158 resultados para Interpretação das palavras


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O presente trabalho trata do valor funcional das duas ordens de palavras naturais do português falado: SV(O) e VS. A ordem SV(O), que representa a relação tópico - comentário, implica transitividade relativamente alta. Em conseqüência, constitui geralmente a porção de figura do discurso, contribuindo, assim, para a progressão discursiva. A ordem VS, por sua vez, que apresenta apenas o comentário, implica baixa transitividade. Conseqüentemente constitui a porção de fundo, contribuindo, assim, para a montagem do cenário discursivo. As duas ordens configuram, portanto, juntamente com o grau de transitividade, marcas do relevo discursivo.


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Este artigo discute as técnicas utilizadas na organização de verbetes num dicionário de usos. Procura demonstrar que a definição, a taxionomia e a descrição gramatical das palavras lexicais se fazem do ponto de vista semântico-funcional e de acordo com a estrutura argumentai das palavras na sua função predicativa.


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A quantidade vocálica é traço fundamental da prosódia em língua latina e, embora não seja usualmente aproveitada na leitura de poemas, é o dado mais relevante de sua natureza e constituição, visto que, sem ela, não há versos na antiguidade clássica. A quantidade é, assim, fundamental para o canto poético dos pastores, praticado na poesia bucólica, cujo paradigma, instaurado por Teócrito nos Idílios, tem em Virgílio um digno continuador. Nos poemas bucólicos virgilianos, é comum o poeta retratar pastores alternando cantos entre si, forma poética conhecida como amebeu. O objetivo deste artigo é, pois, o de fazer uma leitura de tal topos literário, tendo como ponto de partida a relação intertextual que se funda na derivação genérica, de Teócrito a Virgílio, mas também e principalmente a que se obtém pela leitura integrada da prosódia e da métrica latinas ao texto poético, tendo em vista não apenas os códigos específi cos do gênero bucólico, mas sobretudo os dados que, inferidos da realidade moderna, como os que nos apresenta o lingüista e romancista Gavino Ledda, podem ser aproximados da realidade dos antigos guardadores de rebanho da Sicília – cenário comum aos dramas do universo pastoril virgiliano – ao mesmo tempo que se estuda como quantidade vocálica e ritmo verbal atuam para consubstanciá-lo e dar-lhe expressão poética característica.


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A proposta do presente livro é oferecer ao leitor uma descrição fonológica das qualidades vocálicas vigentes na primeira fase (período trovadoresco) do português arcaico a partir da análise das rimas e da grafia das Cantigas de Santa Maria, de Afonso X, o Sábio, Rei de Leão e Castela, elaboradas na segunda metade do século XIII.


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This study aimed to develop procedures for assessing reading comprehension of words and phrases and characterize the performance of students of 2nd year of elementary school in this procedure. It was divided into two phases: 1) preparation of evaluation tests of reading comprehension, consisting of three events: comprehension of written word (CWW), sentences (CWS) and sentences through pictures (CSP) and 2) application of the elaborated evaluation in 120 students distributed in the following groups: GI, 60 students from a public (municipal) school and GII, 60 students from a private school. The CWW test obtained the highest average of score, followed by CSP and CWS for both groups, since the picture contributes to the comprehension of the meaning either of the word and sentences. The procedure was effective to assess initial skills of reading comprehension once it identified inherent difficulties related to the literacy process.


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Pós-graduação em Fonoaudiologia - FFC


