157 resultados para Molecular Characterization


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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No melhoramento genético de espécies florestais, uma população base ou indivíduos superiores pré-selecionados tem importância fundamental para a manutenção do programa. Indivíduos de melhores procedências e de ampla base genética propiciam a obtenção de ganhos de forma contínua. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade genética em duas populações-núcleo de Eucalyptus grandis. Foram avaliados 39 indivíduos, sendo 19 pertencentes à população 1 e 20, à população 2, utilizando-se 14 primers microssatélite. Os fragmentos foram identificados e analisados a partir dos programas GeneScan e Genotyper, utilizando-se um sequenciador automático ABI Prism 3100. O número de alelos encontrados para cada primer variou de cinco a 15 para a população 1 e, de 8 a 18 para a população 2. A heterozigosidade estimada foi maior na população 2, 0,869, contra 0,843 na população 1. A média da distância genética entre os indivíduos da população 1 foi 0,6220 e na população 2 foi 0,6112. Com a caracterização molecular dos indivíduos destas populações foi construído um banco de dados que permitirá, a partir dos parâmetros de genética de populações, monitorar esses programas de melhoramento em diferentes ciclos de seleção.


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MjTX-II, a myotoxic phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) homologue from Bothrops moojeni venom, was functionally and structurally characterized. The MjTX-II characterization included: (i) functional characterization (antitumoral, antimicrobial and antiparasitic effects); (ii) effects of structural modifications by 4-bromophenacyl bromide (BPB), cyanogen bromide (CNBr), acetic anhydride and 2-nitrobenzenesulphonyl fluoride (NBSF); (iii) enzymatic characterization: inhibition by low molecular weight heparin and EDTA; and (iv) molecular characterization: cDNA sequence and molecular structure prediction. The results demonstrated that MjTX-II displayed antimicrobial activity by growth inhibition against Escherichia coli and Candida albicans, antitumoral activity against Erlich ascitic tumor (EAT), human breast adenocarcinoma (SK-BR-3) and human T leukemia cells (JURKAT) and antiparasitic effects against Schistosoma mansoni and Leishmania spp., which makes MjTX-II a promising molecular model for future therapeutic applications, as well as other multifunctional homologous Lys49-PLA(2)S or even derived peptides. This work provides useful insights into the structural determinants of the action of Lys49-PLA2 homologues and, together with additional strategies, supports the concept of the presence of others bioactive sites distinct from the catalytic site in snake venom myotoxic PLA(2)s. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thalassemias are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders characterized by a microcytic hypochromic anemia and an imbalance in the synthesis of the globin-chains. Hb C is the second most frequently variant of hemoglobin found in Brazil. The laboratory diagnosis of hemoglobinopathies, including thalassemias, is growing in importance, particularly because of an increasing requirement for neonatal diagnosis of abnormal hemoglobins. Screening tests were carried out using alkaline and acid electrophoresis, globin-chain analysis by cellulose acetate in alkaline pH, isoelectric focusing and HPLC. The molecular characterization was made by PCR-ASO for Hb C and beta thalassemia mutants. Large-scale screening and discriminative methodologies must provide information about the hemoglobin polymorphisms in Brazilian population. HPLC is a powerful tool in these cases. Molecular characterization is important to genetic counseling and clinical management, in particular for the Brazilian population that have an intense racial admixture, with great variability of hemoglobins. In this paper an association between Hb C and beta thalassemia (IVS-II-654) in a black family from Brazil was described.


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A new parasite species of Leishmania is described, L. (Leishmania) forattinii sp. n., which was isolated from a pooled triturate of liver and spleen of a opossum (Didelphis marsupialis aurita) and from skin samples from a rodent (Proechmys iheringi denigratus), captured in primary forest on the Atlantic Cost of Brazil. Our results on the basis of biological and molecular criteria indicate that this taxonomically distinct parasite ias a new species of the L. mexicana complex, but closely related to L. (L.) aristidesi Laison & shaw, 1979, as revelated by phenetic and phylogenetic numerical analyses of the enzyme data. L. forattinii was clearly distinguishable from other Leishmania species of the genus usisng enzyme electrophoresis, monoclonal antibodies, molecular karyotypes, analysis of restriction enzyme digestion patterns of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), as well as the use of kDNA hybridization procedures.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We describe a vaccinialike virus, Aragatuba virus, associated with a cowpoxlike outbreak in a dairy herd and a related case of human infection. Diagnosis was based on virus growth characteristics, electron microscopy, and molecular biology techniques. Molecular characterization of the virus was done by using polymerase chain reaction amplification, cloning, an DNA sequencing of conserved orthopoxvirus genes such as the vaccinia growth factor (VGF), thymidine kinase (TK), and hemagglutinin. We used VGF-homologous and TK gene nucleoticle sequences to construct a phylogenetic tree for comparison with other poxviruses. Gene sequences showed 99% homology with vaccinia virus genes and were clustered together with the isolated virus in the phylogenetic tree. Aragatuba virus is very similar to Cantagalo virus, showing the same signature deletion in the gene. Aragatuba virus could be a novel vaccinialike virus or could represent the spread of Cantagalo virus.


