265 resultados para Metaplastic Carcinomas


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Objective:Gene expression studies have revealed several molecular subtypes of breast carcinoma with distinct clinical and biological behaviours. DNA microarray studies correlated with immunohistochemical profiling of breast carcinomas using cytokeratin (CK) markers, Her2/neu, oestrogen receptor (ER), and basal myoepithelial cell markers have identified five breast tumour subtypes: (i) luminal A (ER+; Her2/neu-), (ii) luminal B (ER+; Her2/neu+), (iii) Her2 overexpression (ER-; Her2/neu+), (iv) basal-like (ER-; Her2/neu-, CK5/6 and 14+), and (v) negative for all markers. Luminal carcinomas express cytokeratins in a luminal pattern (CK8/18), and the basal-like type expresses CK5/6 and CK14 or basal epithelial cell markers. CK5/6, CK8/18, and smooth muscle actin (SMA) expression were assessed in cell blocks and compared with expression in surgical specimens.Methods:Sixty-two cases of breast carcinoma diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology with cell blocks and available surgical specimens were included. Cell blocks containing at least 10 high-power fields each with at least 10 tumour cells and surgical specimens were immunostained for CK5/6, CK8/18 and SMA.Results:Percentage sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy were, respectively, 77, 100, 100, 92 and 94 for CK5/6; 98, 66, 96, 80 and 95 for CK8/18; and 92, 96, 85, 98 and 95 for SMA.Conclusion:The identification of CK5/6, CK8/18 and SMA by immunohistochemistry in cell blocks can be a reliable method that yields results close to those obtained in surgical specimens, and can contribute to the classification of breast carcinomas with luminal and basal expression patterns, providing helpful information in the choice of treatment and in the evaluation of prognostic and predictive factors.


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Este estudo se reporta às funções de células natural killer (NK), como adesão, lise e citotoxicidade e de subpopulações de células T em uma família com alta prevalência de pacientes com câncer e que apresentaram: glioblastoma, leucemia mielóide crônica, osteoblastoma, melanoma e carcinomas gástrico, pancreático e cólon retal. Quinze membros dessa família foram estudados, sendo 13 sadios, acompanhados por 5 anos e dois com câncer: glioblastoma e leucemia mielóide crônica. Duas pessoas sadias, no momento da avaliação, desenvolveram posteriormente osteoblastoma mandibular ou melanoma maligno. Como controle, foram avaliados 19 indivíduos saudáveis de faixa etária equivalente. A determinação de linfócitos T CD3+ e de suas subpopulações CD4+ e CD8+ foi realizada empregando-se anticorpos monoclonais e a atividade citotóxica de células NK, avaliada pelo teste de single-cell contra células alvo da linhagem eritroleucêmica K562. Os resultados mostraram que as percentagens de células T totais (CD3+), da subpopulação CD4+ e da relação CD4/CD8 foram significativamente menores nos indivíduos da família estudada em comparação aos valores observados no grupo controle. em todos os membros dessa família a percentagem de formação de conjugados entre células NK-células alvo foi inferior ao valor mínimo observado nos controles. Essa alteração poderia estar relacionada a defeito na expressão de moléculas de adesão, presentes na membrana de células NK, como provável causa das alterações funcionais dessas células. A herança dos mecanismos determinantes desta deficiência pode ser um fator de risco, com valor prognóstico para o desenvolvimento de cancer.


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O tabagismo está relacionado a 30% das mortes por câncer. É fator de risco para desenvolver carcinomas do aparelho respiratório, esôfago, estômago, pâncreas, cérvix uterina, rim e bexiga. A nicotina induz tolerância e dependência pela ação nas vias dopaminérgicas centrais, levando às sensações de prazer e recompensa mediadas pelo sistema límbico. É estimulante do sistema nervoso central (SNC), aumenta o estado de alerta e reduz o apetite. A diminuição de 50% no consumo da nicotina pode desencadear sintomas de abstinência nos indivíduos dependentes: ansiedade, irritabilidade, distúrbios do sono, aumento do apetite, alterações cognitivas e fissura pelo cigarro. O aconselhamento médico é fundamental para o sucesso no abandono do fumo. A farmacoterapia da dependência de nicotina divide-se em: primeira linha (bupropiona e terapia de reposição da nicotina), e segunda linha (clonidina e nortriptilina). A bupropiona é um antidepressivo não-tricíclico que age inibindo a recaptação de dopamina, cujas contra-indicações são: epilepsia, distúrbios alimentares, hipertensão arterial não-controlada, abstinência recente do álcool e uso de inibidores da monoaminoxidase (MAO). A terapia de reposição de nicotina pode ser feita com adesivos e gomas de mascar. Os efeitos da acupuntura no abandono do fumo ainda não estão completamente esclarecidos. As estratégias de interrupção abrupta ou redução gradual do fumo têm a mesma probabilidade de sucesso.


