171 resultados para Differenzial Imaging, Principal Component Analysis, esopianeti, SPHERE, IFS


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The developmental phases of giant cells induced by root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne exigua) in rubber plant (Hevea brasiliensis) root were studied in relation to its number and size evaluated in eight sample dates. The results were subject to cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Sample dates were clearly distinct regarding giant cell development. As a result, the nematode infestation cycle was characterized by the following sequential phases: initial, equilibrium, choice and final.


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Constrictotermes cyphergaster builds arboreal nests in Cerrado sensu stricto of Brazil; inquiline termites and termitophiles frequently inhabit their nests. Measurements of the nests and the support trees (nest width and diameter; tree trunk circumference and inclination), colony size of C. cyphergaster and of Inquilinitermes and number of termitophiles were studied at the Parque Estadual da Serra de Caldas Novas. These variables were subjected to a Principal Component Analysis, producing four principal components. The first principal component refers to a multidimensional axis of nest size, encompassing variables related to nest and colony size, such as abundance per caste of C. cyphergaster and I. microcerus, number of termitophile species and the measurements of the nest. The number of soldiers and workers of C. cyphergaster and soldiers of Inquilinitermes increased proportionally to the axis of nest size, while the number of Inquilinitermes workers increased more quickly then the increase in the nest size. Both Inquilinitermes occurred mainly in larger nests. Almost half of the nests (47,5%) were inhabited by I. microcerus and 10% by I. fur.


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Four perylene derivatives (PTCD) have been used as transducing materials in taste sensors fabricated with nanostructured Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films deposited onto interdigitated gold electrodes. The Langmuir monolayers of PTCDs display considerable collapse pressures, with areas per molecule indicative of an edge-on or head-on arrangement for the molecules at the air/water interface. The sensing units for the electronic tongue were produced from 5-layer LB films of the four PTCDs, whose electrical response was characterized with impedance spectroscopy. The distinct responses of the PTCDs, attributed to differences in their molecular structures, allowed one to obtain a finger printing system that was able to distinguish tastes (salty, sweet, bitter and sour) at 1 μM concentrations, which, in some cases, are three orders of magnitude below the human threshold. Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) data analysis, the electronic tongue also detected trace amounts of a pesticide and could distinguish among samples of ultrapure, distilled and tap water, and two brands of mineral water. © 2004 by American Scientific Publishers. All rights reserved.


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The interaction between humic substances and poly(o-ethoxyaniline) (POEA), a conducting polymer, was investigated for both solution and self-assembled films. The results have shown that the humic substances induce a doping of POEA by protonation, as indicated by UV-Vis and Raman spectroscopies. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies on the self-assembled films have shown that the average roughness of the polymer film has increased after exposing it to humic substances (fulvic and humic acids), consistent with the interaction between POEA and humic substances. However, this change in morphology is reversible by washing the films with water in agreement with the electrical data allowing using this system in sensor applications. Here, the sensor formed by an array of different sensing units was able to detect and distinguish humic substances in aqueous solution, as shown by multivariate analysis (principal component analysis). The motivation to detect humic substance comes due to its importance in terms of quality control of water or soil. ©2005 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Structural health monitoring (SHM) is related to the ability of monitoring the state and deciding the level of damage or deterioration within aerospace, civil and mechanical systems. In this sense, this paper deals with the application of a two-step auto-regressive and auto-regressive with exogenous inputs (AR-ARX) model for linear prediction of damage diagnosis in structural systems. This damage detection algorithm is based on the. monitoring of residual error as damage-sensitive indexes, obtained through vibration response measurements. In complex structures there are. many positions under observation and a large amount of data to be handed, making difficult the visualization of the signals. This paper also investigates data compression by using principal component analysis. In order to establish a threshold value, a fuzzy c-means clustering is taken to quantify the damage-sensitive index in an unsupervised learning mode. Tests are made in a benchmark problem, as proposed by IASC-ASCE with different damage patterns. The diagnosis that was obtained showed high correlation with the actual integrity state of the structure. Copyright © 2007 by ABCM.


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The study was carried out at the UNESP Rio Claro campus (SP), where biotests consisting of simulated ant attacks were performed in colonies of Mischocyttarus cerberus. The behaviors of the wasps were recorded with a camcorder, for further analysis. This analysis was done using the Mann-Whitney U test and the Principal Component Analysis. In the pre-emergence development stage, colonies with a single foundress defend the nest only after the first larvae appear. When there are only eggs in the nest, the wasp abandons the nest. Before leaving, the wasp rubs its gaster against the nest, releasing the ant repellent secretion. When the nest contains larvae or larvae and pupae, the foundress defends the colony, vibrating its wings, pumping her abdomen and biting the ant.


