168 resultados para Fratura (Engenharia)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Materiais estruturais utilizados no projeto de equipamentos e instalações industriais podem apresentar mudança de seu comportamento à fratura quando se varia a temperatura. Este tipo de comportamento caracteriza-se pela existência de uma curva de transição, onde 3 regiões ficam bem definidas: os patamares inferior e superior e a região de transição. Na região de transição, os resultados experimentais apresentam alto espalhamento e são bastante dependentes da geometria ensaiada. Para solucionar este problema, foi desenvolvido um modelo analítico experimental, que resultou na edição da norma ASTM E1921-97. O trabalho inclui um estudo da influência de diversas rotas de tratamentos térmicos aplicadas em um aço 4130 utilizado pela indústria aeronáutica, um aço de qualidade API utilizado pela indústria petrolífera e um aço da classe A516 atualmente utilizado pela indústria nacional de vasos de pressão, na microestrutura, propriedades mecânicas de tração e tenacidade à fratura. Os resultados mostraram que o aço 4130 A450, apresentou a melhor correlação entre resistência e tenacidade entre as microestruturas pesquisadas. Este comportamento deve estar associado a rota de tratamento térmico aplicada a esta condição. O tratamento de austêmpera possibilita a formação de bainita que, tradicionalmente é conhecida por apresentar elevados valores de tenacidade. O método proposto pela ASTM pode ser considerado viável para as diversas microestruturas pesquisadas ampliando a aplicação da metodologia que recomenda o ensaio apenas para aços ferríticos. No entanto, a metodologia da Curva Mestra em materiais tratados termicamente deve ser conduzida de forma a se estabelecer parâmetros que considerem as modificações microestruturais sofridas pelo material.


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Atualmente o titânio é empregado como biomaterial devido à sua biocompatibilidade e resistência à corrosão. Entretanto, íons fluoretos, freqüentemente empregados em dentifrícios bucais, podem interferir no processo de corrosão. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência de um meio fluoretado com diferentes pH nas propriedades mecânicas e na resistência à corrosão dos conjuntos implantes/componentes protéticos à base de Ti c.p., a partir dos testes de fadiga, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e dureza. Foram simulados cinco anos de uso regular de meios de higiene oral com conteúdo de 1500 ppm de NaF, com dois diferentes pH, 7,4 e 5,3, mediante imersão das amostras nesses meios durante 184 horas e também em água destilada, grupo controle. As amostras foram testadas num durômetro Micromet 2001 (500gf/30s). Os dados dos testes de dureza foram analisados pelo teste de Wilcoxon, demonstrando que as amostras sofreram influência negativa na dureza após a ação dos íons fluoreto. Entretanto, essa influência não ocorreu nos testes de fadiga realizados em uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos MTS-810, fixada a 100.000 ciclos, 15Hz e programada com força de fadiga a 150 N. Pela análise de MEV foram constatadas evidências de corrosão na superfície das amostras após ação de íons fluoretos, entretanto pelo EDS não se verificou incorporação de íons fluoretos sobre a superfície dos conjuntos. Concluiu-se que a concentração de flúor e o pH das soluções não exerceram influência nas propriedades mecânicas.


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2,25Cr-1Mo alloy steels are widely used in petrochemical plant equipments working in high temperature conditions because of their good mechanical proprieties in these conditions. Although, when exposed for a long time at high temperature, in the rage of 343 °C to 593 °C, may present the temper embrittlement phenomenon. The component named stripper of assembly converter of fluid catalytic cracking unit (UFCC) of studied plant is manufactured using this material, which is subject to temper embrittlement. The phenomenon of temper embrittlement refers to progressive lose of toughness, making the material brittle. With embrittlement, equipaments manufactured with this material are under risks to suffer brittle fracture in the cool down and start-up situations of them, which can cause catastrophic failures. By this reason, this research studies presence of temper ebrittlement phenomenon on this material. To verify the toughness of the material is conventionally used charpy V-notch test. However, this test requires the removing of samples of the material to make specimens. This fact becomes critical when talk about structural components of an equipment. So, this research also studies a non-destructive test that can be executes in-situ, known as instrumented indentation, as an alternative detection of the phenomenon at the component stripper, by comparative of the mechanical proprieties obtained by conventional tests in similar samples


