last injection, rats were challenged with either saline or cocaine (15 mg/kg; i.p.) and the locomotor activity was measured. The very next day animals received either saline or nicotine (0.4 mg/kg; s.c.) and the locomotor cross-sensitization was tested. Animals were then prepared with intrajugular catheters for nicotine self-administration. Nicotine self-administration patterns were evaluated using fixed or progressive ratio schedules of reinforcement and a 24-h unlimited access binge. Immediately after the binge sessions animals were decapitated, the brains were removed and the nucleus accumbens was dissected. The dynorphin (DYN), μ-opioid receptor (mu opioid), neuropeptide Y (NPY), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), tropomyosin-related tyrosine kinase B receptor (TrkB) and corticotropin- releasing factor receptor type 1 (CRF-R1) gene expression were measured by the reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Pretreatment with cocaine caused sensitization of cocaine motor response and locomotor cross-sensitization with nicotine. In the self-administration experiments repeated cocaine administration caused an increase in the nicotine break point and nicotine intake during a 24 h binge session. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
In order to evaluate the hind limbs of caviomorph rodents a descriptive analysis of the Cuniculus paca (Linnaeus, 1766) and Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766) was performed using anatomical specimens, radiography, computed tomography (CT) and full-coloured prototype models to generate bone anatomy data. The appendicular skeleton of the two largest rodents of Neotropical America was compared with the previously reported anatomical features of Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769) and domestic Cavia porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758). The structures were analyzed macroscopically and particular findings of each species reported. Features including the presence of articular fibular projection and lunulae were observed in the stifle joint of all rodents. Imaging aided in anatomical description and, specifically in the identification of bone structures in Cuniculus paca and Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris. The imaging findings were correlated with the anatomical structures observed. The data may be used in future studies comparing these animals to other rodents and mammalian species. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.
It is known that during sex differentiation, fetal androgens are critical determinants of the male phenotype. Although testosterone is necessary for normal development of male sexual behavior, perinatal androgen treatment can result in disruption of normal male sexual reproduction. Pregnant Wistar rats were administered either corn oil (vehicle) or testosterone propionate at 0.2 mg/kg from gestational day 12 until the end of lactation and the reproductive function of male offspring was evaluated at 90 (adulthood) and 270 (middle age) days of age. Perinatal androgenization in the rat provoked a reduction in sperm production and reserves in adulthood that did not affect fertility and did not persist at more advanced ages, as shown by the results at post-natal day 270. If perinatal androgenization promotes similar effects in humans of reproductive age, the results of the present work can impact male reproduction health, given the less efficient spermatogenesis and lower sperm reserves in the human epididymis, compared to rodents. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart. New York.
Aims Maternal malnutrition by low protein diet is associated with an increased incidence of metabolic disorders and decreased male fertility in adult life. This study aimed to assess the impact of maternal protein malnutrition (MPM) on prostate growth, tissue organization and lesion incidence with aging. Main methods Wistar rat dams were distributed into two groups, which were control (NP; fed a normal diet containing 17% protein) or a restricted protein diet (RP, fed a diet containing 6% protein) during gestation. After delivery all mothers and offspring received a normal diet. Biometrical parameters, hormonal levels and prostates were harvested at post-natal days (PND) 30, 120 and 360. Key findings MPM promoted low birth weight, decreased ano-genital distance (AGD) and reduced androgen plasma levels of male pups. Prostatic lobes from RP groups presented reduced glandular weight, epithelial cell height and alveolar diameter. The epithelial cell proliferation and collagen deposition were increased in RP group. Incidences of epithelial dysplasia and prostatitis were higher in the RP offspring than in the NP offspring at PND360. Significance Our findings show that MPM delays prostate development, growth and maturation until adulthood, probably as a result of low testosterone stimuli. The higher incidence of cellular dysplasia and prostatitis suggests that MPM increases prostate susceptibility to diseases with aging. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
The 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) is a systemic herbicide whose effects in animal organic systems have been examined in previous studies, being the neurotoxicity considered the predominant effect. However, the studies that detect the 2,4-D neurotoxicity have merely focused in the central nervous system, and therefore, little is known about the effect of this herbicide in the enteric nervous system. This study aimed to verifying the 2,4-D effects on the myenteric neurons in duodenum of Wistar rats. Ten 60-day-old male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided in two groups: control group (C) that did not receive 2,4-D and experimental group (E) that received 5.0 mg of 2,4-D/kg for 15 days. At the end of experimental period, the animal were euthanized, the duodenum was collected and processed for NADPH-diaphorase histochemical analysis in order to expose the nitrergic myenteric neurons (NADPH-dp). In the light microscopy analysis, the whole-mount preparation obtained from duodenum of each animal were image-captured in 120 and 40 fields, for quantitative and morphometric analyses of myenteric neurons, respectively. The neuronal density was not affected when comparing the two groups, but an increase (p > 0.05) of 8.5% was observed in the cell body area of neurons in the E group. In conclusion, the ingestion of 2,4-D at a dosage of 5.0 mg/kg body weight for 15 days does not change the neuronal density, but promotes the hypertrophy of NADPH-dp myenteric neurons in duodenum of the rats of this study.
