552 resultados para Dental plaque


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Purpose: The goal of this study was to evaluate microbiota and radiographic peri-implant bone loss associated with ligature-induced peri-implantitis. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six dental implants with 4 different surfaces (9 commercially pure titanium, 9 titanium plasma-sprayed, 9 hydroxyapatite, and 9 acid-etched) were placed in the edentulous mandibles of 6 dogs. After 3 months with optimal plaque control, abutment connection was performed. On days 0, 20, 40, and 60 after placement of cotton ligatures, both microbiologic samples and periapical radiographs were obtained. The presence of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia/nigrescens, Campylobacter spp, Capnocytophaga spp, Fusobacterium spp, beta-hemolytic Streptococcus, and Candida spp were evaluated culturally. Results: P intermedia/nigrescens was detected in 13.89% of implants at baseline and 100% of implants at other periods. P gingivalis was not detected at baseline, but after 20 and 40 days it was detected in 33.34% of implants and at 60 days it was detected in 29.03% of dental implants. Fusobacterium spp was detected in all periods. Streptococci were detected in 16.67% of implants at baseline and in 83.34%, 72.22%, and 77.42% of implants at 20, 40, and 60 days, respectively. Campylobacter spp and Candida spp were detected in low proportions. The total viable count analysis showed no significant differences among surfaces (P = .831), although a significant difference was observed after ligature placement (P < .0014). However, there was no significant qualitative difference, in spite of the difference among the periods. The peri-implant bone loss was not significantly different between all the dental implant surfaces (P = .908). Discussion and Conclusions: These data suggest that with ligature-induced peri-implantitis, both time and periodontal pathogens affect all surfaces equally after 60 days.


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Purpose: Tissue reactions to 4 different implant surfaces were evaluated in regard to the development and progression of ligature-induced peri-implantitis. Materials and Methods: In 6 male mongrel dogs, a total of 36 dental implants with different surfaces (9 titanium plasma-sprayed, 9 hydroxyapatite-coated, 9 acid-etched, and 9 commercially pure titanium) were placed 3 months after mandibular premolar extraction. After 3 months with optimal plaque control, abutment connection was performed. Forty-five days later, cotton ligatures were placed around the implants to induce peri-implantitis. At baseline and 20, 40, and 60 days after placement, the presence of plaque, peri-implant mucosal redness, bleeding on probing, probing depth, clinical attachment loss, mobility, vertical bone loss, and horizontal bone loss were assessed. Results: The results did not show significant differences among the surfaces for any parameter during the study (P > .05). All surfaces were equally susceptible to ligature-induced peri-implantitis over time (P < .001). Correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between width of keratinized tissue and vertical bone loss (r 2 = 0.81; P = .014) and between mobility and vertical bone loss (r 2 = 0.66; P = .04), both for the titanium plasma-sprayed surface. Discussion and Conclusions: The present data suggest that all surfaces were equally susceptible to experimental peri-implantitis after a 60-day period.


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The aim of this study was to review the literature on the systems used to decontaminate the implant's surface. Different instruments have been proposed, but there is no agreement in the literature about which methods would be more efficient with no damage to the implant surface. It was reported the use of plastic, carbon fiber, stainless-steel and titanium curettes and also the use of other systems such as ultrasonic points with different tips, rubber cups and air abrasion. Literature review: In most of the studies, the injury caused on the titanium surface at the time of instrumentation was examined. In others, the cell adhesion on the titanium dental implants following instrumentation of the implant surface was observed. Moreover, to enhance cleaning around implants, ultrasonic systems were recently tested. Conclusion: Metal instruments can lead to major damage to implant surface, therefore, they are not indicated for decontamination of dental implants surfaces. Furthermore, non-metallic instruments, such as plastic curettes, rubber cups, air abrasion and some ultrasonic systems seem to be better choices to remove calculus and plaque of the sub- and supra-gingival peri-implant area. It is noteworthy that more studies evaluating the effects of these systems are required to establish best practices to be used in the treatment of patients with dental implants.


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Aim: observe the knowledge of dental caries and periodontal disease of primary schoolteachers, according to type of institution (public and private) from Araraquara city. methodology: for that participants were 113 teachers from public schools and 57 from private schools. The instrument of analysis was based on a questionnaire with closed and open questions concerning the etiology, prevention and development of dental caries and periodontal disease. Results: 97,3% of public ́s schoolteachers and 91,2% of private ́s schoolteachers answered that they knows what is dental caries, but they didn ́t answer correctly about the caries etiology as being multifactorial and about methods of prevention. Both of schoolteachers (public and private) had more sucessful when answered about bacterial plaque than periodontal disease and yours manifestation. Conclusion: the dental knowledge of schoolteachers in public and private school was evaluated and limited educational programs should be directed to both public and private schoolteachers, in order to increase the level of dental knowledge of them, so that they can act as educational agents with the children.


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The palatal radicular groove is a morphological tooth defect, which act as local predisposing risk factor favoring accumulation of the bacterial plaque, permitting microbial invasion via root groove way, directly into periodontal structures. A patient diagnosed with palatal radicular groove and a localized periodontal disease was treated by procedures to control bacterial action and procedures to eliminate local predisposing risk factor. To treat the periodontal bone defect a sequelae of periodontal disease, a guided tissue regeneration technique was applied by using allograft and xenograft materials associated with a resorbable demineralized bovine cortical bone membrane. The objective of surgical regenerative procedure was to recover the periodontal tissues nearly as they were before periodontal disease destruction.


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Uma ampla variedade de patógenos oportunistas tem sido detectadas nos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos, particularmente no biofilme formado na superfície do tubo. Entre os patógenos oportunistas encontrados nos tubos de água, Pseudomonas aeruginosa é reconhecida como uma das principais causadoras de infecções nosocomiais. Foram coletadas 160 amostras de água e 200 amostras de fomites em quarenta clinicas odontológicas na cidade de Barretos, São Paulo, Brasil, durante o período de Janeiro a Julho de 2005. Setenta e seis cepas de P. aeruginosa, isoladas a partir dos fomites (5 cepas) e das amostras de água (71 cepas), foram analisadas quanto à susceptibilidade à seis drogas antimicrobianas freqüentemente utilizadas para o tratamento de infecções provocadas por P. aeruginosa. As principais suscetibilidades observadas foram para a ciprofloxacina, seguida pelo meropenem. A necessidade de um mecanismo efetivo para reduzir a contaminação bacteriana dentro dos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos foi enfatizada, e o risco da exposição ocupacional e infecção cruzada na prática odontológica, em especial quando causada por patógenos oportunistas como a P. aeruginosa foi realçado.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)