359 resultados para Entomology.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
An analysis of scientific bibliographic productivity using the Hirsch h-index, information from the Institute of Scientific Information database and the Curriculum Lattes (CNPq, Brazil) was performed at the Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (FFCLRP-USP) that has four departments in natural, biological and social sciences. Bibliometric evaluations of undergraduate programs showed a better performance of the departments of Chemistry (P < 0.001) and Biology (P < 0.001) when compared to the departments of Physics and Mathematics and Psychology and Education. We also analyzed the scientific output of the six graduate programs of FFCLRP: Psychology, Psychobiology, Chemistry, Physics Applied to Medicine and Biology, Comparative Biology, and Entomology. The graduate program in Psychology presented a lower h-index (P < 0.001) and had fewer papers indexed by the ISI web of science (P < 0.001) when compared to the other graduate programs. The poorer performance of the Psychology program may be associated with the limited coverage by the Thompson Institute of Scientific Information database.
Many species of bark and ambrosia beetles use host volatiles as cues for breeding site location. In a study where the objectives were to identify the different volatiles released by Pinus taeda L. billets as they age, to determine the arrival sequence of scolytids (Colcoptera: Scolytidae), and to correlate volatile emission by the billets with beetle catches, 25 species of scolytids were trapped. Bark beetles were more attracted to the billets in the beginning of the period. whereas ambrosia beetles arrived later. Among the bark beetles, Dendroctonus terebrans (Olivier) was significantly more attracted during the Ist 3 wk after tree felling, Hylastes tenuis Eichhoff in the Ist 2 wk. Pityophtorus pulicarius (Zimmermann) in weeks 2 and 3, and Ips grandicollis (Eichhoff) was more attracted on weeks 3 and 4. Among the ambrosia beetles, Xyleborinus saxeseni (Ratzeburg) was more attracted to billets during weeks 4-6, whereas Xyleborus pubescens Zimmermann and Xyleborus californicus Wood were more attracted during week 6. The billets showed marked decline in attractiveness to all scolytids after 8 wk. Volatiles collected during the beetle trapping periods included 15 hydrocarbon monoterpenes, 18 oxygenated monoterpenes, 4-allylanisole, and ethanol. The hydrocarbon monoterpenes and 4-allylanisole decreased sharply over time, but oxygenated monoterpenes and ethanol increased up to weeks 4-6, after which they also decreased. Good correlations between certain billet volatiles and catches for some beetle species were obtained, but their biological significance could not be determined.
Espécies de artrópodos entomófagos foram coletadas e identificadas nos genótipos sorgo AF-28, IAC-83/75-5-1-6, TX-2536, BR-300, IPA-201 e SAR, no Município de Selvíria, MS. Foram conduzidos três experimentos em campo, com os genótipos sendo semeados em 03/1988, 10/1988 e 02/1989, respectivamente. Para contagem dos artrópodos entomófagos, no início do florescimento foram marcadas 560 panículas por genótipo. Após esse momento, diariamente e durante 14 dias seguidos, foram coletadas 40 panículas por genótipo (10 por parcela). Nas coletas foram utilizados sacos plásticos com 10 litros de capacidade para envolver as panículas e capturar os artrópodos presentes. As panículas coletadas foram levadas para o Laboratório de Entomologia da Faculdade de Engenharia/UNESP, Campus de Ilha Solteira, SP, para separação, contagem e identificação dos artrópodos. Nas panículas provenientes da semeadura da seca coletou-se, em média, maior número de artrópodos entomófagos em relação à semeadura das águas. Dos artrópodos entomófagos coletados, as aranhas apresentaram maior número de espécies e, desses, a tecelã Alpaida veniliae (Keys.), a aranha corredora noturna Cheiracanthium inclusum (Blackwall), e a caçadora de emboscada, Misumenops pallidus (Keys.), foram as mais abundantes. O genótipo de sorgo IPA-201 comportou-se como o mais atrativo ao percevejo Orius sp. e à tesourinha Doru lineare (Eschs.), enquanto que o IAC-83/75-5-1-6 foi medianamente atrativo a D. lineare. As aranhas foram coletadas em maior número nos genótipos BR-300 e SART.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The pattern of larval interaction in blowflies confined with Chrysomya albiceps Wied. and C. rufifacies Maquart can be changed in response to the predatory behaviour of the two species to a contest-type process instead of the scramble competition that usually occurs in blowflies. Facultative predation is a frequent behaviour in C. albiceps and C. rufifacies that occurs as an alternative food source during the larval stage. In this study, we investigated the dynamics of intraguild predation by C. albiceps on other fly species in order to analyse interspecific and intraspecific survival in C. albiceps, C. megacephala and C macellaria Fabricius. The experimental design of the study allowed us to evaluate how factors such as species, density and abundance of food influenced the survival of the calliphorid species. When C albiceps was confined with C megacephala or C macellaria, only adults of C albiceps survived at different larval densities and abundance of food. In addition, the survival of C albiceps was higher in two-species experiments when compared to single species experiments. The implications of these results for the dynamics of C albiceps were discussed.
