120 resultados para Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola (Brasil)
The article discusses characteristics of the library collection of the Escola Estadual Leônidas do Amaral Vieira, from Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo (SP), which subsidized the research on history of didactics at the Instituto de Educação of this school, from 1953 to 1975. We present aspects of the school and its collection about didactics in light of theoretical and methodological aspects related to the history of school subjects.
The State of São Paulo is responsible for the largest sugar cane production in Brazil, as well as the largest production of ethanol made of this raw material – which is widely used as fuel for automobiles. This utilization began in the 1970’s, with the institution by the Brazilian government of the National Alcohol Program (PRO-ÁLCOOL), as a consequence of the petroleum crisis, rising again five years ago, with the development of flex fuel cars. The obtaining process of ethanol originates residues; amongst them, vinasse is the one that’s generated in the largest amount (an average of 10 to 13 litres/litre of ethanol produced). The disposal of this residue in waters was only forbidden in 1978, but before that, researchers had already been investigating its utilization as raw material. This paper had the objective of accompany the biodegradation of vinasse by evaluating the oxygen comsumption during it until the ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand (uBOD), performed in twenty days; another objective was to analyse the biomass production of Saccharomyces cerevisae in this residue. Physical and chemical analyses of the residue were also performed, as well as acute toxicity essays using Daphnia similis and Dugesia tigrina, before and after its biodegradation. The physical and chemical analyses pointed elevated acidness (pH = 3,98), conductivity (8,30 mS/cm) and COD (25.693,43 mg O2/L) and mean quantity of suspended solids (5.246 mg/L). The toxicity essays indicated absence of toxic potential in vinasse after biodegradation for both species. The uBOD degradated until 88,22% of the COD, demonstrating the possibility of biodegradation of most of the residue’s organic load in a relatively short period of time. S. cerevisae caused a 37,03% COD diminution in vinasse, diminished its conductivity and promoted a slight elevation of the pH; it obtained low biomass...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Tuberculosis due the large number of victims that come attacking in recent years has become a major concern in the World Health Organization. It is caused by a bacterium that is becoming increasingly resistant to drugs, because it requires long periods in treatment that are not always followed correctly. AIDS has contributed much in recent years with increased morbidity and mortality of Mycobacterium. The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) of Brazil in 2001 created the National Program of Control and Eradication of Animal Brucellosis and Tuberculosis (PNCEBT) establishing guidelines such as: sets the method to diagnose, control and certify herds free of disease. Joining the program is voluntary
This article discusses, in general matters, the economic and social motivations, the organization and development of the program Minha Casa Minha Vida, made in 2009, by Federal Government of Brazil. The objective of this work was to analyse the Brazilian economic and housing context, and the program relation with the Subprime international crisis, which has been started at United States in 2008, as well as analysing and discussing the logistics and the program accessibility. The MCMV program, part of the PAC – Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento – has the intention to combat the economic crisis that had been installed and also minimize the deficit housing of the country. From PAC's initial estimate, US$250 Bi, it has been spent US$129 Bi and it has already been approved more than US$125 Bi designated for the second stage of the program, whose the estimate of PAC2 is about one trillion and a half of brazilian reais. One million homes were built between 2009 and 2012, and the goal for 2014 is two million and a half of new residences. If comparing the current program with the oldest programs, progress were observed ,however, problems and inconsistences are clearly seen: in the real concernment, the truly beneficiary, and contradiction between a social and economic program to urban demands, among other situational factors. It’s also evident, the incentivation for a new residential and closed neighbourhoods, thereby adding to the fragmentation of the urban space, beyond of the exclusion socioespacial caused financing of residences in farest allotments. The capitalist production of the space it’s clearly thriving in analysis of thisfinancing package of the urban habitation, where the biggest glebas rise between central neighbourhood and the newest generated suburb, they evidence the negligence of the authorities in well managing the space, not executing the application of urban instruments of planning the social function, and...
