514 resultados para Músculo glúteo médio
The influence of restricting feed intake of young bulls in feedlots was evaluated in terms of structure of muscular fibers and respective areas, sampled by biopsy on the semitendinoso muscle. Sixty six crossbred Simental-Nelore bulls, 8 months old, averaging 220±34.03 kg were submited for 84 days in phase 1 (growing period), to three treatments: ad libitum (AL), restriction + whole soybean (RWS) and restriction + toasted whole soybean (RTS). The level of restriction of feed intake was 23%. Phase 2 was performed by splitting the animals in each treatment in phase 1 in two groups, feeding one with a diet containing soybeans and the other with poultry litter. The results showed that the animals AL presented more white fibers (FG), compared to the RWS and RST and a larger area of these fibers. A greater frequency of red fibers was observed in treatments RWS and RST. The conclusion was that the restriction of feed intake and consequent compensatory growth contributed for modulation of the muscular fibers increasing the frequency of the fast oxidative glycolitic (FOG) in 10.88% and decreasing of the slow oxidative (SO) and FG in 4.81 and 6.90%, respectively, with possible alteration on meat quality.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work was conducted aiming to evaluate the effect of dietary energy level and the previous heat exposure on the respiratory activity of the mitochondria from the cardiac muscle of broiler chickens. It was used broiler chickens (Hubbard) from both sexes and fed with diet containing 2900 kcal ME/kg or 3200 kcal ME/kg. The birds were heat stressed (35°C/4h) in the 1 st, 21 st and 42 nd days of age. The respiratory activity of mitochondria from cardiac muscle was evaluated in a Gilson oxygraph, model 5/6, by using alpha-ceto-glutaric as substrate and the ADP (adenosine-di-phosphate) to stimulate the respiratory activity. There was not effect of dietary energy level and previous heat exposure on the respiratory activity of the mitochondria from cardiac muscle. However, the females presented higher respiratory activity than males. By reason of the low oxidative capability of the heart muscle fiber of the male broiler chickens, these could be more sensitive to cardiac disease than females.
The morphology of the midgut epithelium cells of Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner) larvae is described by light and transmission electron microscopy. The midgut of A. gemmatalis is the largest portion of the digestive tract, with three distinct regions: proximal, media and distal. Its wall is formed by pseudostratified columnar epithelial tissue having four cell types: columnar, goblet, regenerative, and endocrine cells. The columnar cells are numerous and long, with the apical portion showing many lengthy microvilli and the basal portion invaginations forming a basal labyrinth. The goblet cells have a large goblet-shaped central cavity delimited by cytoplasmic projections filled with mitochondria. The regenerative cells present electron-dense cytoplasm and few organelles. The endocrine cells are characterized by electron-dense secretory granules, usually concentrated in the cytoplasm basal region.
Recent structural investigations and geochronological studies of rocks from the Médio Coreaú domain in the NW part of northeast Brazil's Borborema Province provide important constraints on the tectonic evolution of the region both preceeding and during the assembly of West Gondwana. Field observations of structural features and fabrics have revealed the presence of four distinct deformational phases in the MCD: D1, D2, D3 and D4. Only the early Paleoproterozoic gneisses record the D1 tectonic event and its preservation is cryptic owing to strong overprinting by the subsequent tectonic phases. The D2, D3 and D4 events affected younger supracrustal rocks and Neoproterzoic magmatic units, and U-Pb geochronological constraints show that all of these tectonic phases represent deformational events that occurred during Brasiliano collision between the West African craton and the NW part of the Borborema Province. The D2 phase, lasting between ca. 622 and 591 Ma, represents a frontal collision stage, which generated NW verging thrust-nappe systems, low-angle foliation, high-grade metamorphism and crustal anatexis. Transition to a strike-slip regime (D3) occurred at around 591 Ma when the region entered a phase of escape tectonics. During this time, the motion of crustal blocks towards NE and E was accommodated along numerous anastomosing shear zones. Syntectonic emplacement of granitoid plutons took place in transtensional domains of the shear zone system. The intrusion of late tectonic granitoids and rapid uplift and cooling of the orogen around 560 Ma as a result of D4 transpressional movements marked the end of the D3 transcurrent regime. These findings show that only the early Paleoproterozoic gneisses in the Médio Coreaú domain are polycyclic in nature. Rather than representing distinct orogenic events, the D2, D3 and D4 tectonic phases are a manifestation of progressive deformational events that developed in response to changes in the regional stress field during convergence and collision between the Borborema Province and its surrounding cratons.
