269 resultados para Cursos de Licenciatura


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Formação de professores é um desafio que ultrapassa fronteiras de espaço e tempo. No caso da formação inicial, as dificuldades de articular necessidades formativas oriundas do campo de atuação às possibilidades dos cursos que formam o professor se mantêm. Buscando contribuir para minimizá-las, realizou-se uma investigação, cujos objetivos foram: investigar processos de aprendizagem da docência e evidenciar concepções de futuros professores sobre a sua profissão. Formulou-se um questionário com perguntas abertas, respondido por vinte estudantes do último ano de licenciatura de uma universidade pública do interior paulista, de cursos distintos. Os dados foram analisados em seis eixos temáticos, resultando em significativas constatações, das quais se destaca a falta de saberes relativos à especificidade da profissão docente e ao contexto sócio-histórico no qual ela acontece, comprometendo a ação futura do professor e, consequentemente, a aprendizagem do aluno da escola básica. Cabe, pois, repensar a formação docente, numa época em que seu redimensionamento por meios tecnológicos é possível.


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The educational institutions need to rethink issues related to teacher training in order to seek personal construction of teaching. Oriented research has been identified as useful in the process of teacher training. Through research builds knowledge about the problems faced in teaching, producing the most effective methods. The aim of this paper is to verify the validity of the application of research activities in the form of short courses and themed play during the formation of licensees and the use and construction of knowledge of high school students who attended these short courses. This work is linked to training of undergraduates and implementation of different activities of teaching and learning for high school students. The oriented investigation was the methodology chosen for the development of activities in which, through the construction and implementation of the mini-courses Students are encouraged to participate in the construction of knowledge itself in activities that suggest the development and testing of hypotheses. The mini-courses are designed and implemented by teachers of the ninth and tenth terms of the degree in chemistry. Students of public schools were the privileged. Data were collected through observation and interview. In applying these mini-courses, associated with the daily, prospective teachers connected theory to practice, arousing the curiosity of students and leading them to raise issues related to the content of chemistry. Students showed interest in the construction of the content addressed. The student teachers sought to study different concepts and how to make them more attractive, causing the chemistry was associated with the phenomena of everyday life, including the problems faced when teaching and trying different possible solutions. Thus, there was an increase in interest in teaching and learning


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Environmental education (EE) is considered an essential component in individual education and requires prepared professionals to deal with the issues it covers. Teacher’s education courses should include the environmental dimension in their curriculum. Nevertheless, studies show that the EE in degrees occurs in an incipient way. This research aimed to analyze the inclusion of environmental issues in Biological Science teacher formation courses, at public universities in São Paulo. We analyzed the summaries of the disciplines in the curriculum of the courses in relation to the number of threads that refer to environmental issues. We found that the courses analyzed include the environmental dimension in the summaries of some disciplines, but in most of them, in an insignificant way. We also found that, in most cases, the disciplines are restricted to ecological aspects of environmental issues. We conclude that the investigated courses do not meet the recommendations of the legislation as regards the inclusion of the environmental dimension in the curriculum of teacher’s education.


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Studies show that the disciplines of differential and integral calculus have high failure rates in all schools where they are present and, although this problem has been accentuated in recent years, it is not a local phenomenon. It's observed since 1970s in various Institutions of higher education in Brazil. These studies seek to understand the causes of failures and proposals for teaching methodology that aims to help reduce these rates. However, there is a large contingent of students who are successful at the first time that they perform these disciplines. And these cases, although they have not been studied, can contribute greatly to the understanding the aspects that are related to learning of them. And this understanding can lead to attitudes and learning and teaching methodologies that promote the expansion of this success. The fact that these subjects also have high failure rates in the Degree in Chemistry of this Institute, this study aimed to investigate the factors that were relevant to the cases for approval of the students performed for the first time. For this we constructed a questionnaire containing objective questions and open answers. The objective sought to diagnose the profile of these students with regard to age, gender, basic education (elementary and middle school), study habits, concurrent activities, among others. These questions were analyzed using simple statistics. The open-ended questions asked students to indicate that they attribute the success obtained in the disciplines and to suggest modes of study. These questions were analyzed using thematic categorization, a method of content analysis. This questionnaire was completed, voluntarily and without identification, by students who have passed the first time attended the courses Calculus I and/ or Calculus II and had never started another college prior to this. The results indicate that the most relevant factors in this process were dedication and correct habits...


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of training teachers to use Web 2.0 in the classroom. Its intention was to fi nd out whether students are familiar with the main Web 2.0 resources and know how to exploit their potential in the development of teaching activities. In addition to the literature review, we developed a fi eld exploratory-descriptive research. The research was held in a private university located in the city of Bauru (São Paulo State, Brazil). We selected 213 students enrolled in “Supervised Training III” course, which is part of the teacher training curriculum available for students in the second year of undergraduate course. Results concluded that the students surveyed have access to computers and the Internet, are relatively skilled in handling the available tools and recognize the importance of including them in the teaching and learning process. The students demonstrate diffi culty using the web in a didactic manner, particularly the Web 2.0, which involves a focus on users and collaboration. Therefore, the article points to the need to rethink teacher training courses in order to include practical activities aimed at the use of technology as a teaching resource.


