261 resultados para Glycerol Triritrate
In potentiometric-flow systems, linear-potential responses for logarithmic concentrations can be attained for first-(or pseudo-first-) order reactions in which the monitored chemical species react with the analyte during a fixed time interval. To demonstrate this property, the determination of glycerol based on its oxidation by periodate and potentiometric monitoring of the remaining periodate was selected. Influence of reagent concentration and timing on the linearity of the analytical curve were investigated. A mathematical treatment was derived, and potentialities/limitations of the approach were outlined. The system was applied to analysis of soap and lixivia samples. The analytical curve within 200 and 2000 mg L-1 (r = 0.99975; n = 5) was described as E = 8.166 + 0.0478 (glycerol). The sample throughput was 100 h(-1), and a measurement repeatability within 0.5 mV was always observed. By applying a t-test, there was no statistical difference between the results obtained by the proposed procedure and by iodimetric titration at the 95% confidence level. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Lab Robotics and Automation 12:41-45, 2000.
2-Deoxyribonolactones and four tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids were isolated from the acetone extract of the leaves of Aristolochia arcuata Mast., together with pinitol, sequoyitol, glycerol, fructose, sucrose, eupomatenoid-7, salsolinol, and 6,7-dihydroxyl,1-dimethyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline. Their structures were determined on the basis of spectroscopic methods, mainly using H-1, C-13, N-15, and P-31 NMR. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
A clavulanic acid production process with immobilized Streptomyces clavuligerus cells was investigated. Cells were immobilized in diatomaceous earth, calcium alginate gel as well as in the form of natural pellets and cultivated in shake flasks in a medium containing glycerol and soytone as the carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. In all experiments growth occurred in the first 48 h and glycerol consumption after 72 h, while clavulanic acid production was observed between 48 and 60h, with gradual degradation after this period. The natural pellets presented higher product concentration as compared with the cells immobilized in supports. However, calcium alginate was found to be the best support in relation to cell retention capacity.
In the present study, polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) were enumerated to evaluate acute uterine inflammation after artificial insemination in the bitch. It was concluded that the canine seminal plasma possessed an immunomodulating action. However, the most commonly used extender for freezing canine semen (Tris glucose with egg yolk and glycerol) was a potential inducer of uterine inflammation. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Actiaomycin-D (actD) binds to natural DNA at two different classes of binding sites, weak and strong. The affinity for these sites is highly dependent on DNA se(sequence and solution conditions, and the interaction appears to be purely entropic driven Although the entropic character of this reaction has been attributed to the release of water molecules upon drug to DNA complex formation, the mechanism by which hydration regulates actD binding and discrimination between different classes of binding sites on natural DNA is still unknown. In this work, we investigate the role of hydration on this reaction using the osmotic stress method. We skew that the decrease of solution water activity, due to the addition of sucrose, glycerol ethylene glycol, and betaine, favors drug binding to the strong binding sites on DNA by increasing both the apparent binding affinity Delta G, and the number of DNA base pairs apparently occupied by the bound drug n(bp/actD). These binding parameters vary linearly with the logarithm of the molar fraction of water in solution log(X-w), which indicates the contribution of water binding to the energetic of the reaction. It is demonstrated that the hydration change measured upon binding increases proportionally to the apparent size of the binding site n(bp/uctD). This indicates that n(bp/actD) measured from the Scatchard plod is a measure of the size of the DNA molecule changing conformation due to ligand binding. We also find that the contribution of DNA deformation, gauged by n(bp/act) to the total free energy of binding Delta G, is given by Delta G = Delta G(local) + n(bp/actD) x delta G(DNA), where Delta G(local), = -8020 +/- 51 cal/mol of actD bound and delta G(DNa) = -24.1 +/- 1.7cal/mol of base pair at 25 degrees C. We interpret Delta G(local), as the energetic contribution due to the direct interactions of actD with the actual tetranucleotide binding site, and it n(bp/actB) X delta G(DNA) as that due to change inconformation, induced by binding, of it n(bp/actD) DNA base pairs flanking the local site. This interpretation is supported by the agreement found between the value of delta G(DNA) and the torsional free energy change measured independently. We conclude suggesting an allosteric model for ligand binding to DNA, such that the increase in binding affinity is achieved by increasing the relaxation of the unfavorable free energy of binding storage at the local site through a larger number of DNA base pairs. The new aspect on this model is that the size of the complex is not fixed but determined by solutions conditions, such as water activity, which modulate the energetic barrier to change helix conformation. These results may suggest that long-range allosteric transitions of duplex DNA are involved in the inhibition of RNA synthesis by actD, and more generally, in the regulation of transcription. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Since ancient times, the utilization of yeasts by the man has a great impact on the socio-economic development. After the advent of the technology of recombinant DNA, great advances have occurred due to the acquisition of strains of mutant yeasts in the field of applied research, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae has soon been outstanding as an interesting candidate for the expression of heterologous proteins of biotechnological interest. As the time goes by other alternative systems of expression have been shown because they have advantages over Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Among those new systems, Pichia pastoris is outstanding as methylotrophic yeast capable of growing in a culture medium containing methanol as the only source of carbon and energy. The induction of production of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD, NAD(+): oxido-redutase EC 1.1. 1.8) by Pichia pastoris was accomplished in the medium containing methanol. One of the most important key parameters in Pichia pastoris expression system is the methanol concentration. Bibliographic reviews on the Pichia pastoris production system have shown that the best culture conditions vary according to the strain used and/or kind of heterologous protein desired to be expressed. Therefore, we have sought to develop a system, involving expression of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in the yeast Pichia pastoris, for generating sufficient quantities of the enzyme in order to asses its potential value for use in various food bioanalytical determination. Dehydrogenases have been widely used in the enzymatic assays of diverse composites of industrial interest, being enclosed among them glycerol and a number of important bioanalytical applications.