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The different potential of initiated and non-initiated urinary bladder mucosa (UBM) to develop neoplasia was quantitatively evaluated in the male Wistar rat. Initiation of carcinogenesis was accomplished with N-butyl-N- (4-hydroxybutyl) -nitrosamine (BBN). Stimuli for cell proliferation and apoptosis were obtained by exposure followed by withdrawal of 3% Uracil in the diet. The proliferation index (PI) was estimated in UBM immunostained for the proliferating nuclear cell antigen (PCNA). The apoptotic index (AI) and the density of papillary/nodular hyperplasia (PNH) were estimated in hematoxilin-eosin stained sections. PNH was the main proliferative response to the mechanical irritation by uracil, irrespective of previous initiation with BBN. Uracil exposure induced higher PI and PNH density in the initiated rats. After uracil withdrawal, there was a significant increase of the AI in both uracil-treated groups, which correlated well to the respective PNH density. However, at the end of the experiment, PNH incidence and density were significantly higher in the BBN-initiated mucosa, which also presented 18% incidence of papillomas and 27% of carcinomas. Therefore, under prolonged uracil calculi trauma, the UBM of BBN-initiated Wistar rats gives rise to epithelial proliferative lesions that progress to neoplasia through acquired resistance to apoptosis. (C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O gene bcl-2 codifica uma proteína envolvida no processo de controle da apoptose. Inicialmente descrito em linfomas e posteriormente em tecidos epiteliais, sua expressão é freqüentemente encontrada em carcinomas de mama, associada a fatores de prognóstico favorável. Como a punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) tem sido utilizada como um método confiável na investigação de carcinomas de mama, acessamos a expressão de bcl-2 em material assim obtido e correlacionamos sua positividade com o grau histológico, avaliado em material cirúrgico correspondente, das respectivas pacientes, seguindo a classificação de SBR (Scarff, Bloom e Richardson). OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a expressão de bcl-2 em PAAF e correlacionar com grau histológico. METODOLOGIA: A positividade do bcl-2 foi analisada, por imunocitoquímica, em 118 casos consecutivos de PAAF e correlacionada com grau histológico em material cirúrgico correspondente, segundo classificação de SBR. RESULTADOS: A positividade para bcl-2 foi encontrada em 77 de 118 casos de PAAF (65,25%) e foi inversamente proporcional ao grau histológico (84,37%, p = 0,0022). CONCLUSÃO: A expressão de bcl-2 em PAAF correlaciona-se com fator de bom prognóstico. O índice de positividade encontrado, assim como a correlação inversa com grau histológico, está de acordo com dados publicados previamente. O fácil e rápido manejo do material obtido por PAAF permite a aplicação de técnicas complementares, de maneira confiável, como demonstra este estudo. A positividade do bcl-2 correlacionada com baixo grau histológico, assim como com outros fatores de bom prognóstico, pode, no futuro, proporcionar informação preditiva e prognóstica para pacientes candidatas a tratamento quimioterápico neo-adjuvante.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To elucidate the molecular profile of hormonal steroid receptor status, we analyzed ER-alpha, ER-beta, and PGR mRNA and protein expression in 80 breast carcinomas using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), quantitative RT-PCR, and immunohistochemical analysis. Qualitative analysis revealed positive expression of ER-alpha, ER-beta, and PGR mRNA in 48%, 59%, and 48% of the breast carcinomas, respectively. ER-alpha, ER-beta, and PGR transcript overexpression was observed in 51%, 0%, and 12% of the cases, respectively, whereas moderate or strong protein expression was detected in 68%, 78%, and 49% of the cases, respectively. Tumor grade was negatively correlated with transcript and protein levels of ER-alpha (P = .0169 and P = .0006, respectively) and PGR (P = .0034 and P = .0005, respectively). Similarly, proliferative index Ki-67 was negatively associated with transcript and protein levels of ER-alpha (P = .0006 and P < .0001, respectively) and PGR (P = .0258 and P =. 0005, respectively). These findings suggest that ER-alpha and PGR expression are associated with well-differentiated breast tumors and less directly related to cell proliferation. A significant statistical difference was observed between lymph node status and ER-beta protein expression (P = .0208). In ER-alpha-negative tumors, we detected a correlation between ER-beta protein expression and high levels of Ki-67. These data suggest that ER-beta could be a prognostic marker in human breast cancer. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Bladder carcinoma is one of the most common tumors in the world and, despite the therapy currently available, most of the patients relapse. Better understanding of the factors involved in disease pathogenesis would provide insights for the development of more effective strategies in treatment. Recently, differential miRNA expression profiles in bladder urothelial carcinomas identified miR-100 down-regulation and miR-708 up-regulation among the most common alterations, although the possible influence of these miRNAs in the control of basic mechanisms in bladder tumors has not been addressed. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the in vitro effects of miR-100 forced expression and miR-708 inhibition in the bladder carcinoma cell line 5637. Our results showed that overexpression of miR-100 significantly inhibited growth when compared to controls at both times tested (72 and 96 hours, p<0.01) with a maximum effect at 72 hours reducing proliferation in 29.6 %. Conversely, no effects on cell growth were observed after inhibition of miR-708. MiR-100 also reduced colony formation capacity of 5637 cells by 24.4%. No alterations in cell cycle progression or apoptosis induction were observed. The effects of miR-100 on growth and clonogenicity capacity in 5637 cells evince a possible role of this miRNA in bladder carcinoma pathogenesis. Further studies are necessary to corroborate our findings and examine the potential use of this microRNA in future therapeutic interventions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Salivary mucocele is an accumulation of saliva in a single or multiloculated cavity lined by connective tissue that is contiguous to a salivary gland-duct complex and is the most common condition affecting the salivary glands in dogs. Occasionally, different types of metaplastic lesions, such as squamous and osseous metaplasia - which are rare lesions in animals - can be observed in association with salivary mucocele.Case presentation: A right facial enlargement was suddenly observed in a 4-year-old non-spayed female Shih-Tzu dog. The lesion presented itself as a soft and fluctuant mass located in the right side of the face near to the neck. Histologically, the mass consisted of a cavitary formation without an epithelial lining. Additionally, microscopic examination revealed the presence of osteoid-producing cells which gave rise to areas of bone formation, probably induced by irritation due to the presence sialoliths. Such cells and bone formations were also present in the cavity wall, consequently leading us to classify the condition as a salivary mucocele with osseous metaplasia.Conclusions: In the present case, the pathogenesis was probably associated with the presence of sialoliths, which can behave as etiological agents for the metaplastic lesion. The occurrence of osteoid metaplasia is a rare peculiar condition in the canine salivar y gland, and due to the rarity and lack of information about this specific disease, no clinical data can yet be associated with the development of salivary mucocele with osseous metaplasia in dogs.


