309 resultados para INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE


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We placed spheres of synthetic hydroxyapatite (calcium chloride combined with sodium phosphate) in the eviscerated or enucleated orbital cavity of rats in order to evaluate the biocompatibility of this material with the orbital cavity. The study was conducted on 50 albino rats, 25 of which were submitted to enucleation and 25 to evisceration of one eye. The animals were sacrificed 7, 15, 21, 30 and 60 days after surgery and the orbital content was submitted to histopathological examination. A reaction of the young granulation tissue type was observed first. The hydroxyapatite was gradually surrounded by a granulomatous macrophage inflammatory response and covered with dense connective tissue that formed a sort of mesh septating and supporting progressively smaller blocks of the substance. The same type of reaction was observed in the enucleated and eviscerated cavities. We conclude that synthetic hydroxyapatite is an inert nonallergenic material which is appropriate for volume replacement in the anophthalmic cavity


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OBJETIVOS: Comparar em coelhos três modelos experimentais de destruição das células germinativas (CG) do limbo corneano quanto a aspectos morfológicos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 54 coelhos, 108 olhos, subdivididos em 3 grupos experimentais: (G1), (G2) e (G3), formados por 18 coelhos cada, que tiveram o OE submetido às técnicas experimentais (T1), (T2) e (T3), respectivamente, e um grupo controle, formado por 54 olhos contralaterais (OD) dos coelhos do G1, G2 e G3. Quatro parâmetros morfológicos foram estudados: epitélio, resposta inflamatória, vascularização e resposta fibroblástica. RESULTADOS: Com a T1 não houve remoção da totalidade do epitélio límbico, com a T2 houve remoção da quase totalidade do epitélio límbico, com a T3 houve remoção da totalidade do epitélio límbico. A reparação da superfície corneana foi feita por epitélio de fenótipo conjuntival (conjuntivalização) com as três técnicas, havendo aparecimento de células caliciformes a partir do 14º dia, sendo a densidade maior no 28º dia. A resposta inflamatória com a T3 foi mais intensa que com a T1 e T2. A regressão foi mais rápida com a T1 e similar com a T2 e T3. Contribuiu para a turvação corneana principalmente no 14º e 28º dia, concentrando-se, principalmente, na metade estromal anterior, sendo poupada a metade posterior. Foi maior até o 28º dia, decrescendo a partir desse momento. Caracterizou-se, no início, por infiltrado com predomínio de polimorfonucleares e sofreu mudança no 56º dia para infiltrado com predomínio de mononucleares. Os neovasos apareceram a partir do 7º dia, a princípio permearam o estroma do terço médio para cima, progredindo para a superficialização com a regressão do edema estromal. A vascularização com as três técnicas, ao final do experimento, foi superficial no estroma, porém não houve a formação de tecido fibro-escleroso denso ou cicatriz propriamente dita distinta do estroma corneano. CONCLUSÕES: Ocorreu conjuntivalização e neovascularização nas três técnicas experimentais. As T2 e T3 mostraram-se adequadas como possíveis modelos de ampla remoção das CG límbicas, levando a resultados similares nos diversos parâmetros estudados. A T1 se mostrou adequada como modelo de remoção parcial do epitélio límbico.


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Background: Barrier materials as cellulose membranes are used for guided tissue repair. However, it is essential that the surrounding tissues accept the device. The present study histologically evaluated tissue reaction to a microbial cellulose membrane after subcutaneous implantation in mice. Furthermore, the interaction between mesenchymal stem cells and the biomaterial was studied in vitro to evaluate its ability to act as cellular scaffold for tissue engineering.Methods: Twenty-five Swiss Albino mice were used. A 10 x 10 mm cellulose membrane obtained through biosynthesis using Acetobacter xylinum bacteria was implanted into the lumbar subcutaneous tissue of each mouse. The mice were euthanatized at seven, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days, and the membrane and surrounding tissues were collected and examined by histology.Results: A mild inflammatory response without foreign body reaction was observed until 30 days post-surgery around the implanted membrane. Polarized microscopy revealed that the membrane remained intact at all evaluation points. Scanning electron microscopy of the cellulose membrane surface showed absence of pores. The in vitro evaluation of the interaction between cells and biomaterial was performed through viability staining analysis of the cells over the biomaterial, which showed that 95% of the mesenchymal stem cells aggregating to the cellulose membrane were alive and that 5% were necrotic. Scanning electron microscopy showed mesenchymal stem cells with normal morphology and attached to the cellulose membrane surface.Conclusion: The microbial cellulose membrane evaluated was found to be nonresorbable, induced a mild inflammatory response and may prove useful as a scaffold for mesenchymal stem cells.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Envenomations caused by Loxosceles (brown spider) have been reported throughout the world. Clinical signs associated to bites of these spiders involve dermonecrotic lesions and intense local inflammatory response, besides systemic manifestations such as intravascular hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation and acute renal failure. The present study aimed to report and to describe dermonecrotic lesions probably caused by a Loxosceles envenomation in a four year-old poodle female dog, treated at the Dermatology Service of the Veterinary Hospital of the Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry School, São Paulo State University, Botucatu, Brazil. Initially, the animal presented two skin lesions with blackish aspect that evolved into ulcerative crusts. The owner reported the presence of a brown spider near the place where the animal spent most of the time. Histological examination of lesions revealed necrosis of the epidermis extending to adnexa and panniculi, which is compatible with Loxosceles bite reaction. The animal was treated with systemic antibiotic and local curatives. Lesions healed by second intention in two months.