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To identify genes specifically or predominantly expressed in the stigmas/styles and to establish their possible function in the reproductive process of plants, a tobacco stigma/style cDNA library was constructed and differentially screened, resulting in the isolation of several cDNA clones. The molecular characterization of one of these clones is described here. After sequencing the cDNA and the isolated genomic clone, it was determined that the corresponding gene encodes a protein containing an ATP-binding cassette, characteristic of ABC transporters. This gene, designated as NtWBC1 (Nicotiana tabacum ABC transporter of the White-Brown Complex subfamily), encodes a protein that contains the typical structure of the 'half-transporters' of the White subfamily. To establish the spatial expression pattern of the NtWBC1 gene, northern blot and real-time RT-PCR analyses with total RNA from roots, stems, leaves, sepals, petals, stamens, stigmas/styles, ovaries, and seeds were performed. The result revealed a transcript of 2.5 kb present at high levels in stigmas and styles and a smaller transcript (2.3 kb) present at a lower level in stamens. NtWBC1 expression is developmentally regulated in stigmas/styles, with mRNA accumulation increasing toward anthesis. In situ hybridization experiments demonstrated that NtWBC1 is expressed in the stigmatic secretory zone and in anthers, at the stomium region and at the vascular bundle. NtWBC1 is the first ABC transporter gene with specific expression in plant reproductive organs to be identified and its expression pattern suggests important role(s) in the reproductive process.


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In order to investigate the occurrence of Hepatozoon infection in Neotropical felids from Brazil, blood from the jugular or cephalic vein was taken from 29 non-domestic felids including ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), little spotted cat (Leopardus tigrinus), margay (Leopardus wiedii), and jaguarondi (Puma yagouaroundi) from the Northeast region of Brazil. Hepatozoon infection was confirmed by light microscopy and molecular techniques. The results showed five naturally infected felids. Partial sequences of the 18S rRNA gene of the Hepatozoon sp. from these felids were further analyzed. Sequences revealed that the isolates found are closely related to Hepatozoon sp. from domestic cats in Spain. Hepatozoon species from Neotropical felids were identified molecularly and characterized for the first time. This is also the first report of Hepatozoon infection in a little spotted cat. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We describe a vaccinialike virus, Araçatuba virus, associated with a cowpoxlike outbreak in a dairy herd and a related case of human infection. Diagnosis was based on virus growth characteristics, electron microscopy, and molecular biology techniques. Molecular characterization of the virus was done by using polymerase chain reaction amplification, cloning, and DNA sequencing of conserved orthopoxvirus genes such as the vaccinia growth factor (VGF), thymidine kinase (TK), and hemagglutinin. We used VGF-homologous and TK gene nucleotide sequences to construct a phylogenetic tree for comparison with other poxviruses. Gene sequences showed 99% homology with vaccinia virus genes and were clustered together with the isolated virus in the phylogenetic tree. Araçatuba virus is very similar to Cantagalo virus, showing the same signature deletion in the gene. Araçatuba virus could be a novel vaccinialike virus or could represent the spread of Cantagalo virus.


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Background: Rhodococcus equi is associated with pyogranulomatous infections, especially in foals, and this bacterium has also emerged as a pathogen for humans, particularly immunocompromised patients. R. equi infections in pigs, wild boar (Sus scrofa) and humans are mainly due to strains carrying the intermediate virulence (VapB) plasmid. In Brazil, R. equi carrying the VapB type 8 plasmid is the most common type recovered from humans co-infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). R. equi infection in pigs and wild boar is restricted predominantly to the lymphatic system, without any reports of pulmonary manifestations. Findings. This report describes the microbiological and histopathological findings, and molecular characterization of R. equi in two bronchopneumonia cases in wild boar using PCR and plasmid profile analysis by digestion with restriction endonucleases. The histological findings were suggestive of pyogranulomatous infection, and the plasmid profile of both R. equi isolates enabled the characterization of the strains as VapB type 8. Conclusions: This is the first report of bronchopneumonia in wild boar due to R. equi. The detection of the VapB type 8 plasmid in R. equi isolates emphasize that wild boar may be a potential source of pathogenic R. equi strains for humans. © 2013 de Vargas et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The aims of this study were to determine the seroprevalence of Ehrlichia spp. and risk factors for exposure in a restricted population of dogs, horses, and humans highly exposed to tick bites in a Brazilian rural settlement using a commercial ELISA rapid test and two indirect immunofluorescent assays (IFA) with E. canis and E. chaffeensis crude antigens. Serum samples from 132 dogs, 16 horses and 100 humans were used. Fifty-six out of 132 (42.4%) dogs were seropositive for E. canis. Dogs > one year were more likely to be seropositive for E. canis than dogs ≤ one year (p = 0.0051). Ten/16 (62.5%) and 8/16 (50%) horses were seropositive by the commercial ELISA and IFA, respectively. Five out of 100 (5%) humans were seropositive for E. canis and E. chaffeensis. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (n = 291, 97.98%) on dogs and Amblyomma cajennense (n = 25, 96.15%) on horses were the most common ticks found. In conclusion, anti-Ehrlichia spp. antibodies were found in horses; however, the lack of a molecular characterization precludes any conclusion regarding the agent involved. Additionally, the higher seroprevalence of E. canis in dogs and the evidence of anti-Ehrlichia spp. antibodies in humans suggest that human cases of ehrlichiosis in Brazil might be caused by E. canis, or other closely related species.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)