143 resultados para Manutenção de equipamento
In view of the need to develop a device for security and lateral protection, due to the Resolution 323/09 of CONTRAN, which requires the use of such equipment for most trucks and tow trucks, the objective of this work is to develop a project for an aluminum lateral protection device, according to the ABNT NBR 14.148 regulation, that, among many specifications, stipulates that the equipment must support a load of 5 kN and suffer a maximum deflection of 30mm, but does not say what material it should be made of. The reason for choosing aluminum is because of its low density, so as not to significantly increase the curb weight of the truck, which, consequently, reduces CO2 emissions and maintenance expenses. Additionally, this material presents a good resistance/weight ratio, high resistance to corrosion, excellent surface finish and it's fully recyclable; reason why it has been gaining the attention of many industry segments. For the realization of the project, profiles were chosen to make the assembly of the set, and then a finite elements analysis was performed in the HyperWorks software, to verify if the designed device would support the loads stipulated by the regulation. One details to note is that these simulation programs could show inaccuracies, because of the size and shape of the elements that compose the mesh, and for many other reasons, so it is necessary that, even with the results coming back satisfactory, actual physical tests are conducted to validate the proper functioning of the equipment, which was not done for this study
Currently, due to the highly competitive search among industries are becoming more tools for managing product that provides higher availability and therefore profitability. Maintenance as a strategic sector and of fundamental importance in business, it seeks to maximize availability and available resources, minimizing costs and waste, which directly impacts the company's results. The present work has as main objective the review of contracts for maintenance services for companies contracted by a chemical company in the Paraíba Valley, since most of its maintenance services are outsourced, and raise these contracts which are more critical and higher risk to the company's success, thus creating a tool for decision-making by maintenance managers in the act of seeking renewals or new contracts to provide services. As a result after drawing up a standard procedure for contracting of services and a better structuring of the same, we developed a method for the calculation of the criticality of the contracts and based on these calculations, charts were prepared which showed that the current scenario of maintenance contracts the company studied. Thus it is possible to evaluate the contracts which are most critical to the success or failure of the company studied, and also pave the way for further studies on how this criticality of a contract can affect the relationship, the contractor x contracted
Nowadays, there is a need for improvements in production processes for companies to be competitive, as it is an obligation of businesses, it is necessary to know about the production processes accurately, to learn where improvements in work and thus have large impacts results. The calculation of efficiency of production lines is necessary to know as much about the progress of production and for product costing, when the measurement is not suitable, it generates negative impacts on the company. Due to the impact generated by this parameter, the graduation work carry out the study of change in a method that does not include all requirements necessary, by another method known as Overall Equipment Effectiveness, and according to studies, covering various parameters, showing become more consistent. These values are contained in the pattern production which is used to fund the product, thereby also occur financial impacts. Thus the work will study the change along with the analysis of impacts caused by the change
In the current economic scenario of constant changes, industries seek to increase their profitability decreasing inventory levels. Maintenance and maintenance management, combined with the inventory management of spare parts, has assumed a position of competitive advantage in business. Stock only what you need has become a difficult decision for managers, who are faced with the lack of models and criteria to assist this decision-making. This work proposes a method which supports decision making, on a MATLAB modeling, using criteria established by an expert and his maintenance workers team, focusing on no regular demand of spare parts. The proposed model was adequate to the needs of the company and the maintenance manager in the decision on the storage