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This article has as object of study the Concerto for Viola and Orquestra by Antonio Borges-Cunha. We investigated the work by observing its formal structure. This resulted in data which were relevant to the understanding of the work itself and to decisive procedures in its interpretation. These data were then applied to specific issues in the area of performance, by means of a process whereby the sensations of movement and direction were delineated. This investigation discusses interpretation and the queries regarding the paths which performers can choose in their quest for positive results in expressivity. It is a study specifically geared to the area of performance and, in a broader sense, serves composers that are interested in the performer's contribution to the creative process of a work.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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There is in the literature a divergent description between lexical knowledge and word production accuracy. The aims of this study were: (a) to investigate the influence (effect) of the word lexical knowledge over production accuracy; (b) in case there is, to characterize acoustically this interference. Eight children (5-6 years old) with typical development language participated of this study. The methodological procedure consisted of: (a) survey of the children lexical knowledge concerning to IAFAC’s words; (b) recordings of the IAFAC’s words; (c) identifi cation and characterization of the linguistic cues, by acoustic analysis, in the IAFAC’s word production in function of the different knowledge degrees. Our results suggest a negative correlation (r=-0,13, p=0,000) between lexical knowledge and presence of the linguistics cues in word’s production. However, the linguistics cues refer to hesitative cues instead of phonological errors. Implications of these results for clinical practicing are discussed.


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Introduction: The literature about the work with the voice of actors in the theater focuses the research on organic issues involved in the vocal process as “misuse” or “vocal abuse”. To a lesser amount, there are studies that highlight issues of interpretation and expressive resources, as well as others that highlight the linguistic resources of interpretation. This work shows a linguistic feature – the pause – and its collaboration for the theatrical interpretation. Objective: to verify the extent to which similarities and differences occur between the points judged as occurrence of pauses in interpretations of a theatrical text. Method: Subjects of this study were four theater actors, who played individually a same theatrical text. Later, a group of ten judges judged the points where pauses occurred. Based on a criterion of 70% agreement between judges, were searched similarities and differences between the points judged as pause of each recording. Results: the four subjects showed different amounts of pause in the stretch in common that they interpreted: S1= ten occurrences; S2= 14 occurrences; S3= 6 occurrences; and S4= 9 occurrences. In this inter-subject variation, five points of pause in common were detected. Conclusion: we have seen, then, that this variability (featuring subjectivity in interpretation) is built inside given possibilities, with lesser or greater flexibility, by the structure of the theatrical text.


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We intend to observe the function of a linguistic resource – the pause – in theatrical interpretation. Connected to the field of speech therapy, we search for theoretical support in the Linguistics field, mainly in prosodic phonology – specifically, we highlight intonational phrase and phonological utterance, prosodic constituents –, proposing a dialogue between these fields, regarding the work with actors. In speech therapy literature, the work with actors focuses, centrally, in organic issues involved in the vocal process, such as “misuse” or “voice abuse”. To a smaller extent, we find, in this literature, researches that emphasize issues regarding interpretation and expressive resources, besides a few emphasizing the importance of linguistic resources in interpretation. Differently, in linguistics literature, the pause is approached, to a larger extent, from the phonetic perspective, related to several language levels. In this research, we analyzed audio recordings of four actors from a same theatrical group, acting the theatrical text Brutas flores, focused on these aims: (1) detect the place where pauses happen in the interpretation of a single text by four actors; (2) survey physical characteristics of length of these pauses; (3) check to what extent the length of a pause is related to the place where it happens, regarding the prosodic limits of intonational phrases (I) and phonological utterance (U). We could observe that, although the interpretation is characterized by the subjectivity of the actor, the interpretation is constructed based in the possibilities offered by the prosodic organization of the text itself, being more or less flexible.We were also able to confirm, by considering the length of VVs units containing pauses, the prosodic hierarchy proposed by Nespor & Vogel, once the length of these units in U's limits was significantly higher than the length in I's limits. Thus, our results reinforce the premise that a linguistic structure overlaps the subjectivity of the actor, i. e., the premise that the strength of linguistic structure organization acts on the possible individual operation/style.


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In this paper, we analyzed situations where (a) one vocabular structure showed in two different ways in the same text or (b) had erasures. These structures fluctuations were extracted from texts written by children that, when the registers were done, were second graders of elementary school. Concerning the results, we verified: (1) that more than one prosodic constituent showed in the basis of fluctuation of vocabulary structures; and (2) that at least one of the limits of orthographic words was maintained in fluctuation structures. These results point to the recuperation done by writers with information they have access due to their insertion in (1) oral practices and (2) literacy practices.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)