447 resultados para Curso de pedagogia


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This article portrays Supervised Curricular Training experiences in Paulistas Universities by means of learning portfolios. The reflections presented indicate the pathways of experiences with this feature didactic-pedagogical motivator of qualitative advances in cultural formation of students and teachers of the Pedagogy Course. The methodological approach was chosen for consistent in the defense of necessary joints of dialogical, reflexive and emancipatory dimensions in training teachers for Early Childhood Education, and to contribute in the mediation of the activities carried out by undergraduates, with individualized follow in the formation of each one of them. The experience, stand out learnings regarding limits of this practice and the significant advances realized in each student, by means of their written work, sharing of knowledge, the interlocution between them and the teachers and the link with theory and practice through the Internship Supervised and the use of learning portfolios.


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In this article, we discuss the contributions of Didactics for intentional pedagogical action of teachers devoted to children education. In this sense, we initially say to be essential the reflections which aim to search for foundations focused on the mobilization of future teachers for the action-reflection-action about the educational phenomena, aiming at the unveiling, with rigor and objectivity, of its multiple determinations within the capitalist relations . We believe that such unveiling is only possible in the light of a world view, a method and a praxis constituted in unison with historical materialism and its dialectic. Afterwards, we reflect on some of the principles of the Historical-Cultural Theory to understand of the active and mediator role teachers have in the process of humanization of young children and contributions of dialectical materialism to this reflection. Finally are detailed some aspects of a Didactics focused on training teachers for Children and early elementary school years’ education, which have guided our actions as teachers of the Pedagogy Course and reiterated by teachers’ narratives about their experience both in life and teaching, in search of new systematization modes, targeting an educational praxis due to the redefinition (theorization) and on the teaching practice by its very subjects.


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The way teachers will coordinate the writing appropriation process assumes an especial importance, sharing their knowledge with the deaf student, assigning importance and meaning for what this student was capable to produce, even if his production isn’t resembled to the idealized pattern of an adult writing. This study is proposed to investigate the mediation in rewriting activities, along with deaf students, held by eight trainee students of a Pedagogy course, with ages between 20 and 28 years old. Thereunto, this activities were recorded on video, for later transcription and descriptive analysis, subsided by a new model proposed in the literature. The results indicate: the importance of the rewriting in the understanding of write contents produce by deaf students, the participants’ attitudinal change about their role like coordinator and interlocutor in such activities and the greater teacher’s comprehension about notational and discursive aspects involved in the deaf student write production. These results allowed to conclude the future teachers’ need that will work in inclusive classes or in multifunctional classes, understand and use rewriting activities in their daily pedagogical practice for the appropriation for the promotion of the Portuguese write by the deaf student, user of LIBRAS. It should be noted these teachers’ need to know the LIBRAS’ grammar and have access to linguistic knowledge enabling them to comprehend the nature of the occurrences present in the texts produced by deaf students.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pacifier use is very common among children, but despite being considered a harmless article, there is ample evidence of their misdeeds. Therefore, concern about its use is great for us who work in the promotion of breastfeeding. It is this delicate subject in schools because the child, in most cases, already goes to school with the habit installed. The pacifier use may interfere with speech aspect, because the child can come to the wrong talk, dental, dental occlusions, may cause bacterial contamination and encourage early weaning. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of pacifier use among children of pre - school and knowledge of educators about the role of pacifier and its consequences. The research methodology was based on a questionnaire to teachers, monitors and direction and determine the prevalence of pacifier use with parents. According to the result, we developed an orientation for school. The results show that of the 57 children at the age of 4 months to 3 years, 50.88% used a pacifier, 92.98% and 96.49% used the bottle were breastfed. The guidance given after the data collection has clarified many questions for educators. We conclude that the methodology was effective because we can collect data addressing quantitative and qualitative questions and managed to get percentages on pacifier use and breastfeeding and student opinions, comments and more relevant phrases that emerged from parents and educators, complementing the result. Furthermore, through the data, it was possible to do an intervention. The results indicate that half of the children between 4 months and 3 years investigated makes use of a pacifier, so despite the advice given, it would be important to follow up these data over the next few years. We also conclude that a partnership is needed between parents and the school, because if the family does not help, you can not work in school guidance


