113 resultados para Minério maciço hidrotermal


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Atualmente, a grande variedade de plantas domesticadas está diminuindo com a disseminação da moderna agricultura comercial, caracterizada pelos seus cultivos geneticamente homogêneos com emprego maciço de insumos. Em contraste, agricultores mais tradicionais procuram manter a heterogeneidade de seus campos cultivando muitas espécies e variedades, representando uma significativa importância para a conservação do patrimônio genético das espécies agrícolas. Entre estes agricultores é comum ocorrer a circulação das sementes e propágulos das variedades. Entretanto, muitos destes agricultores, mais tradicionais, migraram para assentamentos rurais, trazendo com eles uma grande diversidade de plantas. Desta forma, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a dinâmica de circulação de sementes e propágulos de plantas alimentares que ocorre entre as famílias do Assentamento Rural XII de Outubro em Moji Mirim - SP, a partir de uma amostra de agricultores oriundos de áreas de agricultura de subsistência. Tais agricultores foram localizados com base no estudo “Semeando sementes, cultivando cultura: As plantas alimentares e a sua importância para a vida dos agricultores do Assentamento XII de Outubro, Moji Mirim, SP” realizado em 2005 pela mestranda Mirella Cultrera. No presente estudo foram realizadas visitas periódicas, nas quais entrevistas não estruturadas foram feitas para obter a história de vida, entrevista semi-estruturadas para obter as informações sobre a dinâmica de circulação das sementes e propágulos, e, por fim, entrevistas estruturadas para adquirir os dados socioeconômicos. Neste trabalho foram levantadas no total 139 variedades de cultivos alimentares (55 espécies pertencentes a 28 famílias botânicas), sendo 54% delas oriundas de Minas Gerais. O número de variedades cultivadas por ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The Lavra Velha gold prospect is located in Ibitiara city, in the Espinhaço Setentrional physiographic domain, on the west edge of Chapada Diamantina – central part of Bahia. It is inserting on Gavião Block, a compartment of São Francisco Cráton (Almeida, 1977). The Lavra Velha gold dump is formed by an association of hydrothermal breccia lodged in acid and intermediate rocks, classifying in tonalite, granodiorite and diorite, with high alteration, cut off by a vein and venules system constituted by hydrothermal association composed by hematite, tourmaline, quarz and sericite, located in the north limit of Ibitiara granite. In the regional geological context the area is represented by Archaean rocks (Paramirim Complex) and Paleoproterozoic rocks (Ibitiara granitoid and Matinos Granite) constituted the basement, following by paleo to mesozoic pluton-vulcanic-sedimentary association of Rio dos Remédios Group, intruded by mafic rocks. It was used geochemistry and petrographic analysis compiling to field works data to characterize the rocks where the gold mineralization is inserting. Previously these rocks were classifying in volcanic rocks of Novo Horizonte Formation. Developing this monograph’s work the petrogenetic characteristics suggesting that these rocks called volcanic actually belong to Ibitiara granitoid as a portion more metamorphosed. The green schist is the predominant metamorphism in the area with low deformation, associated to high concentration of fluid circulating. The hydrothermal alteration is the process responsible for rocks modifications and strong sericitization generalize


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The study area is located in the geological parameters of the Pilar de Goiás Greenstone Belt (GO), it is part of the Pilar de Goias Group’s meta-volcano-sedimentary sequence. This is a homoclinal package constituted by terrigenous metassediments containing intercalations of meta-ultramafic rocks and iron formations. The units that were informally named in this work, are interpreted as belongs to the Serra do Moinho Formation. Through mineralogical associations the area’s metamorphism were classified as high greenschist facies garnet zone. Prior to this work were detected in the area, through soil samples, some auriferous anomalies. One of the objectives of this work is the detection of possibles hidrotermal alterations related to these anomalies presents in the study area