This report analyses historically the familiar agriculture in Brazil and the agricultural policies for this social segment, evaluating, also, the results of the Strengthening of Familiar Agriculture Program (PRONAF) about their characteristics, specificities and distribution and the regional impacts. The objective of this report is analyze the evolution and the determinants of the regional distribution of the PRONAF’s resource and their consequences about the familiar agriculture performance in regional levels from 1999 until 2009
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo principal a análise da interculturalidade em uma coleção de livros didáticos de ensino da língua espanhola selecionados pelo Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), este voltado à distribuição dos livros em escolas de ensino público. Apresenta-se, inicialmente, um breve histórico da inserção do ensino de língua estrangeira no Brasil, que progride na tentativa de que os alunos compreendam a magnitude de aprender uma língua de caráter estrangeiro, uma nova língua. Além disso, elucidou-se sobre o ensino do espanhol na sala de aula, a fim de salientar a importância do ensino da língua estrangeira, apresentando em seguida a história e implicações do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático. Logo, foi aclarada a questão da interculturalidade no ensino, ou seja, os aspectos culturais de diversos países aplicados na educação do estudante com o intuito de demonstrar a magnificência de discernimento e aprendizagem das perspectivas culturais ao redor do mundo, e desse modo, possibilitando a compreensão da análise proposta neste trabalho. Foi utilizado como objeto de estudo e análise o livro didático El arte de leer español, de Deise Cristina de Lima Picanço e Terumi Koto Bonnet Villalba, que possui três volumes voltados ao ensino médio. A análise foi realizada a partir da presença da interculturalidade em textos e exercícios do referido livro didático
Along with the advance of technology, in terms of the expansion of medical exams that uses the ionizing radiation for diagnosis, there is also the concern about quality control for maintaining quality in radiographic imaging and for delivering low dose to the patient. Based on the Federal Order 453 of the Secretariat of Health Surveillance, which takes account of the practical and justification of individual medical exposures, the optimization of radiological protection, limitation of individual dose, and the prevention of accidents, were done through this paper radiodiagnostic tests on medical equipment in order to accept it or not, according to SVS-453. Along with the help and support of P&R Consulting and Medical Physics Marilia, SP, were made Quality Control and Radiometric Control in equipment from various cities across the state of São Paulo. The equipment discussed in this work is classified as conventional X-ray. According to the Federal Order SVS-453, the quality control in the program of quality assurance should include the following minimum set of constancy tests, with following minimum frequency: biennial tests for representative values of dose given to the patients of radiography and CT performed in the service; annual tests for accuracy of the indicator tube voltage (kVp), accuracy of exposure time, half-value layer, aligning the central axis of the beam of x-ray tube, performance (mGy / mA.min.m²), linearity of the rate of kerma on air with the mAs, reproducibility of the kerma on air rates, reproducibility of the automatic exposure, focal spot size, integrity of accessories and clothing for individual protection; semiannually for collimation system accuracy; weekly for temperature processing system and sensitometry processing system. For the room Radiometric Survey it was done a sketch...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This paper analyzes the transformations in Brazilian society, especially in relations between the fields of work, education and youth. The implementation of a new logic in the process of capital accumulation, changes meant to hit the job market, causing new social issues, especially for youth, which can be translated by rising unemployment and new job settings, thus, have sparked a broad debate around the requirements that the market imposes on that intend to engage in it, relations skills, knowledge and ability to enter the labor market of the population, reissuing the discussion on social inequalities that required the field of alternative public policies to address this situation of exclusion. Turning to the reflection on the process of qualification / training and placing young people in employment relationships, this study aims to address and reflect on educational policies aimed at the inclusion ofyouth in the labor market, as well as analyze the actions of generating jobs and skills for young people between 18 and 29 years to do so, we will examine the National Youth Inclusion Program- PROJOVEM - sponsored by the Federal Governrnent, which aims to expand the service to the youngsters excluded from school and vocational training, allowing young people to be reintegrated into the educational process, receiving social skills training
