282 resultados para Neoplasm Grading


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Two cases of polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma of the papillary type, from minor salivary glands were studied by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. One case exhibited a predominance of the papillary pattern, whereas the other presented the following patterns of histological appearance: papillary, solid, pseudocystic and tubular. Utilizing the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method, the intermediate filament vimentin, keratin and S100 protein were observed in tumor cells. The immunohistochemical analysis revealed two types of neoplastic cells: myoepithelial and luminal.


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The effects of therapy in locally advanced breast cancer submitted to combined conventional telecobalt therapy plus chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide and 5-fluorouracil were studied in 49 patients. Associated to radical mastectomy in operable cases. Local tumor control was achieved in 86.7%. There were no local recurrences in those submitted to surgery but they reached 21.7% in inoperable patients who received only radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The median follow-up time for dead patients was 29.5 months and for living patients 79.3 months. The index of complete responses was 24.5% and the median disease free interval was 22.9 months. The overall survival rate, between three and five years, was 32.7%. Estrogen receptors were identified by using immunohistochemical assay ER-ICA and monoclonal antibody H222-SP gamma, Abbott. There were no differences in the complete response index, disease free interval and survival rates, among ER-positive and ER-negative patients, explained by the far advanced stage of the disease. ER-positivity was significantly correlated with histological features of the tumors: cell differentiation, presence of elastosis, absence of lymphocytic infiltration and absence of tumor necrosis.


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Immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of simple mucin-type carbohydrate antigens (Tn, sialyl-Tn and T) was performed in a series of 43 cases of intraductal hyperplasia without atypia, 9 cases of intraductal hyperplasia with atypia, 54 cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and 26 cases of invasive breast carcinoma. We also studied 36 cases of isolated breast normal epithelium, 20 cases of 'normal' breast epithelium adjacent to neoplasms and 14 cases of apocrine metaplasia. All antigens were detected in different frequencies in normal, hyperplastic, metaplastic and neoplastic breast epithelium. Tn and sialyl-Tn are expressed more frequently in malignant than in benign breast epithelium; while Tn expression increases from normal to invasive carcinomas, sialyl-Tn increases until DCIS and drops in invasive carcinomas, suggesting that either there is a failure of a proportion of DCIS to progress to invasive carcinoma or loss of expression of sialyl-Tn when some carcinomas become invasive. The high frequency of Tn and sialyl-Tn expression in breast intraductal proliferations probably reflects incomplete glycosylation in these lesions, which is a well-known tumour-associated phenomenon and supports the assumption that such lesions are putative precursors of breast cancer. T antigen was expressed in all groups studied, but its prevalence differed significantly between normal and neoplastic epithelium. The expression of these antigens in epithelium adjacent to carcinomas is similar to that found in isolated normal breast epithelium, whereas apocrine metaplasia has a pattern of simple mucin-type glycosylation that is specific and distinct from that of the normal breast epithelium, with a high frequency of marked expression of Tn and sialyl-Tn. The similarity of the pattern of expression of simple mucin-type antigens in metaplasia and malignant neoplasia reduces the usefulness of these markers from a diagnostic standpoint.


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PCNA is a 36-KD proliferating cell nuclear antigen associated with the cell cycle. The immunocytochemical detection of PCNA represents a useful tool for the study of tumor proliferation activity. This study documents the detection of PCNA, using antibody PC 10 in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, and correlates the proliferative activity of the non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) with histological grading assessed by the International Working Formulation (WF) and Kiel classification. In 92 cases of NHLs we found a strong correlation between the PCNA index and lymphoma grading. Statistically significant differences were also found between the proliferative index (PI) in low and high grade lymphomas according to the Kiel classification (t = 9.519; p < 0.001) and between low, intermediate and high grade lymphomas according to the WF classification (F = 79.01; p < 0.001). In the Kiel classification the mean of low grade lymphomas was 39.5% and of high grade 75.7%. In the WF the average of low grade lymphomas was 29.7%, intermediate 53.1% and high 75.1%. Although the differences among the groups had been significant, we found variations inside each histological subgroup in both classifications. The intermediate lymphomas were the most heterogeneous group, with PI inside the same histologic subtypes coincident with low and high grade lymphomas. Since PCNA may be used as a marker of cell proliferation in clinical studies to estimate the biological aggressiveness of lymphomas, its determination in intermediate grade NHL could be very useful to evaluate individual cases in this group and determine prognosis and probably the appropriate therapy.