(-)-Cubebin is a lignan extracted from the seeds of the pepper Piper cubeba, a commonly eaten spice with beneficial properties, including trypanocidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-proliferative and leishmanicidal activities. Because of its therapeutic potential, we investigated the effects of (-)-cubebin on the cytotoxicity, cell proliferation kinetics, mutagenicity and expression of p38 MAP kinase and glutathione S-transferase a2 (GSTa2) using real-time RT-PCR in Rattus norvegicus hepatoma cells. We found that 280 μM (-)-cubebin was cytotoxic after 24, 48 and 72. h of exposure, but not mutagenic at 0.28 μM, 2.8 μM and 28 μM after 26. h. Similarly, exposure to 0.28 μM, 2.8 μM and 28 μM (-)-cubebin for 24, 48, 72 and 96. h did not alter the cell proliferation kinetics. Cells exposed to 28 μM (-)-cubebin for 24. h did not exhibit changes in p38 MAP kinase and GSTa2 expression, indicating that cellular changes were not induced by extracellular stimuli and that (-)-cubebin is likely not metabolized via this pathway. Our results suggest that high levels of (-)-cubebin should be consumed with caution due to the cytotoxic effect observed at the highest concentration. However, at lower concentrations, no cytotoxic, mutagenic or proliferative effects were observed, providing further evidence of the safety of consuming (-)-cubebin. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Objective Experimental studies have shown that exposure to cigarette smoke has negative effects on lipid metabolism and oxidative stress status. Cigarette smoke exposure in nonpregnant and pregnant rats causes significant genotoxicity (DNA damage). However, no previous studies have directly evaluated the effects of obesity or the association between obesity and cigarette smoke exposure on genotoxicity. Therefore, the aim of the present investigation was to evaluate DNA damage levels, oxidative stress status and lipid profiles in obese Wistar rats exposed to cigarette smoke. Design and Methods Female rats subcutaneously (sc) received a monosodium glutamate solution or vehicle (control) during the neonatal period to induce obesity. The rats were randomly distributed into three experimental groups: control, obese exposed to filtered air, and obese exposed to tobacco cigarette smoke. After a 2-month exposure period, the rats were anesthetized and killed to obtain blood samples for genotoxicity, lipid profile, and oxidative stress status analyses. Results The obese rats exposed to tobacco cigarette smoke presented higher DNA damage, triglycerides, total cholesterol, free fatty acids, VLDL-c, HDL-c, and LDL-c levels compared to control and obese rats exposed to filtered air. Both obese groups showed reduced SOD activity. These results showed that cigarette smoke enhanced the effects of obesity. Conclusion In conclusion, the association between obesity and cigarette smoke exposure exacerbated the genotoxicity, negatively impacted the biochemical profile and antioxidant defenses and caused early glucose intolerance. Thus, the changes caused by cigarette smoke exposure can trigger the earlier onset of metabolic disorders associated with obesity, such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Copyright © 2012 The Obesity Society.
Aims: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the expression of proteins that participate in the osteoinduction stage (VEGF, BMP2 and CBFA1) of the process of bone regeneration of defects created in rat calvariae and filled with autogenous bone block grafts. Materials and methods: 10 adult male rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar) were used, who received two bone defects measuring 5 mm each in the calvariae. The bone defects constituted two experimental groups (n = 10): Control Group (CONT) (defects filled with a coagulum); Graft Group (GR) (defects filled with autogenous bone removed from the contralateral defect). The animals were submitted to euthanasia at 7 and 30 days post-operatively. Results: Quantitative analysis demonstrated significantly greater bone formation in Group GR, but the presence of the studied proteins was significantly greater in the CONT Group in both time intervals of observation. Conclusion: It was not possible in this study in cortical bone block groups to detect the osteoinductive proteins in a significant amount during the repair process. © 2013 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application of 15 % propolis and 2 % acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride solutions on the root surface-adhered necrotic cemental periodontal ligament in delayed tooth replantation. Materials and methods: Thirty Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus, albinus) had their right upper incisor extracted and maintained in dry storage for 60 min. After this period, the dental papilla, enamel organ, and pulp tissue were removed, and the animals were randomly assigned to three groups: group I = immersion in saline for 10 min; group II = immersion in a 2 % acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride solution for 10 min; and group III = immersion in a 15 % propolis and propylene glycol solution for 10 min. The root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide paste and the teeth were replanted. Results: Inflammatory resorption, replacement resorption, and ankylosis were observed in all groups without a statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) among them. Conclusions: Under the tested conditions, the application of fluoride or propolis on root surface-adhered necrotic periodontal ligament did not favor the healing process in delayed tooth replantation. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.