288 resultados para Fibras vegetais


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Different growing media were compared as to water adsorption and water loss, at Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, through a three-year period. The objective was to recommend substrates other than tree fern fiber for cultivation of epiphytic orchids. Two treatments of each substrate were used in each sampling: materials stored in laboratory (without use) and materials exposed to conditions of orchid cultivation under laths (used). Generally, the substrates without use adsorbed less water than used substrates. When materials without use were compared, the tree fern fiber retained initially the greatest quantity of water and the blocks of pressed coconut bark, the smallest. However, these blocks gained a great capacity of water adsorption after being used. Charcoal added to the growing media did not cause significant alterations in the studied characteristics. In terms of water relations, the best growing media to substitute the tree fern fiber were composed by blocks of pressed coconut bark or by mixtures of this material with charcoal or Eucalyptus grandis bark. Bark of E grandis alone or in mixture with charcoal did not give good results.


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The influence of restricting feed intake of young bulls in feedlots was evaluated in terms of structure of muscular fibers and respective areas, sampled by biopsy on the semitendinoso muscle. Sixty six crossbred Simental-Nelore bulls, 8 months old, averaging 220±34.03 kg were submited for 84 days in phase 1 (growing period), to three treatments: ad libitum (AL), restriction + whole soybean (RWS) and restriction + toasted whole soybean (RTS). The level of restriction of feed intake was 23%. Phase 2 was performed by splitting the animals in each treatment in phase 1 in two groups, feeding one with a diet containing soybeans and the other with poultry litter. The results showed that the animals AL presented more white fibers (FG), compared to the RWS and RST and a larger area of these fibers. A greater frequency of red fibers was observed in treatments RWS and RST. The conclusion was that the restriction of feed intake and consequent compensatory growth contributed for modulation of the muscular fibers increasing the frequency of the fast oxidative glycolitic (FOG) in 10.88% and decreasing of the slow oxidative (SO) and FG in 4.81 and 6.90%, respectively, with possible alteration on meat quality.


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A prestressed concrete monoblock railroad tie was designed to attend the characteristics of a Brazilian railroad track with 1,600 mm gauge and 320 kN axle load. Concrete ties specimens were manufactured without and with steel fibers in a volume fraction of 60 kg/m3 (0.76 % by volume), and three different initial prestress forces. Static and fatigue tests were carried out on the ties. Static tests showed that steel fibers increase the first crack and ultimate bending moments, increase significantly the slip force of the prestressing tendons, reduce crack width, add higher ductility to the ties and decrease the stress in the prestressing tendons. Under dynamic loading the steel fibers decreased the stress in the prestressing tendons by about 50%, which improved significantly the fatigue strength of the tie. A tie without fibers failed after only 150,000 cycles. However, a similar tie, with fibers, resisted 3,000,000 cycles without suffering fatigue failure.


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The juvenile wood has peculiar characteristics from the anatomical structure and physical-mechanical properties, considering these aspects the knowledge of the wood is essential for wood adequate utilization. The aim of this work was to determinate the zone of juvenile wood of pith-bark direction in Eucalyptus citriodora. The juvenile and mature wood zones were determined across fiber length measurement in various height in the tree stem. Results showed that juvenile wood zone occurs approximately up to the 45 at 55 mm from the pith.


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The purpose of the present research was to evaluate the effect of plant growth regulators in biomass production and essential oil yield content in lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf), in different seasons. The experiment was conducted on São Manuel Experimental Farm, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, UNESP - Botucatu. Which plants were randomly assigned into blocks to treatments with three repetitions. The treatments consisted of GA3 (50 and 100 mg L-1); Ethrel (100 and 200 mg L-1); CCC (500 and 1000 mg L-1); Alar 85 (1000 and 2000 mg L-1); Accel (20 and 40 mg 0L-1) and control. Four applications of plant growth regulators were realized every three months. After 40 days of each foliar spray, the plants were cut to determine the fresh weight and essential oil yield. The application of plant growth regulators did not increase the biomass production, showing difference among collect periods when the major production was detected at the fourth collect (summer). The greatest essential oil yield was found at the second collect (winter). In the present study, the used concentrations of plant growth regulators did not increase biomass neither essential oil yield.