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In order to to research, the region of Perau, base metal mineralization, Grupo Votorantim Metals conducted a soil sampling on targets predetermined holding its chemical analysis. These reviews have been provided by the company for this work was to evaluate the potential use of these data pedogeochemical multi-element for refinement of the work of geological mapping. We selected six targets: Varginha, Salvador, Guararema Taquara Lisa and Coffin of Mendes, in the municipalities of Adrianople, Cerro Azul and Tunas do Paraná, located in Vale do Ribeira (PR). Both have about 10 km2 and situated in the geological context of the Fold Belt Terrane and the Massif de Joinville. The main rock types are present metasedimentary rocks of low to medium grade metamorphic, interspersed the amphibolites ortoderivados, both belonging to the Complex Perau, gneisses and migmatitic Complex. Applied to the geochemical data descriptive statistical techniques (variogram, kriging and histogram). From the correlation between the distributions of elements with the geological data, we could assess the potential of the proposed methodology.


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O presente trabalho baseou-se na análise de amostras de isolados de M. tuberculosis provenientes da população indígena e não indígena do Mato Grosso do Sul. As análises foram feitas basicamente por três técnicas de Biologia Molecular: PCR-IS6110 e PRA (para identificação) e Spoligotyping (para genotipagem), ressaltando que somente as amostras negativas para PCR-IS6110 foram submetidas ao PRA. Os objetivos do estudo eram: confirmar por técnicas moleculares de PCR e de PRA a identificação do complexo M. tuberculosis e de outras micobactérias, após o descongelamento e cultivo, analisar a incidência de isolados de M. tuberculosis da região do Mato Grosso do Sul que não tem o IS6110, avaliar a incidência de outras micobactérias entre a população indígena e não indígena do Mato Grosso do Sul, agrupar em famílias, por similaridade epidemiológica os isolados de M. tuberculosis procedentes da população indígena e não indígena com TB e avaliar a presença efetiva de grupos genéticos predominantes; Pela técnica de PCR-IS6110, analisamos um total de 119 isolados clínicos, sendo que apenas 6 apresentaram negatividade, sendo assim submetidos à técnica do PRA. Feito isso, também apresentaram resultado positivo para CMTB, nos permitindo concluir que essas técnicas podem se tornar ferramentas de grande valia no diagnóstico rápido da TB. Pela técnica de genotipagem do Spoligotyping foram analisadas 97 amostras e foi constatado um maciço predomínio da família LAM, principalmente da subfamília LAM 9, representados por 4 SITs, sendo SIT 42 com 44 isolados e SITs 177, 1337 e 1075 com respectivamente 4, 2 e 1 isolados cada (essa subfamília representou 52,6% do total de isolados). Outras famílias, tais como T, H e U também estiveram presentes no estudo em menores proporções


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In the Serra de Jacobina, localized in the North Central portion of the state of Bahia, occours the Jacobina Group. It’s a sedimentary basin and the gold deposit is stocked on the basal portion, which consist on quartzites intercalated with oligomítico metaconglomerates of Serra do Córrego Formation. There are controversies about the origin of the gold mineralization, but the currently most accepted hypothesis corresponds to a paleoplacer deposit with subsequent ore remobilization and concentration by hydrothermal process. The sulphidation is one of the main results of hydrothermal process, which was more detail characterized, besides identifying if there was more than one sulfides phase generation and its relationship with gold mineralization. The analyzes were performed from the main reef's (metaconglomerates mineralized levels) of Mine Canavieiras: Maneira, Holandez, Liberino, Piritoso, MU and LU. Chemical analyzes semi-quantitative were developed with EDS in MEV and also petrographics analyses. The main sulfide is pyrite, followed by chalcopyrite. Six groups of pyrite were classified according with chemical composition, however they show similarities in their habit and occurrence. Were identified four types of chlorite, labeled A, B, C, D. Gold occurs in free form, associate to pyrites, to Fe-Ti-Muscovite, to chlorite type B and to microfractures with iron hydroxide. Gold presents three different compositions: pure, with Ag or associated with U-Zr. The results of chemical analysis showed that the hydrothermal process have as their main source, ultramafic rocks present in the Jacobina Basin


