289 resultados para MEAN-FIELD THEORY


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The electric current and the magnetoresistance effect are studied in a double quantum-dot system, where one of the dots QD(a) is coupled to two ferromagnetic electrodes (F-1; F-2), while the second QD(b) is connected to a superconductor S. For energy scales within the superconductor gap, electric conduction is allowed by Andreev reflection processes. Due to the presence of two ferromagnetic leads, non-local crossed Andreev reflections are possible. We found that the magnetoresistance sign can be changed by tuning the external potential applied to the ferromagnets. In addition, it is possible to control the current of the first ferromagnet (F-1) through the potential applied to the second one (F-2). We have also included intradot interaction and gate voltages at each quantum dot and analyzed their influence through a mean field approximation. The interaction reduces the current amplitudes with respect to the non-interacting case, but the switching effect still remains as a manifestation of quantum coherence, in scales of the order of the superconductor coherence length. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4723000]


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Employing a time dependent mean-field-hydrodynamic model we study the generation of black solitons in a degenerate fermion-fermion mixture in a cigar-shaped geometry using variational and numerical solutions. The black soliton is found to be the first stationary vibrational excitation of the system and is considered to be a nonlinear continuation of the vibrational excitation of the harmonic oscillator state. We illustrate the stationary nature of the black soliton, by studying different perturbations on it after its formation.


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The nonequilibrium effective equation of motion for a scalar background field in a thermal bath is studied numerically. This equation emerges from a microscopic quantum field theory derivation and it is suitable to a Langevin simulation on the lattice. Results for both the symmetric and broken phases are presented.


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Using the U(4) hybrid formalism, manifestly N = (2,2) worldsheet supersymmetric sigma models are constructed for the type-IIB superstring in Ramond-Ramond backgrounds. The Kahler potential in these N = 2 sigma models depends on four chiral and antichiral bosonic superfields and two chiral and antichiral fermionic superfields. When the Kahler potential is quadratic, the model is a free conformal field theory which describes a flat ten-dimensional target space with Ramond-Ramond flux and non-constant dilaton. For more general Kahler potentials, the model describes curved target spaces with Ramond-Ramond flux that are not plane-wave backgrounds. Ricci-flatness of the Kahler metric implies the on-shell conditions for the background up to the usual four-loop conformal anomaly.


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The stability of an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate on a joint one-dimensional optical lattice and an axially symmetrical harmonic trap is studied using the numerical solution of the time-dependent mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation and the critical number of atoms for a stable condensate is calculated. We also calculate this critical number of atoms in a double-well potential which is always greater than that in an axially symmetrical harmonic trap. The critical number of atoms in an optical trap can be made smaller or larger than the corresponding number in the absence of the optical trap by moving a node of the optical lattice potential in the axial direction of the harmonic trap. This variation of the critical number of atoms can be observed experimentally and compared with the present calculations.


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Using variational and numerical solutions of the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation for attractive interaction (with cubic or Kerr nonlinearity), we show that a stable bound state can appear in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a localized exponentially screened radially symmetric harmonic potential well in two and three dimensions. We also consider an axially symmetric configuration with zero axial trap and a exponentially screened radial trap so that the resulting bound state can freely move along the axial direction like a soliton. The binding of the present states in shallow wells is mostly due to the nonlinear interaction with the trap playing a minor role. Hence, these BEC states are more suitable to study the effect of the nonlinear force on the dynamics. We illustrate the highly nonlinear nature of breathing oscillations of these states. Such bound states could be created in BECs and studied in the laboratory with present knowhow.


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We use the time-dependent mean-field Cross-Pitaevskii equation to study the formation of a dynamically-stabilized dissipation managed bright soliton in a quasi-one dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Because of three-body recombination of bosonic atoms to molecules, atoms are lost (dissipated) from a BEC. Such dissipation leads to the decay of a BEC soliton. We demonstrate by a perturbation procedure that an alimentation of atoms from an external source to the BEC may compensate for the dissipation loss and lead to a dynamically-stabilized soliton. The result of the analytical perturbation method is in excellent agreement with mean-field numerics. It seems possible to obtain such a dynamically stabilized BEC soliton without dissipation in laboratory.


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We employ a time- dependent mean- field- hydrodynamic model to study the generation of bright solitons in a degenerate fermion - fermion mixture in a cigar- shaped geometry using variational and numerical methods. Due to a strong Pauli- blocking repulsion among identical spin- polarized fermions at short distances there cannot be bright solitons for repulsive interspecies interactions. Employing a linear stability analysis we demonstrate the formation of stable solitons due to modulational instability of a constant-amplitude solution of the model equations for a sufficiently attractive interspecies interaction. We perform a numerical stability analysis of these solitons and also demonstrate the formation of soliton trains by jumping the effective interspecies interaction from repulsive to attractive. These fermionic solitons can be formed and studied in laboratory with present technology.


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We consider pion interactions in an effective field theory of the narrow resonance X(3872), assuming it is a weakly bound molecule of the charm mesons D-0(D) over bar (*0) and D-*0(D) over bar (0). Since the hyperfine splitting of the D-0 and D-*0 is only 7 MeV greater than the neutral pion mass, pions can be produced near threshold and are nonrelativistic. We show that pion exchange can be treated in perturbation theory and calculate the next-to-leading-order correction to the partial decay width Gamma[X -> D-0(D) over bar (0)pi(0)].


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The only calculations performed beyond one-loop level in the light-cone gauge make use of the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt (ML) prescription in order to circumvent the notorious gauge dependent poles. Recently we have shown that in the context of negative dimensional integration method (NDIM) such prescription can be altogether abandoned, at least in one-loop order calculations. We extend our approach, now studying two-loop integrals pertaining to two-point functions. While previous works on the subject present only divergent parts for the integrals, we show that our prescriptionless method gives the same results for them, besides finite parts for arbitrary exponents of propagators. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present report, we review recent investigations that we have conducted on the stability of atomic condensed systems, when the two-body interaction is attractive. In particular, the dynamics that occurs in the condensate due to nonconservative terms is considered in the context of an extension of the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii approximation. Considering the relative intensity of the nonconservative parameters, chaotic and solitonic solutions are verified. Also discussed is the possibility of a liquid-gas phase transition in the presence of positive three-body elastic collisions.


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We show that multitrace interactions can be consistently incorporated into an extended AdS conformal field theory (CFT) prescription involving the inclusion of generalized boundary conditions and a modified Legendre transform prescription. We find new and consistent results by considering a self-contained formulation which relates the quantization of the bulk theory to the AdS/CFT correspondence and the perturbation at the boundary by double-trace interactions. We show that there exist particular double-trace perturbations for which irregular modes are allowed to propagate as well as the regular ones. We perform a detailed analysis of many different possible situations, for both minimally and nonminimally coupled cases. In all situations, we make use of a new constraint which is found by requiring consistency. In the particular nonminimally coupled case, the natural extension of the Gibbons-Hawking surface term is generated.


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We consider an electric charge, minimally coupled to the Maxwell field, rotating around a Schwarzschild black hole. We investigate how much of the radiation emitted from the swirling charge is absorbed by the black hole and show that most of the photons escape to infinity. For this purpose we use the Gupta-Bleuler quantization of the electromagnetic field in the modified Feynman gauge developed in the context of quantum field theory in Schwarzschild spacetime. We obtain that the two photon polarizations contribute quite differently to the emitted power. In addition, we discuss the accurateness of the results obtained in a full general relativistic approach in comparison with the ones obtained when the electric charge is assumed to be orbiting a massive object due to a Newtonian force.