93 resultados para Folding coadjuvant


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We can know a people through their cultural and artistic assets. One of the many aspects of Japanese culture is origami, a fusion of the verb “oru”, which means folding, with the word “kami” meaning paper. In this communication, we describe the course “Origami and Kirigami: art and culture as a recreational and educational resource”. The course aimed to present these two oriental techniques based on paper and its potential as a source of entertainment and education, at the same time seeking to introduce cultural aspects of these arts of folding and/or cutting paper. This practice is more common than we realize, and is present in our day-to-day life when we perform actions such as folding clothes and papers, and making packages, amongst others. However, few are aware of the benefits that this folding brings to the fields of Arts, Mathematics, and Science, besides its recreational characteristics. Kirigami is a mixed technique that in addition to using folds in the paper (as in origami) also uses cuts (“kiru” – meaning, “cut”). It can be performed with heavier paper than origami, and by introducing some cuts, the paper can be folded to form the desired shape. It is a simple technique, with impressive results. We conducted eight weekly meetings, each lasting four hours, totaling 32 hours of coursework. In addition to the classes, a visit was made to the Okinawa Club in Bauru (São Paulo), where it was possible for the students of the course and the elderly group (fujinkai) of origamists of the club to exchange experiences. Finally, an exhibition was organized to display the artifacts produced by the course participants and disseminate the work of the students.


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After crossing several generations and countries, broader functions are being incorporated to origami than simply making art objects: the fold initiates a series of new buildings within the design and creation. Under the new repre- sentations and performances that the art of paper folding keeps, this article aims to investigate how the origami is configured nowadays and how it behaves while contemporary language applied to projective processes of diverse natures. To better understand the actual origami, relations are used inside branch of math, conceptual and projectual. Relating theorists, artists, designers, etc., can point out the relevance of each of these areas in the configuration of cientific and projectual origami. The modularity, the collective, the conscious build, the contemporary and the inno- vation are relationships intrinsic to the praxis projectual that shape a landscape adjacent and subordinate to the main structure governing. It bets on the essence of origami as a tangible functionality for creative thinking.


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This article aims to seek new forms of creative and artistic expression origami nowadays. After crossing many generations and countries, we noted that the functions of origami are much broader than simply making folding paper: the folding has promoted a number of new buildings within the hybrid design and creativity. Modularity, the collective, the build conscious, contemporary and innovation are intrinsic relations to artistic praxis that configure an adjacent scenario and subordinate to the main structure that govern this research project. We believe in the essence of origami as a tangible functionality for creative thinking.