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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Estudou-se a anatomia de escapos, folhas e brácteas de 24 espécimes de Syngonanthus sect. Eulepis, que ocorrem nos campos rupestres do Brasil. Os escapos apresentam número variado de costelas, epiderme unisseriada, com células de paredes totalmente espessadas; córtex com esclerênquima e parênquima clorofiliano alternados; endoderme contínua ou descontínua; periciclo estrelado; feixes vasculares colaterais; medula com células de paredes finas ou espessadas. As folhas e as brácteas apresentam epiderme com células de paredes total ou parcialmente espessadas, estômatos na face abaxial, margem com parênquima clorofiliano ou esclerênquima; mesofilo com hipoderme constituída de esclerênquima ou parênquima aqüífero, feixes vasculares colaterais envolvidos externamente pela endoderme e internamente pelo periciclo. Escapos, folhas e brácteas de Syngonanthus sect. Eulepis apresentam células com paredes espessadas e grande quantidade de esclerênquima, provavelmente como resposta adaptativa dessas plantas ao vento e à radiação excessiva comum nos campos rupestres. Epiderme com células de paredes espessadas, estômatos com câmara subestomática não especializada, presença de hipoderme, esclerênquima, e parênquima clorofiliano compacto, caracterizam anatomicamente escapos, folhas e brácteas de Syngonanthus sect. Eulepis. No geral, os caracteres anatômicos não são consistentes para separar os táxons dentro da seção.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As folhas de Theobroma grandiflorum Schum. são morfologicamente descritas. A espécie apresenta elementos histológicos comuns para a família, destacando-se tipos de tricomas, estômatos e contornos das células epidérmicas em visão frontal. Empregou-se microscopia eletrônica de varredura para a caracterização de segmentos foliares jovens, em que ficou evidenciada a presença de tricomas estrelados nas superfícies adaxial e abaxial dos mesmos. As folhas de cupuaçu são hipoestomáticas com número elevado de estômatos anomocíticos. As nervuras principais apresentaram-se desprovidas de tricomas, com estômatos esparsamente distribuídos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A análise morfométrica da melanina tecidual pode subsidiar quantitativamente a pesquisa em discromias. Os autores demonstram três técnicas de análise de imagem digital que permitem a identificação dos pixels equivalentes à melanina na epiderme pela coloração de Fontana-Masson, possibilitando o cálculo da sua porcentagem nas diferentes camadas da epiderme, e discutem os principais elementos relacionados à análise e a necessidade de rigorosa padronização do processo.


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Neste trabalho quantificaram-se as principais alterações histológicas ocorridas em cultivares de capim-elefante (Pennisetumpurpureum Schumach.), em três estádios de desenvolvimento. A degradação dos tecidos foi avaliada após incubação em líquido ruminal de bovinos. As porcentagens de tecidos presentes em colmo, quilha, limbo e bainha foliares foram determinadas. A quilha e o colmo apresentaram maior proporção de tecido lignificado, enquanto o limbo foliar, maior quantidade de tecido epidérmico e tecido vascular não-lignificado. O tecido parenquimático foi encontrado em menor proporção na bainha foliar, principalmente pela presença do aerênquima, a partir da segunda coleta. A proporção de tecido lignificado aumentou com a maturidade do vegetal, sendo mais acentuado em colmos e limbos. Entre as principais alterações, destaca-se a grande área de degradação encontrada na bainha foliar, mesmo com o envelhecimento dos tecidos. Isto foi associado à presença do aerênquima encontrado nos estádios de desenvolvimento mais avançados. Os estômatos favoreceram a penetração dos microorganismos nos tecidos mais internos da folha (mesofilo). O espessamento e a lignificação da parede celular ocorreram com o envelhecimento das plantas, acompanhado de redução na área de degradação dos tecidos.


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Mature leaves of eight species of Xyris were prepared by standard methods for electron transmission microscopy. Wartlike intercellular pectic protuberances were observed on the surface of inner periclinal walls of epidermal cells in Xyris obcordata, Xyris hymenachne, and Xyris pterygoblephara. In the latter, the protuberances also occur on the surface of parenchymatic mesophyll cells; they frequently project into intercellular spaces and may connect opposing cells. For the genus Xyris, the intercellular pectic protuberances may be considered taxonomically significant at the species level.


