126 resultados para Marcha gait


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: Hemiparesis is the most common sequels after Stroke. One of the side effects of the motor skills evident in hemiparesis is the tendency to remain in asymmetric posture, with lower distribution of weight on the side hemiparetic, which ends up leading to a deficit in balance. This set of changes can cause an asymmetrical type of gait, marked by difference between the lengths of the steps these individuals. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the balance, the discharge of weight in the lower limbs and asymmetry of steps in hemiparetic individuals and sees if there is correlation between those variables. Method: A group of 12 hemiparetic individuals (55,33 ± 8,92 years), both sex, who suffered from strokes participated. All subjects performed the assessment of bilateral discharge of weight, the length of the steps and balance (Berg Balance Scale). The results for the difference in the discharge of weight of the lower limbs, asymmetry of the step and the performance on the test of balance were analyzed using the Sperman Correlation Coefficient with a significance level of 5% (p ≤ 0.05). Results: We found a significant correlation between balance and asymmetry of the steps (R = -0.72 and p = 0007), however, found no significant correlation between discharge of weight on each leg and the symmetry of the steps (R =- 0.07 and p = 0, 81) and between discharge of weight and balance (R =- 0.08 and p = 0.79) in these hemiparetic individuals. Conclusion: Can be conclude that hemiparetic individuals of these study show deficits in balance, difference in weight between the discharge of the lower limbs and asymmetry of step and correlation between the asymmetry of the step and balance.


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Introduction : The aging is characterized by a reduction in the effectiveness of skills, among them the loss of the flexibility. The hamstring muscles may be affected by the decreased flexibility occurs when elderly can present limitation of gait, low back problems and osteomuscular. Among the techniques used to evaluate the flexibility of the hamstring muscles are the Sit and Reach Test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle . However, the scientific literature doesn’t provide consistent data on the correlation of these forms of evaluation. Objective: To analyze the correlation between the sit and reach test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle used to assess the flexibility of the hamstring muscles in elderly women. Method: This was a cross-sectional, observational study, consisting of 39 elderly, healthy. The evaluation was composed by forms with personal details and physical examination (body weight, height and body mass index), and the evaluation of tests to measure the flexibility of the hamstring muscles (Sit and reach test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle). The correlation of the data was done by using the Spearmam’s rank correlation coefficient, with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Results: The data showed a positive correlation between Sit and Reach Test Computerized Photogrammetry and the popliteal angle of the right leg (r=0.4690, p=0.0026) and the left leg (r=0.3604, p=0.0241). Conclusion: The data from this study allow conclude that the tests for assessing hamstring flexibility in elderly women, the Sit and Reach Test and Computerized Photogrammetry evaluation of the popliteal angle are complementary because it doesn’t correlate strongly.


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Background: This study analyzed the positioning of the head, trunk, and upper extremities during gait in children with visual impairment. Methods: A total of 11 children participated in this study: 6 with blindness and 5 with low vision. The kinematics of the positioning of the head, trunk, shoulders, and elbows in each participant was analyzed during the four phases of the gait cycle: foot strike, support, toe-off, and swing. Results: There were significant differences between children with blindness and low vision in the positioning of the trunk in the sagittal plane during the foot strike, support, and swing phases. Conclusions: The analysis identified postural alterations of the head, trunk, shoulder, and elbow during the children’s gait, highlighting the relevance of appropriate stimulation at an early age in orientation and mobility programs, as well as the essential presence of professionals who work with movement.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Gait disorders are identified in people with Parkinson’s disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of auditory cues and medication on kinematic, kinetic and EMG parameters, during different gait phases of people with PD and healthy elderly. Thirty subjects distributed in two groups (Group 1, PD patients off and on medication; Group 2, healthy elderly) participated in this study and were instructed to walk in two experimental conditions: non-cued and cued. Therefore, kinematic, kinetic and electromyography analyses were utilized to investigate the locomotor pattern. Changes in locomotor pattern (greater muscular activity) with auditory cue were observed for PD patients. Regarding the medication, locomotor parameter improvement was observed after levodopa intake in association with the auditory cue. These results confirm the hypothesis about the external cues therapy that could be used as a complement to drug therapy to achieve improvement in the locomotor pattern of PD patients.