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Natural (NV) and Cobalto60-irradiated (IrV) Crotalus durissus terrificus venom were used to evaluate serum production capacity of sheep and possible hematological and biochemical effects. Freeze-dried venom aliquots were diluted in acidified saline solution (NaCl 150 mM, pH 3.0) and irradiated by a Cobalt 60 source at a dose of 5.54 x 102 Gy/h and a concentration of 2.000 Gy. Twelve sheep were divided into two groups of six animals. One group received irradiated venom (IrV) and the other natural venom (NV). Three antigen doses (venom) were administered at monthly intervals. Blood samples were collected weekly for analysis of serum neutralization potency and capacity, complete blood count (CBC), total plasma protein, fibrinogen, albumin, and globulin. At the end of the experiment, the animals were challenged with a LD50 for sheep and showed no signs of envenoming. The two groups did not present clinical alterations. Results of the total leukocyte count did not present interaction or time factor effect for both groups, but there was a different action between them, with the NV group presenting more cells than the IrV group. The leukocyte increase to 13,000/ml indicates that slight leukocytosis occurred in the week after the first inoculation in the NV group. There was no statistically significant difference between groups in the absolute count of segmented neutrophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes but there were statistically significant oscillations in values at the different collecting times. The NV group presented an increase in the absolute neutrophil count after the first inoculation that persisted for 5 weeks. In the IrV group, the increase in neutrophils occurred only in the first week returning to normal in the following weeks. The alterations in the neutrophil count are indicative of systemic inflammatory response related to cytokine release; response was more marked in the NV group, showing its greater toxicity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The failure of facial prostheses is caused by limitations in the properties of existing materials, especially the biocompatibility. This study aimed to evaluate the biocompatibility of maxillofacial silicones in subcutaneous tissue of rats. Thirty Wistar rats received subcutaneous implants of 3 maxillofacial silicone elastomers (LIM 6050, MDX 4-4210, and industrial Silastic 732 RTV). A histomorphometric evaluation was conducted to analyze the biocompatibility of the implants. Eight areas of 60.11 mm(2) from the surgical pieces were analyzed. Mesenchymal cells, eosinophils, and foreign-body giant cells were counted. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey test. Initially, all implanted materials exhibited an acceptable tissue inflammatory response, with tissue reactions varying from light to moderate. Afterward, a fibrous capsule around the silicone was observed. The silicones used in the current study presented biocompatibility and can be used for implantation in both medical and dental areas. Their prosthetic indication is conditioned to their physical properties. Solid silicone is easier to adapt and does not suffer apparent modifications inside the tissues.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the reaction of rat subcutaneous connective tissue to 0.9% sterile saline, 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), 5.25% NaOCl and 2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution or gel. Six circles were demarcated on the dorsal skin of 24 male Wistar rats, leaving 2 cm between each circle. Using a syringe, 0.1 mL of each root canal irrigant was injected subcutaneously into 5 circles. In the 6th circle, the needle of an empty syringe was introduced into the skin, but no irrigant was injected (control group). Evaluations were undertaken at 2 h, 48 h, 14 days and 30 days post-procedure. Tissue samples were excised, embedded in paraffin blocks and 3-mu m-thick sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The areas of inflammatory reaction were evaluated and analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test. The control group showed few or no inflammatory reaction areas in the subcutaneous tissue. 0.9% saline solution, 2.0% chlorhexidine solution and 2.5% NaOCl showed a good biocompatibility, as very mild inflammatory reaction was detected at 14 days and tissue repair occurred at 30 days. 5.25% NaOCl was the most toxic irrigant, as the number of inflammatory cells remained elevated at 14 and 30 days. The group treated with 2.0% chlorhexidine gluconate gel presented a moderate inflammatory response at 14 days, which decreased at 30 days, being considered similar to that of the control group, 0.9% saline solution, 2.0% chlorhexidine solution and 2.5% NaOCl at this experimental period.