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Esta pesquisa, financiada pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp), tem como objeto de estudo as parcerias entre o público e o privado realizadas por municípios paulistas para a oferta educacional na educação infantil. O estudo é parte integrante da pesquisa “A oferta educacional na educação infantil: arranjos institucionais entre o público e o privado” coordenada pela professora Raquel Borghi e financiada pelo CNPq. O objetivo geral é identificar, mapear e analisar os arranjos institucionais firmados entre municípios paulistas pequenos e instituições privadas para o atendimento educacional em creches e pré-escolas. O estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de 50% dos 56 municípios pequenos (de 10.001 a 50.000 hab.) que declararam possuir parcerias para a oferta de educação infantil, e que constam do banco de dados da pesquisa “Estratégias municipais para a oferta da educação básica: análise das parcerias público-privadas no Estado de São Paulo” (ADRIÃO, coord., 2009). Foi realizado levantamento junto aos municípios selecionados, tendo em vista o recolhimento de informações como ano de integração das creches aos respectivos sistema de ensino, justificativa para a opção pelo convênio, formato da subvenção publica as instituições privadas, tipo de instituição como Stricto Sensu (SS), ONG‟s, fundações, filantrópicas, OSCIP‟s entre outros. O desenvolvimento do estudo vai requerer, ainda, o levantamento e a análise de produções teóricas relativas ao financiamento e à oferta da educação infantil. Os resultados evidenciam que os convênios, legitimados pela atual legislação e impulsionados tanto pela esfera pública e/ou privada, estão em expansão, e em alguns municípios representam a única forma de atender a essa faixa etária, mostrando o equívoco de muitos municípios de aderir a esse tipo de atendimento municipal


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O trabalho buscou investigar como uma revista de grande circulação entre os professores do ensino básico trata a questão da relação entre escolafamília. O motivo pelo qual buscamos pesquisar sobre o assunto é o fato dos professores recorrerem a este tipo de material, que acaba normatizando a sua prática. No entanto, será esta leitura adequada? Qual a real contribuição da revista? Fazendo uma comparação com a literatura científica o que poderemos constatar? Como metodologia foi feita uma análise documental das Revistas Nova Escola durante os últimos 5 anos, do período de junho de 2006 à junho de 2010. Analisou-se todas as revistas correspondente ao período indicado e selecionado somente os artigos que falavam sobre a relação escola-família. Posteriormente foi feita uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos artigos através da Análise de Conteúdo dos mesmos, analisando os dados à luz do embasamento teórico sobre o assunto, fazendo uma comparação com a literatura. Observou-se com a pesquisa que embora a quantidade de reportagens abordando o assunto família-escola fosse em pequena quantidade, eram muito coerentes e continham embasamentos teóricos indiretos.


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O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi dar continuidade aos projetos de investigação sobre a temática: Jovens e Violência, e analisar uma parte do Projeto aprovado pela Fapesp “Violência de Jovens e violência escolar: estudo sob a ótica do imaginário escolar e da Inserção Social.” Tendo como objetivos específicos, identificar as principais ações registradas nos Livros de Ocorrência pelos professores e as principais providencias tomadas pela escola. Para tanto foram analisados os livros de ocorrência de uma escola situada em um bairro da periferia da cidade de Rio Claro. Esta pesquisa teve como Metodologia a Pesquisa Bibliográfica e Análise Documental, através de registros da escola


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The objective of this study is an analysis of the actions of teacherand students when inserted in the teaching-learning in mathematics classes in a class of third year of elementary school. A didactic proposal construction, was developed taking into account the history of the number as a human, considering its evolution through its conceptual nexus, so that the teaching-learning process would enable the construction of theoretical thought. This paper presents a brief study of teacher education, specifically early carrer, basing themselves in difficulties and knowledge of teaching practice and curriculum framework that guided the didactic proposal. Thus, not only students but also teachers are undergoing training. From the study for the preparation of didactic proposal, the proposal development process in teaching and learning skills and analysis of actions, it was possible to follow the movement of formation of a teacher-researcher in early carrer


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O presente trabalho constitui uma tentativa de traçar os caminhos do magistério no plano real/histórico através do resgate da imagem dos docentes retratados na literatura brasileira, além de auxiliar alunos e professores de cursos de licenciatura a entender melhor os processos históricos. Ao longo de nossa história diversos escritores se propuseram a retratar o professor em suas obras, tais como: Machado de Assis (1840), com Conto de Escola, Raul Dávila Pompéia (1888) em O Ateneu, Oswald de Andrade (1926) em Memórias Sentimentais de João Miramar, Sylvia Orthof (1980) com a crônica Bicho Carpinteiro, Ziraldo (1995) em Uma professora muito Maluquinha e Thalita Rebouças (2006), em Fala sério, Professor! E é a partir dessas obras que ocorre uma reflexão sobre a imagem que os profissionais da educação transmitem/transmitiram para a sociedade, através do olhar dos artistas literários. Além de influenciar a visão daqueles que lêem suas obras, os escritores transpõem em seus textos elementos que nos permitem reviver o paradigma por eles vivenciado, fazendo da literatura um instrumento para o resgate da história.