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We investigate higher grading integrable generalizations of the affine Toda systems, where the flat connections defining the models take values in eigensubspaces of an integral gradation of an affine Kac-Moody algebra, with grades varying from l to -l (l > 1). The corresponding target space possesses nontrivial vacua and soliton configurations, which can be interpreted as particles of the theory, on the same footing as those associated to fundamental fields. The models can also be formulated by a hamiltonian reduction procedure from the so-called two-loop WZNW models. We construct the general solution and show the classes corresponding to the solitons. Some of the particles and solitons become massive when the conformal symmetry is spontaneously broken by a mechanism with an intriguing topological character and leading to a very simple mass formula. The massive fields associated to nonzero grade generators obey field equations of the Dirac type and may be regarded as matter fields. A special class of models is remarkable. These theories possess a U(1 ) Noether current, which, after a special gauge fixing of the conformal symmetry, is proportional to a topological current. This leads to the confinement of the matter field inside the solitons, which can be regarded as a one-dimensional bag model for QCD. These models are also relevant to the study of electron self-localization in (quasi-)one-dimensional electron-phonon systems.


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Analysis of the taphonomic signatures of a well preserved, silicifled coquina (Pinzonella neotropica assemblage) from the Camaquã outcrop, upper part of the Corumbataí Formation (Late Permian), in the Rio Claro region, state of Sáo Paulo, allowed interpretation of processes involved in its origin as related to high energy events (storms). The coquina occurs as a lenticular body, 2-11 cm thick and extending laterally for about 120 m. Basal contact of the coquina is sharp and erosive. Its upper contact is sharp. The concentration is dominated by pelecypods including the shallow burrowers (Pinzonella neotropica, Jacquesia brasiliensis), intermediate burrower (Pyramus anceps) and semi-infaunal forms (Naiadopsis lamellosus). All these species are suspension feeders. Besides sand-sized or even smaller shell fragments, there occur disarticulated, complete shells which are commonly abraded but do not show any signs of bioerosion or incrustation. In vertical side view, the shells are mainly convex-up, nested or stacked, while in plan-view they show random orientation. Multiple discontinuous grading is visible. These taphonomic signatures suggest that the origin of the skeletal accumulation is related to high energy events (possibly storm flows) in a proximal environment. The amalgamated nature of the Camaquã coquina records several episodes of erosion and deposition.


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A case of peripheral ameloblastoma in a 57-years-old woman is presented, along with a discussion of the clinical and histological characteristics of the lesion. After clinical and radiographic examinations, and with a differential diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma, an excisional biopsy was performed and the material collected was sent for histological examination. On the basis of the histopathological diagnosis, a second operation was performed with a wide safety margin, including bone tissue, which did not show any involvement with the odontogenic neoplasm.


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Background: Splanchnic artery occlusion shock is caused by increased capillary permeability and cellular injury precipitated by oxygen derived free radicals following ischemia and reperfusion of splanchnic organs. The purpose of this study was to assess the role of several well-known oxygen- derived free radical scavengers in ameliorating or preventing this syndrome. Study design: Anesthetized rats were subjected to periods of occlusion of the visceral arteries and reperfusion. Tocopherol, taurine, selenium or a 'cocktail' of these three agents was injected subcutaneously for 4 consecutive days prior to operation. Mean arterial blood pressure was measured throughout the experimental period. Fluorometry and technetium-99m pyrophosphate counting of the visceral organs were performed as well as a histologic grading system for intestinal viability. Results: Final mean arterial blood pressure associated with the 'cocktail' and selenium groups was 79.1 ± 27.4 mmHg and 83.6 ± 17.8 mmHg, respectively. These values were significantly higher than the control group, 40.8 ± 11.4 mmHg (P < 0.05). Similar patterns of the benefit of selenium in contrast with the other groups were obtained with fluorescein perfusion, radioisotopic activity and histologic analysis. Conclusion: Pretreatment with selenium of splanchnic ischemia and reperfusion in the rat improves mean arterial blood pressure and microcirculatory visceral perfusion. Further analysis of the precise protective mechanism of selenium for reperfusion injury will enable visceral organs to withstand the consequences of increased capillary leakage and oxidant injury.