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The Mangabal Sul and Mangabal Norte mafic-ultramafic complexes are interpreted as intrusive stratiform bodies in the Goiás Magmatic Arc during the Brazilian cycle, being economically important for harboring significant amounts of nickel and copper sulfides. The main lithotypes of the complexes are gabbronorites, olivine gabbronorites, pyroxenites and peridotites, with variated degrees of deformation, recrystallization and metamorphism superimposed, with metamorphic peak of amphibolite to granulite facies evidenced mainly by the occurrence of coronitic olivine in metamafic rocks and the occurrence of syn-kinematic retrometamorphism associated with the development of the main foliation Sn. The Sn foliation planes show NE-SW preferential direction, consistent with the foliation direction of VIII the enclosing gneisses and schists, also concordant with the general elongation of mafic and ultramafic bodies displayed on map. The sulfide phase presents textures that indicate remobilization, associated with the occurrence of significant amounts of rutile within the ore which reinforces this idea. Along with the sulfides, the occurrence of expressive quantities of titanium oxides such as ilmenite and rutile, make the area more economically attractive. It can be suggested that the Mangabal Norte and Mangabal Sul complexes are contemporary, have the same genetic affinity and suffered the same deformational and metamorphic processes, evidenced by their structural and petrological similarities


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Eight Mesoproterozoic granite suites are recognized in the Rondônia Tin Province, called Serra da Providência Intrusive Suite (1606-1532 Ma), Rio Crespo Intrusive Suite (1500 Ma), St. Anthony Intrusive Suite (1406 Ma), Teotonio Intrusive Suite (1387 Ma ), Santa Clara Intrusive Suite (1082-1074 Ma) and Younger Granites of Rondônia Intrusive Suite (998-974 Ma), represent successive magmatic type A (anorogenic) and the intra-plate basement rocks intruded in the metamorphic complex named Jamari separated into two distinct lithologic associations, a ortogneiss (U-Pb from 1.76 to 1.73 Ga) and a paragneiss (1675 + / - 12 Ma). Tin mineralization are widely found in the Tin Province and are associated with granitic intrusions known Mesoproterozoic more closely with the last two magmatic events, represented by the Santa Clara and Younger Granites of Rondônia. The tin mineralization are of primary and secondary, with the primary form deposits of different structural styles and is presented in the form of endo-or exogreisens, veins, stockworks and pegmatites. The secondary mineralization are related to natural processes of weathering and erosion of primary rocks, leading to placer deposits classified as colluvial, eluvial and colluvial-alluvial. The Target Alvo Sol Nascente is located in the central-eastern Rondônia Tin Province and has basement rocks of the metamorphic-magmatic region represented by Jamari Complex intrusive suites and Sierra Providence and Rio Crespo. The last tectonic event spa in the area was responsible for the intrusion of Younger Granites of Rondônia (São Carlos and Caripuanã Massifis). The anomalous levels of tin, sufficient to operate (Mina Rising Sun), indicate that there was possibly mineralization event, evidenced by pegmatite veins well defined, easily found relatively close to mine. Plaque deposits associated with Quaternary sedimentary sequences can also be observed


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Charcoal is obtained from carbonization, much used in the steel industry for ore reduction, using as raw material the Eucalyptus. The present study aims to verify whether the main Eucalyptus saligna genetically modified produce quality charcoal with only 3.5 years old. The study was done with material collected from three trees, divided into five discs removed at 0, 25 , 50 , 75 and 100 % of the commercial height of the tree. The procedures adopted were based on standards published by ABNT. The results were satisfactory for the parameters: basic wood density with an average of 0.39 ± 0.0082 g / cm ³; volatile materials from coal with an average of 19.35 ± 3.27 %, fixed carbon content of the coal with an average of 75.62 ± 3.40 % and gross calorific value of coal with an average of 4694.43 cal / g, and unsatisfactory results for ash content averaging 5.03 ± 0.23 when compared to the values found in the literature. It was concluded that the studied wood is able to produce charcoal, but the factors of production should be better observed, such as heating time which exerted direct influence on the determination of ash content


