111 resultados para Musica popular


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The aim of the research that originated this article was the analysis of the social trajectory of students from a public preparatory course and the verification of their expectations about higher education. Data collection was based on a questionnaire with open and closed-ended questions and a semi-structured interview, based on the models used by Muzzetti (1997). Data were analyzed by the elaboration of thematic charts. Based on the researches conducted by Pierre Bourdieu (1997, 2007), this research concluded that the students understand that schooling is, besides being a viable alternative in the search for social ascension, the redeeming of social ills. Profession choice based on natural talent or divine gift generate expectations which attest the lack of knowledge about the school system by students and their parents, which is reinforced by the belief in opportunity equality.


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In Brazil, the Catholic Church has an important role in the construction of citizenship, education and training the rural lower classes of the population. Studied in this article, this participation and contribution in the 60s, by highlighting the strong weighting would take the issue of land reform. The Catholic Church was a major player in unionization campaigns and basic education and suffered great tensions and internal conflicts that divide between those who sought the "liberation of the oppressed" and those who fought for reforms without changing the "social order". This paper recovers the trajectory of implementation of various programs of Catholic union formation and foundation of unions. We use historical methodology and retrieve the voice of the authors through interviews with trade unionists, lawyers, church authorities and militants popular.


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O texto é uma nova aproximação dos autores a um tema cujo núcleo é a questão da gestão meio ambiental com enfoque na sustentabilidade. A preocupação aqui apresentada refere-se à questão da participação popular e traz alguns exemplos quanto ao protagonismo do Estado em relação ao tópico. Mostra que a legislação brasileira é atualíssima em relação ao assunto e que ela estaria em condições de lidar com as “ruínas”, com as “regressões” resultantes de uma visão de progresso que marca o processo civilizatório ocidental. Sugere a necessidade de “alargar os espaços de participação da grande massa popular nas decisões”. Reconhece, nesse quadro, a importância da mudança da realidade através da mudança do próprio sujeito da transformação. E, justo por reconhecer isso, aponta a fundamentalidade da educação ambiental. Pede ajuda a exemplos tirados de Araraquara, cidade do interior paulista para mostrar os limites e as possibilidades de avançar em um paradigma de participação popular na construção de uma sociedade sustentável.


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Este artículo tiene por objeto discutir la percepción popular sobre el déficit democrático y la eficiencia de los parlamentos regionales en la integración regional, principalmente en los procesos del Mercosur y la Comunidad Andina. Por tanto, el trabajo busca revelar el impacto de la institucionalización de un parlamento regional en la percepción que la sociedad presenta sobre el proceso de integración. Analizando tres casos distintos: Parlandino, Parlasur y Parlamento Europeo, el trabajo busca comprender en qué medida la existencia de una representación política regional contribuiría a aumentar el grado de conocimiento y de interés de la población sobre el tema de la integración. Partimos del supuesto de que los parlamentarios tendrían un papel positivo en la democratización, y buscamos demostrarlo por medio de dos variables principales: las elecciones directas y su influencia en el proceso de toma de decisiones.


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Direct descendant of the music of the Black Atlantic, hip hop became the spokesman of excluded minorities, for example setting up of the reunification that is geographically separated through communication. The hip hop appropriated new forms of mass communication, allowing the reworking of the story through a counter-hegemonic discourse that seeks self-knowledge and appreciation of the roots of black people. The street culture is the narrative of disenfranchised youth, generating narrative of inclusion, which gave a space of enunciation periphery enabling them to intersubjective recognition. This project aims to discuss the role of hip hop as an agent conscientizing youth peripherals in order to bring to the debate the form of identity construction around the peripheral street culture since, as an intervention that acts as a symbolic system guiding cultural practices and attitudes of these young people. Methodologically, we analyzed specific bibliographical about hip hop and literature originating from the periphery itself. Selected discography of some rap groups. They are Racionais Mc's, 509-E and DJ Hum and Thaíde that constitute the vanguard of hip hop in Brazil. We use music from rapper Emicida this while some contemporary exponents of rap, with national and international. State of São Paulo in order to demonstrate that there is similarity between the questions proposed by the hip hop and the interior of the capital, the group selected Survey. We have used also press material, raising the issue in research on the internet, periodicals include the Rolling Stones and Caros Amigos


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Among the popular poets from the northeastern backlands who criticized the governmental measures of the republican government, the figure of Leandro Gomes de Barros has highlighted. His satire extends to the representatives of the government in the context of the First Republic, striking politicians, bachelors, priests, colonels and oligarchs. We show here the biographical traces of the poet and a stretch from my Doctoral Thesis in which Leandro satirizes the bourgeois-militarist speech from Olavo Bilac.


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In the first decades of the Republic, the streets of the main Brazilian capital cities, especially of Rio de Janeiro and Recife, recently urbanized based on the Haussmanian Paris and smiled upon by the fever of cosmopolitanism that invested Europe, women had been used as runways where they could exhibit her imitated or imported models, especially in Paris. The iconography of the time and the advertisements conveyed by magazines and illustrated periodicals, such as the Almanach de Pernambuco and the magazine Kosmos, for instance, form the testimonies of the massive presence of the French in Rio and Recife, owners of stores and maisons, interested in fulfill the demands of the republican public. In spite of the Strong adherence of the Brazilians to the sociability models to the imported from Europe, the less-favored classes, through the popular literature, showed some resistance to these changes in the habits and clothing, especially in the Northeast, where traces of the Catholic and patriarchal moral and mentality were still alive.


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The purpose of this paper is to show some characteristics and essential information related to the Brazilian periodicals in the 19th century Revista Popular (1859-1862) and Jornal das Famílias (1863-1878), whose owner was the Frenchman Baptiste Louis Garnier. By that time the proliferation of periodicals attracts attention mainly because several of them had ephemeral existence, in opposition to Garnier’s periodicals which as a whole amount to 19 years in circulation. The research on these periodicals becomes relevant since they are well succeeded publications whose study makes possible the widening of the knowledge on social and cultural aspects of a very important period in Brazilian society.


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Bajo la influencia alemana, el culto a las tradiciones populares como una forma de valorización del pueblo, o sea, la exaltación nacionalista o humanitaria del pasado fue uno de los rasgos marcantes del romanticismo. Más allá de concordar con la valorización de los origenes de la nacionalidad, Franklin Távora se empeñará en profundizar el espíritu cientí- fico de sus investigaciones acerca del folclore, como vemos en “Lendas e tradições populares do Norte”, publicadas en la Ilustração Brasileira en 1877. P


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A escola possui um papel fundamental em nossa estrutura social contemporânea ocidental. Ela interage dialeticamente com nossa sociedade sendo um local reprodutor e alterador de valores, crenças e hábitos em que quase todos frequentam por mais de uma década. Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem como objetivo trazer reflexões sobre a função da escola, a quem ela serve e porque, analisando a música Estudo Errado de Gabriel, o Pensador, dialogando com autores que abordam a escola em uma perspectiva crítica, como os críticosreprodutivistas, Althusser e Bourdieu, mas também com Gramsci, Foucault, entre outros. Os questionamentos sobre a função da escola e seus interesses constantemente são feitos de maneira superficial e se aprofundados poderiam colaborar para uma maior criticidade e transformação do cotidiano e da prática escolar. A pesquisa se desenvolverá em uma abordagem qualitativa e a metodologia utilizada será pesquisa bibliográfica, análise documental, através da análise de conteúdo. Meu intuito com este trabalho é discorrer sobre as forças que direcionam a escola, desconstruir a aparente neutralidade que a escola possui no imaginário popular e trazer a tona que a escola é produto de um conflito social