155 resultados para Meiotic timecourse


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A comparative study of holocentric chromosomes in the triatomine species Panstrongylus megistus, Rhodnius pallescens and Triatoma infestans was carried out in order to characterize heterochromatin, rDNA active sites and nucleolar proteins. Cytological preparations of seminiferous tubules were stained by silver impregnation, C banding, fluorochromes CMA 3/DA and DAPI/DA, and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with Drosophila melanogaster 28S rDNA probe. Our results showed interesting aspects of the organization of chromatin and chromosomes in the meiotic cells of these insects. In R. pallescens, sex chromosomes (X, Y) were distinct from autosomes, when submitted to silver impregnation, C banding, CMA 3 staining, and FISH, confirming that these chromosomes bear nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). In P. megistus, two of the three sex chromosomes were CMA 3/DAPI-; at early meiotic prophase and at diakinesis, silver impregnation corresponded with FISH signals, indicating that in this species, two chromosomes (probably a sex chromosome and an autosome) bear NORs. In T. infestans, silver nitrate and FISH also stained corresponding areas on meiotic chromosomes. Our data suggest that in triatomines, in general, the number and location of NORs are species-specific. These regions may be considered important chromosome markers for comparative studies to improve the understanding of evolutionary mechanisms in these hematophagous insects. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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The nucleolus is a subcompartment of the nucleus and the site of ribosome biogenesis. During the mitotic and meiotic cell cycles, a disorganization and later reorganization of the nucleolar material occur, an event called nucleologenesis. In the spermatogenesis of mammals and other vertebrates, there is evidence of the disorganization of the nucleolus at the end of meiosis I, which supplies material for the cytoplasmic formation of an organelle called the chromatoid body (CB). The CB is a structure characteristic of spermatogenic cells and seems to be responsible for RNA metabolism in these cells and for some events of spermiogenesis, such as the formation of the acrosome, cellular communication between spermatids, and the formation of the spermatozoon middle piece and tail. The aim of this paper was to obtain information about the cytochemical and ultrastructural nature of the nucleolar cycle and the distribution of cytoplasmic RNAs in the seminiferous tubule cells of Rattus novergiucus, Mus musculus and Meriones unguiculatus. The testis was fixed in Bouin and Karnovsky solutions for conventional histological analysis and for cytochemical study that included: periodic acid-Schiff, hematoxylin-eosin, Feulgen reaction, silver-ion impregnation, Gomori's reticulin stain, toluidine blue, modified method of critical electrolyte concentration, and basic and acid fast green. The blocks of testis fixed in glutaraldehyde were used for ultrastructural analysis by transmission electron microscopy. Ultrathin sections were double-stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. All the techniques used provided information on the origin and function of the CB in the spermatogenic cells. Therefore, considering the persistence of the RNA and nucleolar ribonucleoproteins during spermatogenesis of Rattus novergicus, Mus musculus and Meriones unguiculatus, our findings corroborate the statement that these molecular complexes are very important in the spermiogenesis phases. It can be suggested that these ribonucleoprotein corpuscles (chromatoid bodies) are of nuclear origin and have a role in the successive series of events that occur in the formation of the spermatozoon. Furthermore, these results reinforce the conservation of the mechanisms involved in preserving necessary levels of protein stocks in different stages of cell differentiation, from spermatid to spermatozoon, in these rodent species. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Triatomines are of great concern in public health because they are vectors of Chagas' disease. This study presents an analysis of the species Triatoma melanosoma. The cytogenetic characteristics of triatomines include holocentric chromosomes, post-reductional meiosis in the sex chromosomes and nucleolar fragmentation in the meiotic cycle. The methodology utilized consisted of the techniques of lacto-acetic orcein staining and silver ion impregnation. The organs analyzed were adult testicles. The results enabled to classify the chromosomes by number and size, being three large, eight medium and one small heterochromosome. The three largest chromosomes and the heterochromosomes showed heteropyknotic chromatin in meiosis. The heterochromosomes in 8.05% of the cells in metaphase I behaved as pseudobivalents, contrasting with 91.95% of the cells with individualized sex chromosomes, confirming the achiasmatic nature of these chromosomes. However, the