The growing demand for quality at competitive prices and fast production process put to the test function in the industrial Maintenance. The need for equipment with high availability to fit this fierce competitiveness makes maintenance becomes essentially reliable. Despite this current context, many companies still have an old view of maintenance, focused only on corrective services, and proposals for change are often neglected due to the sense of urgency day to day. Thus, this study aims to demonstrate through theoretical applicability of simple tool, but of great value in increasing reliability within the maintenance sector of an industry, applying the concepts of Reliability Centered Maintenance – RCM and Analysis tool Failure Modes and Effects – FMEA in equipment of a chemical company directly involved in the manufacturing process of the brake fluid, which this product is used in vehicles around the country. That way, you can identify the types, occurrence and criticality of each failure and evaluate assertively decision making for each device, avoiding unnecessary downtime and potential failures of the same
O estágio realizado em parceria entre o Departamento de Física e Biofísica do IBB-UNESP e o Hemocentro de Botucatu da FMB-UNESP teve como objetivo desenvolver um novo equipamento de luz LED capaz de interagir com culturas celulares. Desta forma foi desenvolvido um equipamento com luz azul e luz vermelha. A luz azul é responsável por inibir o crescimento celular, a luz vermelha é responsável por aumentar o crescimento celular. O equipamento consiste de uma fonte, e dois conjuntos com três LEDs cada. A cultura celular escolhida foi a de Miemola Murino (NS1), uma linhagem que possui alta taxa de crescimento e que foi mantida em estufa e meio de cultura, (simulando condições normais de sobrevivência), sendo irradiada três vezes ao dia. As amostras foram coletadas e contadas em câmara de Neubauer. Os resultados obtidos, quando comparados com o controle, não apresentaram significativa diferença de crescimento quando irradiados com luz LED vermelho. Porém quando comparados o grupo controle com o grupo irradiado com LED azul, notou-se uma significativa redução da quantidade de células a partir do sétimo dia de irradiação. Acredita-se que a ineficácia dos LEDs vermelhos ocorreram pois utilizamos células com metabolismo bastante elevado, dificultando um aumento ainda maior da taxa de crescimento. A redução da população de células azuis ocorre pois a radiação interage com a membrana celular, causando a quebra dessa membrana e conseqüente morte da célula. Outra via para a morte é a lesão causada no DNA das células, que ocorre quando a luz azul é absorvida pela molécula
La mission de ce rapport se trouvée dans un projet major de mise en place de la TPM dans l’usine de Biotechnologie à Huningue. Le même sera utilisé comme pilote pour les autres sites de l’entreprise. Le but spécifique de ma mission au sein de Novartis, était d’identifier les activités principales des équipes de maintenance, étudier la façon de travailler et la manière comment ils étaient renseignées dans leurs Ordres de Travail (OT). Ensuite, proposer un standard de flux de travail et façon de renseigner les OT et ainsi organiser la façon de travailler et pouvoir planifier les activités de maintenance, ayant une bonne base de données pour faire les indicateurs
Diante do crescente aumento da população idosa, juntamente com o avanço da procura de idosos por programas de atividades físicas voltados à terceira idade, há uma preocupação e urgência em atender aos interesses e necessidades desses indivíduos, a fim de proporcionar um envelhecimento saudável. Tendo em vista a dificuldade encontrada em localizar trabalhos que relacionem a visão dos idosos com a visão dos profissionais de educação física que trabalham diretamente com atividades voltadas a esta população e que abordem aspectos relacionados à prática dos idosos em tais programas, tornou-se importante a realização desta pesquisa. Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, teve por objetivo identificar os motivos de adesão, manutenção e preferência de idosos, com relação aos exercícios físicos realizados em um programa sistematizado, sob o olhar dos idosos praticantes e dos profissionais que trabalham diretamente com esta população. Para tanto, o estudo constitui-se da união de pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa de campo do tipo survey, utilizando-se como instrumento para coleta de dados uma entrevista semiestruturada, aplicada a uma amostra intencional composta de 30 idosos praticantes de exercícios físicos e de 10 profissionais que coordenam essas atividades. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente, por meio da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo Temático, obtendo-se como resultados: a orientação médica como principal motivo de adesão, tanto na visão dos idosos, como na dos profissionais que trabalham diretamente com esta população; melhorar a saúde foi o principal motivo de permanência, de acordo com os idosos entrevistados e, na visão dos profissionais, foi a interação social; saúde debilitada como principal motivo de desistência para os dois grupos da amostra. Além disso, verificou-se que há uma preocupação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
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This study aims to analyze the feasibility of using predictive techniques like thermography, vibration analysis, eddy current, liquid penetrant, visual examination and ultrasound in equipment as batch reactors of the type used in a biodiesel production company. This study is based on: analysis of the practices of corrective and preventive maintenance commonly adopted in the company in question, the cost and time spent for such activities and the potential savings and revenue generation that can be after implementation of these techniques on the analysis of maintenance current