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Forest roads are frequently pointed as source of environmental problems related to erosion and they also influence harvest cost due to maintenance operations. Roads not well designed are sources of hydrological problems on catchments and the current attention to sustainability of forest exploration projects point out to the need of diagnostics tools for guiding the redesign of the road system. At this study, runoff hydrological indicators for forest road segments were assessed in order to identify critical points of erosion and water concentration on soils. A road network of a forest production area was divided into 252 road segments that were used as observations of four variables: mean terrain slope, main segment slope, LS factor and topographic index. The data analysis was based on descriptive statistics for outliers' identification, principal component analysis and for variability study between variables and between observations, and cluster analysis for similar segments groups' identification. The results allowed classifying roads segments into five mains road types: road on the ridge, on the valley, on the slopes, on the slopes but in a contour line and on the steepest slope. The indicators were able to highlight the most critical segments that differ of others and are potential sources of erosion and water accumulation problems on forest roads. The principal component analysis showed two main variability sources related to terrain topographic characteristics and also road design, showing that indicators represent well those elements. The methodology seems to be appropriated for identification of critical road segments that need to be redesigned and also for road network planning at new forest exploration projects.


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The evaluation of diversity in germplasm collections is important for both plant breeders and germplasm curators to optimize the use of the variability available. Diversity can be estimated by different genetic markers. The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic divergence of 30 morphological and agronomic traits in 108 sesame genotypes by multivariate analysis. The Cole-Rodgers index was used to establish the dissimilarity matrices. The principal component analysis identified the traits that contributed most to the divergence and the genotypes were clustered by Tocher's optimization. Despite the narrow genetic basis, the markers were efficient to characterize the genotypes and identify the most similar groups or duplicate and divergent genotypes. Greatest variation was found for the traits number of capsules per plant and grain yield.


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In this work, humic substances were extracted from water samples collected monthly from the Negro River basin in the Amazon state (Brazil) to study their properties in the Amazonian environment and interactions with the mercury ion considering the influence of seasonalness in this formation. The C/H, C/N and C/O atomic ratio parameters, functional groups, concentration of semiquinone-type free radicals, pH, pluviometric and fluviometric indices, and mercury concentrations were interpreted using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). The statistical analyses showed that when the pluviometric index was greater and the fluviometric index was smaller, the degree of humification of aquatic substances was greater. The following decreasing order of the degree of humification of the AHS collected monthly was established: Nov/02 to Feb/03 > Mar/02 to May/02 > Jun/02 to Oct/02. The greatest concentrations of mercury were detected in more humidified samples. These results suggest that due to inter and/or intra-molecular rearrangements, the degree of humification of aquatic humic substances is related to its affinity for Hg(II) ions. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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Three small rivers belonging to the Rio das Pedras basin, located in the mid-southern region of Paraná state, were studied in order to evaluate the seasonal variation pattern of some physical and chemical parameters. Monthly samplings were carried out from April 2004 to March 2005. The following limnological parameters were measured: water temperature, specific conductance, oxygen saturation, pH, turbidity, current velocity and depth. The waters of the Rio das Pedras basin presented very peculiar characteristics, showing typical seasonal patterns for some of the studied limnological variables. An Analysis of Variance (Anova) showed significant differences only for pH and depth among streams. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed a weak tendency to form groups based on seasons instead of sampling sites. The results, in general, indicate that temporal variations of the environmental parameters analyzed were not sufficient to draw a clear seasonal pattern in the Rio das Pedras basin. Most likely, the lack of an obvious seasonal pattern has been provoked by a particular regional precipitation regime, where rains are frequent and well-distributed throughout the year.


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The aim of this paper is to verify the correlation between environmental indicators and behaviors expressed by laying hens kept in cages. The birds react to a severe environment through their behaviors, end the behaviors can be monitored to identify the birds' welfare conditions. The behaviors birds display ere the result of stress caused by the combination of environmental temperature, relative humidity, radiant heat, and air speed (environmental temperature being the most important). In order to check the influence of the environment, an experiment was carried out on a commercial poultry farm, located in the city of Bastos. The study was initiated in March 2007, during four non-consecutive weeks. The birds' behaviors were recorded using video, by cameras installed in the cages. The birds behaviors were identified and noted for the frequency of occurrence for each bird, and the average duration of each behavior (in seconds), using video samples of 15 minutes recorded from 1 PM to 4 PM. The environmental variables collected were: air temperature, concentration of ammonia, relative air humidity, velocity of the air, noise, roof temperature, and light intensity. The observed behaviors were: opening wings, stretching, threatening, ruffling feathers, drinking water, aggressive pecking, eating, running, lying down, stretching head out of the cage, preening, mounting and prostrating. Principal Components Analysis was used to determine associations between the behavior variables and environmental variables described above. In this experiment, there were no significant correlations between behavioral variables and environmental variables.