The glycerophosphate oxidase is a flavoprotein responsible for the catalysis of the oxidation of the glycerophosphate to dihydroxyacetone phosphate, through the reduction of the oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. The glycerophosphate oxidase from baker's yeast was specific for L-alpha-glycerol phosphate. It was estimated by monitoring the consumption of oxygen with an oxygraph. An increase of 32% in consumption of oxygen was obtained when the enzyme was concentrated 16-fold. The assay of enzyme was determined by the peroxidase chromogen method followed at 500 nm. The procedure for the standardization of the activity of the glycerophosphate oxidase from baker's yeast was accomplished, and the pH and temperature stability showed that the enzyme presented a high stability at pH 8.0, and the thermal stability was maintained up to 60 degrees C during I h. Such method allowed quantifying in the range 92-230 mM of glycerol phosphate, an important intermediate metabolite from lipid biosynthesis and glycolytic routes. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The final levels of ethanol (levels of ethanol produced plus that added initially to the media) reached by the thermotolerant yeasts were highest (16.5-20.3%, v/v) at 8% initial ethanol. The thermotolerant yeasts were found to have the following characteristics: constant levels of ethanol formation (10.5-12.3%, v/v), fog additions of external ethanol within the range 2-8% (v/v) of initial ethanol; constant values of product coefficients when initial ethanol was in the range of 2-6%, which increased or decreased, depending on the strain, when initial ethanol exceeded 6%; growth activity was inhibited at different levels of addition of external ethanol when final biomass and specific rate of growth were compared; significant differences among the yeast strains in the amount of external ethanol capable of reducing biomass formation by one half. In addition, the viability of the strains (early stationary phase) varied with the amount of external ethanol, the lowest viabilities occurring at concentrations of initial ethanol ranging from 4 to 7% and the highest in the range of 7 to 8% (v/v). The relative levels of trehalose (with/without 7% ethanol added initially) in the yeast strains (the stationary phase) ranged from 1.03 to 1.75, suggesting that the effect of produced ethanol on trehalose accumulation was stronger than that of external ethanol. The levels of final ethanol shown by the yeast strains were also correlated with the cellular levels of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (increase in enzyme levels with decrease in final ethanol) for cells harvested at the stationary phase.
As a chemical medium for preservation of tissues, glycerin has shown good results because it maintains the cellular integrity despite the tissue dehydration it causes. Taking advantage of the osteoinducing properties of the osseous matrix and glycerin as a proper medium for tissue preservation, osseous matrix was implanted in rat tibias. Twenty-four rats were used, each receiving two surgical wounds. In one of the wounds an osseous matrix preserved in 98% glycerin was implanted and the other received a matrix without preservatives. Six animals were sacrificed on days 10, 20, 30 and 60 post-implant. After routine histological processing, the specimens were stained in hematoxylin-eosin and Masson's trichrome. The results showed that the matrixes preserved in glycerin presented faster resorption with replacement by newly formed tissue.
The present study reports the localization of acid phosphatase in the hypopharyngeal gland cells from workers (newly-emerged, nurse and forager), queens (newly-emerged and laying) and males (newly-emerged and mature for mating) of the Brazilian stingless bee, Scaptotrigona postica. The phosphatase activity varied in intensity and localization depending on the individual class, physiological age and the substrate used. In newly-emerged workers, the phosphatase-positive sites suggest the involvement of the enzyme with cellular differentiation that occurs in the presecretory phase, in nurse workers with protein synthesis and in forager workers with changes in cellular activity or glandular regression. In males mature for mating and laying queens, the positive sites are related to secretory activity, showing that the gland maintains some activity in spite of the regressive aspect. Of the substrates used, β-glycerophosphate gave the least specific localization.
The PKC1 gene in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes protein kinase C that is known to control a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade consisting of Bck1, Mkk1 and Mkk2, and Mpk1. This cascade affects the cell wall integrity but the phenotype of Pkc1 mutants suggests additional targets which have not yet been identified. We show that a pkc1Δ mutant, as opposed to mutants in the MAP kinase cascade, displays two major defects in the control of carbon metabolism. It shows a delay in the initiation of fermentation upon addition of glucose and a defect in derepression of SUC2 gene after exhaustion of glucose from the medium. After addition of glucose the production of both ethanol and glycerol started very slowly. The V max of glucose transport dropped considerably and Northern blot analysis showed that induction of the HXT1, HXT2 and HXT4 genes was strongly reduced. Growth of the pkc1Δ mutant was absent on glycerol and poor on galactose and raffinose. Oxygen uptake was barely present. Derepression of invertase activity and SUC2 transcription upon transfer of cells from glucose to raffinose was deficient in the pkc1Δ mutant as opposed to the wild-type. Our results suggest an involvement of Pkc1p in the control of carbon metabolism which is not shared by the downstream MAP kinase cascade. © 2002 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.