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The Engineering Education in Brazil is constantly changing since its inception always aiming to meet the market demand for this type of professional. To meet this market demand, the institutions of engineering education to bring within their organizations as the new curriculum guidelines Registration System. In 2008 the Faculdade of Guaratinguetá entered its new Registration System, from series to Credit. The failure rate for each system will be the basis for understanding what the best system for this institution


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Currently, in Brazil, the quantity and quality of new types of wastes, discarded without criteria in urban areas, has been responsible for considerable impacts on public health and the environment. According to a report prepared by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), the country loses about U.S. $ 8 billion annually, due lack of waste recycling, which go directly into landfills or dumps. Among these solid wastes are waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), whose characteristics are complex, by having in its composition substances of high value-added and other health hazards which require different treatment of household waste. Aiming to fill the gap in Brazilian environmental legislation, on 02/08/2010, was sanctioned the National Policy Solid Waste (Law No. 12,305), already regulated on 23/12/2010 (Decree No 7404), whose based on the following principles:reduction of waste generation and toxicity of shared responsibility, proper planning management, social inclusion of waste pickers and sustainable production and consumption. Given the above, this work presented here, aims generally present a diagnosis of the current situation of electronic waste generated in the Faculty of Engineering, Campus Guaratinguetá, FEG / UNESP, to provide data for management and management of these waste, based on sustainability, the economic losses and minimizing environmental impacts and public health related to the flow and the improper disposal of these wastes


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To know the profile of research of each Department of Education is of utmost importance for future actions of improvements. This type of study must be made continuously of form to evaluate Departments´ trends as well as the College´s as a whole, besides stimulating the activities of research and formation of human resources of the Departments. In this work is quantified activity of orientation and research of the Departments of the College of Engineering of Guaratinguetá - UNESP, through national and international publications in periodic, congresses and supervisions of graduation works, masters, doctoral, post doctoral, and scientific initiation, in a period five years (2007 through 2012). For balance of points to the considered issues, a criterion based on the CAPES qualification of periodic has been assumed. On the basis of the results of this work, has been observed enormous differences and particularities between the seven analyzed Departments of Education. In a general way, some Departments presented good performance in the three criteria, whereas others obtained a good performance in only one of them. The Department of Materials and Technology was the only one in which 25% of the professors obtained maximum note for the publication in periodic, while in the Departments of Civil, Electric Engineering and Mechanics 75% of the professors did not reach sufficient punctuation in order to equal a publication in periodic with B2 extract


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Brazil is nowadays the greatest bet of investors for the future due to its stable economy growth. The country has grown side by side with the greatest demand for electrical energy. The international appeal for renewable sources is causing a change in the Brazilian energetic matrix, raising the amount of energy generated by thermoelectric power plants. The construction of new power plants, running on biomass, requires a crescent number of capacitated personnel to run them. The Faculdade de Engenharia de Guaratinguetá – UNESP – has a steam laboratory; witch is deactivated, which has a thermoelectric plant of small capacity. The laboratory reactivation and the return of its activities can be an important tool in order to graduate engineer able to operate on such units. This paper proposes four new experiments to be simulated on the Collage’s Energy Dep. Steam Lab when it gets back to its educational activities


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On the grounds of the great advances achieved over recent years, the process HF/ERW (High-Frequency/Electric Resistance Welding)welded pipe have played an active role in the oil and gas industry for deep water applications, at high and extremely low temperatures, under high pressure and in highly corrosive environments, gradually replacing manufactured pipes by other processes. However, studies have shown that defects in the welded joints are a the leading causes of pipelines failures, which has required the determination of toughness values in this region, in compliance with the strict recommendations of the codes and standards with manufacturers and construction companies, on the oil and gas sector. As part of the validation process required toughness values, this research project focuses on a microstructural analysis in HF / ERW tubes microalloyed, steel grade API 5CT P110, designed to explore oil and gas in deep waters, the subject of strategic relevance to the country because of the recent discoveries in the Santos mega fields: Tupi and Libra (pre-salt). In this scientific work will be presented and discussed the results of mechanical tensile and Charpy, a few CTOD tests curves (showing the trend of toughness values to be obtained), and the microstructures of the base material obtained by optical microscopy, with special emphasis on the formation of nonmetallic inclusions in the welded joint