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Two stratigraphic sequences characterize the basal units of the Paraná basin. The Ordovician-Silurian sequence overlie directly the Neoproterozoic basement and consists of a 55m-thick unit of coarse-grained sandstones, diamictites, fossiliferous shales and fine-grained micaceous sandstones. The Alto Garças Formation constitutes the base of the sequence and is made of coarse-grained, massive and reddish sandstones associated with conglomeratic lenses. Diamictites with pebbles of diverse composition in siltic and arenaceous matrix were deposited during the Ordovician-Silurian glaciation. Whenever the basal sandstones are absent, the diamictites directly overlie the basement. The diamictites were previously included in the Vila Maria Formation. However our study revealed that they are part of the Iapó Formation. A transgressive event following the glaciation is marked by the deposition of the Vila Maria Formation, which is characterized by fossiliferous (mollusks, brachiopods, cryptospores and microplankton) and laminated shales and siltstones, grading upward to fine-grained micaceous sandstones with hummocky cross stratification. Layers containing trace fossils (Anthrophycus) occur at the transition between the siltstones and the sandstones. The Devonian sequence is represented by 80-170 meters thick sandstones of the Furnas Formation (lower unit) and a sucession of sandstones, siltstones and shales of the Ponta Grossa Formation (upper unit). Unlike other areas of the Paraná Basin, the Ponta Grossa Formation is characterized by coarsening-upward succession beginning with fine sandstones and grading upward to coarse and very-coarse sandstone beds. Cretaceous modifying tectonics affected the Paleozoic sequences, which are cut by a series of faults, in some cases showing displacements greater than 500 meters.


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Objective and Design: To determine the alpha-2-macroglobulin (alpha2M) levels in mice during acute and chronic inflammatory responses. Materials and Methods: Inflammation was induced by one of the following stimuli: carrageenin, zymosan, lipopolysacharide, thioglycollate, bacilli Calmette Guerin, PPD (in pre-immunized and non-immunized animals) and tumor cells. The concentration of alpha2M was determined in plasma or peritoneal liquid by electroimmunoassay. Results: In all the treatments employed, the plasma levels of alpha2M were higher than in untreated animals. This increase varied from 9%, 24 h after injection up a maximum of 66% 72 h post-injection. When compared to animals injected only with saline, the increases were significant 48 h after treatment with either zymosan or LPS, and 72 h after treatment with either thioglycollate or carrageenin. Treatment with BCG triggers an increase in alpha2M levels after 24 h (18.60%) and 48 h (27.90%). Immunized mice presented higher levels of this protein than non-immunized animals after challenge with PPD. The growth of Ehrlich tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity was directly correlated with the local levels of alpha2M which increased 3.5 fold, 10 days after injection. Conclusions: These results strongly indicate that in mice, the concentration of alpha2M can increase during acute and chronic inflammatory reactions with kinetics dependent on the particular kind of inflammatory agent.


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The expression of uroplakins, the tissue-specific and differentiation- dependent membrane proteins of the urothelium, was analyzed immunohistochemically in N butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)nitrosamine (BBN)-treated rats and mice during bladder carcinogenesis. Male Fischer 344 rats were treated with 0.05% BBN in the drinking water for 10 wk and were cuthanatized at week 20 of the experiment. BBN was administered to male B6D2F1 mice; it was either provided at a rate of 0.05% in the drinking water (for 26 wk) or 5 mg BBN was administered by intragastric gavage twice weekly for 10 wk, followed by 20 wk without treatment. In rats, BBN-induced, noninvasive, low grade, papillary, transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) showed decreased uroplakin-staining of cells lining the lumen but showed increased expression in some nonluminal cells. In mice, nonpapillary, high-grade dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, and invasive carcinoma were induced. There was a marked decrease in the number of uroplakin-positive cells lining the lumen and in nonluminal cells. This occurred in normal-appearing urothelium in BBN-treated mice and in dysplasic urothelium, in carcinoma in situ, and in invasive TCC. The percentage of uroplakin-positive nonluminal cells was higher in control mice than in rats, but it was lower in the mouse than in the rat after BBN treatment. Uroplakin expression was disorderly and focal in BBN-treated urothelium in both species. These results indicate that BBN treatment changed the expression of uroplakins during bladder carcinogenesis, with differences in rats and mice being related to degree of tumor differentiation.


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The pathological finding of testicular metastasis in cases of disseminated prostatic adenocarcinoma is rare, but was more frequently reported in the past, when bilateral castration was performed more often. The existence of skin and subcutaneous metastasis adds a worse prognosis, because generally it is sign of advanced disease with an average survival time of less than one year. The synchronous occurrence of such metastasis has not been described previously, neither their association to neuroendocrine differentiation. The presence of such differentiation of prostatic adenocarcinoma represents a very unfavorable prognostic factor, as suggested in recent literature. Herein, we discuss the case of a 53 year old man, who presented with macroscopic hematuria and frequency associated to several painless subcutaneous nodules in left axilla and shoulder, as well as in the lower abdominal wall. The right testis was painful, endured and on rectal examination, the prostate was diffusely enlarged. Serum PSA was elevated, reaching 1760 ng/ml and prostatic biopsy disclosed a Gleason 10 prostatic adenocarcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation. The same pathological pattern was detected in the right testis and in all subcutaneous nodules, documented by positive staining of chromogranin, a marker of neuroendocrine cells. He was submitted to a prostate tunnelization and maximal androgen blockade plus adjuvant chemotherapy, nevertheless, he died 5 months latter.


