The alimentary and glycemic responses to cytoglycopenia were studied in thirty-one Nile tilapia alevins of indeterminate sex and age, measuring on average 10.67 +/- 0.82 cm. The cytoglycopenia was provoked by ip injection of 60 mg/kg 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG, N = 16). The control group (N = 15) was submitted to ip injection of 0.2 ml saline. Blood samples for glucose determination were obtained before and three hours after drug administration by cardiac puncture. Food was then offered ad libitum. One hour later the animals were sacrificed and their stomachs removed. The difference in wet weight between full and empty stomach was utilized to quantify the food intake. Median food intake was 0.3877 g for the fish treated with 2-DG and 0.107 g for the animals injected with saline. This difference was statistically significant by the Mann-Whitney test (P<0.05). The median values of blood glucose levels before drug injection were 46.19 mg/100 ml in the 2-DG-treated fish and 44.54 mg/100 ml in the control group. Three hours after drug administration, the values were 48.64 mg/100 ml in the experimental group and 56.90 mg/100 ml in the control group. The difference between the values of blood glucose before and after the drug was not significant for either group. We conclude that glucoprivation provokes food intake in fish and that the same glucoprivation was not sufficient to provoke hyperglycemia.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dry extract of the genus Passiflora has been shown to help control glycemia and lipid levels. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of passion fruit (P. edulis) on the biochemical profile of offspring from diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin. The diabetes group consisted of 10 rats with glucose levels greater than 200 mg/dL; the nondiabetic (control) group consisted of 10 rats with glucose levels less than 120 mg/dL. After the diagnosis of diabetes, the mating phase was started. By day 21 of pregnancy, the offspring were born; the dams were kept in individual cages with their offspring until the weaning period. The offspring were then divided into 4 groups (n = 15 each): G1 were offspring from control dams, G2 were offspring from treated nondiabetic dams, G3 were offspring from diabetic dams, and G4 were offspring from treated diabetic dams. For 30 consecutive days, G1 and G3 offspring were treated with vehicle (oral gavage) and G2 and G4 offspring were treated with passion fruit juice (oral gavage). After 30-day treatment, the animals were anesthetized and killed, and blood was drawn immediately for analysis of the biochemical profile (total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose). The G2 and G4 rats showed significantly reduced total cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and an increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level. The use of passion fruit juice improved lipid profiles, suggesting that this plant may have beneficial effects in the prevention and treatment of dyslipidemias and hyperglycemia.
Protein-calorie malnutrition produces glucose intolerance and reduced insulin release in response to glucose. Rats adapted to low- or high-protein diets show an increased resistance to the diabetogenic action of a single dose of streptozotocin or alloxan. To determine the effects of dietary protein level on pancreatic function, we measured serum glucose levels under basal conditions and during the oral glucose tolerance test (GTT) performed before and after a single dose of alloxan administered to rats fed a 25% or a 6% protein diet for a period of 8 weeks. The incidence of mild hyperglycemia (serum glucose > 250 mg/dl) was greater among the rats fed the 25% protein diet (81%) than among those fed the 6% protein diet (42%). During the GTT performed before alloxan administration the serum glucose levels of the rats fed the 6% protein diet were not found to be significantly different from those of rats fed the 25% protein diet. During the GTT performed after alloxan injection all rats showed intolerance to the substrate (serum glucose > 160 mg/dl 120 min after glucose administration) regardless of whether basal serum glucose was normal or high. In summary, alloxan was less effective in producing basal hyperglycemia in the rats fed the 6% protein diet than in those fed the 25% protein diet but caused glucose intolerance during the oral GTT in both groups. Thus, it seems that feeding a 6% protein diet to rats offers only partial protection against the toxic effects of alloxan.
Pharmacokinetics and some pharmacological effects of anaesthesia induced by a combination of detomidine, ketamine and guaiphenesin were investigated in eight ponies. Cardiopulmonary function was studied and plasma met-enkephalin, dynorphin, β-endorphin; arginine vasopressin, adrenocorticotrophin, cortisol, 11-deoxycortisol and catecholamine concentrations were measured. The combination produced slight cardiorespiratory depression, hyperglycaemia and a reduction in haematocrit. There were no changes in plasma opioids, pituitary peptides or catecholamines. Plasma cortisol concentration decreased and plasma 11-deoxycortisol increased indicating a suppression of steroidogenesis. Steady state ketamine and guaiphenesin concentrations were attained during the infusion period, and ketamine concentrations likely to provide adequate analgesia for surgical operations were achieved (more than 2.2 μg ml-1). Steady state detomidine concentration was not attained. The ponies took on average 68 minutes to recover to standing and the recovery was uneventful.