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For engineering projects that require high reliability levels, is often not enough know only physical and chemical material properties. It’s necessary understand the failure mode of these materials in operation to ensure security level in the project and establish more stringent criteria in the analysis of structural integrity. Due to this need, aircraft industry has been using aluminum alloys in their designs and projects. “Currently more than 70% of aircraft structures are built of high strength aluminum alloys among which stand out 7075-T6 and 2024-T3 alloys, which are considered basics for being used in the new alloys development.” (PASTOUKHOV & VOORWALD, 1995). Some years ago ALCOA develops Al 2524 alloy that has emerged as refinement of Al 2024 (Al, Cu. Mg) alloy, with purpose of improve fracture toughness and fatigue resistance on structural components. The present research addresses testing of fatigue crack propagation under variable amplitude loading for Al 2024 alloy, observing the interaction effects from application of overhead blocks and plastic zone at the crack tip and makes an analysis of fracture surface images


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This work aims to show the importance of Baja SAE Project in engineering education, as well as the development of the student, being an outstanding tool for the engineering student has an education that meets the objectives of the pedagogical university and also the guidelines Ministry of Education curriculum for engineering courses. The Baja SAE Project provides the engineering students the chance to apply in practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom, to enhance their preparation for the labor market. The student becomes involved with a real case of project development, from concept design, detailed design and construction. The Baja SAE Project redefines the position of the student as an active element in the learning process engineering, leaving behind the simple condition of receiving information. Values procedures that provide students the opportunity to learn in contexts of professional practice, while offering the opportunity to contextualize the execution of a project. From an analysis to develop personal skills, Baja SAE Project has its own characteristics and essential for professional practice, however, not specific to the engineering course. For example, capacity for teamwork, communication skills written and oral, ethical behavior, critical, overview, entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, etc


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This work aims to verify and compare the efficiency of heat exchangers used in the thermal systems laboratory at Faculdade de Engenharia do Campus de Guaratinguetá - UNESP. Basically, it has been studied two types of heat exchangers: plate type, operating in parallel flow and counter-flow, shell and tube type and also operating in parallel flow and counter flow. Initially it has been presented the didactic equipment and procedures for use of these heat exchangers in the proposed experiments. With the results obtained from the experiments, comparisons were made in order to define the behavior of the heat exchangers regarding some variables. In the study, one comes to the conclusion that the results from shell and tube type of heat exchanger, used in the thermal systems lab, are superior in all conditions analyzed


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The protection and distribution systems for the electrics equipments are really important for the safety of products, process and final users, for an enterprise or even for a residence. For that, it’s necessary the utilization of low voltage switchboards for controlling the feeding of a charge, avoiding any kind of abnormality that can eventually occur. It’s necessary to pay attention in the cubicles conditions, and always verify if they are in accordance to the norms of the product, verifying also any kind of physical damage for the operator and/or users. In this line, the present graduation work analyses the low voltage switchboards in the college, checking if they are attending the actual standards, suggesting some improvements and later making a simulation of the creation of a new panel that reach all the needing in substitution of this actual, through the software Simaris. Using the research and lecture of norms and regulations for verifying the problems, this way we could register the greatest acting failures. These actions are made for becoming aware to the university about the danger in using electrics equipments without a minimum degree of protection, allowed by the law, and attempting to the urgency in changing this fails


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There is a need for ongoing evaluation of the researchers not only engineering and production in all areas of knowledge engineering. To check the quality and veracity of scientific production, the CNPq is a brazillian government agency designed to evaluate researchers, classify them and give the encouragement and incentive for their research. This study quantifies the CNPq researchers in the field of Production Engineering according to the time of operation in research, number of guidelines for masters and doctoral, number of articles in national and international journals or magazines and congresses. The classification of these researchers, according to the proposed quantification, is confronted with the level of research they have in CNPq. The researcher starts his career at level 2, after it spending levels for 1D, 1C, 1B reaches to the highest level 1A. The main conclusion to be drawn from this study is that excellent researchers with a significant number of guidelines, bitter years in the early levels because of the rules of the CNPq which only allows a researcher to achieve the highest levels after many years of research