pseudobivalents occurred prominently in metaphase II (78.38%), this fact probably is related to the post-reductional nature of the sex chromosomes. The nucleolus in T. melanosoma persisted until the diplotene phase after which it began to fragment. Nucleolar corpuscles were observed in metaphases I and II and during anaphases I and II, these characteristics being related to the phenomenon of nucleolar persistence. In the initial spermatids, peripheral silver ion impregnation occurred, which could be analogous to the pre-nucleolar corpuscles observed after fragmentation. Thus, this study extends our knowledge of the characteristics of triatomines, in particular, heteropyknotic degree, kinetic activity, formation of sex chromosome achiasmatic pseudobivalency, confirmation of the fragmentation phenomenon, and post-meiotic nucleolar reactivation. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Similar to mammals, in fish the cellular interactions between Sertoli cells (SC) and germ cells (GC) in the seminiferous epithelium have important structural and functional roles. In this review, we give a brief summary of these interactions, in particular those on the cell junctions. Despite the scarcity of detailed empirical data, it appears that both basic types of adhesive junctions (actin- and intermediate filaments-related) are present between SC. However, the actin-related multifunctional junction known as the ectoplasmic specialization is seemingly present only in some cartilaginous fish. Conversely, SC in other fish species are joined by actin-related junctions similar to typical zonulae or puncta adherens found in other epithelia. Adhesive junctions are also found between SC and GC and between GC and GC, and due to their particular characteristics these junctions are known as desmosome-like junctions. In terms of intercellular communication, connexins and gap junctions have been shown to occur between SC in fish, and they may be involved in the coordination of the synchronous development of GC within the cysts. It is also possible that gap junctions may form an interconnected network between SC and GC within a cyst. Concerning the SC barrier, tight junctions between fish SC apparently form a functional barrier only in cysts containing haploid GC, and different from mammals, meiotic GC in fish are not shielded from the vascular system. In summary, although still not well investigated, cell-cell interactions in the seminiferous epithelium of fish seem to be crucial for GC development, and their disturbance, for example by changing environmental conditions, will probably affect GC survival and fertility. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008.


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Objective: To investigate the relationship between the presence of meiotic spindle in human oocytes and fertilization rates in ICSI cycles. Methods: Search strategies included online surveys of databases from 1990 to 2008. Nine trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria Results: According to the meta-analysis, the results showed statistically significant higher fertilization rate (p<0.0001) when the meiotic spindle was viewed than when it was not. There was heterogeneity in this comparison. Conclusion: The presence of a birefringent meiotic spindle in human oocytes can predict a higher fertilization rate. This observation has clinical relevance mainly in countries where there is a legal limit on the number of oocytes to be fertilized. Copyright - SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.


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Although they are of economic importance, there have been few cytogenetic studies of the Gerridae (Heteroptera) in Brazil. We examined spermatogenesis (meiosis and spermiogenesis) and nucleolar behavior in three species of the family Gerridae. Brachymetra albinerva and Halobatopsis platensis were found to have a chromosome complement of 2n = 25 (24A + X0) and Cylindrostethus palmaris 2n = 29 (28A + X0) chromosomes. Fifteen individuals of these species were collected from the reservoir of São José do Rio Preto, SP, using screens and were transported in pots containing water to the laboratory, where cytogenetic preparations were made. The polyploidy nuclei are formed by several heteropyknotic regions; cells in meiotic prophase have a heteropyknotic region that is probably the sex chromosome, and the chromosomes from chiasmata. The spermatids are rounded and have a heteropyknotic region at the periphery of the nucleus; the sperm head is small, with a long tail. Silver impregnation of meiotic cells showed one or more disorganized bodies around the perichromosomal sheath. The round spermatids had two bodies next to each other, but these were elongated; one of the bodies remained in the head and the other migrated to the initial part of the tail at the end of spermagenesis, when the staining was no longer evident. The meiotic cells appear during spermatogenesis and have very similar silver-impregnation patterns in different species of Heteroptera.