Objective - To investigate the effects of inhalation and total IV anesthesia on pituitary-adrenal activity in ponies. Animals - 9 healthy ponies: 5 geldings and 4 mares. Procedure - Catheters were placed in the cavernous sinus below the pituitary gland and in the subarachnoid space via the lumbosacral space. After 72 hours, administration of acepromazine was followed by induction of anesthesia with thiopentone and maintenance with halothane (halothane protocol), or for the IV protocol, anesthesia induction with detomidine and ketamine was followed by maintenance with IV infusion of a detomidine-ketamine-guaifenesin combination. Arterial blood pressure and gas tensions were measured throughout anesthesia. Peptide and catecholamine concentrations were measured in pituitary effluent, peripheral plasma, and CSF. Peripheral plasma cortisol, glucose, and lactate concentrations also were measured. Results - Intravenous anesthesia caused less cardiorespiratory depression than did halothane. ACTH, metenkephalin, arginine vasopressin, and norepinephrine pituitary effluent and peripheral plasma concentrations were higher during halothane anesthesia, with little change during intravenous anesthesia. Pituitary effluent plasma β-endorphin and peripheral plasma cortisol concentrations increased during halothane anesthesia only. Dynorphin concentrations did not change in either group. Hyperglycemia developed during intravenous anesthesia only Minimal changes occurred in CSF hormonal concentrations during anesthesia. Conclusion - The pituitary gland has a major role in maintaining circulating peptides during anesthesia. Compared with halothane, IV anesthesia appeared to suppress pituitary secretion.
This work intends to evaluate the effects of oral vanadyl treatment (VOSO 4, 1 mg/mL) in young streptozotocin-diabetic rats during 19 and 29 days. In several times of treatment the rats were monitored to determine body weight, food and water intakes, glycemia, and the urinary excretion of glucose and urea. The animals were killed in the 19(th) and 29(th) days, and the glycemia level was determined again, as well as the weight of pancreas, muscles (Soleus and Extensor digitorum longus - EDL) and adipose tissues (epididymal and retroperitoneal). The results showed that the treatment of young diabetic rats with VOSO 4 promotes the reduction of hyperglycemia (p < 0.01), food (p < 0.01) and water intakes (p < 0.05) and body weight (p < 0.05). Neither the tissues and pancreas weights nor the urinary urea level of the treatment group varied in comparison to the control group. In conclusion, the vanadyl treatment in the studied period is able to reduce the main metabolic alterations often found in diabetes. These data are very useful and important for the future experiments to verify the effects of vanadyl sulfate on muscle protein metabolism in diabetic rats.
The objective of this paper was to study the aqueous extract of Bauhinia forficata L. (pata-de-vaca) effects on streptozotocin-induced diabete pregnant rats. We used Wistar pregnant rats, dividided in 3 experimental groups: control (C, n=7), non-treated diabetics (DNT, n=7) and streptozotocin induced-diabetics treated with an aqueous extract of pata-de-vaca leaves, 200 mg/kg dose (DT, n=7). The animals received the extract through a gastric tube (gavage). The blood glucose level were verified on day 0, 5, 14 and 20 of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the daily mean water intake, food intake and average maternal weight gains of rats were measured. The results demonstrated that plant extract reduced the postimplantation loss porcentage, increasing the number of live fetuses likely to the control group. We found increased food and water intake of the DT and DNT pregnant rats compared to control due to hyperglycemic state. We also observed average maternal weight gains was likely to the DT and control groups on different pregnant periods, suggesting treatment with the plant contributed for the rat weight gains. The blood glucose level of dams did not present significative differences between DT and DNT groups. Thus, the B. forficata aqueous extract, 200 mg/kg dose, did not present hypoglycemic effect on streptozotocin-induced diabete pregnant rats. Nevertheless, the results suggest that DT pregnant rats were kept safe the for B. forficata aqueous extract, allowing at term pregnant occurence.
