190 resultados para Literatura anos 1970 - Brasil


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São apresentados os resultados de levantamento epidemiológico de cárie dentária em escolares de 7 a 12 anos de idade da cidade de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, cuja água de abastecimento público é fluoretada. O objetivo do estudo é verificar a prevalência de caria dentária e o nível de assistência odontológica oferecido a esta população. A população de estudo compõe-se de escolares nascidos e sempre residentes na cidade e escolares não nascidos e/ou nem sempre residentes na cidade; são comparados os índices CPO-D obtidos para os dois grupos.


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Fazemos uma releitura dos estudos empíricos sobre empresas multinacionais (EMNs) e comércio exterior no Brasil a partir dos modelos teóricos e empíricos de comércio internacional com firmas multinacionais. Percebe-se que aqueles estudos não examinam como características econômicas do país (Brasil) condicionaram a emergência e tipo das EMNs e, assim, seus respectivos impactos sobre comércio exterior. Conseguem isolar, nas análises de impacto comercial, evidências dos serviços tecnológicos das estrangeiras, relativamente às domésticas do mesmo setor, mas não examinam se essas firmas se concentraram ou não em atividades com vantagens comparativas no país, o que seria crucial para determinar seu impacto comercial comparativo.


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O aumento proporcional do número de idosos na população tem motivado estudos no sentido de melhorar a qualidade de vida desta faixa etária através de políticas sociais e, entre elas, o planejamento em saúde. Com o objetivo de conhecer riscos de mortalidade para a população de sessenta anos e mais, um estudo de sobrevida foi realizado rastreando, no ano de 1992, os idosos participantes de um inquérito de morbidade referida realizado na cidade de Botucatu em 1983/84. Foram localizados 89,6% destes idosos. Curvas de sobrevivência foram calculadas com o método de Kaplan-Meier e a análise de riscos, utilizando-se a Regressão Múltipla de Cox ajustando-se o modelo agregando as variáveis por blocos. Para o sexo masculino foram encontradas associadas, independentemente, ao aumento da mortalidade as seguintes categorias de variáveis: idade de 70 anos e mais: Hazard Ratio (HR)=2,4 (1,6 - 3,7); salário menor que um salário mínimo: HR=2,2 (1,3 - 3,8); ter outras rendas: HR=2,2 (1,3 - 3,9); ser o chefe da família ou seu cônjuge: HR=2,3 (1,2 - 2,4); referência de doenças do aparelho circulatório: HR=1,6 (1,1 - 2,4); referência de diabetes mellitus: HR=3,0 (1,3 - 7,0). Para o sexo feminino, foram encontradas associadas a idade de 70 anos e mais: HR=4,6 (3,0 - 7,1); referência de diabetes mellitus: HR=3,0 (1,7-5,3) e ter outras rendas: HR=2,0 (1,1 - 4,0).


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As pescarias no reservatório da UHE-Tucuruí no rio Tocantins, Pará, envolvem cerca de 6.000 pescadores e movimentam cerca de R$ 4,2 milhões/ano. A atividade se concentra em três espécies principais: tucunaré Cichla monoculus (capturado com anzol), pescada Plagioscion squamosissimus (capturado com rede e/ou anzol) e mapará Hypophthalmus marginatus (capturado com rede). Com o objetivo de caracterizar os pescadores e as pescarias do reservatório, criar cenários de aumento do esforço pesqueiro e prever os momentos de conflito pela escassez de recursos, foram levantadas informações da literatura e realizadas duas campanhas de coleta de dados nos anos de 1999 e 2000, envolvendo entrevistas com líderes comunitários e pescadores. As seguintes variáveis foram consideradas: desembarque por espécie-alvo (de acordo com os registros fornecidos pelas colônias de pescadores), artes de pesca, estratégias dos pescadores, conflitos e formas de apropriação do espaço e rendimentos da atividade. Estas variáveis foram inseridas em um modelo dinâmico, simulado no software Vensim PLE para um período de 10 anos a partir de 1999. Os resultados indicam que a pesca de anzol é a estratégia mais rentável, e que possíveis momentos de conflito devido à escassez de recursos podem acontecer em curto prazo (2005). A metodologia utilizada para as simulações e análises de risco também se revelou adequada à realidade local e ao conjunto de dados disponíveis.


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In this paper we report a study on research in the field of History in Mathematics Education conducted in Brazil in the last five years. We evaluate studies that are theoretical or report experiences on the support found in history that can contribute to the situations of teaching and learning of mathematics, based on the Proceedings of Seminarios Nacionais de Historia da Matematica and Encontros Luso-Brasileiros de Historia da Matematica. Examining the interests, directions and focus of research in the field, we found that the vast majority of studies address specific issues of History of Mathematics, and the number of studies on History in Mathematics Education is still very low. We note that, in the last five years, the arguments in favor of the teaching potential of the History of Mathematics, which is very present in the speech of teachers and managers of public education, has not yet been materialized in experiments or investigations to promote this link effectively.