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The study area is included in the geological context of the Goias Median Massif, a region where there are associations of Archean granite-gneiss complex (Block Moquém) and a Paleoproterozoic metavolcano-sedimentary sequence ( Pilar greenstone belt ). At the south of area, the greenstone sequence is partially overlain by Neopreoterozoic metasediments of the Araxá Group. The lithostratigraphic units of the Pilar greenstone belt define a shift from about N30W direction (north of the deposit) to N60 and 70W in the region south of the Jordino deposit, where are truncated by the Araxá Group rocks. Mineralogical associations described in this paper allow to indicate that the regional metamorphism that affected the rocks of the greenstone belt and Araxá Group, in the mapped area, reached the upper greenschist facies (garnet zone). Data obtained during mapping and by microtectonics analysis allow to indicate the existence of at least four deformational events that acted on the rocks of the Guarinos greenstone belt and Araxá Group, represented by the phases called Dn-1, Dn, Dn + 1 and Dn+2. It was observed that the pattern of sulphide porfitoblasts in mineralized levels is similar to garnet, biotite and muscovite porfiroblasts (tardi to post Dn) that marks the metamorphic peak of the area


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The study area is includes in the geological context of Arenópolis Magmatic Arc, a region where there are neoproterozoic associations of granodioritic and tonalitic composiotion. (Ortogneisses of the western Goiás) and sequences metavolcanic-sedimentary (Jaupaci Metavolcanic-sedimentary Sequence ). In the mapped area, both units are covered by a cover-laterite. The Ortogneisses from Goiás West consist of a source granodioritic gneisses, corresponding to the Biotite granodiorite gneisse, and also by tonalitic gneiss composition corresponding to Metatonalit. The Jaupaci Metavolcanic-sedimentary Sequence is formed by Chlorite Schist (Metabasalt), Biotite Schist (Metadacite) and Sericite Schist (Metarhyolite), and even intrusions Sin/Tardi e Post Tectonic, granite to diorite composition (Diorites), and alson tonalitic (Bacilandia Tonalite). Post tectonic intrusions are observed, wich were Hornblend Diorite Porphyry and Lamprophyres, Structural analysis allowed the identification of three deformational events, Dn-1, Dn and Post-Dn. The first event is associated with a bygone foliation, lineation which generates an intersectional event, generating the foliation Sn, this being the most important structure in the study area, generating even the type mineral lineation and stretch. The last deformational event is characterized by folds on different scales, affecting the Sn foliation. The rocks of the region have features s active hydrothermal and regional metamorphism, and are composed os assembly indicative of mineralogical facies metamorphism Green Schist, in chlotite zone, with evidence of retro metamorphism. Locally there are sulfides as pyrite, arsenopyrit and pyrhotite, and te mineralization is associated with the arsenopyrite


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The alimentary act of three species of frugivorous bats of the genus Artibeus: A. lituratus, A. fimbriatus and A. planirostris, in a total of nine individuals, was studied by observations in field and captivity, during the months of May to September of 2008. With the objective to caracterize the form of consumption of two tipes of fruits (soft and consistent) and it relates with the dentary structure of this bats, the alimentary act was film and analysed later. It had little variation between the species. The fruits had been consumed in similar way, being that statistics analisis had demonstrated that consistent fruits had received more lateral bytes than the soft fruits. The dentary analisis shown that the posterior teeth (pre-molar and molar) present important characteristcs to triturate pieces of more consistent fruits and the incisors serve to scrape the pulp of the soft fruits. This study it served to describe the form of feeding of frugivorous bats, that little is explained in the studies of alimentary behavior


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The present work aims to study the possible causes of cracks founded and recovered in translation cars of ore Forklift / ore Reclaimer. To identify the possible causes of cracks observed on the equipment it was used a static approach analysis, using a finite element method as an analysis tool, using a specific structural analysis program. After making the model, a strain gage measurement was necessary because there may be significant amounts of masses of non-structural components that were not modeled and were not available in the drawings, as well as fouling ore. With the calibrated model it was processed analyses with the load cases of dead load, product, wind and excavation. After the processing, it was observed that none of these load cases resulted in values that caused the crack, so another three hypotheses were tested: depression and misalignment, jacking and translation of only three cars. Of these three hypotheses it was observed that the jacking coud be the cause of the cracks, because the distribution of stress. Due to the miss of parameters, like the height utilized in this process, it was not possible to affirm the real stress level