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A Política Educacional de Inclusão constituiu-se no objeto de investigação, tendo como recorte histórico os marcos legais e as ações desencadeadas pelo poder público, que visavam garantir aos portadores de necessidades especais o direito constitucional à educação, a partir dos anos 1990. A Constituição Federal de 1988 assevera o atendimento educacional especializado aos portadores de deficiência, preferencialmente na rede regular de ensino (art. 208, III) e, posteriormente, a LDBEN 9.394/96, por meio do art. 3o, inciso I e do art. 4 o inciso III e do CAPÍTULO V Da Educação Especial (com três artigos) ratificou e disciplinou os dispositivos constitucionais. Além desses documentos basilares, foram editadas outras medidas legais com o objetivo de disciplinar a questão, além de programas e ações propostas pela Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização, Diversidade e Inclusão (SECADI), que substituiu, a partir de 2004, a Secretaria de Educação Especial (SEESP). Os sistemas de ensino, em âmbito estadual e municipal, também procuraram disciplinar a questão da inclusão na rede regular de ensino dos portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais. Partindo dessa constatação inicial, uma questão passou a nortear o trabalho: quais as medidas, ações e programas desencadeados pelo poder público municipal para o cumprimento dos preceitos expressos na CF/88, na LDBEN 9.394/96 e na legislação correlata? O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar as atuais políticas públicas de inclusão dos alunos com necessidades especiais na rede regular de ensino, verificando junto ao sistema municipal de educação de Rio Claro/SP quais medidas, ações e programas que foram desencadeados a partir da década de 1990. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, realizada por meio de revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e entrevista semiestruturada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The practice of teaching is a complex, dynamic and challenging. Several obstacles are faced by educators, among them, excessive workload, classrooms with large numbers of students, reducing the support team manager etc. These experiences call into question the belief that such teachers have in their own ability to teach and motivate your students, including those with the greatest difficulties. Studies show that this belief, called self-efficacy, mediates the action of teachers and are related to the goals, persistence and motivation of teachers. The teacher self-efficacy is formed by direct experience, by observation, persuasion and psychophysiological states. The objective of the study is to identify aspects of the formation of self-efficacy teacher in-service teacher. This is a documentary study, after online search using the keywords memorials training and school as keywords, was found eight jobs at the State University of Campinas, two of which were dropped from the analysis due to not meeting the pre-established criteria. The data were organized into spreadsheets for analysis specifically designed for the study, considering the theoretical framework proposed by Bandura (1997) and Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy (2001). The results indicate that family support throughout schooling, the role of teachers as models from basic education and teaching experiences are widely cited in memorials analyzed. These results offer from further reflections, indicating contribute to discussions on the formation and performance of teachers regarding the ability to teach, especially in the early years of elementary school


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The research addresses the teacher know-how in relation to how it is crafted to education for sexuality in two public schools in Coimbra - Portugal, with teachers from different areas of the 3rd cycle of basic education (humanities, sciences and biological sciences), which corresponds to the Elementary School II in Brazil. It will be based on law 60/2009 of August 6, regulated by Decree 196-A of April 9, 2010 of the Ministry of Education - Portugal, which establishes the implementation of sexual education in primary and secondary schools across the country. This research is funded by FAPESP - Research Support Fund of the State of São Paulo, process number 2011/12902-3. The research was based on a qualitative approach, conducting case studies and using semistructured interviews for data collection. The performance of the topic of sexuality and gender relations at Portuguese’s classroom aims to provide young people the opportunity to exercise their sexuality in a responsible, healthy and pleasurable way. The law seeks to ensure that this work is established in the Portuguese school effectively. Therefore, the trajectory of teachers formation (initial or continuing) will also be a focus of this research, to understand how and where it is built and how they act in their daily classroom practices, with their students the sexuality and gender relations