Are presented on this paper, concepts of corrective, preventive and predictive maintenances, following the prerequisites for planning and implementation of a maintenance plan. You also find the theoretical introduction of some measurement instruments accompanied by the necessary and recommended activities during routine maintenances of the electrical equipments in a building installation. Using case study, it is possible to assess a real maintenance plan applied to two occupied floors in a financial institution. The developing of a case study consolidates the effectiveness of the present concepts on this theoretical introduction and shows that the current maintenance plan can be improved in order to obtain better results on company productivity and reliability of equipments. As a conclusion, we can notice the importance of a solid maintenance plan and the need of including this theme on the graduation in Electrical Engineering
Revolving machines are among the most used equipment in general industry and therefore expenditures on this equipment class are a significant portion of the total amount spent by the company. If there is an unscheduled stop of some of this equipment, industrial plants can lose huge amounts of money caused by interrupted production and parts delay. Others may increase significantly maintenance costs due to consequences elsewhere not affected before. Even plant and people safety can be in danger if there is an operation interruption without a backup system start. This work is focused on a rotating system case study which is monitored by vibration analysis that shows that is possible to determine when is the most appropriate time for equipment intervention without any reliability loss just by using a simple and cheap system which is not much used because professionals are not aware to its utility. Industrial facilities were evaluated by fail detection and historical analysis in some equipment in order to show feasibility of vibration analysis through a before-during-after process. The plant evaluated is part of a chemical multinational located in Guaratinguetá-SP. At this time, that plant had around 650 critical equipment monthly monitored and no unscheduled shutdown was registered in one year period due to equipment monitoring
The constant search for improvements and the survival of organizations makes the strategic guidelines are deployed and executed at the operational levels. This work is the approach to critical analysis of the equipment of a chemical industry through a case study based on the classification of each equipment manufactures through qualitative and quantitative analysis on the pillars of maintenance costs, loss of production, MTBF, contribution margin, Health Safety and Environment (SHE). From this study and future data collection, along with the flow diagram show the main equipment that should be special attention. To this can be prepared an action plan with deadlines and responsible. With the results one can measure the maintenance costs, loss of production and technical availability of the plant, with future gains
The main purpose of this study is to promote reflection about the relevance of institutional propaganda as a tool of public relations and as a component of brand management. Concepts relevant to the design of this propaganda as Peirce’s semiotics, the storytelling, DNA corporate, identity and corporate culture were also outlined. A study was conducted to illustrate the work on the business management of JM Empilhadeiras, brand management and global institutional first campaign image building of Hyundai, the “Live Brilliant”
We know that play is directly linked to the development and growth of the child. Thinking in this context, were created recreational spaces, more known as playrooms or toy libraries. This research seeks to understand the playful objects used in more visits with children, realized CPA, FC UNESP - Bauru. Therefore, it was necessary to identify the objects necessary to the demands of users of CPA, they were psychology trainees, fellows extension projects, graduate students, teachers and the subjects treated population served. Composed over 1000 objects, the collection must be appropriate to the needs of the CPA. The research in question is characterized as a case study, is related to our shares a scholarship project Playing in the Center for Applied Psychology - CPA, held in the collection playful and Toy CPA, FC UNESP - Bauru, used, in this case, as a field for this research. Watching the playful collection, daily, some questions have arisen about this space became in this study. The data collection period was from September 2011 to September 2012. As an instrument for data collection was mounted a notebook control in order to check the movement of the objects of the collection, also applied a questionnaire to teachers and trainees working in the CPA. At the end of the study we can say that the symbolic games and rules are the objects that are related to care provided in the CPA because of its capabilities to assist in various aspects of the development of children, with the most frequently used symbolic games with children aged 2 to 7 years and the games rules with children aged 7-12 years or more