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This study evaluated the histomorphologic response of human dental pulps capped with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Ca(OH)(2) cement (CH). Pulp exposures were performed on the occlusal floor of 40 human permanent premolars. After that, the pulp was capped either with CH or MTA and restored with composite resin. After 30 and 60 days, teeth were extracted and processed for histologic exam and categorized in a histologic score system. The data were subjected to Kruskal-Wallis and Conover tests (alpha = .05). All groups performed well in terms of hard tissue bridge formation, inflammatory response, and other pulpal findings. However, a lower response of CH30 was observed for the dentin bridge formation, when compared with MTA30 and MTA60 groups. Although the pulp healing with calcium hydroxide was slower than that of MTA, both materials were successful for pulp capping in human teeth.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the subcutaneous response of rat connective tissue to light-cure MTA and Angelus MTA. These materials were placed in polyethylene and dentin tubes and implanted into dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for 30 and 60 days. The specimens were prepared to be stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Von Kossa, and without stain for polarized light and evaluated in an optic microscope. The Angelus MTA showed a mild inflammatory response at 30 days and none at 60 days, characterized by organized connective tissue, presence of some chronic inflammatory cells, and induction of mineralized tissue formation. Light-cure MTA presented a moderate chronic inflammatory response at 30 days that decreased at 60 days but was more intense than with Angelus MTA and without dystrophic calcifications. It was possible to conclude that light-cure MTA was similar to MTA at 60 days, but it did not stimulate mineralization.


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The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of three current bonding agents and calcium hydroxide cement. Sixty polyethylene tubes filled with the following materials: Group 1: Prime & Bond NT (PB - Dentsply, US; Group 2: Bond 1 (BO - Jeneric/Pentron, US); Group 3: Optibond Solo (OP - Kerr, US); and Group 4 (control): calcium hydroxide cement - Dycal (CH - Dentsply, US) were implanted into the connective tissue of 30 rats. After 15, 30 and 60 days, the implants were excised and the animals sacrificed. The biopsies were immersed in Karnovsky (pH, 7.2) fixative solution for 48 hours, and processed using routine histological technique. Six-micron-thick sections were cut and stained with hematoxilin and eosin and Masson's trichome technique. Microscopic evaluation was used to compare the connective tissue reactions caused by the experimental and control materials adjacent to the tube opening. At 15 days, the experimental and control materials triggered a moderate to intense inflammatory response which gave rise to a thick capsule adjacent to the tube opening. With time, the inflammatory reaction decreased. At 60 days, the connective tissue adjacent to the bonding agents exhibited a persistent inflammatory response mediated by macrophages and giant cells which were engulfing displaced resin components. on the other hand, for the control group (calcium hydroxide) no inflammatory response associated with a thin capsule adjacent to the material was observed even at the 30-day period. The hard-setting calcium hydroxide cement allowed complete healing and was considered more biocompatible than the bonding agents.


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Background and Objectives: Bone remodeling is characterized as a cyclic and lengthy process. It is currently accepted that not only this dynamics is triggered by a biological process, but also biochemical, electrical, and mechanical stimuli are key factors for the maintenance of bone tissue. The hypothesis that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) may favor bone repair has been suggested. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bone repair in defects created in rat lower jaws after stimulation with infrared LLLT directly on the injured tissue.Study Design/Materials and Methods: Bone defects were prepared on the mandibles of 30 Holtzman rats allocated in two groups (n = 15), which were divided in three evaluation period (15, 45, and 60 days), with five animals each. control group-no treatment of the defect; laser group-single laser irradiation with a GaAlAs semiconductor diode laser device (lambda = 780 nm; P = 35 mW t = 40 s; circle minus = 1.0 mm; D = 178 J/cm(2); E = 1.4 J) directly on the defect area. The rats were sacrificed at the preestablished periods and the mandibles were removed and processed for staining with hematoxylin and eosin, Masson's Trichrome and picrosirius techniques.Results: the histological results showed bone formation in both groups. However, the laser group exhibited an advanced tissue response compared to the control group, abbreviating the initial inflammatory reaction and promoting rapid new bone matrix formation at 15 and 45 days (P < 0. 05). on the other hand, there were no significant differences between the groups at 60 days.Conclusion: the use of infrared LLLT directly to the injured tissue showed a biostimulating effect on bone remodeling by stimulating the modulation of the initial inflammatory response and anticipating the resolution to normal conditions at the earlier periods. However, there were no differences between the groups at 60 days.


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The aim of the study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of an adhesive system and a resin component when implanted into connective tissue of rats. Forty sponges embedded in both materials: Scotchbond MP (SBMP/3M - Group A) and 2 - hydroxyethyl-methacrylate (HEMA - Group B), were implanted into dorsal connective tissue of 20 animals. After 7, 15, 30, or 60 days of the implantation, the animals were sacrificed; implant sites were excised and immersed for 24 hours in Kamovisky's fixative. The samples were processed under routine histologic technique, being stained with H & E. Histological evaluation showed that both materials promoted at 7 days intense inflammatory response with predominance of neutrophils and macrophages. The intense connective reaction was replaced for fibroblastic proliferation associated with macrophages and foreign body giant cells over time. The persistent moderate inflammatory reaction adjacent to scattered fragments of materials was greater to HEMA than to the SBMP. Both experimental materials did not show acceptable biocompatibility with connective tissue of rats in spite of allowing an evident connective tissue healing.