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In the present work features of tick-bite lesions were evaluated in capybaras naturally infested with Amblyomma cajennense and Amblyomma dubitatum ticks. Gross appearance of tick bite site was characterized by a mild swelling and erythema. Microscopic examination revealed the cement cone, a tube-like homogenous eosinophilic mass penetrating deep into the dermis. This structure was surrounded in the dermis by a cellular infiltrate and free eosinophilic granules and was associated to edema of variable intensity. Necrosis was a common feature deep in the dermis particularly at the far end of the eosinophilic tube. Hyperplasia, cellular edema and occasionally necrosis of keratinocytes could be seen at both sides of the ruptured epidermis. Cellular infiltrate was constituted overwhelmingly by polymorphonuclear leukocytes with eosinophilic granules. In capybaras cells with such features can be either eosinophils or heterophils (pseudoeosinophils), the latter being the equivalent of neutrophils of other mammals. Ultrastructural analysis of the cellular infiltrate revealed the predominance of heterophils over eosinophils. Mononuclear cells and mast cells and, in lesser numbers, basophils were also seen at skin attachment sites. The presence of heterophils in the reaction of capybaras against Amblyomma ticks is an outstanding feature but its role in the reaction to the tick is not known. It is however speculated that capybara heterophils might be associated with a more permissive environment for tick feeding and pathogen transmission as already shown for the equivalent cell type, the neutrophil, in the reaction of the dog against the Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick.


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The mechanisms that regulate the gradual exit of ovarian follicles from the non-growing, primordial pool are very poorly understood. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of adding indole acetic acid (IAA), epidermal growth factor (EGF) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to the media for in vitro culture of ovine ovarian fragments and determine their effects on growth activation and viability of preantral follicles. The ovarian cortex was divided into small fragments; one fragment was immediately fixed in Bouin (control). The other fragments were cultured for 2 or 6 days in culture plates with: minimum essential medium (MEM) supplemented with insulin-transferrin-selenium (ITS), pyruvate, glutamine, hypoxantine, bovine serum albumine and antibiotics (MEM+); MEM+ plus IAA (40 ng/mL); MEM+ plus EGF (100 ng/mL); MEM+ plus FSH (100 ng/mL); MEM+ plus IAA + EGF; MEM+ plus IAA + FSH; MEM+ plus EGF + FSH; or MEM+ plus IAA + EGF + FSH. After 2 or 6 days of culture in each treatment, the pieces of ovarian cortex were fixed in Bonin for histological examination. Follicles were classified as primordial or developing (primary and secondary) follicles. Compared to the control, in all media tested, the percentages of primordial follicles were reduced (P < 0.05) and the percentages of developing follicles were increased (P < 0.05) after 2 or 6 days of culture. Furthermore, culture of ovarian cortex for 6 days reduced the percentages of healthy, viable follicles when compared with the control (P < 0.05), except for cultures supplemented with IAA + EGF and EGF + FSH. In conclusion, the addition of IAA and EGF or EGF and FSH to the culture media were the most effective treatments to sustain the health and viability of activated ovine primordial follicles during in vitro culture. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Flowering phenology, breeding system and nectary structure of Corymborkis flava (Sw.) Kuntze were studied in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil. The flowering period extended from March (end of rainy season) to early June and seed dispersal occurred from June to September (dry season). Flowering peak occurred mainly in April, with up to 34 open flowers per plant being observed. The yellow, odourless and tubular flowers lasted similar to 7.8 days. The flowers present a perigonal nectary located in the basal lateral parts of the labellum; this is the first report on the nectary location and characterisation in the Tropidieae tribe. At the pre-anthesis stage, cells of both secretory parenchyma and epidermis of the nectary are filled with compound amyloplasts. However, starch grains were not observed in these tissues in senescent flowers, indicating that these starch grains are hydrolysed and used as source of sugars for nectar production. The nectar accumulates between the cuticle and the outer periclinal wall of the epidermal cells before. owing out into the nectar chamber. C. flava is a self-compatible species and spontaneous self-pollination does not occur because of hercogamy. The high pollinia removal (0.80) and insertion (0.82) per flower, as well as the high natural fruit-set indicate an efficient natural pollination system. The present study contributes for the knowledge of the diversity of reproductive strategies and nectary structures in Orchidaceae.


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Papain is a proteolytic enzyme with restricted applications due to its limited stability. Cyclodextrins are widely used in pharmaceutical formulations once they are able to form complexes with other molecules, improving their stability and bioavailability. The purpose of the present paper was to analyze complexes formed by papain/hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin and papain/beta-cyclodextrin by thermal analysis and cytotoxicity tests to verify their possible interactions and toxicological behavior. Complex solutions were prepared at different molar ratios and collected as a function of time to be lyophilized and analyzed. Results showed changes in endothermic events and cytotoxicity profiles. A complex formation for both complexes is observed; nevertheless, beta-cyclodextrin was able to change the enzyme characteristics more efficiently.