Due to the large economic development associated with the growing consumerist lifestyle of our capitalist society, the problem of uncontrolled solid waste generation worsens, which one is considered to be one of the main responsible factors for environmental degradation. As a case study and in order to solve the problem of large generation of municipal solid waste, this work aims to study the “plano diretor” of Rio Claro city, São Paulo. The “plano diretor” is a municipal law that provides guidelines for the administration of the city, which include guidelines for the management of solid waste generated in the city. The guidelines required in order to write the “plano diretor” are provided by the national law “estatuto da cidade”, providing information for the planning and development of the cities, as well as the management of the urban environment. However, only the “estatuto da cidade” does not provide enough instructions for creating management plans in order to solve the many problems from the urban environment. Thus, studies have been done about urban and environmental management, to understand how municipal management plans should be structured. As a form of seeking information that can complement the “plano diretor” to the creation of policies for managing solid waste of the city, the “Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos”(PNRS) emerges in 2010 as a document which provides principles, objectives and guidelines to create plans for Solid Waste Management at the national, state, regional and municipal levels. Therefore, it was possible to make a joint analysis of the “plano diretor” of Rio Claro with the PNRS to identify what is already done within the municipality about the solid waste management, and identify which aspects are most significant in the municipal solid waste management that the national policy provides. Yet studies have been done on the current municipal solid waste management...
This paper has it is hypotesis on the government program “My Home, My Life” and the assumption that it is a public politic attached to the market logic of financialization of the housing. It is understood that this program encourage capital for the main constructors and incorporated of brazilian heritage elite. It also served as well to promote more rentability to international capital and intensified the sociospacial segregration process as real state speculation has been potencialized. This work aims to present and discuss the program contradictions that have been sustained on the speech of wide subsidy offer and habitance construcution for low income workers - month income until three minimum salaries. Documents have shown that in the first phase of the program, habitance construction for this sector of population corresponded only to 5,5% of total habitation deficit. Businessmen on residance civil construction and public politic representatives have confirmed that the program interests are linked to financial market logic.The real benefits are not for low income workers, but for real state agents through extraordinaty profits of land and the so called new medium workers class(worker class C).We will search for embasement on the country history through the different governments and housing policies, in value theory and the concept of land income to understand the financialization process of the housing. We will also analyse oficial documents and the agents speech involved in real state market to show program contradictions and whose the real benefts are for
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
This paper addresses methods of reducing the electric energy consumption on residences by the means of constructive measures and replacement of electric devices. Analyzing their impacts on residential and national level based on data issued by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and PROCEL (National Program for Electricity Conservation).
Dissolution representations in Chemistry textbooks: the case of PNLEM. In Chemistry education, so as in other sciences, the use of images is fundamental in the process of teaching and learning. By virtue of this, the textbooks can be a vehicle of such importance, therefore contributing with many images and representations. In this context, the present work has as objective to promote the analysis of the six books approved by the “Programa Nacional do Livro do Ensino Médio, (PNLEM)”, being the main subject of investigation, the dissolution phenomena. Although the recognized importance of opperate in the theoretical and conceptual level to understand chemistry phenomena, our results suggest the need of greater reflection concerning the emphasis attributed to this hability. And so, this paper has as purpose contributing in the reflection of the professor during the choice and use of the LDs and in the process of evaluation of the same.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Didactic texts compose communication and representation systems. By them societies communicate with their children, their youth, transmit them live representations, symbols, ways of understanding speeches and delimit their study fields. This article presents a discussion about the medias used by Portuguese language text books selected by the Ministry of Education Textbook National Program (PNDL – in Portuguese), in order to observe the foundation of actions, movements and media insertion at school. The analysis allows us to see the consolidation of an individualist profile among the strategies of using medias at school, among others aspects.