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous herpesvirus, and most people have serological evidence of previous viral infection at adult age. EBV is associated with infectious mononucleosis and human cancers, including some lymphomas and gastric carcinomas. Although EBV was first reported in lymphoepithelioma-like gastric carcinoma, the virus was also found in conventional adenocarcinomas. In the present study, 53 gastric carcinomas diagnosed in São Paulo State, Brazil, were evaluated for EBV infection by non-isotopic in situ hybridization with a biotinylated probe (Biotin-AGACACCGTCCTCACCACCC GGGACTTGTA) directed to the viral transcript EBER-I, which is actively expressed in EBV latently infected cells. EBV infection was found in 6 of 53 (11.32%) gastric carcinomas, mostly from male patients (66.7%), with a mean age of 59 years old. Most EBV-positive tumors were in gastric antrum. Two EBV-positive tumors (33.3%) were conventional adenocarcinomas, whereas four (66.7%) were classified as lymphoepithelioma-like carcinomas. EBV infection in gastric carcinomas was reported elsewhere in frequencies that range from 5.6% (Korea) up to 18% (Germany). In Brazil, a previous work found EBV infection in 4 of 80 (5%) gastric carcinomas, whereas another study found 4.7 and 11.2% of EBV-positive gastric carcinomas of Brazilians of Japanese origin or not, respectively. In the present study, the frequency of EBV-positive gastric carcinomas is similar to that reported in other series, and the clinicopathologic characteristics of these EBV-positive tumors are in agreement with the data in the literature.


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Purpose: Genetic biomarkers of head and neck tumors could be useful for distinguishing among patients with similar clinical and histopathologic characteristics but having differential probabilities of survival. The purpose of this study was to investigate chromosomal alterations in head and neck carcinomas and to correlate the results with clinical and epidentiologic variables.Experimental Design: Cytogenetic analysis of short-term cultures from 64 primary untreated head and neck squamous cell carcinomas was used to determine the overall pattern of chromosome aberrations. A representative subset of tumors was analyzed in detail by spectral karyotyping and/or confirmatory fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis.Results: Recurrent losses of chromosomes Y (26 cases) and 19 (14 cases), and gains of chromosomes 22 (23 cases), 8 and 20 (11 cases each) were observed. The most frequent structural aberration was del(22)(q13.1) followed by rearrangements involving 6q and 12p. The presence of specific cytogenetic aberrations was found to correlate significantly with an unfavorable outcome. There was a significant association between survival and gains in chromosomes 10 (P = 0.008) and 20 (P = 0.002) and losses of chromosomes 15 (P = 0.005) and 22 (P = 0.021). Univariate analysis indicated that acquisition of monosomy 17 was a significant (P = 0.0012) factor for patients with a previous family history of cancer.Conclusions: the significant associations found in this study emphasize that alterations of distinct regions of the genome may be genetic biomarkers for a poor prognosis. Losses of chromosomes 17 and 22 can be associated with a family history of cancer.