BACKGROUND: One of the great difficulties in evaluating a voice is the judgment of quality through the perceptual auditive analysis--although frequently used--, as it is influenced by socioeconomic and cultural aspects as well as individual preferences. Many are the adjectives and methods used in this assessment, especially because of the subjectivity involved in the process, leading to incompatibilities between listeners and difficulties in reaching a consensus on the use of this or that terminology. In such a context, the voice laboratory and more specifically the acoustic computerized analysis, has guided and complemented speech-language treatments. Among the several possibilities of spectrographic analysis, the (Long-Term Average Spectrum--LTAS) quantifies the quality of voices, pointing differences between gender, age, professional--spoken and sang--and dysphonic voices. The LTAS has been used a lot in researches that investigate voice. As it evidences the contribution of the glottic source and of resonance to the quality of voice, it provides objective parameters for the evaluation of this aspect which usually depends on our auditive perception. AIM: to demonstrate how LTAS can be applied in voice research and in the speech-language therapy practice, describing both the technical aspects required for the production and interpretation of results, and its limitations. CONCLUSION: The area of voice research has developed a lot in these last two decades especially because of the advent of the voice and speech laboratory. For this reason, the knowledge about the applicability of more tools for voice analysis, as the LTAS, as well as the existing need for more studies in this area, will most certainly contribute for the creation of new research areas not only in the field of professional voice but also in the field of therapy.
The frequency and the morphology of the abductor cruris caudalis muscle were studied in 58 adult unknown breed cats. The sample included 36 females and 22 males. After the dissection, were found a frequency for the presence of the same muscle of 98.3%. The abductor cruris caudalis muscle appears symmetrically in 35 females (97.2%) and 22 males (100.0%). When present, it were originated on the transversal process of the 1st vertebrae caudales, in the glutea region, below the gluteus superficialis muscle, throughing almost all the thigh under biceps femoris muscle, where it make a parallel relation with the sciatic nerve, receiving nervous ramifications of the same in 78.3% of the cases. The medium found for the width and thickness of his muscle venter was respectively of 2.03 mm and 0.35 mm. Its insertion occurs on the biceps femoris muscles approximate to the fascia cruris, where both finish fusing theirselves.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Psoas muscle abscess is a rare complication of epidural analgesia. The adequate approach to this complication is fundamental for a good resolution. The objective of this report was to discuss the diagnosis and treatment of psoas muscle abscess. CASE REPORT: A female patient, 65 years old, with neuropathic pain in the lower limbs, difficult to control with systemic drugs. The patient was treated with epidural opioid and local anesthetic as an alternate treatment. Twenty days after the continuous epidural administration, the patient complained of lumbar pain, headache, and fever. A CT scan of the pelvis showed an abscess of the psoas muscle, thus, closed drainage and antibiotics were indicated. CONCLUSIONS: An adequate, continuous supervision of the patient is necessary when an epidural catheter is placed, and it should continue after its removal. © Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2007.
In this work, the foraging activity of Protopolybia exigua (de Saussure) was studied, aiming to verify the amplitude of the foraging time, the relation between the physical factors of weather (temperature, relative air humidity, luminosity and wind speed) and the daily activity of searching for resources, as well as to analyze the influence of the colony development phases and the number of individuals (adults and immatures) engaged in such activity. The study was carried out in two areas of the city of Bom Jesus da Lapa, Bahia, Brazil, during the period from January to June 2006, when the observation of 12 colonies of P. exigua was performed. The results revealed this species presented an amplitude of activity of almost 13 hours. There was an average of 44.4 nest exits and 37.6 returns a day by the nest workers and the Returns with Resources Index for this species was 93.5%. The foraging activity increased as of 10:01, and became more intense, with the peak from 1:01 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., when the highest temperatures (°C) and the lowest values of relative air humidity (%) were observed. The colonies that had a larger number of larvae presented a higher average number of trips to the field per hour (10.94) and the number of females in the colony tends to induce foraging activity. There were no differences between the numbers of nest exits by the workers regarding the three phases of colony development.
In this experiment, 18 hybrid steers, from the ages between 16 and 20 months, were submitted to the removal of the penis apical ligament to provoke a penis deviation. After passed 30 days, to be tested, the animals were put together to the females that were in heat. It was verified the formation of the ventral and right lateral penis deviation with incapacity of the copula. The bovines were submitted to the autologous implant from the one following superficial portion tendon from the superficial flexor fingers muscle, on the top of albuginea tunic, replacing the apical penis ligament removed. The material implanted was well tolerated, appearance a few inflammatory cells and formation of the fibrous conjunctive tissue, causing resistant adherence and capacity of sustaining the free penis extremity. The bovines, when were among the females that were in heat, did not show a penis deviation nor sexual behavior modification. The method revealed itself satisfactory and it can be indicated to correct ventral and right lateral penis deviation in bovines.