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This work studied alterations of physical properties of a distroferric red nitosol due to millet (Pennisetum americanum) covering, with or without liming, in a no-tillage system during the agricultural years of 1999/2000 and 2000/2001, using soybean and corn as culture succession. 6m×10m plots, with and without millet as vegetal covering, received only one initial superficial application of limestone, 3.1 t ha-1 in the first half of each plot in order to obtain 70% base saturation (V), after the desiccation of the millet. Some physical properties as soil density, aggregate stability, > 2 mm aggregate proportion, macro and micro porosity were analyzed whereas the chemical analysis determined Ca and Mg macro nutrients, organic matter, soil pH and H+Al. Millet vegetal residues and surface liming did not alter soil density nor the average weight diameter (AWD), > 2 mm aggregate, soil macro porosity and organic matter content, twenty-four months after the no-tillage system implantation for studied experimental conditions. Soil micro porosity was significantly affected in layers deeper than 0.20 m, in treatment with millet and limestone. Calcium, magnesium and H + Al contents and the soil pH values suffered significant alterations in superficial layer, between 0-0.05 m.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different plant growth regulators on essential oil yield in Salvia officinalis L. plants. The experiment was held in a greenhouse and the experimental design was completely randomized, with 5 treatments and three replications. The Treatments consisted in the application of gibberellic acid (GA3), benzylaminopurine (BAP), 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid (ethephon), and Stimulate at 2%, compared with control plants (water). Applications of plant growth regulators were performed in three consecutive periods, in turn, 15, 25 and 35 days after transplanting of seeding germinating in the light at 25°C. The dry mass yield of the aerial part and the oil essential content were determined 131 days after the transplant. The aerial part of the plants was dried in an oven at 35°C; after dry mass determination, the oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and its volume was determined. Plants treated with GA 3 and Stimulate showed increase in essential oil content, while plants treated with BAP and ethephon showed decrease in essential oil volume when compared with the control plants.


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The present paper deals with the evaluation of morphological and morphometric alterations of slow-twist (I) and fast-twitch (II) fibers of rectus abdominis muscle of adult female dog during pregestational phase, at 30 and 60 days of pregnancy and at 30 days after the parturition. At the every phases, using the open biopsy technique, muscle samples were collected. The samples were plunged. Histological sections were cut in a microtome. For general morphology, some sections were stained with HE. Subsequent sections were reacted for myofibrillar ATPase (m-ATPase), after alkaline (pH 10.4) and acid (pH 4.4) pre-incubations, in order to identificate type I and II fibers. In the pre-gestational phase, muscle tissue revealed to be composed by fibers with different diameters, presenting polygonal outlines and one or more periphery nuclei. At 30 days of pregnancy, muscle fiber characteristics were similar. At 60 days, in addition to the existence of normal fibers, polymorphic and small diameter fibers were frequent. At 30 days after the parturation, the morphology of muscle fiber were similar to that observed in the pre-gestational phase. In the four phases, type II fiber diameters were lager than type I. The diameters of both fiber types showed a significant reduction in the 30 days phase and a significative increasing at 60 days. The expansion of the abdominal wall during the pregnancy represents a chronic stimulus, induced changes in the morphology and in the fiber type diameters.


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Plant regulators have been used successfully for early ripening and flowering control in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Hybrid). However, little information is available about the interactions between new genotypes and two plant regulators with regard to those variables. This study determined the effect of the regulators on the sucrose content, stalk production and flowering of seven sugarcane genotypes. The experiment was installed in March 2004 near Ja-, SP, Brazil A randomized complete block design was used with four blocks with a split plot treatment arrangement where the main plots were the genotypes IAC87-3396, IAC87-3410, IAC89-3124, IAC91-2195, 1AC91-5155, P088-62 and SP80-1842 and the subplots were sulfomethuron-methyl (15g i.a.·ha -1), etefon (480g i.a.·ha-1) and unsprayed control. Pol in cane was evaluated at 0, 21, 42, 63, 84, 105 and 126 days after the plant regulators application (DAA). Flowering, pith, stalk production and sucrose content were evaluated at 126 DAA. In most of the genotypes the use of plant regulators anticipated maturation in 21 days when compared with the unsprayed control. Etefon was more efficient for harvesting sugarcane between 42-84 DAA, whereas sulfomethuron-methyl was between 105 and 126 DDA. Both products controlled flowering. For most genotypes, the ripeners did not affect the productivity of stalks, except for sulfomethuron-methyl that reduced it in SP80-1842, and for ethephon that increased it in IAC91-2195. Sugar productivity of IAC89-3124 increased with both regulators, while it was higher in IAC91-2195 with ethephon application and lower in SP80-1842 with sulfomethuron-methyl use.