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The respiratory tract of birds shows anatomical and physiological characteristics that facilitates the occurrence of disease, mainly those of microbiological origin. This article analyzes the frequency of respiratory diseases in domestic and wild birds treated during the years 2005-2006 at the Ornitopathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootecnics, São Paulo State University (FMVZUNESP). Diagnoses were obtained through clinical and radiographic exams as well as haemogram, microbiological culture, parasitological tests and necropsy, being septicemic processes, aspergillosis and mycoplasmosis the most diagnosed diseases. No zoonotic threats were identified, so the entities were described as of low-impact on public health. However, the above mentioned agents can provoke death of birds and difficult for treating and eradication as well.


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The present study sought to determine the prevalence of anemia in 2,992 children, aged between 6 and 23 months, who voluntarily attended 160 Basis Health Care Units, located in 63 cities of the 5 Regional Health Coordinating areas of the State of S. Paulo, Brazil. Blood samples were collected by venous puncture and hemoglobin was measured by the cianometahemoglobin method. The WHO criteria for the diagnosis of anemia (Hb < 11.0 g/dl) were used: 59.1% of the children were shown to be anemic, with prevalence varying from 47.8% to 68.7% in the 5 RHCs. RHC 1, which comprises the Greater S. Paulo Region, presented a prevalence of anemia significantly lower than the other 4 RHCs, which cover the rest of the State. Hemoglobin levels 9.5 g/dl were found in 25.1% of the children. Anemia was more frequent in male children in male children, in those born, with a weight of less than 3,000 gr, in those who were breastfed for less than 2 months and in those that who presented some degree of energy deficient proteic malnutrition, according to Gomez's criteria. This is the first of a series of 4 articles whose purpose is the determining the prevalence of anemia in the State of S. Paulo and of testing the intervention alternatives with a view to curtailing the incidence of this pathology which today is the most prevalent nutritional disturbance in the world.


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This paper attempts to show the convergence of principles between labor market politics and urban management, emphasizing it relationship with pro-market theories. Limits and possibilities of the application of this theoretical frame were investigated by examining the changes in both composition and stock of labor in three important business spaces in São Paulo: Central Area, Paulista Avenue and the new expansion front near Luiz Carlos Berrini and Águas Epraiadas avenues. Despite the claims of pro-market theoreticians, information provided by Labor Ministry showed that between 1996 and 2000, a re-arrangemenet of the workers contingent among the investigated areas occurred, instead of the expected growth. The favorable behavior registered in Berrini/ Águas Espraiadas, because of the bulky volume of investments, took place at the same time that a decrease of labor in the Downtown; meanwhile, in Paulista, a growth of the number of employees was observed, in spite of the landing less elevated of investments.


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The respiratory tract of birds shows anatomical and physiological characteristics that facilitates the occurrence of disease, mainly those of microbiological origin. This article analyzes the frequency of respiratory diseases in domestic and wild birds treated during the years 2005-2006 at the Ornitopathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootecnics, São Paulo State University (FMVZ-UNESP). Diagnoses were obtained through clinical and radiographic exams as well as haemogram, microbiological culture, parasitological tests and necropsy, being septicemic processes, aspergillosis and mycoplasmosis the most diagnosed diseases. No zoonotic threats were identified, so the entities were described as of low-impact on public health. However, the above mentioned agents can provoke death of birds and difficult for treating and eradication as well.


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Our goal is to investigate the reasons behind the presence of clientelist-type practices among the popular classes in Brazil, highlighting the decade of the 1990s. Our proposal gives salience to factors regarding the phenomenon's socio-political conjuncture, thereby taking us beyond explanations that rely exclusively on historical-cultural aspects or that sustain an economic bias. We use bibliographic and journalistic sources, from which we develop our own interpretation of the period. Thus, we observe that clientelist practices are encouraged to manifest themselves at the level of national political organization particularly within the federal sphere yet are also reflected at state and municipal levels, due to the coalition of political forces created through the implantation of a neoliberal project in Brazil. The latter has joined modern Brazilian social democracy and old regional oligarchies situated primarily within the PFL, PP, PTB and certain sectors of the PMDB, whose representatives are known for their attachment to patrimonialist and paternalistic practices. The inclusion of the latter in the conservative pact that has promoted neo-liberal political reform has thus meant awarding new value to such practices. Herein lies partial explanation for the vigor with which practices such as fisiologismo, apadrinhamento, abuse of state machinery, buying and selling of votes and clientelism have manifested themselves on the national scene over the course of the 1990s.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)