We have investigated the effect of alloxan on insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis in rats maintained on a 17% protein (normal protein, NP) or 6% protein (low protein, LP) diet from weaning (21 days old) to adulthood (90 days old). The incidence of alloxan diabetes was higher in the NP (3.5 times) than in the LP group. During an oral glucose tolerance test, the area under serum glucose curve was lower in LP (57%) than in NP rats while there were no differences between the two groups in the area under serum insulin curve. The serum glucose disappearance rate (Kitt) after exogenous insulin administration was higher in LP (50%) than in NP rats. In pancreatic islets isolated from rats not injected with alloxan, acute exposure to alloxan (0.05 mmol/L) reduced the glucose- or arginine-stimulated insulin secretion of NP islets by 78% and 56%, respectively, whereas for islets from LP rats, the reduction was 47% and 17% in the presence of glucose and arginine, respectively. Alloxan treatment reduced the glucose oxidation in islets from LP rats to a lesser extent than in NP islets (23% vs. 56%). In conclusion, alloxan was less effective in producing hyperglycemia in rats fed a low protein diet than in normal diet rats. This effect is attributable to an increased peripheral sensivity to insulin in addition to a better preservation of glucose oxidation and insulin secretion in islets from rats fed a low protein diet.
This paper evaluated the haematological and glycaemic parameters in Piaractus mesopotamicus (Osteichthyes, Characidae) infected with Monogenea Anacanthorus penilabiatus Boeger, Husak & Martins, 1995 (Dactylogyridae) after treatment with 0.50 mg/L and 1.00 mg/L of copper sulphate (CuSO4). The efficacy of the CuSO4 was observed in the first day after administration but not after eight, fifteen or thirty days. The histopathological analyses showed hyperplasia of the epithelium and circulatory changes in the gills. In the first day after treatment significant changes (P<0.05) in the total count of erythrocyte, leucocyte, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were observed. The fishes treated with 0.50 mg/L showed decrease in the haemoglobin levels and in the percentage of neutrophils (P<0.05). The dose of 1.00 mg/L provoked increase of glycaemia but reduction in the lymphocytes percentage when compared with 0.50 mg/L in the 8th day. Fifteen days after 1.00 mg/L treatment, values of mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and special granulocitic cells (S.G.C.) percentage decreased. Nevertheless, increase of total leucocyte number was observed. Thirty days after treatment with 0.50 mg/L showed increased S.G.C. and treatment with 1.00 mg/L showed increased lymphocyte.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We evaluated insulin release and insulin sensitivity in women with basal and/or postprandial hyperglycemia but normal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in previous pregnancy (GHG). These women were individually matched with females without previous hyperglycemia (NGT). Both groups consisted of normal glucose-tolerant women at the time of this study. They underwent OGTT (75g; n= 32 pairs) and hyperglycemic clamp experiments (10mmoll-1; n=27 pairs) with plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide measurements and calculation of insulinogenic index, first- and second-phase insulin release, and insulin sensitivity index (ISI). The GHG group showed higher glycosylated hemoglobin levels (6.2±0.6% versus 5.8±0.8%; P<0.05); lower insulinogenic index at 30min (134.03±62.69pmolmmol-1 versus 181.59±70.26pmolmmoll-1; P<0.05) and diminished C-peptide response in relation to glucose (4.05±0.36nmolmmol-1 versus 4.23±0.36nmolmmol-1; P<0.05) at OGTT. Both groups did not show difference in insulin secretion and ISI by hyperglycemic clamp technique. We concluded that in up to 12 years from index pregnancy, women with previous GHG, presenting normal glucose tolerance and well-matched with their controls, showed β-cell dysfunction without change in ISI. As women with previous GHG are at risk of type 2 diabetes, β-cell dysfunction may be its primary defect. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present study examines the effects of a hypercaloric diet on hepatic glucose metabolism of young rats, with and without monosodium glutamate (MSG) administration, and the association of these treatments with evaluating markers of oxidative stress. Male weaned Wistar rats (21 days old) from mothers fed with a hypercaloric diet or a normal diet, were divided into four groups (n=6): control (C) fed with control diet; (MSG) treated with MSG (4 mg/g) and control diet; (HD) fed with hypercaloric diet and (MSG-HD) treated with MSG and HD. Rats were sacrificed after the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), at 45 days of treatments. Serum was used for insulin determination. Glycogen, hexokinase(HK), glucose-6-phosphatase(G6PH), lipid hydroperoxide, superoxide dismutase(SOD) and glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px) were determined in liver. HD rats showed hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and high hepatic glycogen, HK and decreased G6PH. MSG and MSG-HD had hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, decreased HK and increased G6PH in hepatic tissue. These animals had impaired OGTT. HD, MSG and MSG-HD groups had increased lipid hydroperoxide and decreased SOD in hepatic tissue. Hypercaloric diet and monosodium glutamate administration induced alterations in metabolic rate of glucose utilization and decreased antioxidant defenses. Therefore, the hepatic glucose metabolic shifting induced by HD intake and MSG administration were associated with oxidative stress in hepatic tissue.