115 resultados para O Globo


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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In the early 1990 Gary Gereffi and Miguel Korzeniewicz published the book Commodity Chains and Global Capitalism. In the two decades prior to the publication, industrialization worldwide, had undergone significant changes, made more segmented and dispersed in certain regions. In the book, the authors produce a new set of categories to analyze the new standards for establishment and operation of global value chains, their organization, the new geography of manufacturing and the role of the countries in this scenario. Today, in the middle of the second decade of this century, world trade has expanded and multiplied continuously throughout this period, encouraged by reducing barriers and national borders promoted by 'peddlers' of this new era. The purpose of this study is to show that retailers are establishing purchasing offices in producing countries - or in nearby regions - to directly hire outsourced production


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Some esthetical particularities of Luiz Fernando Carvalho’s micro-series reveal, in the nineteenth century Brazil, the capacity of the literary and audiovisual discourse to represent some singularities of the Brazilian social life from the past, as well as pointing to existential problems of the class representative that leads the plot, instigating reflections in the present. The treatment offered to the class struggle by the Machadian narrative and by the Rede Globo’s adaptation, just as the way in which the existential drama is expounded, disclose a kind of reception among readers/viewers which is capable of reviewing the historical past in times that ask for such a revision, even though the television series bets on the non-conventional. Machado presented the tension between representation and truth (as well as between emotion production and reflection) with the transfiguration of the tragic pathos and the mobilization of the patriarchal figure to the melodramatic bias. Although increased by the irony orchestrated by the scenic elements, in the audiovisual version such Machadian solutions would be apt to lose their strength to unmask the social subjects; on the other side, the intensification of the melodrama can make evident what Machado disguised with less obvious narrative intentions.


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Modern society lives daily with groups of human beings who have high rates of aggression and violence. Scholars in the field point to the influence of certain environmental condition for the development of aggressive behavior. Among such circumstances, we can quote various aspects including the influence of media, and more specifically, the MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). The MMA is now one of the world's most popular sport, having international visibility through your largest organization, the UFC® (Ultimate Fighting Championship). The sport's global coverage is surely source of influence for our children and adolescents, who without the correct direction, can take the scenes seen in the sport as common facts of everyday life, making aggression and violence acceptable behaviors in their lives. Many studies show behavioral changes related to violent practices in virtue of exposure of individuals to aggression scenes by media. Works provide some interesting theoretical models to explain the observational learning. Under such aspects, the determined reality brings a need for in-depth studies on the subject addressed, looking for a better understanding of relations between the sport's violence and your influences on social behavior of individuals in this context, and then, look for possible solutions to deal with the problem pre supposed


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O trabalho pretende discutir as transformações da sociedade num contexto de mudança das relações sociais por meio da influência da internet, com base na documentação feita pelas mídias de massa, em específico, do programa Fantástico exibido pela TV Globo. Para isso, refletirá os critérios de noticiabilidade responsáveis por tornar um assunto notícia não só nos meios virtuais, mas também nos tradicionais; em específico, o caso do evento Eu Não Mereço Ser Estuprada criado em resposta a uma pesquisa do Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, o Ipea. A pesquisa em questão teria revelado que 65% dos brasileiros acreditariam que mulheres que usam roupas que mostram o corpo merecem ser atacadas. Mais tarde, o órgão publicou uma errata que mudou a porcentagem para 26%


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Ao refletir sobre a esfera do jornalismo sob influência da lógica mercadológica, esta pesquisa contextualiza teoricamente o cenário atual das características e tendências do jornalismo, especificamente o jornalismo cultural praticado pelo caderno Prosa & Verso, o suplemento literário do jornal carioca O Globo. O presente estudo tem por objetivo estudar a cobertura jornalística do citado suplemento, identifi- cando os valores-notícia presentes nas reportagens de capa, especificamente nos períodos referentes ao ano de 2008 em que ocorrem a Feira Literária Internacional de Paraty e a Bienal Internacional do Livro de São Paulo. Tratando, portanto, da cobertura de eventos do mercado editorial, propõe-se uma análise e reflexão acerca das tensões existentes entre campo jornalístico e campo literário, focando a influência da citada lógica mercadológica na produção jornalística. Com a elaboração da análise dos suplementos veiculados durante a ocorrência de ambos os eventos e a partir das relações entre produção da notícia, imposições de mercado e espetacularização na indústria cultural, verifica-se, entre outras questões, que a notícia não escapa da necessidade de possuir valor de troca, mesmo quando se trata do jornalismo cultural, uma vez que a cultura também tem sua própria economia.


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This paper presents the results of a study on the thermal comfort in open urban spaces, undertaken in pedestrian streets located in the three towns, Campinas, Baurú, and Presidente Prudente, in the state of Sao Paulo. The study was developed as part of a more extensive project on thermal comfort in different kinds of open public spaces in Brazil. The methodology involved monitoring the microclimatic variables (air and globe temperature, humidity, air velocity and global solar radiation), and structured interviews, in order to assess the actual thermal comfort through the Actual Sensation Vote (ASV) and the personal users’ variables. The Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) was also calculated. The results show different limits for neutral temperature in each city: 20-29ºC for Campinas, 21-30 ºC for Bauru and 14-24 ºC for Presidente Prudente). However, 59.5% of the total sample (308 out of 519 individuals) indicated comfort limits ranging from 18 to 26 ºC, which is consistent with the limits proposed by Monteiro and Alucci for the city of Sao Paulo. These results can contribute to evaluate the thermal quality of other public spaces in the same towns.