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The nucleolar material of Chariesterus armatus was analyzed during spermiogenesis in cell preparations impregnated with silver nitrate. Nucleolar corpuscles were observed in spermatids at the beginning of the process, showing that this organoid is also maintained after meiosis. In addition, nucleoli were seen in the round spermatids connected to the X-chromosome (bearer of the nucleolar organizer in C. armatus), indicating de novo synthesis of nucleolar material. This differs from the reorganization of ribosomal granules, transported from meiotic spermatocytes to round spermatids, where they would support protein synthesis, which is reported for other species. We also observed connections of nucleolar corpuscles to the nuclear membrane regions where the tail and the acrosome will be formed, suggesting close involvement of the nucleolar material in the formation of these structures. In addition to the nucleolar bodies, we detected silver-positive structures, which will require new approaches to clarify their role. One of these structures, observed in the cytoplasm, appears to correspond to the chromatoid body, which has been found in several organisms, but is still poorly understood; another is a complex structure to which the tail appears to be connected. We conclude that C. armatus is an appropriate model for understanding not only the synthesis of rRNA in the spermiogenesis, but also the functional meaning of the close relationship of nucleolar material with other structures during this process.


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We examined the course of spermatogenesis and the meiotic chromosome complements in aquatic species of true bugs, Heteroptera. The chromosome complement of the Veliidae species was 2n = 39 (38A + X0) and 23 (22A + X0) in Rhagovelia whitei and Rhagovelia sp, respectively, and in the species of the Notonectidae (Martarega sp) it was 26 (22A + 2m + XY); all collected from the region of São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil. An impressive characteristic of the first analysis was the size of the cells belonging to Martarega sp, which were six times larger than the same cells in Pentatomidae and twice as large as the cells in aquatic Heteroptera (Gerridae). Regarding spermatogenesis, all the species analyzed showed the same pattern: holocentric chromosomes and elongated spermatids with the chromatin distributed evenly along the head. The family Veliidae showed several bodies impregnated with silver nitrate at prophase, while the family Notonectidae displayed only one. The cells of Notonectidae also showed an evident and round body until the end of prophase I and in the family Veliidae the silver-impregnated bodies were disorganized, where the only region visualized was possibly that of the NOR. In metaphase, silver-stained regions were found at the periphery of all chromosomes in Veliidae and at the periphery of some chromosomes in Notonectidae. The spermatids of Veliidae showed a less silver-impregnated vesicle, while Notonectidae showed silver staining only in part of the nuclear membrane. Therefore, families of Heteroptera have some differences and features that can help identify and classify these species.


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Triatoma lenti and Triatoma sherlocki are hemipterans that belong to the brasiliensis subcomplex. In triatomines, the constitutive heterochromatin pattern is species-specific and allows, in many cases, for the grouping of species. Thus, we cytogenetically analyzed T. sherlocki and T. lenti using C-banding, and we compared the results with previous ones obtained in other species of the brasiliensis subcomplex. Both species were found to have a male diploid chromosome number of 22 chromosomes (2n = 20A. +. XY) with heterochromatic blocks at one or both chromosomal ends of all autosomal pairs. During early meiotic prophase, they showed a large heteropycnotic chromocenter constituted by the association of both sex chromosomes plus two autosomal pairs and many heterochromatic blocks dispersed inside the nucleus. All of these cytogenetic characteristics are similar to those observed in other species of brasiliensis subcomplex, results which confirm the grouping of T. sherlocki and T. lenti within this subcomplex. However, we emphasize the importance of other approaches, such as molecular analysis, to confirm the placement of T. lenti within the brasiliensis subcomplex. