96 resultados para Quadro elétrico inteligente
The central thesis that we aim to survey in this paper is that the present South-American political scene has required of the American imperialism a strategical redesign, in the sense of the neutralization, weakening and, if it is possible, destruction of regional political experiences/tendencies not aligned to its foreign politics. Under the mask of the defense of democracy and beneath the argument that Latin American "market oriented politics" are at stake, due to questions that goes back from the "delin-quency" —in Mexico—, the global terrorism, the organized international crime up to the worldwide drug traffic, the global strategy of American imperialism then sets up the definition of a new doctrine of preventive war that justifies the utilization of hard power against any country, in the name of its own defense. At the heart of the question what —actually— is in the agenda is the defense (and reproduction) of the benefits of its multinationals corporations and financial capital, by means of the international sub-traction of profitable assets, such as financial, energetic, communicational and natural resources, in addition to the domination of local markets, beyond facilitating capital flee amongst others.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Across the industry, regardless of the activity which is intended, the electricity distribution must meet the current and ever growing needs of the market, aiming at reliability and process efficiency. The energy must not only be available to ensure continuity of operation, but also to avoid the costs incurred due to deficiencies and failures. The tendency to migrate to intelligent systems is undeniable and this thesis will be analyzed the advantages that made this kind technology essential, focused on the analysis of the motor control center and as sturdy equipment fit to the concept of intelligent panels. The case study compares in a real scenario the acquisition of a system of low-voltage electrical panels comparing the cost to purchase the same set of panels made with and without the concept of intelligence
In this paper, we will present an overview of the smart grid defining the three main systems that compose it: smart infrastructure system, smart management system and smart protection system. We will conceptualize a functionality of smart management system, the conservative voltage reduction, citing its benefits and its history of application. And, finally, we'll cover a test in which we reduce the nominal voltages on incandescent bulbs, CFL and LED, in the context of residential lighting, and on LED and HPS, in the context of public lighting. The test aims to check whether the voltage reduction adversely affects sources of lighting by measuring the temperature manually with a thermal imaging camera FLIR and illuminance with a LUX meter. The set of power factor, total harmonic distortion, and input power values will be collected automatically through the power quality Analyzer Fluke 345 with a probe Fluke Hall Effect Current. For residential lighting, it was found that both CFL and LED had good performance with the smallest variations in illuminance. Between both, the LED source had the lowest harmonics and the lowest power consumption, on the other hand incandescent bulbs had a bad performance as expected. Public light sources also had a good performance and obtained power factors within the standards, as opposed to the CFL and LED residential sources. The data collected clearly shows the feasibility for nominal voltage reductions. Even with small reductions, there are possibilities of savings which can be passed on to the utilities and consumers
O Brasil tem passado por uma revolução demográfica importante e, com o crescente número de adultos e idosos, há também o aumento do aparecimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis relacionadas ao envelhecimento. Um exemplo é a osteoartrite, uma doença degenerativa, que acomete diferentes articulações do corpo e atinge com mais frequência a população acima de 50 anos de idade. O tratamento farmacológico da doença visa aliviar os sintomas de dor e inflamação com a administração de anti-inflamatórios e analgésicos que apresentam muitos efeitos adversos. Como alternativa para auxiliar o tratamento da osteoartrite, podem ser utilizados compostos bioativos dos alimentos, também chamados nutracêuticos. É reconhecido cientificamente que alguns compostos bioativos presentes nos alimentos possuem, além de sua capacidade nutricional, um papel importante para a prevenção e tratamento de alguns estados clínicos. Este estudo busca analisar, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, os benefícios de quatro nutracêuticos, quando utilizados no tratamento da osteoartrite. Dentre os nutracêuticos pesquisados, estão o ácido ascórbico, os insaponificáveis de abacate e soja, a vitamina D e o ômega 3, que auxiliam no tratamento do quadro inflamatório e na reparação da cartilagem danificada. Uma nova perspectiva no auxílio do tratamento da osteoartrite impõe ao farmacêutico adquirir um conhecimento interdisciplinar que possa contribuir para a orientação e informação de pacientes no exercício da atenção farmacêutica, a fim de sanar possíveis dúvidas dos pacientes sobre tais compostos e melhorar o aproveitamento do tratamento na melhoria de sua qualidade de vida.