185 resultados para Lymphatic Metastasis
Cancer is one of the main causes of death in canines and felines, and this fact is probably related to the increase in the longevity of these species. The longer the animals live, the higher the exposure to carcinogenic agents will be. With the high incidence of cancer in companion animals, new studies are currently being performed with the aim of finding therapeutic options which make the complete inhibition of the development of neoplasms in animals possible in the future. The correlation of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) whith the development of cancer opens the way for the use of new therapeutic approaches. This relationship has been suggested based on various studies which established an association between the chronic use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and a decrease in the incidence of colon carcinoma. As cancer progresses, COX-2 participates in the arachidonic acid metabolism by synthesizing prostaglandins which can mediate various mechanisms related to cancer development such as: increase in angiogenesis, inhibition of apoptosis, suppression of the immune response, acquisition of greater invasion capacity and metastasis. Accordingly, overexpression of this enzyme in tumors has been associated with the most aggressive, poor-prognosis cancer types, especially carcinomas. Therefore, treatments which use COX-2 inhibitors such as coxibs, whether administered as single agents or in combination with conventional antineoplastic chemotherapy, are an alternative for extending the survival of our cancer patients.
Background: Accurate early diagnosis of lung metastases is important for establishing therapeutic measures. Therefore, the present study aimed to compare survey thoracic radiographs and computerized tomography (CT) scans to specifically identify lung metastases in female dogs with mammary tumors.Methods: Twenty-one female dogs, weighing 3 to 34 kg and aged from 5 years to 14 years and 10 months, with mammary tumors were studied. In all dogs before the imaging examinations, fine-needle aspiration cytology of the mammary tumors was performed to confirm the diagnosis. Three-view thoracic radiographs were accomplished: right lateral, left lateral and ventrodorsal views. Sequential transverse images of the thorax were acquired on a spiral Scanner, before and after intravenous bolus injection of nonionic iodine contrast. Soft-tissue and lung windows were applied. All the mammary tumors were surgically removed and examined histologically.Results: The correlation between the cytological and histological results regarding presence of malignancy was observed in only 17 cases. In radiographic examinations, no dog displayed signs of lung metastases or thorax chest lesions. CT detected lung metastasis in two cases, while small areas of lung atelectasis located peripherally were found in 28.57% of the dogs.Conclusion: In this study population, spiral CT showed higher sensitivity than chest radiographies to detect lung metastasis; this indicates that CT should be performed on all female dogs with malignant mammary tumors.
Lectins are proteins important in various biological processes such as infection, cell differentiation and metastasis. The Parkia pendula lectin has been crystallized using the hanging-drop vapour diffusion method. X-ray diffraction data were collected using a Rigaku RU300 rotating anode generator and R-AXIS IV diffractometer. The cell parameters for P. pendula lectin are a=93.7 Angstrom b=161.1 Angstrom, c=80.0 Angstrom and space group C222. The maximum resolution was of 2.98 Angstrom. These data showed a R-sym=12.8%.
This study aims to determine the entrance surface skin doses in dogs (with suspected pulmonary metastasis) submitted to chest X-rays using the technique of thermoluminescence (TL) dosimetry. Twenty seven radiologic exams of dogs of different breed and sizes were performed. The radiation doses were assessed using thermoluminescent dosimeters of calcium sulphate doped with dysprosium (CaSO(4):Dy) produced at Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN). The entrance surface skin dose range evaluated in this type of procedure was between 0.43 mGy to small size dogs and 4.22 mGy to big size dogs with repeated exams. The obtained results indicate that is extremely important the assessment of radiation doses involved in veterinary diagnostic radiology procedures, to evaluate the delivered doses to the animals, to be used as a parameter in the individual monitoring of pet's owners, who assist the animal positioning, and to protect occupationally exposed workers at the Veterinary Radiology Clinics. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Unknown primary malignancy in the head and neck is not an infrequent diagnosis for patients with metastatic cervical lymph nodes. Although linked with a relatively good prognosis following radiation treatment, widespread radiation is coupled with significant morbidity. Altered microRNA (miRNA) expression has been associated with both cancer progression and metastasis. We sought to determine whether miRNA expression analysis could be used as a diagnostic tool to discover the primary site of malignancy, within the head and neck. We used quantitative real-time PCR to identify miRNA expression profiles of squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsil, base of tongue and post-nasal space, as well as their corresponding metastatic lymph nodes, from 6 patients. Our results revealed that each cancer maintained its expression profile between the primary site and the nodal metastasis (r = 0.82, p < 0.0001). In addition, each anatomical sub-site maintained a distinct miRNA profile between individual patients (r = 0.79, p < 0.0001). Finally, between sub-sites, the miRNA profiles were distinct (p < 0.0001). As proof of principle, our study provides an indication that miRNA expression analysis may be useful to compare the primary lesion and local metastatic disease. This may be clinically relevant to predict the primary site of origin of metastatic disease, when the primary site remains obscure.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The posthepatic septum (PHS) divides the body cavity of Tupinambis merianae into two parts: the cranial one containing the lungs and liver and the caudal one containing the remaining viscera. The PHS is composed of layers of collagenous fibers and bundles of smooth muscle, neither of which show systematic orientation, as well as isolated blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. Striated muscle of the abdominal wall does not invade the PHS. The contractions of the smooth muscles may stabilize the pleurohepatic cavity under conditions of elevated aerobic needs rather than supporting breathing on a breath-by-breath basis. Surgical removal of the PHS changes the anatomical arrangement of the viscera significantly, with stomach and intestine invading the former pleurohepatic cavity and reducing the space for the lungs, Thus, the PHS is essential to maintain the visceral topography in Tupitionibis. J. Morphol. 258:151-157, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss. Inc.