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The objective of this study was to conduct an inventory of food plants cultivated and collected from the native and ruderal vegetation in the Atlantic Forest region by the rural population residing in the Santa Virginia Nucleus of the Serra do Mar State Park (Puruba and Guaricanga neighborhoods) and surroundings (Vargem Grande neighborhood). The 23 interviewees were sampled to meet the following criteria: originating from the rural area of the municipalities where the Nucleus is located; more than 45 years old; close familiarity with working the land. A total of 146 botanical species were identified, distributed among 43 botanical families, with the families Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae being the most represented and basically horticultural. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Pielou evenness were 1.90 (base 10) and 0.95, respectively, for the group residing in the Nucleus and 1.97 and 0.92 for the population located in the area surrounding the Nucleus. The two groups of neighborhoods presented similarity regarding the food plants cited (75%), and about 17% of the plants cited are native to the Atlantic Forest. We found significant richness and variety of species cultivated in the yards and fields which serve to complement the diet, which is composed mainly of items purchased at local businesses. The rural communities studied revealed themselves to be an important germplasm conservation system for cultivated plants, with 96 ethnovarieties identified for 12 botanical species, most of which are kept in the communities.


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This study aims to investigate if plant resources are effective used by caiçaras' communities of the Cardoso Island. We also want to verify if the biogeografic origin of plants, their uses and socioeconomic factors influence the locals' knowledge. We carried out 51 semi-structured interviews with people who have been living there for at least 5 years, who were older than 18. We concluded that the interviewees' knowledge is still diverse and that most of the plants known are used by them (82%). Native plants are largely known, while the exotic ones are the most used (95%). Knowledge and use vary according to the use of plants, although they were very similar, considering the interviewees' age and gender. We also realized that housewives use a large quantity of medicinal plants, which are mainly the exotic ones. Fishermen know and use native plants, usually for handicraft purposes. The environmental guides and people, whose job is tourism related, have a similar knowledge, especially about medicinal plants, which are less used when compared with the other professional activities.


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The objective of this work was to study the morphological and physiological characteristics of the wheat flag leaf as affected by increasing sowing densities and plant growth regulators application. The experimental design was a split-plot with completely randomized blocks and four replications. Plots were consisted by four sowing densities (30, 50 70 and 90 plants m-1) and the split-plots by plant growth regulators: a product composed by auxin+gebberellin+cytokinin (Ax+GA+CK), Trinexapac-Ethyl e (Ax+GA+CK) + Trinexapac-Ethyl, and a control without application. Dry mass accumulation, plant height, morphological characteristics, SPAD index, nitrogen and photosynthetic pigments contents in the flag leaf were determined. The increase in the sowing density resulted in lower dry mass accumulation and SPAD index of the flag leaves. Trinexapac-Ethyl caused increase in the SPAD index, but the chlorophyll content of the flag leaf was reduced. The SPAD index values were more correlated with the nitrogen than the chlorophyll contents. Ax+GA+CK did not affect flag leaf characteristics in wheat plants.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Potassium, like nitrogen, it constitutes an essential element for growth, development and production of cotton crops. Moreover, these elements are directly related to fiber formation and when provided in suitable doses, influences its quality. The aim of the experiments was to evaluate the influence of potassium on biometric parameters, yield and quality of cotton fibers. For this purpose, plants of the cultivar Delta opal were grown in a greenhouse with altered potassium fertilization, simulating K deficiency and two overdoses. During the different phenological stages, biometric variables were analyzed including the production of fibers and their qualitative parameters. The sub-dose and the overdoses treatments of K, changed all the evaluated parameters, demonstrating the importance of potassium fertilizer on them.


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The present work aimed to quantify the fatty acids in total lipids of Nile tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus) fed with different sources of vegetable oils mechanically extracted. Were used 320 tilapias (O. niloticus) with average initial weight and average total initial length of 2.55±0.57 g and 5.59±0.43 cm, respectively, fed for a period of 60 days, in a randomized block design with eight treatments and four replications. The diets were prepared with 320 g/kg crude protein and 3.500 kcal of digestible energy per kg of feed enriched with eight different oils: sunflower, canola, sesame, linseed, peanut, Para's nut soy and macadamia, with an addition of 4%. Among the major fatty acids the oleic, palmitic, linolenic and linoleic were obtained in higher concentration (mg/g of LT) in fish from all treatments. The sums of polyunsaturated fatty acids after 60 days of cultivation had increased in all treatments compared to the 30 days of the experiment. This is due to the addition of oils with high contents of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids. The fatty acids in the carcass are a reflection of the energy source of oil used. As a conclusion it is recommended the use of linseed oil in the diet of tilapia fingerlings due to great improvement in the relationship between n-6/n-3.