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The law of Guidelines and Bases for National Education-LDB established the need to ensure at Universities a greater flexibility in the Organization of courses and careers, taking into account the heterogeneity of prior education and training, as well as the expectations and interests of students. Since the deployment of the first courses of Physical Education in Brazil, in the 30 's decade, the formation was only in Degree Course. On a pioneer way, resolution CFE 031987 allowed the Universities could organise their own pedagogical projects and curriculum, allowing even the Bachelor Course contemplating the dynamics of the evolution of the area and encouraging a change in attitudes of professionals. The Bachelor Course, with an offer of disciplines to other areas higher than education, openness also allowed to research, promoting an increasing interaction of the Physical Education with other professions od health. Physical education stands out as interareas instrument in the promotion of health and quality of life of the population. With the regulation of the Profession through the law No. 9696/98, grows the discussion around the definition of professional delimitations in this close relationship with other areas. With the need for a reformulation in teaching projects, Degree and Bachelor Courses, express the new curricular guidelines and resolutions of the MEC, as well as the professional delimitations by CONFEF for each formation. Given these aspects, the objective of the present study was to describe the chronology of such facts and a expose a critical opinion of the authors about the course and consequences of this process.


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O artigo em questão é fruto de pesquisa sobre a educação jornalística e teve como objeto as matrizes curriculares de todos os cursos de Comunicação Social com habilitação em jornalismo do Brasil. O objetivo foi o de fazer um diagnóstico das estruturas curriculares do referido curso em todas as regiões do país e depois consolidar um desenho da estrutura nacional. Utilizamos como metodologia a pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa. Nossas principais constatações foram em primeiro lugar a de que o espaço destinado aos conteúdos de Síntese/Comunicação na estrutura curricular de todas as regiões é mínimo, o que dificulta a inter-relação entre a teoria e a prática. em segundo lugar pudemos verificar que, apesar das premissas previstas nas DCN para o curso de Comunicação Social, as realidades regionais não estão contempladas nas matrizes curriculares dos cursos.


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A presente pesquisa apresenta as perspectivas de atuação profissional de alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas de uma universidade pública do estado de São Paulo. Por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, levantamos as expectativas desses alunos em relação ao curso que frequentam e qual identidade construíram como parte do imaginário que compõe o ethos. Verificamos que o curso de licenciatura pesquisado pouco contribui para a construção de uma identificação dos alunos com a profissão de professor de Biologia e/ou Ciências e, apesar de constituir-se em um curso de formação para tal, acentua a construção da imagem do cientista- pesquisador nas áreas básicas da Biologia.


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Há mais de cinqüenta anos, existe a preocupação em se definir os objetivos para o laboratório didático, revisando currículos e buscando ações mais localizadas e orientadas de acordo com o avanço crescente de conhecimentos das concepções alternativas de vários tópicos da Física por parte dos alunos, levando-se em conta as dificuldades específicas enfrentadas por eles no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Podem-se identificar duas linhas filosóficas que norteiam o processo ensino-aprendizagem com relação aos objetivos do laboratório didático. Uma linha defende que para sedimentar os conceitos expostos em aulas teóricas é necessária a prática em laboratório. A outra linha defende que o alvo da prática em laboratório deveria ser a obtenção e análise de dados, levando-se em conta a teoria aprendida. Atualmente, se percebe um crescimento por parte de profissionais que entendem haver uma necessidade de planejar, definir e hierarquizar objetivos detalhados, além de propiciar atividades que favoreçam de acordo com cada classe dentro da linha filosófica a que se identifica o profissional, não se esquecendo que ainda existem profissionais que não aceitam essa postura. Dentro desta perspectiva, foi aplicado um questionário a trinta alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Física da UNESP-Bauru, que já cursaram as cinco disciplinas práticas básicas do curso. Os alunos pontuaram de acordo com a sua visão dos objetivos reais frente aos objetivos ideais do laboratório didático. Os resultados mostraram que o laboratório didático vem cumprindo seu papel na opinião dos alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Física.


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O presente texto tem como objetivo discutir a influência da formação pedagógica prévia em um curso específico de Licenciatura em Matemática. Como instância prévia de formação este artigo considera o CEFAM, e o curso de Licenciatura em foco é o da Faculdade de Ciências da UNESP de Bauru. O enfoque metodológico é nitidamente qualitativo, tendo sido os procedimentos analíticos pautados no estudo de convergências e divergências detectadas nos discursos dos estudantes-depoentes.


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This study has the purpose to investigate the characteristics and the role of the athletics-related sports disciplines in four Physical Education undergraduate courses. In order to reach the goal, it was conducted as a qualitative-type research. Data was collected through documental analysis on disciplines briefings and programs, and also from classes observations and interviews with professors and students from the institutions (two State-boarded and two private) responsible for the courses. Through these analyses it was perceived that those disciplines have surpassed some characteristics of the traditional undergraduate program, which is based on sports. Regarding the role of the disciplines, it was noted that professors consider them as responsible for providing students with basic conditions, so they could benefit from sports as instrumental subjects for their professional intervention.


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Suivant notre intention générale qui est d'étudier longitudinalement l'utilisation que Merleau-Ponty fait de la notion de schéma corporel dans sa philosophie, nous nous consacrons dans cet article à ses cours à la Sorbonne. Ces cours font partie d'une période intermédiaire de son oeuvre. Le philosophe y amorce des discussions concernant la corporeité à partir de la psychologie de l'enfant et de la psychanalyse, en abordant le problème de l'intersubjectivité et la théorie du schéma corporel. Merleau-Ponty comprend que l'acquisition d'un schéma corporel unitaire, total, implique une décentralisation de soi, de façon que le corps propre, le corps d'autrui et le monde puissent s'entrelacer dans un tissu relationnel qui implique inextricablement visibilité et épaisseur intra-corporel. Nous considérons que dans ces études Merleau-Ponty effectue un grand pas vers la notion de chair telle qu'on la trouve dans ses textes plus tardifs.