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The objective of this work was to verify the application of cluster analysis to evaluate soil erosion risk for different soil classes, soil slopes and soil managements. The study was conducted in a 33 ha section of a large field located in Carmo do Rio Claro County, MG, Brazil. The field had been managed in a corn/bean rotation under conventional tillage and under coffee plantation for seven years, both under sprinkle irrigation. Soil samples were obtained at every 10 m at 0.20 m depth along a transect of 1050 m. Soil erosion risk (A), natural potential erosion (PN), and erosion expectation (EE) were determined and submitted to a cluster and principal component analysis. The application of clustering analysis showed high correlation between the clusters and soil types. With clustering analysis plus principal components analysis, it was possible to identify groups of high and low soil erosion expectation, showing that the areas with higher soil erosion expectation are correlated to the soil class, soil slope and soil management. Among the studied variables, the natural potential erosion (PN) showed to be the most important factor to identify different soil erosion groups. The cluster analysis showed that 98% of the variables were classified within each group, and that they should be managed differently due to the soil erosive potential of each group,.


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The aim of this work is to describe the behavior of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) grown for nine years under organic management systems in full sun and shaded by banana trees (Musa sp.) and Erythrina verna Vell., in Valença, RJ. We performed a joint evaluation of vegetative characteristics, nutritional content and yield, with the aid of a principal component analysis. Twelve treatments were arranged in a randomized block design with four replications in a split plot. The plots evaluated farming systems in full sun and shade, and the subplots consisted of the following varieties of coffee: Tupi IAC 1669-33, MG 6851, IAC 3282 Icatu, Catucaí 2SL, Obatã IAC 1669-20; lineage IAC IAC 144. After five years we assessed the following variables, height, stem and canopy diameter, leaf area, number of branches, number of nodes per branch, number of leaves present, the distance between nodes, the percentage of green,ripe and dried fruit, number of dead plants, number of plants with death of the apical bud, coffee yield, and foliar concentrations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg. A multivariate analysis efficiently discriminates the variables in full sun and shaded cropping systems. Shading increases the percentage of green fruit, leaf area, height, diameter, distance between nodes, number of leaves on the branches, number of branches and leaf N content, but does not reduce the level of productivity when the shade is adequate.


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Purpose: This paper aims to perform an empirical investigation about the constructs and indicators of the supply chain management practices framework. Design/methodology/approach: The measuring framework proposed is based on a survey that was carried out on 107 Brazilian companies. Statistical techniques were employed to verify, validate, and test the reliability of the constructs and their indicators. To validate this framework principal component analysis and structural equation modeling techniques were used. Findings: In general, previous studies suggest six constructs for measuring the supply chain management practices framework. However, in this study a framework was achieved with four constructs of supply chain management practices, namely, supply chain (SC) integration for production planning and control (PPC) support, information sharing about products and targeting strategies, strategic relationship with customer and supplier, and support customer order. This framework has adequate levels of validity and reliability. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation of this study was that only a small sample of companies in a single sector and country were surveyed, and therefore there needs to be further research considering the special conditions in other countries. Originality/value: This study investigated statistically set indicators to discuss the topic supply chain management practices. The framework obtained has good quality of validity and reliability indicators. Thus, an alternative framework has been added to measure supply chain management practices, which is currently a popular topic in the supply chain mainstream literature. Both defined constructs and the validated indicators can be used in other studies on supply chain management. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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We investigated whether Melipona quadrifasciata worker mandibular gland secretions contribute directly to their cuticular hydrocarbon profile. The mandibular gland secretion composition and cuticular surface compounds of newly emerged worker bees, nurse bees, and foragers were determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and compared. Both the mandibular gland secretions and the cuticular surface compounds of all worker stages were found to be composed almost exclusively of hydrocarbons. Although the relative proportion of hydrocarbons from the cuticular surface and gland secretion was statistically different, there was a high similarity in the qualitative composition between these structures in all groups of bees. © FUNPEC-RP.