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there is evidence that sport can trigger the onset of postural patterns specific to each modality, regardless of the geopolitical aspects, social, cultural habits of everyday life and ethnicity. Since changes in flexibility are cited as possible precursors of decreased range of motion, thereby harming the mechanics of the lower limbs and gait. Objetcive: The objective of this study was to analyze changes in posture and flexibility in young soccer players. Methods: were assessed 51 youngsters, aged between 14 and 18 years, soccer players registered in the Municipal Presidente Prudente SP and categories of the base of Gremio of Presidente Prudente. Data were collected from the assessment by the postural software assessment, and flexibility tests the Bench, to jail and later by tests of muscle length to jail earlier proposed by Kendall et al , was also collected anthropometric data were later confronted with the results statistically. The results were organized into spreadsheets for computing, which later could be performed the statistical analysis. Values are expressed by means of central tendency and variability as well as medians and 95% confidence intervals. The comparison for each profile height and BMI was made by means of analysis of variance complemented by Tukey test. Were considered the statistical differences when P <0.05. Results: In the sample studied 64% of the subjects classified as normal posture, the same happened with 70.59% of the athletes for flexibility in relation to the center of gravity of the sample had 100% anterior displacement of the trunk and 86.28% with a deviation of center of gravity to the left, showing a tendency to some postural deviations for the group assessed. Conclusion: from the results we can conclude that there was significant relationship between the postural angle of the right leg and left angle of the pelvis with BMI and also ankle angle... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Falls among older people is a major clinical problem due to its high incidence, with consequent implications for the health and care costs. Elderly patients with dementia of Alzheimer type (AD) are more susceptible to falls due to the impairment of executive functions and gait, with the risk of falls 3 times higher than non-demented elderly. This study used a longitudinal design and aimed to analyze the effects of a regular and systematized physical activity program on the frequency of falls in patients with AD. Additionally, we aimed to correlate the frequency of falls with the executive functions and equilibrium, after and before the physical activity program. The study included 21 patients with clinical diagnosis of AD, divided into two groups: control group (CG), composed of 11 subjects not engaged in any systematized physical activity and training group (TG): 10 seniors who participated in the Cinesioterapia Functional and Cognitive in Elderly with Alzheimer's disease program (PRO-CDA). The physical activity program lasted four months, with weekly frequency of three times, with each session lasting 60 minutes. Were administered the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) to assess cognitive functioning and global score of the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) to classify the severity of dementia. For the evaluation of executive functions were used the Clock Drawing Test (TDR) and Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB). In addition, we used the Functional Balance Scale, Berg test (EEFB) and Timed Up-and-Go (TUG) to assess the equilibrium and risk of falls. Falls were recorded by means of a questionnaire, which included the number of falls in the last four months. Analyzing the results, it was observed that TG obtained significant improvements in equilibrium and in executive functions, highlighting the beneficial effects of physical activity in these variables... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o efeito da tarefa dupla na variabilidade do andar livre e adaptativo em pacientes com demência de Alzheimer. Foram avaliados 30 indivíduos de ambos os sexos. Os participantes realizaram 5 tentativas para cada condição de andar (livre e adaptativo, com tarefa dupla e sem tarefa dupla), totalizando 20 tentativas.As variáveis espaço-temporais foram coletadas através de um sistema optoeletrônico. Para o andar livre foram considerados os cinco passos centrais da passarela. Para o andar adaptativo foram considerados os três passos anteriores ao obstáculo, o passo de ultrapassagem e o primeiro passo após a ultrapassagem. Os valores do desvio-padrão de cada variável de cada indivíduo nas 5 tentativas para cada condição de andar foram utilizados para calcular a variabilidade dos seguintes parâmetros: comprimento, largura, duração da fase de suporte simples e de duplo suporte, e velocidade de cada passo. Para verificar as diferenças entre as condições experimentais, foram empregadas ANOVAs, com medidas repetidas para a condição experimental. Os resultados indicaram que a tarefa dupla teve pouco efeito na variabilidade do andar livre de pacientes com DA. As variações ocorreram com maior frequência quando a tarefa dupla foi exigida concomitante com o obstáculo, deixando claro que os efeitos da doença influenciam no planejamento da ação. Conclui-se que a tarefa executiva de contagem regressiva não exerceu influência nas variáveis da marcha livre e que o andar adaptativo com contagem apresentou resultados com maior variabilidade, sendo mais desafiador e exigindo maiores ajustes dos pacientes


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma patologia crônica, degenerativa e progressiva acarretada pela perda de neurônios dopaminérgicos da substância negra (parte compacta), localizada nos núcleos da base. Os comprometimentos na marcha estão entre as principais consequências da DP. Entretanto, pouco se conhece sobre o efeito do estágio da doença na modulação da velocidade do andar. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi verificar como pacientes em diferentes estágios da DP modulam os parâmetros do andar quando requeridos a andar em máxima velocidade. Os participantes do estudo foram indivíduos com DP idiopática em estágio unilateral (entre 1 e 1,5 na Escala de Hoehn & Yahr) e bilateral (entre 2 e 3 na Escala de Hoehn & Yahr). Inicialmente, os participantes foram submetidos a uma avaliação clínica, realizada por um médico neuropsiquiatra, para verificar o acometimento geral e o estágio da doença. Os dados da avaliação clínica foram utilizados para a distribuição dos participantes entre os dois grupos. Em seguida, os participantes foram convidados a andar sobre uma passarela de 10m de comprimento em duas condições experimentais: Velocidade preferida e velocidade máxima. Somente o grupo bilateral não foi capaz de modular o comprimento da passada na condição de velocidade máxima. Os resultados sugerem que a evolução da DP compromete a capacidade dos pacientes em modular a amplitude de movimentos (comprimento da passada) quando são requeridos a andar em velocidade máxima