The present paper deals with the evaluation of morphological and morphometric alterations of slow-twist (I) and fast-twitch (II) fibers of rectus abdominis muscle of adult female dog during pregestational phase, at 30 and 60 days of pregnancy and at 30 days after the parturition. At the every phases, using the open biopsy technique, muscle samples were collected. The samples were plunged. Histological sections were cut in a microtome. For general morphology, some sections were stained with HE. Subsequent sections were reacted for myofibrillar ATPase (m-ATPase), after alkaline (pH 10.4) and acid (pH 4.4) pre-incubations, in order to identificate type I and II fibers. In the pre-gestational phase, muscle tissue revealed to be composed by fibers with different diameters, presenting polygonal outlines and one or more periphery nuclei. At 30 days of pregnancy, muscle fiber characteristics were similar. At 60 days, in addition to the existence of normal fibers, polymorphic and small diameter fibers were frequent. At 30 days after the parturation, the morphology of muscle fiber were similar to that observed in the pre-gestational phase. In the four phases, type II fiber diameters were lager than type I. The diameters of both fiber types showed a significant reduction in the 30 days phase and a significative increasing at 60 days. The expansion of the abdominal wall during the pregnancy represents a chronic stimulus, induced changes in the morphology and in the fiber type diameters.
The ramification and the distribution of the phrenic nerves right and left had been studied in 30 muscles diaphragms of unknown breed adult domestic cats, 7 males and 23 females, and were fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution. After fixation and dissection, it was observed that the phrenic nerves ramified for the respective carnous parts of the muscle diaphragm, pars lumbalis, costalis and sternalis, and had finished in higher frequency in dorsolateral trunk and ventral branch (63.33%). We observed the following arrangements: dorsal, ventral and lateral branches (25.0%); dorsal branch and ventrolateral trunk (6.66%); dorsolateral and ventrolateral trunks (3.33%); dorsolateral trunk, lateral and ventral branches (1.66%). The phrenic nerves had distributed symmetrically in 11 samples (36.66%), only showing the termination in dorsolateral trunk and ventral branch. The dorsal branches supplied pars lumbalis (73.33% to right and 56.66% to the left) and pars costalis (13.33% to right and 10.0% to the left). The right dorsal branch supplied the crus mediale dexter of the right pillar (100.0%) and the left dorsal branch supplied the crus mediale sinister of the right pillar and the left pillar (100.0%). The lateral branches supply pars lumbalis (23.33% to right and 33.33% to the left), pars costalis (96.66% to right and 100.0% to the left) and pars sternalis (3.33% only to the right). The ventral branches supplied the ventral region of pars costalis (46.66 % to right and 43.33% to the left) and pars sternalis (96.66% to right and 100.0% to the left). Four female animals (13.33%) had shown fibers crossing proceeding from the left ventral branch for right antimere had been that in one of these samples (3.33%) occurred connection between the left ventral branch and the right.
Alcohol is one of the drugs most widely used among teenagers. Just recently, studies have been developed regarding the screening of use of alcohol by this population. This work aimed to investigate the use of AUDIT as a method for screening and evaluation of alcohol consumption among High School students. The sample was composed by 1227 students from two public schools, who answered to the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and informed their socioeconomic level, religion, and occurrence of relationship problems caused by drunkenness of family members. Using an 8 cut-off point, AUDIT has identified 17.8% of students with risk drinking. These results have revealed that AUDIT is easy to be applied and well accepted by the students. It was also evident the importance of this instrument in the follow-up programs of prevention and intervention of alcoholic beverages use.
The process of internalization of development occurred in the state of Sao Paulo resulted in accelerated growth of intermediate cities leading to a pattern of development with sprawl, segregation and suburbanization. In this process stands the Administrative Region of Campinas, the hinterland region of higher growth and accumulating a larger number of medium-sized cities. Such questions imply the need for appropriate urban policies to confront these challenges, under risk to jeopardize the quality of life and environment of these cities. The implementation of the Estatuto da Cidade brings new perspectives for urban management in medium-sized cities. This study aims to evaluate the deployment of instruments of urban management in medium-sized cities in São Paulo, with emphasis on Administrative Region of Campinas, based on the Profile of Brazilian Municipalities 2008 conducted by IBGE. The results point to a worrying situation, as it did not see a correlation between the deployment of these instruments and the size, growth and income in the mid-sized cities.
The natural co-infection with dengue virus can occur in highly endemic areas where different serotypes have been observed for many years. We report one case of DENV-1/DENV-4 co-infection in human serum detected by molecular tests. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences obtained indicated the presence of genotype V and II for DENV-1 and DENV-4, respectively.