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Objectives: To verify prostate cancer prevalence in non-symptomatic men between 50 and 70 years old as well as cancer characteristics. Material and Methods: 2815 non-symptomatic men had total PSA and digital rectal examination performed between March 1998 and April 1998. Racial distribution was: 2331 Caucasians (83.9%), 373 Blacks (13.4%) and 75 Asiatic (2.7%). PSA was normal in 2554 (91.4%), 4 to 10 in 177 (6.3%) and greater than 10 in 64 (2.3%). DRE was normal in 2419 (86.3%), suspicious in 347 (12.4%) and characteristic for cancer in 37 (1.3%). Men with abnormal DRE and/or PSA had transrectal prostate biopsy indicated. Results: 461 biopsies were done and 78 tumors was detected (prevalence = 2.8%). Prevalence was progressively higher with age (p < 0.001), PSA level (p < 0.0001) and DRE findings (p = 0.0216). Cancer prevalence in Blacks was 1.65 times higher than in Caucasians (p > 0.05) and 94.9% of detected tumors were moderately or poorly differentiated. Sensibility, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and total accuracy for PSA were respectively: 66.6%; 89.7%; 51.7%; 94.2% and 86.5%. For DRE, the respective values were: 49.1%; 79.4%; 50.9%; 78.3% and 70.3%. Conclusions: prostate cancer prevalence in the studied population (2.8%) was similar to that of other countries populations. Cancer prevalence in blacks was 1.65 times higher than in Caucasians (difference was not statistically significant). Cancer prevalence becomes higher with aging. The association of DRE and PSA is of paramount importance for cancer diagnosis. The great majority of detected tumors (94.9%) was moderately and poorly differentiated. Brazil probably needs regional studies to better characterize prostate cancer epidemiology due to population heterogeneity.


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Basal cell adenoma is a benign epithelial neoplasm with a uniform histologic appearance dominated by basaloid cells. Those cells may be distributed in various arrangements as solid, trabecular, tubular and membranous. Canalicular adenoma is also a benign neoplasm composed by columnar cells arranged in branching and interconnecting cords of single or double cell thick rows. There is some disagreement among investigators about whether canalicular adenoma should be included within the basal cell adenoma histologic spectrum. In the present study we compared the expression of cytokeratins (CK), vimentin and muscle-specific actin, utilizing immunohistochemical technique, in three cases diagnosed as basal cell adenomas predominantly of the solid type, and three cases of canalicular adenomas. The results obtained showed a distinct immunoprofile for both neoplasms. Solid areas of basal cell adenomas did not stain for any of the tested antibodies; only when there was tubular differentiation, those structures expressed CKs 7, 8, 14, and 19 in luminal cells and vimentin in non-luminal cells. On the other hand, canalicular adenomas strongly expressed CKs 7 and 13. The panel of antibodies utilized supports the separation of the two entities. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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BACKGROUND: Ultrasonography (US), Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance imaging (MR) were compared for the staging of renal tumors. The differences between these imaging techniques were also studied for their ability to detect adenopathies, vascular invasion, distant intra-abdominal metastases, and particularly adjacent organ invasion. METHODS: Thirty-one patients with solid or complex renal masses were prospectively studied using US, CT, and MR. Differences between the results obtained were studied using the COCHRAN G test and the McNEMAR test. The sensitivity and specificity of each diagnostic technique were compared against a gold standard of the surgical and histopathological findings. RESULTS: The following sensitivities were obtained: For the detection of adenopathy, US 63.6%, CT and MR 90.9%. For vascular invasion, US 42.8%, CT and MR 85.7%. For the adjacent organ invasion, US 28.5%, CT 85.7%, and MR 71.4%. Some of the criteria that suggest invasion of adjacent structures include: the envelopment of the adjacent structures by the tumor, tumor extension into the adjacent structures with an irregular appearance, and alterations in shape, size, and density of adjacent structures. Loss of fat planes between the tumor and adjacent structures is not a sign of tumor invasion. CONCLUSIONS: Significant differences were found in the detection capacity of US in relation to CT and MR, which were similar. All three techniques were highly sensitive and specific only in the detection of distant abdominal metastases. In addition to the accuracy of these diagnostic modalities for the detection and staging of tumors, invasiveness, risks and cost should be considered in relation to relative costs and benefits.