The influence of food abundance, larval density and interspecific interactions on the survival and body size of Chrysomya albiceps, Chrysomya megacephala and Cochliomyia macellaria was investigated in pure and mixed cultures, to determine the impact of competition and/or facultative predation on native and introduced blowfly species in South America. In mixed cultures there was complete elimination of C. megacephala and C. macellaria. Chrysomya albiceps exhibited higher survival in mixed compared to pure cultures, suggesting that predation offers more advantages than competition for food. Body size of C. albiceps was significantly affected by food scarcity in pure cultures. However, tibia size in males of all species suffered no significant variation as a function of food scarcity. The implications of these results for population dynamics of introduced and native blowfly species are discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
We investigated whether or not different degrees of refuge for prey influence the characteristic of functional response exhibited by the spider Nesticodes rufipes on Musca domestica, comparing the inherent ability of N. rufipes to kill individual houseflies in such environments at two distinct time intervals. To investigate these questions, two artificial habitats were elaborated in the laboratory. For 168 h of predator-prey interaction, logistic regression analyses revealed a type 11 functional response, and a significant decrease in prey capture in the highest prey density was observed when habitat complexity was increased. Data from habitat 1 (less complex) presented a greater coefficient of determination than those from habitat 2 (more complex), indicating a higher variation of predation of the latter. For a 24 h period of predator-prey interaction, spiders killed significantly fewer prey in habitat 2 than in habitat 1. Although prey capture did not enable data to fit properly in the random predator equation in this case, predation data from habitat 2 presented a higher variation than data from habitat 1, corroborating results from 168 h of interaction. The high variability observed on data from habitat 2 (more complex habitat) is an interesting result because it reinforces the importance of refuge in promoting spatial heterogeneity, which can affect the extent of predator-prey interactions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Diatraea saccharalis F. is one of the greatest pests of the sugar cane culture. This report aimed to characterize the germanium region of the sugarcane borer by light and transmission electron microscopy, emphasizing the morphological steps of the ovarian cluster formation. In the germanium of this insect, four zones could be morphologically identified during the cluster formation. In the most apical end of each ovariole - Zone I - the germ line stem cells undergo complete mitotic division, originating the cystoblasts. In the Zone II, each cystoblast produces a group of eight cells, the cystocytes, which are interconnected by the ring canals. Clusters containing all the cystocytes in the meiosis, characterizes the Zone III. Germ cells with ultrastructural features of apoptosis are also detected in this Zone. In the Zone IV the cystocytes differentiate, morphologically, into one oocyte and seven nurse cells. Interstitial somatic cells and pre-follicle cells exhibit, in their cytoplasm, heterogeneous vacuoles containing degenerated cellular fragments, characterized as apoptotic bodies. Our results pointed out to the morphological evidences related with important control mechanisms for new clusters/follicles production and for the cellular arrangement into the germanium, resulting from the programmed cell death. We believe that the morphological characterization of ovarian cluster formation in D. saccharalis provided valuable information for the understanding of the initial steps of oogenesis and contributed for the knowledge of the cellular mechanisms related with the oocyte production and with reproduction in insects.
Two groups of mice were infested with first stage larvae of the human bot-fly, Dermatobia hominis (Linnaeus Jr) (Diptera: Oestridae). In the first group, skin biopsies were carried out 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 18 days after infestation. The second group was also infested but had all the larvae removed 5 days after infestation. The mice in the latter group were reinfested 4 weeks later and skin biopsies were carried out 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 18 days after reinfestation. In the first group, an inflammatory reaction began slowly, the neutrophils being the main inflammatory cells, eosinophils being scarce. The reaction progressed with time, developing a necrotic halo around the larvae containing inflammatory cells surrounded by fibroblasts. The inflammation invaded the adjacent tissue. In the second group, the inflammatory reaction was intense on the day immediately after reinfestation, the pattern being changed by the presence of a large number of eosinophils. Activated fibroblasts surrounding the necrotic area around the larvae appeared 3 days after reinfestation in the second group and 7 days after infestation in the first group. The results demonstrated that the previous contact with the antigens elicited the early arrival of eosinophils, probably through the chemotactic factors liberated by mast cells in the anaphylactic reaction.
A larva de Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius (broca-da-cana) tem grande interesse econômico, pois afeta o cultivo e aproveitamento industrial da cana-de-açúcar. Entretanto, poucos são os estudos sobre a morfologia interna desse inseto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar, morfometricamente, o seu epitélio intestinal, ao longo de seu comprimento, visando caracterizar regiões estruturalmente diferentes. O intestino médio de larvas no último instar foi subdividido em três regiões: proximal, mediana e distal e os fragmentos foram processados para observação em microscopia de luz. Os cortes histológicos foram analisados em sistema computadorizado de análise de imagens para medir comprimento, largura e área do epitélio, das diferentes células epiteliais, dos seus respectivos núcleos e do lúmen intestinal. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste estatístico de Kruskal-Wallis e à análise multivariada. Nossos resultados mostraram que o intestino médio apresentou-se constituído, morfometricamente, por duas diferentes regiões, proximal e distal; a região mediana apresentou valores coincidentes tanto com a região proximal quanto com a distal, sugerindo ser região intermediária. As células epiteliais (colunares, caliciformes e regenerativas), quando avaliadas pela análise estatística multivariada, não apresentaram diferença morfométrica nas diferentes regiões do intestino médio. Entretanto, a análise de variância, realizada para variáveis isoladas, mostrou que as células regenerativas apresentaram maior variabilidade morfométrica.
Morphological study of the hindgut in larvae of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
A lagarta da soja (Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner) tem grande interesse econômico, pois afeta significativamente a cultura da soja em todo o mundo. Este trabalho descreve a morfologia do intestino posterior de larvas de A. gemmatalis, com ênfase nos seus aspectos histológicos. O intestino posterior é constituído por regiões morfologicamente distintas, identificadas como piloro, íleo, cólon e reto. Independente da região, a parede do intestino posterior é constituída por fina cutícula, epitélio simples e camada muscular. A íntima cuticular apresenta espículas no anel intersticial posterior, entre o intestino médio e o posterior, e na região posterior do piloro. A musculatura do reto é formada por camada única de largas fibras circulares, diferindo das demais regiões do intestino posterior que apresentam duas camadas de fibras musculares. As extremidades distais dos túbulos de Malpighi atravessam as paredes do reto, constituindo o sistema criptonefridial característico de Lepidoptera.