Animal and cell studies indicate an inhibitory effect of matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP8) on tumorigenesis and metastasis. We investigated whether MMP8 gene variation was associated with breast cancer metastasis and prognosis in humans. We first studied nine tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the MMP8 gene in 140 clinically and pathologically well-characterized breast cancer patients. Four of the SNPs were found to be associated with lymph node metastasis, the most pronounced being a promoter SNP (rs11225395) with its minor allele (T) associating with reduced susceptibility to lymph node metastasis (P = 0.02). This SNP was further evaluated for association with cancer relapse and survival among a cohort of similar to 1,100 breast cancer patients who had been followed for cancer recurrence and mortality for a median of 7.1 years. The T allele was associated with reduced cancer relapse and greater survival, particularly among patients with earlier stage cancer. Among patients of tumor-node-metastasis stage 0 to 11, the adjusted hazard ratio of disease-free survival was 0.7 [95% confidence interval (95% CI), 0.5-0.9] for patients carrying T allele compared with those homozygous for the C allele (P = 0.02). In vitro experiments showed that the T allele had higher promoter activity than the C allele in breast cancer cells. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed binding of nuclear proteins to the DNA sequence at the SNP site of the T allele but not that of the C allele. The data suggest that MMP8 gene variation may influence breast cancer prognosis and support the notion that MMP8 has an inhibitory effect on cancer metastasis.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
CONTEXTO:O câncer gástrico é uma das principais neoplasias que causam o óbito no Brasil e no mundo. Helicobacter pylori é um carcinógeno do tipo I relacionado à gastrite crônica. Diferenças no grau de virulência de suas cepas levam a maior risco de desenvolvimento de doenças gástricas. A metilação de ilhas CpGs está envolvida com o processo de tumorigênese em diferentes tipos de câncer. CDH1 é um gene supressor tumoral que, quando inativado, pode aumentar as chances de metástase. A metilação deste gene em estágios precoces da carcinogênese gástrica ainda não é totalmente compreendida. OBJETIVO: Investigar o padrão de metilação do gene CDH1 em amostras de gastrites crônicas e correlacionar com a presença do H. pylori. MÉTODOS: Foram usadas 60 biopsias de mucosas gástricas. A detecção de H. pylori foi realizada por PCR para o gene da urease C e a genotipagem com PCR para os genes cagA e vacA (região s e m). O padrão de metilação do gene CDH1 foi analisado usando a técnica de PCR e específica para a metilação e sequenciamento direto dos produtos de PCR. RESULTADOS: A bactéria H. pylori foi detectada em 90% das amostras de gastrites crônicas; destas, 33% portavam o gene cagA e 100% vacA s1. O genótipo vacA s2/m1 não foi detectado nas amostras analisadas. Metilação de CDH1 foi detectada em 63,3% das amostras de gastrites e 95% delas eram portadoras de H. pylori. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a metilação em CDH1 e a infecção pelo H. pylori são eventos frequentes em amostras de pacientes brasileiros com gastrite crônica e reforça a correlação entre infecção por H. pylori e inativação do gene CDH1 em estágios precoces da tumorigênese gástrica.
OBJETIVO: Investigar a ação histolítica da solução composta de fenol, glicerina e ácido acético para os casos de metástases hepáticas não ressecáveis. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas 32 cobaias, distribuídas, por sorteio, em quatro grupos: experimental (24 horas e quatro semanas) e controle (24 horas e quatro semanas); todos os animais foram submetidos a laparotomia mediana e realizada a injeção da solução E (grupo experimental) ou solução fisiológica (grupo controle). Foram estudadas as alterações bioquímicas e anatomopatológicas (fígado) com 24 horas e quatro semanas de evolução. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a solução E produz necrose delimitada à área infiltrada apos 24 horas e que ao final de quatro semanas ocorreu regeneração do tecido hepático com formação de discreta área de fibrose. Não foram observadas quaisquer alterações bioquímicas tanto no grupo experimental como controle. CONCLUSÃO: Frente aos resultados obtidos, é válido considerar-se a possibilidade do emprego da solução proposta, nos casos de metástases hepáticas não ressecáveis.
Uma técnica empregando fluoresceína sódica 5% e luz ultravioleta foi desenvolvida para a identificação dos trajetos dos vasos linfáticos superficiais das glândulas mamárias em dez cadelas. A fluoresceína foi injetada por via intradérmica ao redor da base de cada mamilo e cada mama foi observada após 5, 15, 30 e 60 minutos. em cada animal, primeiramente, foram avaliadas as mamas torácica cranial, abdominal cranial e inguinal das cadeias direita e esquerda e 48 horas após as mamas torácica caudal e abdominal caudal das cadeias direita e esquerda. de um total de 97 mamas injetadas, em 8 a fluoresceína não foi captada pelos linfáticos. O tempo de 30 minutos foi o mais adequado para a visualização total dos trajetos. Mostrou ser um método simples, rápido e inócuo de verificação in vivo de vasos linfáticos.
O tumor venéreo transmissível é diagnosticado, na maioria das vezes, em animais jovens, sadios e sexualmente ativos. Acomete, comumente, a genitália externa. Metástases, apesar de incomuns, ocorrem. O presente trabalho relata um caso de tumor venéreo transmissível na glande peniana com disseminação para a pele das regiões abdominal e inguinal.
Relata-se neste trabalho o caso de um cão Rottweiler, macho, de três anos de idade, com diagnóstico de osteossarcoma fibroblástico em terço distal de fêmur esquerdo, associado a metástase cutânea. Ressalta-se a insólita ocorrência deste achado em cães, sendo este um fator agravante para o prognóstico desta enfermidade.