112 resultados para Planejamento e Administração em Saúde


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Têm-se preocupado cada vez mais com a saúde do trabalhador manual, que vem sendo prejudicada com as altas demandas de trabalho repetitivo sem a devida recuperação, aumentando os riscos de lesão. A fadiga muscular tem se mostrado um importante fator responsável pelo aumento do risco de lesão, pois deixa a musculatura enrijecida e com pouca resistência muscular para suportar a demanda de trabalho. Este estudo pretende evidenciar a diminuição da força de resistência muscular devido ao acúmulo de fadiga residual do trabalho, através da dinamometria manual. Foram escolhidos 16 sujeitos, funcionários do Restaurante Universitário e da administração do Instituto de Geociências (IGCE) da UNESP campus Rio Claro, que realizam trabalho manual repetitivo. Entre os 16 sujeitos, haviam 11 mulheres (com média de idade 48,8 ± 12,4, e média de IMC 26,9 ± 4,8) e 5 homens (com média de idade 45,9 ± 14,8 e média de IMC 25,3 ± 6,5). Foi realizado o teste de preensão manual onde os sujeitos realizavam 10 contrações rápidas e de máxima força, com intervalo de 3 segundos entre cada contração, mas foram utilizadas para análise as contrações 1, 5 e final.. O teste foi realizado com ambas as mãos na Segunda-feira e na Sexta-feira, no período da manhã e da tarde. Analisando-se os resultados obtidos para a mão não-dominante, pudemos observar uma queda nos valores de média de força manual ao longo das contrações, sendo que na sexta-feira a queda é maior que na segunda-feira, e à tarde a queda é maior que no período da manhã. Para a mão dominante, essa queda maior ocorreu na sextafeira à tarde, momento de maior acúmulo de fadiga residual. Podemos concluir com este estudo, que a fadiga residual do trabalho interfere na queda de desempenho de força dos funcionários, sendo a mão não-dominante mais influenciada pela fadiga...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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From its foundation until nowadays, the city of São Paulo has undergone major transformation processes, one of the responsibles for these changes is the presence of efficient transportation ; From construction of roads and routes for the animal traction transportation, railroads, expansion and improvements to the introduction of the automobiles, highways, subway system, among others, all these changes are related to greater flow of people and goods. However nowadays has been reflected issues such as quality of life and development of society in a sustainable way, once we have the construction and reconstruction of space in benefit of capital, and therefore the valuation of individual motorized transport. The overuse of individual motor vehicles are generating an urban chaos, making it increasingly difficult to transit in big cities, the use of bicycles is presented as a viable modal alternative, allowing the flow, and enhancing the health of society and quality of the air


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Given the high competitiveness in the construction industry, businesses became necessary in a management which reduce costs and delivery times, and is fundamental to running a compatible planning with the magnitude of each work order is the same make feasible the executor. When it comes to planning, one is including both the physical planning of the work, time and duration of the events, as well as the preparation of the cost thereof. There are numerous ways to run the management of works, then it is necessary, in most cases, the planning experience, in previous works, the engineer in charge, because with it he should know what strategy to take the work skirt as planned and designed. For a complete and efficient management, an initial study hard to prepare the physical and financial planning it is necessary, in order to make it real and consistent throughout the execution of the work. It is necessary also a hard monitoring of both the physical and the financial schedule in order to what was initially planned to be completed as close as possible. This paper shows a case study which uses some ways to the management be held with the course of planning, medium and short term, as well as the preparation of the initial budget of the work. Will also be presented as is performed physical planning of a real estate work


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The Health Sciences, prior to the planning of prevention programs, adopt the tools to analyze the population profile, entitled epidemiological surveys, to obtain data on the need for heathcare and the possibility of treating health events. The aim of this study was to evaluate dental conditions in schoolchildren, aged five to fourteen, enrolled in public schools in Américo Brasiliense, SP Brazil. The dmft and DMFT index, caries experience, and prevalence of fluorosis were analyzed. For this epidemiological study, 1,137 children were selected. Four calibrated dentists performed oral exams according to WHO criteria (1997). The data were collected using descriptive analyses. The results showed that 94% of the five-year-old children were caries free, and the value of dmft was 1.44. DMFT was 1.19 in 12-year-olds. The lowest and the highest fluorosis prevalence could be observed in eight and fourteen-year-olds, respectively. It could be concluded that the city of Américo Brasiliense has developed respectful educational and preventive oral health programs which presented satiosfactory results in the present epidemiological study.