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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In this study, we investigated the mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of 11 Buthidae scorpion species, belonging to three genera (Ananteris, Rhopalurus and Tityus), to obtain detailed knowledge regarding the mechanisms underlying the intraspecific and/or interspecific diversity of chromosome number and the origin of the complex chromosome associations observed during meiosis. The chromosomes of all species did not exhibit a localised centromere region and presented synaptic and achiasmatic behaviour during meiosis I. Spermatogonial and/or oogonial metaphase cells of these buthids showed diploid numbers range from 2n = 6 to 2n = 28. In most species, multivalent chromosome associations were observed in pachytene and postpachytene nuclei. Moreover, intraspecific variability associated with the presence or absence of chromosome chains and the number of chromosomes in the complex meiotic configurations was observed in some species of these three genera. Silver-impregnated cells revealed that the number and location of nucleolar organiser regions (NORs) remained unchanged despite extensive chromosome variation; notably, two NORs located on the terminal or subterminal chromosome regions were commonly observed for all species. C-banded and fluorochrome-stained cells showed that species with conspicuous blocks of heterochromatin exhibited the lowest rate of chromosomal rearrangement. Based on the investigation of mitotic and meiotic cells, we determined that the intraspecific variability occurred as a consequence of fission/fusion-type chromosomal rearrangements in Ananteris and Tityus species and reciprocal translocation in Rhopalurus species. Furthermore, we verified that individuals presenting the same diploid number differ in structural chromosome organisation, giving rise to intraspecific differences of chromosome association in meiotic cells (bivalent-like elements or chromosome chains). © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Background: Natural polyploidy has played an important role during the speciation and evolution of vertebrates, including anurans, with more than 55 described cases. The species of the Phyllomedusa burmeisteri group are mostly characterized by having 26 chromosomes, but a karyotype with 52 chromosomes was described in P. tetraploidea. This species was found in sintopy with P. distincta in two localities of São Paulo State (Brazil), where triploid animals also occur, as consequence of natural hybridisation. We analyse the chromosomes of P. distincta, P. tetraploidea, and their triploid hybrids, to enlighten the origin of polyploidy and to obtain some evidence on diploidisation of tetraploid karyotype.Results: Phyllomedusa distincta was 2n = 2x = 26, whereas P. tetraploidea was 2n = 4x = 52, and the hybrid individuals was 2n = 3x = 39. In meiotic phases, bivalents were observed in the diploid males, whereas both bivalents and tetravalents were observed in the tetraploid males. Univalents, bivalents or trivalents; metaphase II cells carrying variable number of chromosomes; and spermatids were detected in the testis preparations of the triploid males, indicating that the triploids were not completely sterile. In natural and experimental conditions, the triploids cross with the parental species, producing abnormal egg clutches and tadpoles with malformations. The embryos and tadpoles exhibited intraindividual karyotype variability and all of the metaphases contained abnormal constitutions. Multiple NORs, detected by Ag-impregnation and FISH with an rDNA probe, were observed on chromosome 1 in the three karyotypic forms; and, additionally, on chromosome 9 in the diploids, mostly on chromosome 8 in the tetraploids, and on both chromosome 8 and 9 in the triploids. Nevertheless, NOR-bearing chromosome 9 was detected in the tetraploids, and chromosome 9 carried active or inactive NORs in the triploids. C-banding, base-specific fluorochrome stainings with CMA3 and DAPI, FISH with a telomeric probe, and BrdU incorporation in DNA showed nearly equivalent patterns in the karyotypes of P. distincta, P. tetraploidea, and the triploid hybrids.Conclusions: All the used cytogenetic techniques have provided strong evidence that the process of diploidisation, an essential step for stabilising the selective advantages produced by polyploidisation, is under way in distinct quartets of the tetraploid karyotype. © 2013 Gruber et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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We analyzed mitotic and meiotic cells of a Brazilian amblypygid, Heterophrynus longicornis, using conventional and molecular cytogenetic techniques (Giemsa staining, C-banding, Ag-NOR, and FISH with rDNA probe). This is the first study that focuses solely on amblypygid chromosomes; it was undertaken to add data on cytogenetic knowledge of this group and contribute to the understanding of chromosome evolution in the Arachnida. We found 2n = 66 for male and female individuals, monocentric chromosomes, and absence of morphologically differentiated sex chromosomes. C-banding showed heterochromatin in the pericentromeric region of most chromosomes. Mitotic and meiotic nuclei submitted to silver impregnation and FISH revealed, respectively, Ag-NORs and ribosomal genes in the terminal region of two chromosome pairs. Most chromosome features that we observed in H. longicornis are shared with species of other arachnid orders; however, the absence of morphologically differentiated sex chromosomes in amblypygid contrasts with the remarkable variety of sex chromosome systems recorded for the Araneae. Consequently, we conclude that analysis of species of the Tetrapulmonata clade is useful for understanding the trends of sex chromosome evolution in this arachnid group. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)