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The Family Health Strategy is a primary care public policy that is becoming a decisive step towards the transformation of the Brazilian healthcare model. This study evaluated the dental knowledge among individuals who attended a Family-Health Unit (FHU) in the city of São Carlos, SP, Brazil. Methods: The evaluation was based on a questionnaire with 20 questions about oral health, prevention and development of dental caries and periodontal disease. The questionnaire was given to 168 individuals, over 18 years of age and both sexes, to fill out under the supervision of a trained dentist. After data collection, the answers contained in the original questionnaires were entered into a database built using the program Excel® (Microsoft Corporation, USA) and a descriptive statistical analysis was done. Results: 66.67% of the subjects reported having received information about dental caries and periodontal disease before attending the FHU, and dentists were cited as the main source of such information (60.71%). With regard to dental caries, 70.24% of the individuals stated that they knew about the subject, but the majority of answers revealed incorrect explanation of it. The multifactorial etiology (bacteria/sugar/poor hygiene) was not mentioned. A low percentage of subjects (24.40%) claimed to know what periodontal disease is, and of these, the highest percentage of responses was related to gingivitis (26.83%) and gingival bleeding (12.20%). Out of all subjects, 80.36% affirmed that oral hygiene is important, and among them, the main reasons cited were the maintenance of oral health (29.63%), to avoid diseases (16.30%) and to preserve and prevent disease (14.81%). Conclusion: Responses from the questionnaires revealed deficient dental knowledge among the individuals. To improve the understanding about this issue, the information obtained through the questionnaire can be used to develop educational programs that will focus specifically on the major deficiencies found.


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This study is a literature review about promotion of oral health in babies and it discusses the importance of early preventive treatment. The conclusions are: 1 - The early treatment aims to reduce the dental caries prevalence in babies and to make familiar the dentistry´s office. It is important the creation of oral habits in children and in their parents. 2 - The high prevalence of dental caries in babies shows the necessity of programs with health promotion in the first infancy. The aim is to keep the oral health of these children. 3 - The success of the oral health promotion in babies depends on the awareness of the parents about the importance of oral hygiene. This fact must be considered during the planning and development of programs to this age.


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This article aims to disseminate the results of a university action which occurred through the Extension Course entitled Management and Health at Work, conducted from March to September 2011 and offered by “Coordenadoria de Saúde e Segurança do Trabalhador e Sustentabilidade Ambiental” (a kind of Workers' health and safety and environmental sustainability agency) - an agency managed by “Pró-Reitoria de Administração - PRAd/Unesp”. This action had the audience of the technical and administrative staff of the several Institutes (Units) of UNESP in positions of Leadership and Supervision. The course was proposed to equip managers to deal with issues related to health and safety at work in daily labor. Six hundred managers of all UNESP Institutes participated in the course. The meetings were logistically designed respecting the proximity of the participants’ Institutes. The methodology adopted was based on qualitative techniques such as group discussion, role-plays, analysis of film, reading and discussing texts, together with the preparation of a proposal for health promotion by the participants. As a result it was considered that the course offered a convenient and timely opportunity to reflect on and discuss the theme of health and safety at UNESP, as well as to make leaders and managers effective agents to implement programs of disease prevention and health promotion at work.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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Objective – To collecting data about the main explanations for glosses and demonstrating the percentage of production loss in the odontologic procedures. Methods – It is about an epidemiological study of historical series, retrospective and quantitative, based on the data collection of DATASUS information system and reports realized by the city of Aquidauana/MS audit system from 2001 to 2010. Results – The results show that in this period, 921.300 odontologic procedures were presented as production; being 223.226 (24,2%) individual procedures and 698.074 (75,8%) collective. There were 23.881 (2,6%) glosses, being 10.158 (42,5%) in the collective procedures and 13.723 (57,5%) in the individual ones. The main cause for glosses related to individual procedures was the repetition of procedures for the same patient and the same tooth (42,4%). In the collective activities, it was the non-accomplishment of the oral health collective program (68,9%). There was an increase of loss in the individual procedures going from less than 5% in the period of 2001 to 2007; to 5,8 % in 2008; 8,9% in 2009 and 14,1 % in 2010 and in the collective procedures the loss reached 4% in 2010. Conclusion – It was concluded that the most frequent cause of glosses explanation was the repetition of procedures for the same patient and the same tooth in the individual cases and the non-accomplishment of the oral health collective program in the collective activities. The importance of the audit system as a trust-worthy instrument for the managers in the planning and evaluation of health actions with the intention of guarantee the solution of the serv-ices provided.


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Each year individuals have sought a better quality of life and work, in this case, the science of Bio-insurance needs to keep up with technological advances and the needs of society to minimize or eliminate the risks of accidents. This study evaluated the most common accidents involving health staff from 2007 to 2011 in Araçatuba-SP. 478 accidents were recorded, and 78.7% with percutaneous involvement, 9% with intact skin, 4% with no skin intact, with 7.3 mucous and 1.05% other types of exposures. Most accidents were caused by needles with lumen (68.0%), followed by other agents (14.1%), accidents with blades (8.5%) or needles without lumen (5.5%); 3.7% did not answer and 0.2% were accidents with glasses. When checking the condition in which the accident occurred, 26.0% did not specify, 25.1% occurred in the disposal and / or handling sharp objects, 12.0% at the time of drug administration, 6.9% puncture, 3.7% occurred during recapping the needle. These data show that the most common accidents are those involving needles with lumen and / or sharp objects and due to these factors, the industry of health materials have sought alternatives to minimize such accidents as needles with protective, vacuum collection . Thus, it appears that reporting accidents is important for the development of technical and / or safer materials for patients and health workers.